How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Lol. Yeah, Jesus would totally be a Democrat with the whole change your gender, steal from those who work to give to the lazy, murder your baby and demand others pay for it, demand someone be forced into a private transaction, don’t follow the law, lie to achieve whatever means necessary, etc.

You’re a total piece of shit just like all of the left. Your party is so insanely corrupt that it had to prey on the ignorance of kids and import votes from the third world to have a shot. You have pushed for an invasion to gain power, you have tried to push for a coup, tried voter fraud through abscentee ballots, illegals, going nuts about needing an ID to vote, etc.

You’ll call yourself “the resistance” while you push propaganda thanks to your side running the media industry, entertainment industry, academia, the deep state, etc. The Dem Party will be right there with the Nazis and Communists when discussed from a historical context. That’s how awful you are.
Who's more to blame for families being separated? The person committing the crime or the government enforcing a known law.

Obviously the former

You have to understand with Democrats. These people are the epitome of groupthink and their mantra is, “It’s always someone else’s fault.” It’s not the criminal’s fault, it’s the cop for enforcing the law. It’s not the person’s fault for making bad decisions, it’s their environment. Or it’s because white privilege or sexism or racism or evil capitalism. It’s always something.
You have to understand with Democrats. These people are the epitome of groupthink and their mantra is, “It’s always someone else’s fault.” It’s not the criminal’s fault, it’s the cop for enforcing the law. It’s not the person’s fault for making bad decisions, it’s their environment. Or it’s because white privilege or sexism or racism or evil capitalism. It’s always something.

Logic torches every single position they have. That's why they attempt to play on emotion
Who's more to blame for families being separated? The person committing the crime or the government enforcing a known law.

Obviously the former
there is zero laws requiring the immigrant families to be split up. we managed just fine for the last 60+ years to not be complete assholes. It is entirely up to Sessions how to deal with family units. The DOJ argued in court last week that they can't be sued for these actions because there is no law about it.
Trump should declare Jesus black and watch the left go full on crazy Christian and start murdering Muslims.
Go check out the "Stephen Miller" trend on twitter. The left is saying some really ridiculous shit on it. @WKBlu you could find some pretty insane shit to post in here if you go look at that. Libs in absolute meltdown mode
there is zero laws requiring the immigrant families to be split up. we managed just fine for the last 60+ years to not be complete assholes. It is entirely up to Sessions how to deal with family units. The DOJ argued in court last week that they can't be sued for these actions because there is no law about it.

The Purge is coming. Poor people beware
there is zero laws requiring the immigrant families to be split up. we managed just fine for the last 60+ years to not be complete assholes. It is entirely up to Sessions how to deal with family units. The DOJ argued in court last week that they can't be sued for these actions because there is no law about it.
It is the obligation of ICE, by law, to detain illegal immigrants (whether previous administrations, e.g., Obama's for example, did not enforce that law). So you want the government to keep the children in a cell with the detainee whether the children with them are their children or not vs. taking said children to a more open space & trying to place them with legal residents? Is that your position?
there is zero laws requiring the immigrant families to be split up. we managed just fine for the last 60+ years to not be complete assholes. It is entirely up to Sessions how to deal with family units. The DOJ argued in court last week that they can't be sued for these actions because there is no law about it.

False. You can't detain a child in an adult facility unless the child is found to be acting as an adult. Doesn't matter if it's murder or shoplifting. It's for the child's protection. Not to punish the adult.

Ultimately fault lies with the criminal. Don't commit crimes and these difficult outcomes are avoided.
there is zero laws requiring the immigrant families to be split up. we managed just fine for the last 60+ years to not be complete assholes. It is entirely up to Sessions how to deal with family units. The DOJ argued in court last week that they can't be sued for these actions because there is no law about it.

they are not immigrants you stupid piece of shit. that is the entire point. they are knowingly breaking U.S. law and committing crimes by crossing that very real border.
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Oh, so you guys like Jesus now? Hopefully you guys won't boo him at the next DNC convention like you guys recently did.

@FtCampbellCat It appears Jesus is only important to your type when it’s convenient to push agenda.

Also lol at Obama claiming he’s a Christian. The man shit on Christianity any chance given and always had a defense for Islam.

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