How will they rule ??!

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Wrong again copkilla. Dems controlled house and senate first 2 Obama years and Repubs the last 2 years. In between it was split between the 2. The normal fake news by the left.
Regardless point remains the same, Republicans were able to block things Obama wanted to get done for 6 of his 8 years. There's surely nothing stopping Trump and Republicans from getting infrastructure done now.
You idiots have been saying this shit for almost 3 years now. Still no proof or evidence.

BTW the Cohen story source is predictably an anonymous one. In other words, 99% chance its bullshit.
yeah cause those other anonymous sources have been so wrong on everything they've said about Trump. NOT. Nearly everything an anonymous source has said has eventually been outted.
I'll give it up to Republicans. They're doing a fantastic job of keeping the American public sidetracked so they don't see how little governing and solving our domestic problems they are doing. Debt is exploding, infrastructure is crumbling, the country is slowly descending into a police state, corruption is taking over the government, and we're worried about twitter trolls and a made for tv summit with near zero substance.

WTF, didn't we just "invest" nearly a TRILLION BORROWED DOLLARS into "shovel ready projects" to fix this under Obama. Oh that's right he ended up squandering that money on things like Cash for Clunkers, green energy boondoggles like Solendra and shoring up states medicaid programs. Lunatic libs have no credibility when it comes to the national debt.
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Kim and Trump deserve each other...two sides of the same coin.

But the right absolutely flipped out when Obama said he'd meet with dictators unconditionally. Flipped the f out. Still flip out over opening dialog with Raul Castro.

Sad that Trump shows more respect for killers and despots than our allies who have bled alongside us in numerous conflicts around the globe. Who had our backs after 9/11...just disgraceful.

And....this is how you get more Trump. Some of what Trump says and does makes people uneasy. There is opportunity there for the Dems to take electoral advantage of that. But they can't help themselves. Right now they are frothing at the mouth and saying absolutely insane crazy things, and scaring the people they need to vote for them. You can't eat that chicken sandwich, otherwise you are contributing to oppression. It's like no one on that side is an adult, no one stops to think "wait, we can't say that, it's crazy." The "party of science" misses the point on chromosomes and says men and girls should be in the bathroom together, and they can't understand why not everyone is kosher with that. etc. Just electoral shoot yourself in the foot kind of stuff.
It's being reported that Tommy Robinson is being moved to a high security prison where the population is 71% Muslim. To sum it up the U.K. has just sentenced a conservative reporter to a death sentence for reporting on Muslim rape gangs.
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It's being reported that Tommy Robinson is being moved to a high security prison where the population is 71% Muslim. To sum it up the U.K. has just sentenced a conservative reporter to a death sentence for reporting on Muslim rape gangs.
Man, that is total BS. If the Brits don’t stand up now, they deserve what they get.
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So far they have blown up a nuclear site, freed hostages, and quit launching rockets.

If they go back to doing any of that I fully expect Trump to blister his fingers tweeting about "little Rocket man", place crippling sanctions on him, and possibly shoot him into space on one of our very huge rockets that says "Made in the USA" on one side and "MAGA, Bitch" on the other.

I know what he won't do. Give him billions of dollars and make him pinky promise not to shoot one at us while he is President.

So, yeah, I'm pretty happy with the how the summit went down.