How will they rule ??!

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Going to be pissed if he caves to these lunatics.

Let them change the goddam law. Don't be a dictator.

If Trump takes this action it probably faces a lawsuit by the end of the week for violating the '97 Flores case law. The Obama administration challenged this same law and it was upheld by the court. The only way to fix it is for congress to change it.
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"During the Obama administration, courts intervened in several cases in which families were detained together. According to the rulings, the detention of minors with their parents ran afoul of the 1997 Flores settlement, a ruling that set standards for the detention of minors by prioritizing them for release to the custody of their families and requiring those in federal custody to be placed in the least restrictive environment possible."

Judge Orders Release of Immigrant Children Detained by U.S.
You can see from the court rulings in my post on the previous page the Obama administration originally tried to enforce immigration law and prosecute illegal border crossings but also detain the kids with the parents.The courts stepped in and said it was against the law to detain the kids with the parents and for more than 20 days so it had to stop.

So instead of continuing to enforce the law and prosecuting illegal border crossings which would have caused families to be separated the Obama administration chose to implement catch and release and start ignoring the immigration law and letting the parents go free with just so they could stay with their kids.

As of right now those are the only two options Trump has. It's not complicated. Enforce the law and prosecute illegal border crossings which causes families to be separated. Or ignore the law and not prosecute illegal border crossings which is basically open borders.
How much money a person makes isn't really that important. It's how one spends/saves/invests that makes the biggest difference. You could throw $250k a year at a lot of people and they'd make it disappear overnight. Not this guy.

There is one hardcore conservative on this board who overpaid by 20% for a car and dropped $350 on a cooler. A fool and his money are soon parted.

Where does blowing $700K on a divorce fall into your financial plan? Did that "disappear overnight"?
Plus spelling the word white wrong. I mean come on lol

The idea that a white person can’t spell their race is absurd especially if it’s someone who is so hellbent on race to want to do this.

But you know who would be a moron, misspell the words and get the swastika wrong? A BLM activist who is consumed with race enough to design Black Panther, KKK something on her car and went to school in the Detroit area.

Blacks have made an entire industry out of pretending to be victims and keeping racism alive.
Trump just said he's signing and EO but expects it to be matched with legislation which would make the '97 Flores case law and his EO irrelevant. If congress doesn't match it with legislation his EO gets defeated in court and kids have to go back to being separated.
And Trump looks like the hero while the Swamp (both Dems and Repubs) looks bad... perfect scenario!
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The Cohen raid and Comey book have caused Trump to lose his mind. His twitter rants are hilarious and incoherent. Why did someone with such thin skin and so self obsessed get into politics. Shoulda stuck with paying people to like him.

-im happy for you john, truely. Ability for upward mobility for all is huge part of what makes the US exceptional.

-handle your success with grace, its what men do.

Agreed. I started near the bottom of the industry I am in and have moved up consistently. Only in America, or pretty much any other non African/Middle Eastern/South American nation could that have happened. Decent weather/low cost of living/lots of affordable golf really make Kentucky attractive.

-no, john. Only in the US is *real* upward/class mobility *common*. It exists to a lesser degree in Canada and other territories of the queen, very little in europe..Japan is unfriendly to immigration, China?(lulz).

-The US is exceptional because of freedoms the constitution protects and economic opportunity. You know this or you wouldn't be coulda moved to Australia and still been a subject of the queen, but you chose the US.
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Leave it to liberals to act like they're such humanitarians yet don't match Christians/Republicans in philanthropy, the limousine liberals don't open up their properties to them, don't live around all of this "diversity" they pine for, think it's their right to murder children but then is somehow upset that children may be separated from a smuggler/criminal aliens.

This is the same group that is extremely violent at the drop of a hat, dehumanizes anyone who disagrees with them, supported Antifa, won't even support having armed guards outside schools but "what about the poor Mexican children?" Eff you and your crocodile tears. You scumbags have been orchestrating a third world invasion to replace the population and gain power.

Do any of these idiots ever stop to wonder about the negative impacts of third world culture to an advanced society who has been No. 1 in the world? Does a good team stay successful by adding shit players? No. Illegals have zero to offer. They're cheap labor for people who don't want to pay Americans and they're easy votes for big government-loving Democrats.

They had no stake in creating this country and now come to feast off of it.
Mexico is responsible for 90 percent of the heroine coming in here. Illegals are responsible for a ridiculous amount of hit and runs in California as well.

It takes no skill to pick tomatoes and put a nail in a 2x4 but somehow we need illegals here? No we don't. We do not want America to look like Mexico just like Brits shouldn't want the UK to look like Pakistan.

Incredible how no one pulls this shit on countries that don't have a white majority. THAT'S BY DESIGN. Japan certainly doesn't mess with that bullshit. They don't have a sickness of leftist radicalism and Islamic terrorism. They don't bend on immigration. Their concern is their people and their culture and rightfully so.

But the left in this country, seeks to tear it down and they knew Americans weren't going to give them the power they need. So what happened? They saw they could use immigration to gain that power; grow the welfare state, don't protect borders, don't encourage assimilation, destroy neighborhoods, make schools even shittier and change the culture.

California is a perfect example of the plan that has went into effect. It was red for three straight presidential elections, a feat that would be unheard of now for a Dem stronghold. But how did it become a Dem stronghold? They changed the voters.
Mexico is responsible for 90 percent of the heroine coming in here. Illegals are responsible for a ridiculous amount of hit and runs in California as well.

It takes no skill to pick tomatoes and put a nail in a 2x4 but somehow we need illegals here? No we don't. We do not want America to look like Mexico just like Brits shouldn't want the UK to look like Pakistan.

Incredible how no one pulls this shit on countries that don't have a white majority. THAT'S BY DESIGN. Japan certainly doesn't mess with that bullshit. They don't have a sickness of leftist radicalism and Islamic terrorism. They don't bend on immigration. Their concern is their people and their culture and rightfully so.

But the left in this country, seeks to tear it down and they knew Americans weren't going to give them the power they need. So what happened? They saw they could use immigration to gain that power; grow the welfare state, don't protect borders, don't encourage assimilation, destroy neighborhoods, make schools even shittier and change the culture.

California is a perfect example of the plan that has went into effect. It was red for three straight presidential elections, a feat that would be unheard of now for a Dem stronghold. But how did it become a Dem stronghold? They changed the voters.

My God, you're unhinged.
Incredible how no one pulls this shit on countries that don't have a white majority. THAT'S BY DESIGN. Japan certainly doesn't mess with that bullshit. They don't have a sickness of leftist radicalism and Islamic terrorism. They don't bend on immigration. Their concern is their people and their culture and rightfully so.

My daughter is in Japan right now (UK study abroad program).


It's the model that should be followed by every country.
Where's the resident leftist wackos today?

Did they exhaust their latest faux outrage or have the morons stepped back and realized what the consequences of the leftist position means for our country? Yeah right.

My guess is they're waiting for the latest TDS, leftist narrative marching orders.
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