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Trump said a "horrible law" requires that children be separated from their parents "once they cross the Border into the U.S."

There is no such law. The Homeland Security Department’s longstanding policy is to separate children from their custodians when they are referred for criminal prosecution. Trump’s administration has decided to prosecute all illegal crossings. Families were rarely prosecuted under previous administrations.

We rate this statement False.
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Share The Facts

Donald Trump
President of the United States

“We have to break up families” entering the country illegally, because of “bad laws that the Democrats gave us.”
White House meeting – Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Ha. I thought since it was a new week, we'd get a new topic from the retards on the left.

Nope, Levi doubles down with "Trump is executing the laws on the books, but us lefties are going to call him a liar because we're ****ing retards."

Levi had no problems when Obama was caging up children. Not one problem with it. Whistling past the graveyard. I mean the Obama admin tore families apart. But no one said a thing
If Dems/media were smart they would ignore this stupid stuff and not allow trump to win. Because he’s gonna fix this problem just like all the others and dems are gonna look like unprogressive stupids once again for choosing to obstruct instead of solving a problem.

The nuclear North Korea crisis was the single most difficult task Obama gave to Trump, btw. Per Obama’s mouth.
Trump said a "horrible law" requires that children be separated from their parents "once they cross the Border into the U.S."

There is no such law. The Homeland Security Department’s longstanding policy is to separate children from their custodians when they are referred for criminal prosecution. Trump’s administration has decided to prosecute all illegal crossings. Families were rarely prosecuted under previous administrations.

We rate this statement False.
Families were separated under the O'bama regime as well but a complicit and compensatory media conspired to cover it up for the most part. Donald was elected by the sane portion of this country to enforce its laws so that it could remain a sane and sovereign country.

This entire narrative arose due to a picture that was attributed purposely to Donald when the perpetrators knew full well that the picture was taken during the previous administration. Why would they do that?

I think you know Levi, and I think it tears at you. I think you resent having to go along with the insanity of the liberal talking points. What's the hold they have on you?
This is the Dem strategy.

Create non-stop propaganda against whites through media and academia.

Really amp up racial tension. Act like anyone against the Dems are racist “Nazis.”

Import and replace whites with the third world because the third world overwhelmingly votes for big government and had no stake in the building of this country.

Dems don’t want immigration laws enforced because it prevents more votes. Dems need mass amount of poor people to buy off with handouts and racial tension. These people come in, don’t assimilate and then practice tribalism.

Who are the leaders at the top of the Democratic dung heap? Rich. White. Elitists.

People who will allow multi-millionaires, who became rich from the spoils of capitalism, to tell them that capitalism is evil and the rich are their main problem, can be told to think any thing on any day. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can fool a liberal every time.
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[QUOTE="ymmot31, post: 6987839, ]

I think you know Levi, and I think it tears at you. I think you resent having to go along with the insanity of the liberal talking points. What's the hold they have on you?[/QUOTE]

Youre giving way too much credit to someone who hasnt shown the ability to use criticaL thinking a single time.

Calls names then whines and says people who resort to name calling have no knowledge and continues to post debunked bullshit days after its been slapped down.
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We are failing as a country presently by separating families just as we failed when we rounded up Japanese American citizens and forced them into internment camps, even then we did not separate families. This action was never the law rather it is a policy of this corrupt administration and never before implemented as it is today. It violates the 5th amendment and is the face of evil. The separation has happened to families that were deemed legal asylees by our courts yet still traumatized by politicians. The most damning fact is the people who support this deplorable action never concern themselves with of what is best for the child. These are the decisions that leave no place for so many except seeking protection in gangs like MS-13.
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I actually think the media using the Bible is helpful. It illustrates that their cognitive ability to digest and analyze the books therein is consistently elementary and hackish. All they can do is proof text either when they are arguing against it or using it in their argument. Not even the slightest bit of intellectual curiosity; just, "DAMNIT MAN DIG THROUGH THIS THING AND FIND ME ONE SENTENCE THAT SUPPORTS MY POINT!!!"

That's all they have, and all they want to have. Secure in their self-assured, idiotic bubble
We are failing as a country presently by separating families just as we failed when we rounded up Japanese American citizens and forced them into internment camps, even then we did not separate families. This action was never the law rather it is a policy of this corrupt administration and never before implemented as it is today. It violates the 5th amendment and is the face of evil. The separation has happened to families that were deemed legal asylees by our courts yet still traumatized by politicians. The most damning fact is the people who support this deplorable action never concern themselves with of what is best for the child. These are the decisions that leave no place for so many except seeking protection in gangs like MS-13.
If they come to an entry port seeking asylum they are not separated...if they enter illegally the law is enforced...not hard
We are failing as a country presently by separating families just as we failed when we rounded up Japanese American citizens and forced them into internment camps, even then we did not separate families. This action was never the law rather it is a policy of this corrupt administration and never before implemented as it is today. It violates the 5th amendment and is the face of evil. The separation has happened to families that were deemed legal asylees by our courts yet still traumatized by politicians. The most damning fact is the people who support this deplorable action never concern themselves with of what is best for the child. These are the decisions that leave no place for so many except seeking protection in gangs like MS-13.

Youre a GD idiot

If a family comes legally and seeks asylum through the port of entry, they are not seperated unless it can't be determined that is the actual parents and not a smuggler.

Legal= not seperated
Caught sneaking across the desert= seperated

Its pretty GD simple.
Trump said a "horrible law" requires that children be separated from their parents "once they cross the Border into the U.S."

There is no such law. The Homeland Security Department’s longstanding policy is to separate children from their custodians when they are referred for criminal prosecution. Trump’s administration has decided to prosecute all illegal crossings. Families were rarely prosecuted under previous administrations.

We rate this statement False.

Juveniles must be held separate from adults in any criminal detention. I already debunked this a few pages ago and it was maybe you that posted it then.

They're held separately for their protection. Keeps them from being beaten raped etc.

The irony is that their new living condition is way better than their former one, no matter what.
Good to see the left wanting to use the Bible for the US government's legislation policies.

Time to ban gay marriage, end abortion, put all LGBTQIXYZ in mental facilities (or send them to prayer groups - their choice), bring back prayer in school, and place the 10 commandments in every local, state, and national office.

Oh, and if a crime is committed against someone we go to the "eye for and eye" punishment.

Great! Now let's really MAGA!!
Good to see the left wanting to use the Bible for the US government's legislation policies.

Time to ban gay marriage, end abortion, put all LGBTQIXYZ in mental facilities (or send them to prayer groups - their choice), bring back prayer in school, and place the 10 commandments in every local, state, and national office.

Oh, and if a crime is committed against someone we go to the "eye for and eye" punishment.

Great! Now let's really MAGA!!

Yep, abortion is cool with the left, but heaven forbid we separate criminals from their kids for a few hours.
What’s right and true seemed to change about ten years ago in the Methodist Church. Those pussies in leadership would do back flips to allow gay marriage, but they know half the congregation will split. How do you have a religion that says marriage is a special bond between a man and a woman since the days of Martin Luther, just up and say, “we were joking”?

So no, I don’t care what they were studying and neither does our congregation.
Some preachers and some church leadership used to support slavery, Jim Crow Laws, denying women the right to vote, etc for centuries. You think they should go back to supporting all that because that's the way it used to be?
If we could actually build a wall to keep illegals from gaining easy access to cross our border, we wouldn't have to worry about the detainment of children and separating them from their family.
Rather one agrees or not with the current immigration policy, a wall isn't going to solve anything.
Ha. I thought since it was a new week, we'd get a new topic from the retards on the left.

Nope, Levi doubles down with "Trump is executing the laws on the books, but us lefties are going to call him a liar because we're ****ing retards."
Can't execute a law that doesn't exist.
If Dems/media were smart they would ignore this stupid stuff and not allow trump to win. Because he’s gonna fix this problem just like all the others and dems are gonna look like unprogressive stupids once again for choosing to obstruct instead of solving a problem.

The nuclear North Korea crisis was the single most difficult task Obama gave to Trump, btw. Per Obama’s mouth.
And yet North Korea still has nuclear weapons.
We are failing as a country presently by separating families just as we failed when we rounded up Japanese American citizens and forced them into internment camps, even then we did not separate families. This action was never the law rather it is a policy of this corrupt administration and never before implemented as it is today. It violates the 5th amendment and is the face of evil. The separation has happened to families that were deemed legal asylees by our courts yet still traumatized by politicians. The most damning fact is the people who support this deplorable action never concern themselves with of what is best for the child. These are the decisions that leave no place for so many except seeking protection in gangs like MS-13.

Terrible comparison. The WWII era Japanese didn't come here illegally. If immigrants want to break our laws and try to sneak in the back door, there needs to be consequences. Come in the front door (legally) and they will be welcomed.
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The Myth of the Criminal Immigrant

Immigrant populations in the United States have been growing fast for decades now. Crime in the same period, however, has moved in the opposite direction, with the national rate of violent crime today well below what it was in 1980.

In a large-scale collaboration by four universities, led by Robert Adelman, a sociologist at the State University of New York at Buffalo, researchers compared immigration rates with crime rates for 200 metropolitan areas over the last several decades. The selected areas included huge urban hubs like New York and smaller manufacturing centers less than a hundredth that size, like Muncie, Ind., and were dispersed geographically across the country.

According to data from the study, a large majority of the areas have many more immigrants today than they did in 1980 and fewer violent crimes. The Marshall Project extended the study’s data up to 2016, showing that crime fell more often than it rose even as immigrant populations grew almost across the board.

In 136 metro areas, almost 70 percent of those studied, the immigrant population increased between 1980 and 2016 while crime stayed stable or fell. The number of areas where crime and immigration both increased was much lower — 54 areas, slightly more than a quarter of the total. The 10 places with the largest increases in immigrants all had lower levels of crime in 2016 than in 1980.

In general, the study’s data suggests either that immigration has the effect of reducing average crime, or that there is simply no relationship between the two, and that the 54 areas in the study where both grew were instances of coincidence, not cause and effect. This was a consistent pattern in each decade from 1980 to 2016, with immigrant populations and crime failing to grow together.

In a majority of areas, the number of immigrants increased at least 57 percent and as much as 183 percent, with the greatest increases occurring in the 1990s and early 2000s. Violent crime rates in most areas ranged between a 43 percent decline and a 6 percent rise, often trending downward by the 2000s. Places with a sharp rise in the immigrant population experienced increases in crime rates no more frequently than those with modest or no growth in immigration. On average, the immigrant population grew by 137 percent between 1980 and 2016, with average crime falling 12 percent over the same period.

Because the F.B.I. changed how rape was defined in its crime figures, that category could not be included in this analysis. Focusing on the other components of the violent crime rate — assaults, robberies and murders — still fails to reveal a relationship with immigration rates.

This is not the only study showing that immigration does not increase crime. A broad survey released in January examined years of research on the immigrant-crime connection, concluding that an overwhelming majority of studies found either no relationship between the two or a beneficial one, in which immigrant communities bring economic and cultural revitalization to the neighborhoods they join.