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Re: United Methodist Church.

I go to a Methodist Church. Everybody thinks the leadership are a bunch of nitwit liberals who probably aren’t even Christian. We joke about how out of touch they are with the congregations. They even inserted this Duke grad bimbo who, when she gets the chance to lead the congregation, just yells at everybody for not giving away all of our income. Everybody just sorts of looks around at each other wondering when she’s gonna get yanked out of there.
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The GOP could end this stupid discussion re: illegal immigration separated children real quick. Invite a liberal on CNN to describe what should happen when a family tries to sneak in the country. It will not play well when the liberal gives the answer.
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Wonder how many he tweets out that has a conservative point of view?
Well he does frequently post articles from the AP and Reuters, two news outlets long recognized for their lack of bias in their news reporting. Both are rated as "least biased" by and has them both rated as "Center."

Several of the other websites he posts articles from also as rated as "Center" from
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Re: United Methodist Church.

I go to a Methodist Church. Everybody thinks the leadership are a bunch of nitwit liberals who probably aren’t even Christian. We joke about how out of touch they are with the congregations. They even inserted this Duke grad bimbo who, when she gets the chance to lead the congregation, just yells at everybody for not giving away all of our income. Everybody just sorts of looks around at each other wondering when she’s gonna get yanked out of there.
Yeah cause what is right and true in a religion is defined by the average butt in a pew, not the people who study it for a living right? Why go to church at all if that's what you think?
Well he does frequently post articles from the AP and Reuters, two news outlets long recognized for their lack of bias in their news reporting. Both are rated as "least biased" by and has them both rated as "Center"

No, it’s common sense Boston, just like I wrote. The article compared the current situation to after a hurricane. The 2 situations are nothing alike.
One is when everything has shut down, one is a booming economy, they are complete opposites.
No, your simplicity is wrong as it's not factoring for inflation. And your simplicity also flies in the face of the fact supported by the economists.
Just like you and your fellow loons said when GWB was in office.

You are dismissed.
Just like you and your fellow brainwashed friends said when Clinton was in office. We can go back to the very first President if you want, neither one of us will be accomplishing anything though.
Not my President! Just like you folks were saying Obama wasn't your President!

I can’t speak for anyone else, and I sure didn’t vote for Obama, but I never once said that in 8 years. The man won his elections and was our president.
Also, I don’t recall anyone, at any time, calling for and trying to find any way possible to remove Obama from office.
I can’t speak for anyone else, and I sure didn’t vote for Obama, but I never once said that in 8 years. The man won his elections and was our president.
Also, I don’t recall anyone, at any time, calling for and trying to find any way possible to remove Obama from office.
Agree. No mobs protesting and destroying property like the pussified antifa crowds.
I can’t speak for anyone else, and I sure didn’t vote for Obama, but I never once said that in 8 years. The man won his elections and was our president.
Also, I don’t recall anyone, at any time, calling for and trying to find any way possible to remove Obama from office.
And as far as the "not my President" stuff goes, that was pretty prevalent. First result on my Google search for "Obama not my President" is a link that contains a Sean Hannity video with him saying it

Loads of other results with righties saying/writing it as well. 269 million Google results for that phrase, as a matter of fact.
You weren't trying very hard then. Ever hear of the birther movement, for one example?

And people wanted Bush gone because he cheated in Florida and Ohio. People wanted Clinton gone for Monica.

While I admit I poorly worded that, please tell me you see the difference? Trump has people calling him mentally unfit for crying out loud. They are looking for any excuse possible.
I can’t speak for anyone else, and I sure didn’t vote for Obama, but I never once said that in 8 years. The man won his elections and was our president.
Also, I don’t recall anyone, at any time, calling for and trying to find any way possible to remove Obama from office.
No shit. Obama was my president. Met/briefly spoke with Clinton when he was potus and I was in HS, was a great moment I’ll remember forever. No, did not get fingerblasted, @Willy4UK

That kid Wildcatnetflix is a turrrible poster
And as far as the "not my President" stuff goes, that was pretty prevalent. First result on my Google search for "Obama not my President" is a link that contains a Sean Hannity video with him saying it

Loads of other results with righties saying/writing it as well. 269 million Google results for that phrase, as a matter of fact.

Fairly certain if you read my original post I said, “I can’t speak for anyone else,”

Thought that line of thinking was dumb then. I think it’s just as dumb now.
No, your simplicity is wrong as it's not factoring for inflation. And your simplicity also flies in the face of the fact supported by the economists.

So you think the current economy, and the economy after a hurricane are the same? Really.

The economist wanted a certain outcome, so he chose the equation to get there. All the while ignoring reality.

The economy is booming, you as well as him want to paint it in a negative light.
It’s not a simplistic view to come to a view that it’s better when more people have gainful employment, which is exactly where we are now.
You’re making the argument that clothes not fitting a fat man is the same as clothes not fitting a muscled up man. Completely ignoring the health factor of the person. One is a good thing and one isn’t.
Re: United Methodist Church.

I go to a Methodist Church. Everybody thinks the leadership are a bunch of nitwit liberals who probably aren’t even Christian. We joke about how out of touch they are with the congregations. They even inserted this Duke grad bimbo who, when she gets the chance to lead the congregation, just yells at everybody for not giving away all of our income. Everybody just sorts of looks around at each other wondering when she’s gonna get yanked out of there.

I went to church for Father’s Day. Last time I went was for Mother’s Day. White ass honky ass somewhat snobby conservative white hair church. Today’s sermon was about “finding your home”. It was awful, disjointed and weird....then the last 15 min the preacher tied it all together with IVE HEARD ALL THE OPINIONS ABOUT THIS FROM BOTH SIDES - you know, the crisis that’s going on at our southern Mexico border....

I stood up and walked out. Took a stroll and grabbed an OJ at the refreshment table. Came back and heard his closing words from the lobby - “nowhere in the Bible does our Jesus condone ripping children from the arms of their parents”. It was like gd fuzz/kba/etc was in the pulpit trolling the shit out of folks because they’re miserable.

His Mother’s Day sermon was about fn suicide, tmfs. Weirdest lil weirdo I’ve ever heard preach. He ain’t from around here.
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Oh look at you, more intelligent than the economists quoted in the article, one of which was a Trump campaign advisor! GD folks we have a hidden genius on our hands!
Oh, look at you, dumb enough to take this grain of sand and try to build a highway with it.

"For workers in “production and nonsupervisory” positions, the value of the average paycheck has declined in the past year. For those workers, average “real wages” — a measure of pay that takes inflation into account — fell from $22.62 in May 2017 to $22.59 in May 2018, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said."

So with the new employees coming in this year, and it is a shitload of them, there is a 3 cent drop in apparent wages for all the workers. Are you too stupid to know that the inflation they talk about is an estimate? I already know you're too stupid to understand the explanation you were given for the apparent drop based upon new hires starting at lower wages.

People who weren't working before are making a shitload more money than they were. People who already had jobs are bringing home more money than they were. When you add it all together with a healthy dose of make believe, they are all making 3 cents less per hour. Factor in the lower tax rates and you'll find they are bringing home more than that. But full disclosure and truth were not the aims of that article.
Oh, look at you, dumb enough to take this grain of sand and try to build a highway with it.

"For workers in “production and nonsupervisory” positions, the value of the average paycheck has declined in the past year. For those workers, average “real wages” — a measure of pay that takes inflation into account — fell from $22.62 in May 2017 to $22.59 in May 2018, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said."

So with the new employees coming in this year, and it is a shitload of them, there is a 3 cent drop in apparent wages for all the workers. Are you too stupid to know that the inflation they talk about is an estimate? I already know you're too stupid to understand the explanation you were given for the apparent drop based upon new hires starting at lower wages.

People who weren't working before are making a shitload more money than they were. People who already had jobs are bringing home more money than they were. When you add it all together with a healthy dose of make believe, they are all making 3 cents less per hour. Factor in the lower tax rates and you'll find they are bringing home more than that. But full disclosure and truth were not the aims of that article.

Boston is an idiot that can’t stand that Trump is succeeding, that’s it in a nutshell.

He believes what he wants, doesn’t have a lick of common sense, and can’t make a decision without someone else telling him how to think.
I went to church for Father’s Day. Last time I went was for Mother’s Day. White ass honky ass somewhat snobby conservative white hair church. Today’s sermon was about “finding your home”. It was awful, disjointed and weird....then the last 15 min the preacher tied it all together with IVE HEARD ALL THE OPINIONS ABOUT THIS FROM BOTH SIDES - you know, the crisis that’s going on at our southern Mexico border....

I stood up and walked out. Took a stroll and grabbed an OJ at the refreshment table. Came back and heard his closing words from the lobby - “nowhere in the Bible does our Jesus condone ripping children from the arms of their parents”. It was like gd fuzz/kba/etc was in the pulpit trolling the shit out of folks because they’re miserable.

His Mother’s Day sermon was about fn suicide, tmfs. Weirdest lil weirdo I’ve ever heard preach. He ain’t from around here.
Snowflaking so hard he walked out on God.
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And as far as the "not my President" stuff goes, that was pretty prevalent. First result on my Google search for "Obama not my President" is a link that contains a Sean Hannity video with him saying it

Loads of other results with righties saying/writing it as well. 269 million Google results for that phrase, as a matter of fact.
so you equate yourself with Hannity, whom you hate. :okay:

You would make a tremendous UNC fan.