How will they rule ??!

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I called a friend, who has a friend, that knows someone who speaks fluent liberal. What that tweet translates to is, “We want open borders. That’s the only solution. Nothing else will suffice. We need more votes.”
Exactly right. At least Kamala was pretty open about what she wants in that tweet. Not often a lib is honest.
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Asylum seekers that cross legally or illegally?

I don't think you can be an asylum seeker and cross illegally with the zero tolerance policy. I'm assuming those cases are very rare and those people must have very serious, very credible claims.

With the zero tolerance policy, once you cross between the ports of entry illegally you have become an illegal entry, will be prosecuted and forfeited any asylum claim you may have had. There's a right way and a wrong way.

Crossing the border illegally and then pulling out the asylum card once Border Patrol catches you isn't the right way. Say for instance Border Patrol fails to catch them, do you honestly believe they willingly and voluntarily turn themselves in and go through the process? Or, do they disappear into the country?
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How many of those cases stayed on the Mexican side of the border and claimed asylum at a port of entry?

How many crossed the border illegally between the ports of entry and then pulled out the asylum card once caught?

Sorry, but you can't break the law first and then claim asylum after getting busted. That's an abuse of the system. If that were the case then every single person crossing the border illegally would just have to claim asylum once caught.
I don't think you can be an asylum seeker and cross illegally with the zero tolerance policy. I'm assuming those cases are very rare and those people must have very serious, very credible claims.

With the zero tolerance policy, once you cross between the ports of entry illegally you have become an illegal entry, will be prosecuted and forfeited any asylum claim you may have had. There's a right way and a wrong way.

Crossing the border illegally and then pulling out the asylum card once Border Patrol catches you isn't the right way. Say for instance Border Patrol fails to catch them, do you honestly believe they willingly and voluntarily turn themselves in and go through the process? Or, do they disappear into the country?
I phrased that wrong. Should have said asylum seekers at the check point or seekers after illegal entry.
There you go again. Always trying to deceive and misrepresent the facts. Did you even read the story, or just the headline? I knew I should have read it before taking your word for it and commenting the first time.

“I’m not aware of it,” Mattis told reporters outside the Pentagon when asked if there are any military indications North Korea has done anything to denuclearize.

“Obviously, at the very front end of the process,” he continued. “The detailed negotiations have not begun. I wouldn’t expect that at this point.”
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Which means fire and fury. We've been over this before. NoKo gives up their nukes one way or the other. Pretty sure most of the rational people in the country will have no problem with Trump taking them by force if he has to. Unless they'd rather sit back and wait for Kim to use them first. If so, they're dumb.
Trump is never instituting "fire & fury". Millions of south koreans would die in any engagement with NK. Seoul is in range of just about all of their conventional artillery which is thousands of pieces. thousands of americans would also die since we have 30k troops and another 150k civilians. unless NK strikes first things will just continue like they always have. Kim will act out and launch some test missiles and we will enact more sanctions.
There you go again. Always trying to deceive and misrepresent the facts. Did you even read the story, or just the headline? I knew I should have read it before taking your word for it and commenting the first time.

“I’m not aware of it,” Mattis told reporters outside the Pentagon when asked if there are any military indications North Korea has done anything to denuclearize.

“Obviously, at the very front end of the process,” he continued. “The detailed negotiations have not begun. I wouldn’t expect that at this point.”

He's the biggest liar on this board
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Trump is never instituting "fire & fury".

On the contrary, Trump will never allow NoKo the chance to use their nuclear weapons on the US first. If you truly believe we'd wait around for them to nuke the United States before we act, then you're mistaken.
Its slowly wrecking their economy. almost 50% of their population is now at retirement age. So they can feel good about being pure bloods as their country dies off and the US gets itself a new island.

Do you make sh!t up 24/7? Here is facts about Japan's aging population.
"The aging of Japan is thought to outweigh all other nations, with Japan being purported to have the highest proportion of elderly citizens. Not just in rural, but also in urban areas, Japan is experiencing a “super-aging” society.[1] According to 2014 estimates, 33.0% of the Japanese population is above the age of 60, 25.9% are aged 65 or above, 12.5% are aged 75 or above.[2] People aged 65 and older in Japan make up a quarter of its total population, estimated to reach a third "
I read those articles. I feel for those people. I didn't see where they came through the proper check points.

Can you show me where someone came to a border check point asking for asylum and has been detained without a criminal record?
Straight from Border Patrol agents' mouths. Now they could be lying but what do they gain?

They claim there are thousands of cases of people showing up at ports of entry seeking asylum who have been coached. They know the laws, the loopholes and exactly what to say and do to gain entry.

In some cases agents have even found scripts on them, explaining to them exactly what to say and do. Agents have also uncovered emails and text messages from people, who have already gamed the system and gotten through on lies, contacting home and explaining to their families exactly how to lie and what works to gain entry.
The Donald blinked when the heat got too hot. Leader my ass!

I’m pretty sure all those issues existed before Trump took office.

Travel bans are nothing new. Pretty sure we had one under the Obama, from the same places.

North Korea is what they are because of Bill Clinton. Didn’t Obama draw like six lines in the sand?

Obamacare may not even be an issue if we get to read it before we pass it.

Family separation at the border has been going on since 1997. No one cared until now.

I’ll give you the second tweet. Would have been nice to have a president in the past willing to tackle those issues and not place their energy into political BS.
After I Said Transgenderism Is A Mental Illness, Twitter Blocked My Account

It seemed unimaginable a year ago to have to define what a mental disorder is to make an argument to even remain on social media, but this is how far the left has gone in big tech.

Twitter’s thought policing has gone to new extremes. Now they are suspending and banning users for making basic factual statements.

Recently I logged into my account after a robust debate with a friend, only to find my Twitter account had been suspended. I had merely stated “transgendered people are mentally ill by definition” in a civil conversation about gender identity.

Twitter’s response said I was violating their “rules against hateful conduct.” That was further defined as “you may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people based on race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.”

I agree that promoting violence, threats, and harassment should not be tolerated on a platform. Those are legitimately dangerous statements that can actually harm individuals, but my tweet was none of those things. I stated a fact in a debate, with no call to action. No transgender people were harmed in the making of my tweet, and nor do I wish any harm to come to any transgender people.

NBC nightly news failed to mention the IG hearing, which should have been the top story for every news service that day. Haha. They literally did a story about an NBA player taking action against the city of Milwaukee and zero seconds to IG hearings about the FBI...seriously, it’s gone from biased reporting to just ignore it.