How will they rule ??!

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How long before we learn this is another hoax?

The family has set up a Gofundme account haha

They're so stupid and lazy yet media falls for it. The swastika hoax is probably only rivaled by the "receipt hoax" that left likes to attempt.

1. These always turn out to be total bullshit. Always.
2. Black activists who have turned their hatred of whites and cops into a career, are super desperate to be "victims" and be aggrieved.
3. You couldn't fill a high school gym with the total number of white supremacists. Even then, a white supremacist would know how to spell white and would certainly know the correct way to draw a swastika. But you know who is so stupid to not be able to spell white or know the proper swastika? A Michigan BLM activist.
4. Created a Go Fund Me account, which really makes me wonder if she got word that she'd need so much work done on her car and decided to try and get a new vehicle out of it or get the insurance to pay in some way.
5. White people aren't known for graffiti. But you know who is?
6. This is the back of the truck that she had designed, which amazingly wasn't vandalized from this "white supremacist." hahaha
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Hasn't that claim be claiming for forever that he only had one screen name? I notice the newest one he's using actually joined in '15. He's been lying this entire time. Safe to say those aren't his only two either. What a weirdo.

Like I said, I will bet as much as anyone here can afford that I've not posted under any name but KBA and this one. I didn't even remember having this name until I tried to sign up last week and it told me the email was already in use.

@PhattyJ4UK you want to hold the $$?
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Like I said, I will bet as much as anyone here can afford that I've not posted under any name but KBA and this one. I didn't even remember having this name until I tried to sign up last week and it told me the email was already in use.

@PhattyJ4UK you want to hold the $$?

Like I said you claimed not to have any other name besides JohnKBA yet here you are under another name that joined three years ago. You lied then and could just as easily be lying now. That's the thing about liars. They have zero credibility and you can't believe anything they say.
-leave the canuck alone. I think its adorable that he thinks he makes "big money".

How much money a person makes isn't really that important. It's how one spends/saves/invests that makes the biggest difference. You could throw $250k a year at a lot of people and they'd make it disappear overnight. Not this guy.

There is one hardcore conservative on this board who overpaid by 20% for a car and dropped $350 on a cooler. A fool and his money are soon parted.
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Like I said you claimed not to have any other name besides JohnKBA yet here you are under another name that joined three years ago. You lied then and could just as easily be lying now. That's the thing about liars. They have zero credibility and you can't believe anything they say.

Is that how that works? What about King Trump?
We're talking about you. Don't try to change the subject. Just own it. You're a liar and have multiple screen names to troll message boards like a lonely weirdo.

Got it. So liars have no credibility and can't be trusted, but that doesn't apply to King Trump. That explains a lot.
-im happy for you john, truely. Ability for upward mobility for all is huge part of what makes the US exceptional.

-handle your success with grace, its what men do.

Agreed. I started near the bottom of the industry I am in and have moved up consistently. Only in America, or pretty much any other non African/Middle Eastern/South American nation could that have happened. Decent weather/low cost of living/lots of affordable golf really make Kentucky attractive.
I don’t trust any elected official, but I do trust that Trumps actions are for the over all betterment of the nation.

I agree with that. All politicians are lying scumbags. Trump isn't really a politician in the traditional sense of the word so I think he probably gets away with more than most would. And to your point, a simple look at the country now compared to say 3 years ago should tell anyone that he's doing a fine job.
Got it. So liars have no credibility and can't be trusted, but that doesn't apply to King Trump. That explains a lot.
You're making stuff up. I never said anything about Trump either way. You're trying to deflect. I'm over it though. It's clear to everyone exactly what and who you are. There's no need for me to point it out and get sucked into your petty pissing match.
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Trump already won this silly war.

This is just like the daca crap. Real solutions, or "solutions", get put on the table and democrats shoot em down because they don't give a shit about anything but making trump look bad.

Fine. Don't play. You've just been exposed as non progressive shit stirrers and Trump will keep on trucking, making our country a safer place, the world a safer place....and space a safer place. Enjoy!
Going to be pissed if he caves to these lunatics.

Let them change the goddam law. Don't be a dictator.

DT’s ego is the most important thing in the world to him. If he thinks he can gain some extra adoration by doing this, he will.

Yep. They do it all the time. Since they control the news cycle, they never pass up a chance to deflect.

When the DNC leaks occurred, media ramped up the cops vs criminals controversy, created riots and then got two black supremacists to kill cops in Texas and Louisiana.

When Hillary’s uranium deal came out in 2015, then came the Freddie Gray stuff. Happens all the time.

So Stormy Daniels crap falls apart, FBI corruption exposed, Trump did great with NK and then boom, out of nowhere, “we can’t seperate illegals and their families.”
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