How will they rule ??!

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Where's the resident leftist wackos today?

Did they exhaust their latest faux outrage or have the morons stepped back and realized what the consequences of the leftist position means for our country? Yeah right.

My guess is they're waiting for the latest TDS, leftist narrative marching orders.

With leftists, the critical part of their brain is completely gone or something. Have you ever seen a group more incapable of questioning the groupthink? Republicans question the party and the officials all the time, they're not united on every single aspect but the left? Always united as if they have marching orders.

The video from Greg Gutfeld always comes to mind when it comes to differences between conservatives and liberals. Liberals have no vision for the consequences of what will happen with their insanity.

My daughter is in Japan right now (UK study abroad program).


It's the model that should be followed by every country.
except soon Japan will have to let people in because their population has been declining for 10 years now. Its slowly wrecking their economy. almost 50% of their population is now at retirement age. So they can feel good about being pure bloods as their country dies off and the US gets itself a new island. Without immigration the US would also have a declining population because the newer generation doesn't want huge families and waits till their 30's to have any kids. For our long term survival as a species thats a positive but for our country it will wreck the economy. We should set our immigration policy to keep our population growth neutral, 350million is a healthy size for our land mass. We dont want to be like india & china, swamped with people we can't house or feed. and we don't want to end up like japan and die off.
So Trump is going to sign an EO to pretend like he's fixing a problem he told Sessions to create. Must have saw some really ugly poll numbers to make a big show of this so fast. He likes to control the media narrative and this one was well beyond his control anymore.
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[laughing] @ Zac Petkanas. What f***ing fag.

Wheres @moe_schmoe been? Hope he wasn't banned.

RIP @moe_schmoe. Shot himself twice in the back of the head I heard.

A testament to what a strong ox of a man he was, that he had the strength to the get the second shot off.

Just getting back from Iowa. The lady started a new three month assignment up there. Drove up with her and stayed a week until she was settled in, familiar with the area, etc.

No joke, though. She's staying in a gated, luxury apartment community and the mofos literally swabbed our two dogs for their DNA. That way the office can test any dog shit that hasn't been picked up for DNA, matching it to a specific dog. $500 fine for each and every occurrence.
except soon Japan will have to let people in because their population has been declining for 10 years now. Its slowly wrecking their economy. almost 50% of their population is now at retirement age. So they can feel good about being pure bloods as their country dies off and the US gets itself a new island. Without immigration the US would also have a declining population because the newer generation doesn't want huge families and waits till their 30's to have any kids. For our long term survival as a species thats a positive but for our country it will wreck the economy. We should set our immigration policy to keep our population growth neutral, 350million is a healthy size for our land mass. We dont want to be like india & china, swamped with people we can't house or feed. and we don't want to end up like japan and die off.

Yet you loons are crying about needing a universal basic income since robots are taking all the jobs. Seems to me the Japanese have it right.
Yet you loons are crying about needing a universal basic income since robots are taking all the jobs. Seems to me the Japanese have it right.
Japan already has universal healthcare and is debating enacting universal income to support its insanely old population. the average age in japan is 45 now.
[laughing] @ Zac Petkanas. What f***ing fag.

Just getting back from Iowa. The lady started a new three month assignment up there. Drove up with her and stayed a week until she was settled in, familiar with the area, etc.

No joke, though. She's staying in a gated, luxury apartment community and the mofos literally swabbed our two dogs for their DNA. That way the office can test any dog shit that hasn't been picked up for DNA, matching it to a specific dog. $500 fine for each and every occurrence.

Haha. Welcome back man. I hope you saw Willy’s post that Hillary may have killed you cause otherwise my post that you shot yourself makes no sense.
So zero tolerance is still in effect. Children just get detained in detention centers with their parents who are facing criminal charges.

Trump and Sessions plan to appeal to the judge, asking her to modify her earlier ruling, so the kids can be detained with parents as long as necessary instead for only 20 days. I bet the judge declines. This Executive Order is DOA.
[laughing] @ Zac Petkanas. What f***ing fag.

Just getting back from Iowa. The lady started a new three month assignment up there. Drove up with her and stayed a week until she was settled in, familiar with the area, etc.

No joke, though. She's staying in a gated, luxury apartment community and the mofos literally swabbed our two dogs for their DNA. That way the office can test any dog shit that hasn't been picked up for DNA, matching it to a specific dog. $500 fine for each and every occurrence.

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Trump blamed the democratic party for family separation, said there was nothing he could do about it and the situation was the result of some mysterious law the democrats would not end. Then ends the separation via executive order. Sounds about right.
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Trump blamed the democratic party for family separation, said there was nothing he could do about it and the situation was the result of some mysterious law the democrats would not end. Then ends the separation via executive order. Sounds about right.
It's unconstitutional. Obama tried the same thing and was smacked down by the courts. This Executive Order is DOA. New law cannot be created via Executive Order. That's the job of the Legislative branch, Congress.

Also, it's not some "mysterious law". '97 Flores settlement which was then upheld and reaffirmed by the courts in '15.
Trump blamed the democratic party for family separation, said there was nothing he could do about it and the situation was the result of some mysterious law the democrats would not end. Then ends the separation via executive order. Sounds about right.

Per your leftist news. Try to keep up and you won't always end up looking stooooopid.
Trump blamed the democratic party for family separation, said there was nothing he could do about it and the situation was the result of some mysterious law the democrats would not end. Then ends the separation via executive order. Sounds about right.
You've been lied to, played for a fool, thinking with your emotions instead of your brain.

It's unconstitutional. Obama tried the same thing and was smacked down by the courts. This Executive Order is DOA. New law cannot be created via Executive Order. That's the job of the Legislative branch, Congress.

Also, it's not some "mysterious law". '97 Flores settlement which was then upheld and reaffirmed by the courts in '15.
The settlement says nothing about requiring children to be separated from their families at the border. That was Trump's choice.
I'm assuming the "what" is about the DNA? That was my first reaction. People have gone off the deep end.

They probably have rules about what breeds are allowed to live there as well. I bet they check for that, too.

We should swab all dna coming across the border, see what we can find.
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