How will they rule ??!

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So due to the corruption at the head of the FBI the agents are going to have "training". What did they do in the FBI academy? Hey I have a better idea. Put Comey, Peter and his f buddy in prison and let the field agents do their jobs.
And when their training is done, they will still be left-wing radicals working to drag down Trump. WGAF?
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Some of you guys are as predictable as wind-up dolls. Lay a bit of history on you and you start to spit and sputter and curse the darkness. Our fathers stormed the beaches at Normandy where the first wave suffered as much as 75% casualties, little talked about is these same units in the 30 days following the landing had lost 90% of their men and when replacements arrived 90% of those were casualties. They were figthing the Nazi's and we dishonor them as our president dishonors them today by ignoring Nazi's on our streets going so far as calling them "good people". Yeah you're damn straight I'm not with you guys and proud of it.
You're pitiful.
Trump praises a dictator, Kim Jong Un, with a long list of human rights violations, including murder.

Wants Americans to treat him like NK residents treat Un.

Holds immigrant children in tent cities that are strikingly similar to the internment camps the US ran during WWI, which are considered human rights violations today.

On the verge of withdrawing the US from Human Rights Council.

Member countries: Cuba, China, Iraq, Pakistan, Venezuela. And we're supposed to be concerned if Trump withdrawals the US from it? LOL.
Holds immigrant children in tent cities that are strikingly similar to the internment camps the US ran during WWI, which are considered human rights violations today.

Those centers, not camps, are not at all similar. Kids can leave as soon as sponsors are found. Americans couldn't leave FDR's interment camps. BTW, which party was FDR a member of?
he hasn't brokered any deal so thats a pretty stupid meme

Facts don't really

All that matters to the "-ist" crew (who are too cowardly to own up to it while, ironically, calling others snowflakes and liars) is that their personal pathetic prejudices are slightly more acceptable.
Those centers, not camps, are not at all similar. Kids can leave as soon as sponsors are found. Americans couldn't leave FDR's interment camps. BTW, which party was FDR a member of?
He wasn't just a member, he was the leader.
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Facts don't really

All that matters to the "-ist" crew (who are too cowardly to own up to it while, ironically, calling others snowflakes and liars) is that their personal pathetic prejudices are slightly more acceptable.

way to do a drive by here and drop another racist this or that b.s. you are pathetic.
“Disgraceful,” the Rev. Franklin Graham, son of the late and influential Rev. Billy Graham and a supporter of President Donald Trump, said in a Tuesday interview. “It’s terrible to see families ripped apart, and I don’t support that one bit.”

you don't give 2 shits to see a baby ripped from a woman's uterus, yet you care about kids being separated from their criminal parents. liberal logic
Facts don't really

All that matters to the "-ist" crew (who are too cowardly to own up to it while, ironically, calling others snowflakes and liars) is that their personal pathetic prejudices are slightly more acceptable.
Lol.."ist" funny dems still haven't figured out the reason they keep losing elections is identity politics and the hierarchy of victimhood. Everyone has to be a racist, sexist, etc etc. Nah, they're just a "er" as in loser.
Trump & Sessions trying to use the bible to justify their new fcked up policy of separating kids from their parents has backfired quite spectacularly. The religious nuts & congressional GOP were content being quite and ignoring Trumps rampant immorality. But apparently torturing kids is where they finally draw the line. Getting a lot of backlash now from religious leaders.