How will they rule ??!

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Buffett donates $3.17 billion to Gates charity, four others.

Between 2006 and 2017, Buffett donated $27.54 billion to charity. As of 2014, Bill and Melinda Gates had donated over $30 billion of their wealth to charity.


Jeff Bezos teased plans to give away some of his $140 billion in wealth.

"I like long-term — it's a huge lever: Blue Origin, Amazon, Washington Post — all of these are contributing to society and civilization in their own ways. But I'm thinking I want much of my philanthropic activity to be helping people in the here and now — short term — at the intersection of urgent need and lasting impact."

So we've now witnessed yet another maniacal, leftist scheme get blown all to hell.

You are dismissed.

Damn that’s KBA level wealth there.

Wish I was friends with Buffet or Bezos, I would be like be ‘damn Jeff, help a poor hayseed out brother’

Haven’t looked up what they are giving money to be what I will say this. If I was giving away 50-100 billion half of it would go to medical research. We haven’t developed any antibiotics since like the 1980’s, I have been reading where the medical community has been sounding the alarm about that for years. Much more serious situation than people realize. So I would donate billions to create new antibiotics, of course cancer research, and find out which diseases and afflictions we are on the cusp of solving and pump money into those causes.

Also, think it would be cool to go around and give money to regular families, help some family keep their home, do acts of kindnesses like that, that have a personal value to them.

Also, Kentucky football would have the best team money could buy.
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Trump praises a dictator, Kim Jong Un, with a long list of human rights violations, including murder.

Wants Americans to treat him like NK residents treat Un.

Holds immigrant children in tent cities that are strikingly similar to the internment camps the US ran during WWI, which are considered human rights violations today.

On the verge of withdrawing the US from Human Rights Council.

And Obama signed an agreement with Iran and Cuba. So what is your point? The sooner we withdraw from the Human Rights Council the better. What a bunch of losers that group is. Human Rights? Tell that to whites in South Africa?
Harming immigrant children? They are not immigrants they are law breakers due to the actions of adults who expose them to danger. How about we just turn them around and let Mexico take them to the condos on the beach they have prepared for these innocent souls. Mexico will show us how to do it since we are so evil.
Harming immigrant children? They are not immigrants they are law breakers due to the actions of adults who expose them to danger. How about we just turn them around and let Mexico take them to the condos on the beach they have prepared for these innocent souls. Mexico will show us how to do it since we are so evil.

UKBrassow posted something good. When a mother breaks the law, guess what happens? Yeah, they are separated from mothers
And Obama signed an agreement with Iran and Cuba. So what is your point? The sooner we withdraw from the Human Rights Council the better. What a bunch of losers that group is. Human Rights? Tell that to whites in South Africa?

But Boston needs Trump to be bad and ignore Obama's crimes against humanity. Because from his ignorant logic, if he doesn't believe it then it didn't happen
Harming immigrant children? They are not immigrants they are law breakers due to the actions of adults who expose them to danger. How about we just turn them around and let Mexico take them to the condos on the beach they have prepared for these innocent souls. Mexico will show us how to do it since we are so evil.
I think you need to look up what the definition of immigrant is.
At this point, I really don't give a shit if Trump sucked off Putin while jacking off Kim Jong Un.

He absolutely has America back on the world stage, has completely rolled back Obama's attempt at dictatorship and has cut our taxes.

You lunatic lefties are free to do what you want, but I hope there are some people that take some of you out while you continue this coup.
Some of you guys are as predictable as wind-up dolls. Lay a bit of history on you and you start to spit and sputter and curse the darkness. Our fathers stormed the beaches at Normandy where the first wave suffered as much as 75% casualties, little talked about is these same units in the 30 days following the landing had lost 90% of their men and when replacements arrived 90% of those were casualties. They were figthing the Nazi's and we dishonor them as our president dishonors them today by ignoring Nazi's on our streets going so far as calling them "good people". Yeah you're damn straight I'm not with you guys and proud of it.
Was trying to catch up on the day and I come across this pile of shit. You touching idiot! I don't care what label you want to put on people who aim to destroy the America I know and love. The America that my disabled veteran father fought for. You, and people exactly like you are just as big a threat to our sovereignty and way of life as any Nazi hoped to be. I hope you die in a gutter you piece of liberal shit. On fire would be better.
hey dumbass. Trump just put out a statement that he does support the bill and misspoke earlier because he misunderstood the question. poor dope
Talk about a poor dope. Show me JUST ONE instance of O'bama talking without a teleprompter where he showed as much command of the English language as Trump did this morning.
Without affirmative action he could have got nowhere near an Ivy League school. Without Chicago corruption he could have got nowhere near a senate seat. He's a run of the mill dumbass, but he's your god. Take away what he was given, in order to destroy America, and what did he accomplish? As a president, O'bama would have made an acceptable janitor. With a couple of years training.
Talk about a poor dope. Show me JUST ONE instance of O'bama talking without a teleprompter where he showed as much command of the English language as Trump did this morning.
Without affirmative action he could have got nowhere near an Ivy League school. Without Chicago corruption he could have got nowhere near a senate seat. He's a run of the mill dumbass, but he's your god. Take away what he was given, in order to destroy America, and what did he accomplish? As a president, O'bama would have made an acceptable janitor. With a couple of years training.
my 2 year old has more language skills than Trump.
Talk about a poor dope. Show me JUST ONE instance of O'bama talking without a teleprompter where he showed as much command of the English language as Trump did this morning.
Without affirmative action he could have got nowhere near an Ivy League school. Without Chicago corruption he could have got nowhere near a senate seat. He's a run of the mill dumbass, but he's your god. Take away what he was given, in order to destroy America, and what did he accomplish? As a president, O'bama would have made an acceptable janitor. With a couple of years training.

Have to disagree. Being a janitor requires cleaning up messes, not making them.