How will they rule ??!

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I wish the liberal drop-ins had the balls to answer as many questions as they ask.

Their religion does not permit them to speak of certain things. The ways of Obama are mysterious and not to be questioned or attempted to be explained by mere mortals. They're only to be accepted on faith, ... least ye be cast to the great Social Justice Tribunal at the end of the Earth.

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Universities, institutes, and scientific labs are being pressured by the government to dilute hiring requirements, thus putting our scientific competitiveness at great risk for the sake of irrelevant race and gender diversity bullshit.


“The advice has been drawn up in response to the MeToo Scandal”

The line I liked was that staff should SHOUT “stop don’t do that again” if a colleague has been inappropriate...

Reminded me of a story from high school, there was this kid named Ronnie, he was mentally challenged and apparently part of his challenges was little to no impulse control. I’m not making fun of him for his issues, but looking back I wonder why the school didn’t do more to control him/keep him away from the general student population cause unlike other special needs kids he seemed to be able to walk the hallways a little more without supervision. The girls all knew to say loudly ‘I DON’T LIKE THAT RONNIE’. If they said that he would stop doing whatever they didn’t like and usually walk off. He wasn’t like grabbing asses or tits, it was more like stand bizarrely close to a girl, try to put his arm around her, play with her hair...I remember me and friend rolling laughing as we heard/watched like 5-6 girls shout ‘I DON’T LIKE THAT RONNIE’ as he walked down the hallway, he just went from one girl to the next.

Half the girls at my high school could now claim #MeToo cause of Ronnie
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Anyone want to guess what her religion is? If you guessed Jewish, you're correct. Every. Single. Time.

It's weird how Jews (especially in media) produce some of the most anti-white racism out there. They also seem to blend in and out of being white when it's convenient.

American Jews are so much different that Israeli Jews. Like nothing alike.

American Jews, despite being a very small percentage, have a disproportionate amount of wealth and run our entire media and entertainment industries and without fail, they push identity politics more than anyone. Seriously, they relentlessly bash white people and post articles like the ones I wrote above all while practicing tribalism more than anyone. ANYONE.
Slow day around here. Everyone must be on pins and needles over this IG report. Why do I have a feeling it will be a bust?
Bloomberg reporting after obtaining report.


“While we did not find that these decisions were the result of political bias on Comey’s part, we nevertheless concluded that by departing so clearly and dramatically from FBI and department norms, the decisions negatively impacted the perception of the FBI and the department as fair administrators of justice,” Inspector General Michael Horowitz said in the report’s conclusions, which were obtained Thursday by Bloomberg News.

Regarding Peter Strzok and Lisa Page:

“We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed,” Horowitz said in the report to be issued Thursday. “The conduct by these employees cast a cloud over the entire FBI investigation.”
Slow day around here. Everyone must be on pins and needles over this IG report. Why do I have a feeling it will be a bust?
Yep, unless there is more than what Bloomberg reported, complete bust for Trump supporters hoping to discredit everyone critical of Trump.
All it proves to me is, the swamp is very deep. How they can clear comey and Lynch, would be ridiculous and obviously political.
They were critical of them, but said they didn't demonstrate political bias. But there could be more to show when the full text is released.

The problem with believing in a "swamp" or "deep state" conspiracy is that anyone critical of the conspiracy or critical of Trump automatically becomes part of the conspiracy. There is no room for reality to break through to people who buy into it.
They were critical of them, but said they didn't demonstrate political bias. But there could be more to show when the full text is released.

The problem with believing in a "swamp" or "deep state" conspiracy is that anyone critical of the conspiracy or critical of Trump automatically becomes part of the conspiracy. There is no room for reality to break through to people who buy into it.
Comey spent 10 minutes detailing everything clinton DID, and then said, never mind. How can they say that’s not political?

Lynch meets bill clinton on the tarmac. How was that not political?
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The depth of the swamp corruption, if fully exposed, would burn down all of Washington. The outsider, Trump, stands as the sole beacon of hope for our country. Yet, the idiots on both sides want to tear him down any way possible. Makes me want to wring their f****** ignorant, stupid necks.
They were critical of them, but said they didn't demonstrate political bias. But there could be more to show when the full text is released.

The problem with believing in a "swamp" or "deep state" conspiracy is that anyone critical of the conspiracy or critical of Trump automatically becomes part of the conspiracy. There is no room for reality to break through to people who buy into it.
You are a lib, you know nothing about reality!