How will they rule ??!

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The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Immigrant populations in the United States have been growing fast for decades now. Crime in the same period, however, has moved in the opposite direction, with the national rate of violent crime today well below what it was in 1980.

In a large-scale collaboration by four universities, led by Robert Adelman, a sociologist at the State University of New York at Buffalo, researchers compared immigration rates with crime rates for 200 metropolitan areas over the last several decades. The selected areas included huge urban hubs like New York and smaller manufacturing centers less than a hundredth that size, like Muncie, Ind., and were dispersed geographically across the country.

You cannot make the conclusions they assert from the correlation they attempt to prove... they are taking advantage of your gullibility; sociologists are often guilty of this unfortunately.

It is a mathematical flaw they are taking advantage of to be specific, a failure in your's and the public's understanding of fundamental statistics.
illegals? what about the illeguys? a up a Nike factory here in the states and stop sending the work to the kids in China.

More Trump lies

Germany’s crime numbers are the lowest since 1992, according to the most recent German data available.
Did you purposely or unintentionally skip over the part that describes the numbers do not include law violations of non citizens? I mean considering Trumps assertion that immigrants are the cause I’m assuming that would include offenses by...wait for it...NON CITIZENS OF GERMANY. I’m guessing purposely. Just my guess though.
They will still go through, over, under, and around the wall.
So it's not a failsafe deterrent, so we shouldn't even try?

I shouldn't lock my doors at night because someone could kick it in, or break my window instead?

They shouldn't have guards in prisons, because inmates still sometimes evade the guards and escape?

Them stupid Chinese people all them years ago, building a wall to keep out invaders!

Them stupid castle builders, building moats to ward off attack!

Them stupid residents of Ft. Boonesborough, building a fort to protect them from the Indians!

Totally worthless!*

*No, not a border wall, wildcatsboston1984.
So it's not a failsafe deterrent, so we shouldn't even try?

I shouldn't lock my doors at night because someone could kick it in, or break my window instead?

They shouldn't have guards in prisons, because inmates still sometimes evade the guards and escape?

Them stupid Chinese people all them years ago, building a wall to keep out invaders!

Them stupid castle builders, building moats to ward off attack!

Them stupid residents of Ft. Boonesborough, building a fort to protect them from the Indians!

Totally worthless!*

*No, not a border wall, wildcatsboston1984.
There are things we should do, but an ineffective wall that is estimated to cost 10s of billions of dollars to build and likely billions of dollars a year to maintain is not an effective investment.
There are things we should do, but an ineffective wall that is estimated to cost 10s of billions of dollars to build and likely billions of dollars a year to maintain is not an effective investment.
I don't want a wall, either. And I want our million legal immigrants a year to keep coming. But I want non-residents to stop crossing our borders and entering our country illegally.

The wall is not only a deterrent. It sends a message. It says we won't tolerate relatively unimpeded illegal immigration any more.

Curious, what did you have in mind? Thickets? Bullets? Land mines? "Stop, or I'll say stop again?"
At this point, Trump could rape a 4 year old on live tv and his supporters on here would find some reason to justify it. Totally brainwashed by Fox News and incapable of critical thinking.

Glad Trump is getting blasted by own party for his immoral policy. Trying to blame Democrats is just the icing on the top. Only his sheep believe that one.
There are things we should do, but an ineffective wall that is estimated to cost 10s of billions of dollars to build and likely billions of dollars a year to maintain is not an effective investment.
Coming from the guy who wants to put everyone on Medicare even though it loses $60B a year in waste on who it covers today...nice.
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Harvard's racism exposed. Asians proven right in Harvard's discrimination against them.

"The documents also show how Harvard discriminates. To counter Asians’ tendency to do extremely well on traditional measures (test scores, grades and extracurriculars), it routinely rates them lower on soft categories like “positive personality,” being “widely respected,” likability, kindness, etc.

An analysis by the plaintiffs’ experts of Harvard data on more than 160,000 applicants show how skewed the process has grown: A male Asian-American with a 25 percent chance of admission would have a 35 percent chance if he were white, 75 percent if he were Hispanic and 95 percent if he were black. (The legal brief didn’t outline a similar breakdown for females.)"

^ The bigotry of low expectations for blacks and Hispanics.
Trump is probably regretting setting the child separation policy. Miller pitched it to him as a way to control what he gets out of the immigration bill. But it has backfired pretty bad and most likely nothing will get passed, again. Trump could have gotten his stupid ass wall funded and will now go to 2020 with his dick in his hands. Just one more thing that is going to suppress republican votes in the midterms.
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So it's not a failsafe deterrent, so we shouldn't even try?

I shouldn't lock my doors at night because someone could kick it in, or break my window instead?

They shouldn't have guards in prisons, because inmates still sometimes evade the guards and escape?

Them stupid Chinese people all them years ago, building a wall to keep out invaders!

Them stupid castle builders, building moats to ward off attack!

Them stupid residents of Ft. Boonesborough, building a fort to protect them from the Indians!

Totally worthless!*

*No, not a border wall, wildcatsboston1984.

You know how I know a wall would be a huge deterrent? Because the Democrats and globalists are adamantly against it. If it didn't work, why would they be so upset? It sure as hell isn't about cost. They have no problem spending tons of money especially on entitlements.
Liberal cities have horrendous crime rate, tons of poverty to the point that they're fine with crack heads and homeless people shooting up and shitting on the streets. Then they want to bring in more government dependent people to make it harder. It's real easy to virtue signal about open borders and all of that shit when you're not forced to live in it but you're the first ones to bounce.

All of the virtue signaling liberal elites don't want their kids in those schools and don't want to live in a neighborhood with all of that "diversity." They love to build walls and be away from it. Then you got the idiots like George Clooney who is all for open borders but then moves his family due to "concern for safety" amid the refugees violent crime spike.

Pardon me for not wanting to listen to you dumb shits when you ruin your areas all the time. There's a reason why people flee from your liberal utopia.

On a related note...

What's interesting though in the "poverty causes crime" shtick is that Appalachia is poor, very poor whites yet the violent crime rate is below the national average. WEIRD. Drugs are obviously a problem but people aren't being murdered and violently attacked at big rates in the name of "diversity."
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