How will they rule ??!

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Looks like Kirk and Collins are already bending under the pressure.

The hardest part of this nomination process is still going to be getting it out of committee, IMO
- I think Buffett's quote above is perfect.

- Lastly, it (the idea) isn't a tax, just a limit as to what you could leave your children. The rest would go to the charity of your choice, your church or hell...if you wished, a payment on the national debt.
- Well I'm glad you are so fond of homespun wisdom. But just because YOU think something is good doesn't mean you get to apply that to everyone. I think everyone named fuzz should pay all of their wagers. That doesn't mean your 401k should be confiscated by the government in order to pay those wagers. I'm glad you're illustrating perfect progressive logic, though. "I *feel* this is a good idea because I (personally) like it, even though I have no evidence or reason to support it. I just know better."

- [laughing] Forget it. You're trolling or so stupid as to not be worth any more time. Not a tax, just monetary payment rendered to/for the government under force of law. Yeah, totally NOT a tax. You don't even know what basic words mean
Back when fuzz was giving us his plans for estate tax reform, he also had some ideas for international tax reform I was hoping he'd elaborate on.
Back when fuzz was giving us his plans for estate tax reform, he also had some ideas for international tax reform I was hoping he'd elaborate on.
I think you've consumed too many mushrooms. I don't recall any ideas on international tax reform. You'll have to research what I said that made you think that it was so.
No disagreement from me. Along that same line, why should US companies be allowed to move profits off shore to evade taxation? If I am made benevolent king I would rule that they would pay taxes on all US based income/operations regardless of where the money is held or the company is headquartered. That or they wouldn't be allowed to do business in this country.

LOVE the searchable forums.
Along that same international note, if the US's international reputation is something that interests you, this latest wikileaks dump will probably have you grabbing for the popcorn.

Apparently it's the highest classified information ever released by a news organization.
Looks like Kirk and Collins are already bending under the pressure.

The hardest part of this nomination process is still going to be getting it out of committee, IMO
good folks like CSPAN finding this Biden jem along with all the other hypocritical past comments from still present day important actors in this play like Schumer, Obama, Hillary being dragged back out into the light are very effectively blunting said pressure IMO

Obama's not getting to fill this Supreme slot, period
good folks like CSPAN finding this Biden jem along with all the other hypocritical past comments from still present day important actors in this play like Schumer, Obama, Hillary being dragged back out into the light are very effectively blunting said pressure IMO

Obama's not getting to fill this Supreme slot, period

I think you're wrong JHB. The GOP senate will deny at least one of Obama's nominees, but in the end, they will confirm one late summer or fall IMO. Right before the election.
I think you're wrong JHB. The GOP senate will deny at least one of Obama's nominees, but in the end, they will confirm one late summer or fall IMO. Right before the election.
They are stupid & cowardly, but not that stupid & cowardly. would be cutting their own throats with angry constituents already so disgusted with washington republicans that they have made Donald Freaking Trump the front runner.
They are stupid & cowardly, but not that stupid & cowardly. would be cutting their own throats with angry constituents already so disgusted with washington republicans that they have made Donald Freaking Trump the front runner.

You're talking about the same GOP who got manhandled and shit themselves over the debt ceiling?

They probably couldn't have handled that whole scenario any worse. But make no mistake, they will shit all over themselves throughout this process and look like bumbling fools while Obama puts through a radical left nominee and they confirm it.
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I mean, we've already seen the beginnings. They just had to say, "Obama can appoint a nominee and Congress will review the nominees as the Constitution dictates. The Supreme Court is infallible on Constitutional matters, so it's important to get an intelligent, objective justice to fill the absence."

That's all they had to say publically. That's it.

But the first chance they got they ran in front of cameras and made sure they could be painted as hardline partisans with their own quotes.
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Has there been a transvestite on the SCOTUS bench yet? Might be about time, IYAM. Glass ceilings and all.
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We are discussing something that doesn't currently exist so the rules would all be rewritten. Got it Hoss?

Not in that conversation you weren't. You were discussing what happens when someone dies without a will.

I think you've consumed too many mushrooms. I don't recall any ideas on international tax reform. You'll have to research what I said that made you think that it was so.

LOVE the searchable forums.

This was great lol

You're talking about the same GOP who got manhandled and shit themselves over the debt ceiling?

They probably couldn't have handled that whole scenario any worse. But make no mistake, they will shit all over themselves throughout this process and look like bumbling fools while Obama puts through a radical left nominee and they confirm it.

I don't think they'll confirm an Obama appointment. But I wouldn't be shocked if they did. They gave in over the debt ceiling like a bunch of wet paper towels.
Not in that conversation you weren't. You were discussing what happens when someone dies without a will.
smh...since the entire discussion revolved around the idea I set forth the context was within that discussion. Is it necessary that we define the entire context of our discussions within every post? Despite my repeated remarks to the contrary there were those who were claiming that I wanted the government to "take" the money. I wouldn't care that if you didn't have a Will that a randomly chosen charity got the money. I'll even let you choose the charity. The idea had nothing to do with funding had to do with issues related to the amount of wealth that continues to be concentrated into a smaller and smaller group.

One last time...there would be a very high threshold that would have to be met before the idea ever was applied. Just like today's inheritance tax laws that only affect 0.2% of all estates meaning that they are moot for the other 99.8%.
How many people in that 0.2% do you think don't have a will?
Lol Hillary Clinton on tape telling someone "to get (someone important's) DNA".

Is that real? And why isn't that all over the news...

Or any of this new not-so-shocking "spy" news?

Instead, Barry is talking about gitmo ( and all the news is focused on that non-news.

We get everything we deserve for enabling these awful politicians. Great job, media. Way to do your job.
Lol Hillary Clinton on tape telling someone "to get (someone important's) DNA".

Is that real? And why isn't that all over the news...

Or any of this new not-so-shocking "spy" news?

Instead, Barry is talking about gitmo ( and all the news is focused on that non-news.

We get everything we deserve for enabling these awful politicians. Great job, media. Way to do your job.

I can tell you Hillary's DNA without even looking at it. It's made of 99% hate and 1% fake smile.
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We're going to let you write it WC. You'll be given the outline and then you get to write the specifics that meet the objective.
I could if the specifics were clear. But, nothing is ever clear with our government outside of obvious corruption.
Worse yet, Obama could dip into the diversity well and appoint someone that didn't go to Harvard or Yale. *shudders in horror*
If he goes with the normal Harvard or Yale, can you lefties at least admit he is establishment (something the right has known from the start).
If I was guessing I'd say they will be

- Democrat
- Possibly gay/female

But I'm confident on the black part.
I could if the specifics were clear. But, nothing is ever clear with our government outside of obvious corruption.
Welp! If it ain't clear then it will all be on you 'cuz you got to write the law.

Seriously...some of you folks take these discussions a little too seriously. :chairshot:
The left was so calculating and smart while conservatives/Americans were asleep. Over the years, they completely took over academia and the media, which is all you need today.

Seriously, is there any hope for the kids coming up today? They're effed and we're all effed when they get older and in these positions. Think about this. A senior in college has known Obama as the president since he was in the 8th grade. We very well might get another 8 years of Hillary too so think about the media and academia influence for this stuff.

That means someone who will be 30 in 2024 will have had Obama and Hillary since they were 14. So all impressionable years with those two at the helm. Same for the age group below them.
The left was so calculating and smart while conservatives/Americans were asleep. Over the years, they completely took over academia and the media, which is all you need today.

Seriously, is there any hope for the kids coming up today? They're effed and we're all effed when they get older and in these positions. Think about this. A senior in college has known Obama as the president since he was in the 8th grade. We very well might get another 8 years of Hillary too so think about the media and academia influence for this stuff.

That means someone who will be 30 in 2024 will have had Obama and Hillary since they were 14. So all impressionable years with those two at the helm. Same for the age group below them.
So lefties aren't Americans?
The left was so calculating and smart while conservatives/Americans were asleep. Over the years, they completely took over academia and the media, which is all you need today.

Seriously, is there any hope for the kids coming up today? They're effed and we're all effed when they get older and in these positions. Think about this. A senior in college has known Obama as the president since he was in the 8th grade. We very well might get another 8 years of Hillary too so think about the media and academia influence for this stuff.

That means someone who will be 30 in 2024 will have had Obama and Hillary since they were 14. So all impressionable years with those two at the helm. Same for the age group below them.
You think everyone's buying guns and ammo out the wazoo for their own protection? It's because they fear the future for their children.
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Does Fuzz want UK to give Alabama some of their points because they have more?

Not only that, but it's not fair that UK is probably going to be good again next year.

So everyone has to go play for Johnny Jones at LSU. They could take the year off and go do charity work or sit around, but if not, they're giving their time and energy to Johnny Jones. Calipari can keep some of the marginal talent, but the players that are above a skill threshold are off to LSU. He knows how to use that talent much better than Cal.
If he goes with the normal Harvard or Yale, can you lefties at least admit he is establishment (something the right has known from the start).

Not sure what you mean by "establishment," or whether it was something that was disputed or not. Harvard/Yale thing goes back quite a ways, btw. And who are "you lefties" here?

If I was guessing I'd say they will be

- Democrat
- Possibly gay/female

But I'm confident on the black part.

I'd take that bet re: black, purely for the statistical odds. My best guess (purely guess) is someone who was easily confirmed to an appellate court seat (maybe the 97-0 confirmation guy on the DC Circuit?). I would bet that it won't be a Catholic. Just a hunch there.
So everyone has to go play for Johnny Jones at LSU. They could take the year off and go do charity work or sit around, but if not, they're giving their time and energy to Johnny Jones.

Seems legit, what could go wron... oh.

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Seriously, is there any hope for the kids coming up today? They're effed and we're all effed when they get older and in these positions. Think about this. A senior in college has known Obama as the president since he was in the 8th grade.

Too bad I won't live long enough to see what sort of country that generation will be leading, after a childhood, youth and early adulthood that poisoned them with a set of beliefs that included (1) somebody should buy your house for you, (2) somebody should pay for all your cost to educate you, and (3) somebody should pay all your medical bills and trips to the doctor for you. It will be a miracle if a fifth of the population aged 30 - 45 (most productive years) is actually motivated to do anything at all.
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