How will they rule ??!

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I'm still trying to find a good no-show sock that doesn't slip off the heel. Last thread, responses were confused about what I was looking for and reccomended various low cut athletic socks.

I'm trying to get socks to wear with loafers that are completely hidden for that cool summer look without the stinky shoes that come with bare feet. TIA for any suggestions.
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I'm still trying to find a good no-show sock that doesn't slip off the heel. Last thread, responses were confused about what I was looking for and reccomended various low cut athletic socks.

I'm trying to get socks to wear with loafers that are completely hidden for that cool summer look without the stinky shoes that come with bare feet. TIA for any suggestions.
I saw some in Famous Footwear a few weeks ago. Footies.
America will never be at peace with itself until its people act in accordance with the Preamble to our constitution, specifically with concerns to justice. That American ideal is reiterated in The Gettysburg Address where Lincoln referred to "the proposition that all men are created equal". The unnerving fact is that we still are embroiled in the fight to uphold these core values on which America was founded and which hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives in order to give the world a "more perfect union". Sadly the essential enemy of that union, the essence of our division, has been and is today the evil racism some hold in their heart. That evil lurks in the dark shadows of our souls, kept secret even to ourselves at times until circumstances emboldens us to reveal our unreasonable character.
When blacks stop murdering whites at 10x the rate of the other way around in this country, you're right, we may get somewhere.
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  1. On September 24, the U.S. Justice Department announced a settlement with Hudson City Savings Bank for close to $33 million after an investigation found that it was avoiding doing mortgage business with African Americans and Latinos between 2009 and 2013. The Justice Department calls it the “largest residential mortgage redlining settlement in its history.” As U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman explained to Emily Badger for The Washington Post, “f you lived in a majority-black or Hispanic neighborhood and you wanted to apply for a mortgage, Hudson City Savings Bank was not the place to go.” The bank serviced one of the largest housing markets in the nation, covering mortgages throughout New Jersey, New York, and even Philadelphia. But the bank went out of its way not to set up any branches in minority neighborhoods. As part of the settlement, Hudson City will have to open two full-service branches in non-white communities.
A few observations;

  • Anyone with even one synapse firing in his or her brain should be able to recognize that the meeting with Kim was historic and quite frankly, downright incredible. On a list of things that I thought I'd never see in my lifetime, a US President meeting with one of the Kims was high on my list - right up there with @Willy4UK turning down free crack :) Politics aside, it's progress and it should be looked upon favorably by anyone who doesn't want the threat of nuclear war (no matter how small the threat may be) hanging over the international landscape
  • As to the poor children - yeah, it sucks. But we can't set a precedent that showing up at the border with a minor give you a free entry ticket. If anything, the parents should be blamed. It's not like we are pulling a bait and switch, it's a known fact that they will likely be separated. I also don't see a bunch of the people complaining about this rushing to help with donations, foster care, etc. It's typical hypocrisy from most who whine about politics - yell as loudly as possible while doing as little as possible.
  • This trade thing is so dumb. Yes, Canada taxes milk coming into the country. It's not and never was part of NAFTA. It is in place to protect Canadian dairy farmers. The US overproduces and dumps milk at an alarming rate. If Canada allowed itself to be the dumping ground for all that excess, it would sink the Canadian dairy farmers. Now, from an American standpoint, I understand the "screw Canadian farmers" attitude. America first, rightfully so. It's just seems a little hypocritical to criticize a country for doing the exact thing Trump is trying to do in protecting his own interests - especially a long standing ally such as Canada. I didn't think I'd see the day when a POTUS would have more respect and admiration for a Kim than for the Prime Minister of Canada, but here we are.
  • Peace out. @AustinTXCat shoot me a message at this address if you wanna grab a beer while you're in town.
A few observations;

  • Anyone with even one synapse firing in his or her brain should be able to recognize that the meeting with Kim was historic and quite frankly, downright incredible. On a list of things that I thought I'd never see in my lifetime, a US President meeting with one of the Kims was high on my list - right up there with @Willy4UK turning down free crack :) Politics aside, it's progress and it should be looked upon favorably by anyone who doesn't want the threat of nuclear war (no matter how small the threat may be) hanging over the international landscape
  • As to the poor children - yeah, it sucks. But we can't set a precedent that showing up at the border with a minor give you a free entry ticket. If anything, the parents should be blamed. It's not like we are pulling a bait and switch, it's a known fact that they will likely be separated. I also don't see a bunch of the people complaining about this rushing to help with donations, foster care, etc. It's typical hypocrisy from most who whine about politics - yell as loudly as possible while doing as little as possible.
  • This trade thing is so dumb. Yes, Canada taxes milk coming into the country. It's not and never was part of NAFTA. It is in place to protect Canadian dairy farmers. The US overproduces and dumps milk at an alarming rate. If Canada allowed itself to be the dumping ground for all that excess, it would sink the Canadian dairy farmers. Now, from an American standpoint, I understand the "screw Canadian farmers" attitude. America first, rightfully so. It's just seems a little hypocritical to criticize a country for doing the exact thing Trump is trying to do in protecting his own interests - especially a long standing ally such as Canada. I didn't think I'd see the day when a POTUS would have more respect and admiration for a Kim than for the Prime Minister of Canada, but here we are.
  • Peace out. @AustinTXCat shoot me a message at this address if you wanna grab a beer while you're in town.
A decent post. Some things for you to think about.
  • If NK gets rid of its Nukes you have a point, if not then it was just a photo op trying to polish a turd.
  • Resorting to tariffs with most our allies is not good for most business. We'll have to see how that works out. Some industries (aluminum) it may be a good thing short term but pretty dicey long term.
  • The children at the border being separated from their parents is simply evil. This is a change in policy whereas the people who were being turned away are now taken into custody and prosecuted as criminals, even those who are asking for asylum. One of the cute things they were doing was separating families and then listing the children as unaccompanied juveniles.
A decent post. Some things for you to think about.
  • If NK gets rid of its Nukes you have a point, if not then it was just a photo op trying to polish a turd.
  • Resorting to tariffs with most our allies is not good for most business. We'll have to see how that works out. Some industries (aluminum) it may be a good thing short term but pretty dicey long term.
  • The children at the border being separated from their parents is simply evil. This is a change in policy whereas the people who were being turned away are now taken into custody and prosecuted as criminals, even those who are asking for asylum. One of the cute things they were doing was separating families and then listing the children as unaccompanied juveniles.
You numbnuts on the left, never offer solutions. Do you want open borders? If so, then we have no country.

And whining about the kids might carry more weight if you weren’t for abortion!
Another KBA alt account? 1st post...joined 3 years ago.. that makes it seem very likely that he has others.

Haha, good catch on the date, didn’t even look at that. Does indicate he has likely had multiples. It’s clearly him but in his defense (I just threw up in my mouth), he wasn’t trying to hide it this time. I’m assuming the KBA account got some permanent ban, boy did it deserve it if so.

I feel like years from now we will found out he had 8-10 accounts on here.
Haha, good catch on the date, didn’t even look at that. Does indicate he has likely had multiples. It’s clearly him but in his defense (I just threw up in my mouth), he wasn’t trying to hide it this time. I’m assuming the KBA account got some permanent ban, boy did it deserve it if so.

I feel like years from now we will found out he had 8-10 accounts on here. wouldnt be fishy if he had a new account...its fishy that that one is almost 4 years old... and pretty sure he said numerous times that hes been here X years with only 1 account.
I assume grafenberg was Rex Chapman. I love being preached to about Privilege by the iPhone theif. Athletes are almost universally morons.

@morgousky what say you?

He said I was mentally challenged. My dream matchup on Jeopardy.
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bunch of moraless assholes on here today. You don't have to give immigrants with kids "free entry" and you also don't have to separate the kids from their families. You can keep the kids with their parents while you process them to be sent back to their country. Its something Trump has chosen to do as a political move to gain some leverage in the immigration bill negotiations. He chooses to be a souless dick to kids. If Jesus was real you would all be going to hell.
I assume grafenberg was Rex Chapman. I love being preached to about Privilege by the iPhone theif. Athletes are almost universally morons.

@morgousky what say you?

He said I was mentally challenged. My dream matchup on Jeopardy.

I pictured Rex Chapman trying to impress Assly Judd. I was typing a reply to his white patriarchy BS and the thread was deleted. What an ignorant idiot.