How will they rule ??!

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Decreased? Very hard to determine that.

Arrests? Waaaaaaaaay the f#ck up.

You’d know about it if you actually followed news sources who reported on it. Let me guess, your boy hasn’t mentioned that?

Lol. Of course he hasn’t. If only we could figure out why. Hint: he’s a liberal POS who reposts other liberal P’sOS.
So your answer is no, you do not have facts to support the statement. Thanks.

Trump eatin Big Macs and tweeting on a Sunday evening.
It's Father's Day, he's gotta be eating well done steak smothered in ketchup.
So your answer is no, you do not have facts to support the statement. Thanks.
The DOJ announced a week or two ago a sting operation that arrested 2000 (might've been more than that but I think it was 2000) people in a human trafficking/pedo ring. And there's been several other sting operations that had 500-1000 or so people arrested. Human trafficking arrests are definitely up during Trump. They even cut off backpage to try to help put a stop to it.
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So your answer is no, you do not have facts to support the statement. Thanks.
You really aren’t willing to venture out of your liberal bubble and do your own research, are you? You pathetic little liberal.

Like I said, your boy is feeding you nothing but a liberal agenda and you refuse to acknowledge it. Maybe one day you’ll at least SEE it. I won’t hold my breath for acknowledgement, though. Because if there is one thing you pathetic little liberals will never do, it’s acknowledge how f#cking wrong you are.
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Officials could rename Virginia school after Obama

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- The school board of Virginia's capital city is set to consider changing the moniker of a school named after a Confederate general.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that officials might rename J.E.B. Stuart Elementary School after former President Barack Obama.

Obama's name is one of seven finalists for the school's new name.

Other possibilities include Oliver Hill, a late civil rights attorney, and Henry Marsh, the city's first black mayor.

More than 90 percent of the school's student body is African American. The youngsters recently voted for their top three choices.

The Richmond School Board says the top three finishers will be revealed at their Monday evening session.

Richmond's effort follows Petersburg's February vote to rename three Confederate-named schools.

Stuart was a slave owner and a prominent Confederate cavalry commander.
How do you know side?
I read that story. What about it makes you think that guy is a conservative? Or voted for Trump? Most likely, since he liked to diddle little Mexican kids, he voted for Hillary so he could have a steady supply.
Side? Oh, you consider law enforcement the other side, your enemy. Got it. You people are a disease.

With all the cheers for and threats of deportation I see around here it was probably one of yall.
With all the cheers for and threats of deportation I see around here it was probably one of yall.
We don't call for deportation so WE can commit crimes. We call for deportation because the invader has committed a crime and if they are willing to break that law, then where does it stop?

What would be your course of action if you returned home to your apartment and found someone there watching your tv and eating your food? What would you do? Allow him to stay?
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Apparently FBI had anti-Hillary people as well...

The House Intelligence Committee's top Democrat, Adam Schiff (Calif.), said Sunday it was “deeply disturbing” that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) received classified information about Hillary Clinton’s emails from FBI field agents in 2016.

“This is the first that we've heard about it, and it is deeply disturbing because if this was shared by New York field agents with Devin Nunes, was it also shared with Rudy Giuliani? Or did Devin Nunes do something, which we have seen subsequently, which is coordinated with the Trump team?” Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“Was this information shared by the committee with Rudy Giuliani or shared directly with them? We don't know the answer but we hope the inspector general will find out,” Schiff added.

Nunes said last week that FBI agents gave him information about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails, which were contained on former New York Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D) laptop, in late September 2016.

"We had whistleblowers that came to us in late September of 2016 who talked to us about this laptop sitting up in New York that had additional emails on it. The House Intelligence Committee, we had that, but we couldn't do anything with it,” Nunes told Fox News’s Laura Ingraham on Thursday.

Nunes said that, because the information was classified, he could not say anything about it until the Justice Department's (DOJ) internal watchdog released its report last week.

Former FBI Director James Comey formally notified Congress about Clinton’s emails that were on Weiner’s laptop in October, less than two weeks before the 2016 presidential election.

The DOJ's inspector general report was highly critical of Comey for exhibiting what it deemed to be poor judgment during the election, but found no evidence to show that his key decisions in the probe of Clinton's emails were improperly influenced by political bias.

Schiff has frequently criticized Nunes, particularly for his handling of the probe into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
We don't call for deportation so WE can commit crimes. We call for deportation because the invader has committed a crime and if they are willing to break that law, then where does it stop?

What would be your course of action if you returned home to your apartment and found someone there watching your tv and eating your food? What would you do? Allow him to stay?
Well that depends, have I willingly allowed everyone who wanted to come into my home enter for the vast majority of my existence, which is what America has allowed for hundreds of years?
I'm still trying to find a good no-show sock that doesn't slip off the heel. Last thread, responses were confused about what I was looking for and reccomended various low cut athletic socks.

I'm trying to get socks to wear with loafers that are completely hidden for that cool summer look without the stinky shoes that come with bare feet. TIA for any suggestions.
Not sure where you thought you were posting this....

but the answer is to go sockless and use about a half teaspoon of non-nano zinc oxide powder in each shoe. The zinc oxide kills the bacteria and it lasts 1-3 months. Been using it for years. YMMV.
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Well that depends, have I willingly allowed everyone who wanted to come into my home enter for the vast majority of my existence, which is what America has allowed for hundreds of years?

That is entirely wrong. And we both know the answer.

Let's extrapolate your plan though. Let's say we open our borders to any and all who want to come here. How many can we support? 1 billion? 2 billion? How about we just bring the entire world population here?

Hopefully you can see the fallacy of your plan. Now, we have determined that there must be a limit to the amount of people we can accept and all that's left is to determine an acceptable amount. How do we do that you might ask? By regulating our borders and deciding who can come in and for what reason along with a restriction on the number.
I didn't say for the USA's entire existence. Learn how to read.

We never let “ just about anyone” in.

There were decades in the mid 20th century where immigration was almost nill.
The 90’s and 2000’ s are the highest of immigration in our history when illegal immigration is counted.

Why are you opposed to controlling our borders? You think we should just have an open border?
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That is entirely wrong. And we both know the answer.

Let's extrapolate your plan though. Let's say we open our borders to any and all who want to come here. How many can we support? 1 billion? 2 billion? How about we just bring the entire world population here?

Hopefully you can see the fallacy of your plan. Now, we have determined that there must be a limit to the amount of people we can accept and all that's left is to determine an acceptable amount. How do we do that you might ask? By regulating our borders and deciding who can come in and for what reason along with a restriction on the number.
I've never proposed the border should be open with zero regulation.