How will they rule ??!

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That is entirely wrong. And we both know the answer.

Let's extrapolate your plan though. Let's say we open our borders to any and all who want to come here. How many can we support? 1 billion? 2 billion? How about we just bring the entire world population here?

Hopefully you can see the fallacy of your plan. Now, we have determined that there must be a limit to the amount of people we can accept and all that's left is to determine an acceptable amount. How do we do that you might ask? By regulating our borders and deciding who can come in and for what reason along with a restriction on the number.

It's like teaching a 3 year old. Thanks for your patience and effort, although I doubt he'll understand.
A 41-year period (1924-1965) of the Johnson-Reed Act does not encompass the vast majority of America's existence when it has existed in some capacity since the 1500s.

Good lord, you’re ridiculous.

Immigration was always tightly controlled, as long as the United States has been in existence.

Once again you’re infatuated by a poem written by a Frenchman on the Statue of Liberty for actual governance.
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And once again, you're wrong.
You aren't going to get anywhere on immigration with them. Trump outlined their immigration policy succinctly: no more people from shithole countries like Haiti and the entire African continent, more people from Norway. Only thing Haiti and Africa have in common is non-white inhabitants. Latin america has brown people in it so it falls within the "shithole countries" bracket to them.
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You aren't going to get anywhere on immigration with them. Trump outlined their immigration policy succinctly: no more people from shithole countries like Haiti and the entire African continent, more people from Norway. Only thing Haiti and Africa have in common is non-white inhabitants. Latin america has brown people in it so it falls within the "shithole countries" bracket to them.
How convenient for you that the only people who are wanting to come to this country in large, illegal numbers are non-white.
How convenient for you that the only people who are wanting to come to this country in large, illegal numbers are non-white.

Yeah cause what is right and true in a religion is defined by the average butt in a pew, not the people who study it for a living right? Why go to church at all if that's what you think?

What’s right and true seemed to change about ten years ago in the Methodist Church. Those pussies in leadership would do back flips to allow gay marriage, but they know half the congregation will split. How do you have a religion that says marriage is a special bond between a man and a woman since the days of Martin Luther, just up and say, “we were joking”?

So no, I don’t care what they were studying and neither does our congregation.
What’s right and true seemed to change about ten years ago in the Methodist Church. Those pussies in leadership would do back flips to allow gay marriage, but they know half the congregation will split. How do you have a religion that says marriage is a special bond between a man and a woman since the days of Martin Luther, just up and say, “we were joking”?

So no, I don’t care what they were studying and neither does our congregation.
Exactly, you only follow your religion when it conforms to your preconceived opinions. The stuff you don't agree with you disregard.
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Exactly, you only follow your religion when it conforms to your preconceived opinions. The stuff you don't agree with you disregard.

This is America, pal. I have the freedom to practice religion as I see fit. You godless heathen libs want to remove that freedom. It’s well documented.

As Anthony Bourdain said: “eff you and the horse you rode in on.”
That tweet reeks of desperation. "Do something for me now before you win! I mean lose!"
So Dems would rather b!tch and moan, p!ss and groan about immigration policy and separating illegal parents from children for the next 6 months rather than actually take action and address it? this really something the Dems care about? Or are they just making political hay out of it? Hmmmm...
You aren't going to get anywhere on immigration with them. Trump outlined their immigration policy succinctly: no more people from shithole countries like Haiti and the entire African continent, more people from Norway. Only thing Haiti and Africa have in common is non-white inhabitants. Latin america has brown people in it so it falls within the "shithole countries" bracket to them.

Color has zero effect on it, it’s the illegal part.

I’m all for anyone that wants to immigrate here legally. It’s the ones that don’t respect our laws on immigration that are the issue.
Absolutely that. If God exists a believer would want to follow his teachings no matter what a nonbeliever said, positive or negative, right? Why would following God's divine teachings be dependent on what some heathen thinks about you?

The bible is referring to each person, not the US Govt. I would help anyone that needed help, as would most likely every person on here.
If our elected Govt operated that way, we wouldn’t have a nation to govern for long.
Since our govt has 9 trillion they cant manage anyway..they should just make an announcement that anyone that comes to the border they'll give them.a complimentary bus ride right up to Canada and let them out. Let Castro Treadeau deal with them.
How convenient for you that the only people who are wanting to come to this country in large, illegal numbers are non-white.

This is the Dem strategy.

Create non-stop propaganda against whites through media and academia.

Really amp up racial tension. Act like anyone against the Dems are racist “Nazis.”

Import and replace whites with the third world because the third world overwhelmingly votes for big government and had no stake in the building of this country.

Dems don’t want immigration laws enforced because it prevents more votes. Dems need mass amount of poor people to buy off with handouts and racial tension. These people come in, don’t assimilate and then practice tribalism.
Absolutely that. If God exists a believer would want to follow his teachings no matter what a nonbeliever said, positive or negative, right? Why would following God's divine teachings be dependent on what some heathen thinks about you?

I believe in Jesus Christ. I also believe in upholding and enforcing the laws we have set in place.

We can show compassion and do good deeds that aren’t centered around what’s happening at the border.
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Exactly, you only follow your religion when it conforms to your preconceived opinions. The stuff you don't agree with you disregard.
This is America, pal. I have the freedom to practice religion as I see fit. You godless heathen libs want to remove that freedom. It’s well documented.

As Anthony Bourdain said: “eff you and the horse you rode in on.”
Huge LIKE, Wayne, and I'm one agnostic SOB.
You aren't going to get anywhere on immigration with them. Trump outlined their immigration policy succinctly: no more people from shithole countries like Haiti and the entire African continent, more people from Norway. Only thing Haiti and Africa have in common is non-white inhabitants. Latin america has brown people in it so it falls within the "shithole countries" bracket to them.
Gotta love manufactured outrage. Note dates below.


Once again, you and your loony little friends are dismissed.
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You aren't going to get anywhere on immigration with them. Trump outlined their immigration policy succinctly: no more people from shithole countries like Haiti and the entire African continent, more people from Norway. Only thing Haiti and Africa have in common is non-white inhabitants. Latin america has brown people in it so it falls within the "shithole countries" bracket to them.
The racist policy is wanting to flood mostly AA areas and siphon resources from their schools, suppress low end wages, and putting safety net programs in further stress just so you can virtue signal and dream about using them to get more power for your team.
And once again, you're wrong.
You aren't going to get anywhere on immigration with them. Trump outlined their immigration policy succinctly: no more people from shithole countries like Haiti and the entire African continent, more people from Norway. Only thing Haiti and Africa have in common is non-white inhabitants. Latin america has brown people in it so it falls within the "shithole countries" bracket to them.

They have a hard time understanding this. And it always becomes racial, which is no surprise, but they can’t grasp the illegal part means we don’t want white people here illegally either. We don’t want whites from Canada here illegally. We don’t want an illegal white European here. We welcome legal immigrants who want to be here because they love what our country is and plan to contribute if able bodied.