How will they rule ??!

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Hillary can still be prosecuted, by the DOJ or FBI that Trump has control of. If they thought they had even a shred of evidence to successfully charge her with anything it would have happened to appease their man child leader.

Trump & Sessions trying to use the bible to justify their new fcked up policy of separating kids from their parents has backfired quite spectacularly. The religious nuts & congressional GOP were content being quite and ignoring Trumps rampant immorality. But apparently torturing kids is where they finally draw the line. Getting a lot of backlash now from religious leaders.
Take care of Americans FIRST!
Hillary can still be prosecuted, by the DOJ or FBI that Trump has control of. If they thought they had even a shred of evidence to successfully charge her with anything it would have happened to appease their man child leader.
Trump will not have control of the Justice Department until he cleans house. The evidence Hillary broke the law has been spelled out by Comey and now the IE. But you forget, Hillary has money and power, two things in American society that will get you a pass if you are a liberal, socialist, commie Democrat. Hillary knows she is not in legal trouble because of her power, not because she respects the law. She respects nothing.
Trump & Sessions trying to use the bible to justify their new fcked up policy of separating kids from their parents has backfired quite spectacularly. The religious nuts & congressional GOP were content being quite and ignoring Trumps rampant immorality. But apparently torturing kids is where they finally draw the line. Getting a lot of backlash now from religious leaders.
How many families have been separated because they were killed by illegal aliens?
Anybody who supports separating families by force are morally bankrupt and stand side-by-side with the German people who were a majority during Hitler's "Endlosung". Anybody trying to use the bible to justify separating families is a fake christian, cherry picking passages out of context while ignoring the words of Christ and a great deal of that same bible.
The media collectively pushed the outrage/narrative of the week and the mindless whores like @Levibooty go screaming in the streets with the exact talking points. The hilarity of using biblical quotes whilst trashing everything related to religion is rich.

If you support a public policy of "if you come to our border with a child the whole family can come in and stay" you are a reckless moron. You are actually also endangering children by creating a lure to bring those families on a very dangerous journey. This is all faux "feelings" to flood the country with immigrants that you think your party can control to gain more power. Quit being lying cowards and admit that is all that matters.
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Anybody who supports separating families by force are morally bankrupt and stand side-by-side with the German people who were a majority during Hitler's "Endlosung". Anybody trying to use the bible to justify separating families is a fake christian, cherry picking passages out of context while ignoring the words of Christ and a great deal of that same bible.

What about supporting the murder of unborn children?
Anybody who supports separating families by force are morally bankrupt and stand side-by-side with the German people who were a majority during Hitler's "Endlosung". Anybody trying to use the bible to justify separating families is a fake christian, cherry picking passages out of context while ignoring the words of Christ and a great deal of that same bible.

There’s a huge difference between a country invading other countries and forcing those people into camps vs those people from another country trying to illegally enter another country, thus breaking the law.

I also love how none of this mattered to most liberals to this degree until Trump. We’ve seen photos of kids from the Obama era in cages, separated from their family and that just gets a pass. Either be outraged all the time or quit cherry picking time frames.
They want no rules or laws that are backed by common sense

The ignorance of that stance and their inability to comprehend what that would mean to their existence is mind boggling. Survival of the fittest would take over and the Alphas of the world would eliminate them.....I'm good with that.
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Anybody who supports separating families by force are morally bankrupt and stand side-by-side with the German people who were a majority during Hitler's "Endlosung". Anybody trying to use the bible to justify separating families is a fake christian, cherry picking passages out of context while ignoring the words of Christ and a great deal of that same bible.
When you break the law you don't get to decide how you're punished. I have to believe you understand fully why these children are being separated but you are just hell bent on parroting the liberal talking points. We all know that if this conversation would have been taking place in 2014, and it could have been, that you would be defending the practice.

This is why people who are NOT morally bankrupt have such disdain for you and your ilk. The incongruities in your positions are too much for us to reconcile. You want to have a child ripped from it's mother with a vacuum to end it's life, but you balk at separating children on a temporary basis.

You tell us that cops are evil and shoot too many people, but the next day you tell us that only cops should have guns.

You tell us that the gays need to be protected, but the next day you tell us that muslims, who kill gays, should be allowed in our country at will.

Regardless of what happens in this world you will always be left wanting because you make decisions and requests based upon your emotions at the moment.
Facts don't really

All that matters to the "-ist" crew (who are too cowardly to own up to it while, ironically, calling others snowflakes and liars) is that their personal pathetic prejudices are slightly more acceptable.
A racial bait monger and racist himself is posting about facts when he himself has distorted every truth that has been brought forward. This guy is the worst of the worst for race baiting. What a complete loser you are.
Oh, tell me more about this success trail, wise one.

Bc as I’m sure you know, trump has already (in mere months) blazed a NK success trail longer than any in the history of this world.
When NK has denuked to the extent the sanctions are lifted. How hard is that?
Anybody who supports separating families by force are morally bankrupt and stand side-by-side with the German people who were a majority during Hitler's "Endlosung". Anybody trying to use the bible to justify separating families is a fake christian, cherry picking passages out of context while ignoring the words of Christ and a great deal of that same bible.
Hypocrite. You are cherry picking here. The Bible also states that you obey the laws of the land or you will be punished. Jesus also said he came to earth not to change one letter of Gods law. In fact, it was to correct mans perversion of it. Which means, as a parent you are responsible for your conduct and the way your children are brought up. In the Bible as well, people were imprisoned or killed for breaking the law. Were the children taken with them? No. Gods law says that the children will not be punished for the crimes of their parents. That also means that THEY CANNOT GO WITH THEIR PARENTS WHEN THEY ARE CAUGHT BREAKING THE LAW. Are you really this dumb or is it you really do understand that the only way dems can take control completely is to bring in the votes because, a lot more dems kill children in the womb than repubs and your agenda of destroying our country depends on it.
Anybody who supports separating families by force are morally bankrupt and stand side-by-side with the German people who were a majority during Hitler's "Endlosung". Anybody trying to use the bible to justify separating families is a fake christian, cherry picking passages out of context while ignoring the words of Christ and a great deal of that same bible.
IMNSHO anyone who puts their own children in a situation knowing they will be separated from them is morally bankrupt.
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America will never be at peace with itself until its people act in accordance with the Preamble to our constitution, specifically with concerns to justice. That American ideal is reiterated in The Gettysburg Address where Lincoln referred to "the proposition that all men are created equal". The unnerving fact is that we still are embroiled in the fight to uphold these core values on which America was founded and which hundreds of thousands of Americans gave their lives in order to give the world a "more perfect union". Sadly the essential enemy of that union, the essence of our division, has been and is today the evil racism some hold in their heart. That evil lurks in the dark shadows of our souls, kept secret even to ourselves at times until circumstances emboldens us to reveal our unreasonable character.
Perhaps the most monumental divide, is as was during the Civil War when families divide. But what greater family is there than the family of man? Again Lincoln was prophetic at Gettysburg when he charged us with the responsibility of being an American with:
" It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us-that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion-that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain-that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."
Anybody who supports separating families by force are morally bankrupt and stand side-by-side with the German people who were a majority during Hitler's "Endlosung". Anybody trying to use the bible to justify separating families is a fake christian, cherry picking passages out of context while ignoring the words of Christ and a great deal of that same bible.

These "immigrants" violated US laws by coming here illegally in the first place. They are god damned criminals. Are ordinary American citizens allowed to keep their juvenile children while incarcerated? Not only no, but hell no!

What is wrong with you? Why are you attempting to afford these CRIMINALS more rights than American citizens?

Get the hell out of my face.