How will they rule ??!

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Welp! If it ain't clear then it will all be on you 'cuz you got to write the law.

Seriously...some of you folks take these discussions a little too seriously. :chairshot:
Seriously? Liberals and the PC crowd are the ones who lose their minds when people talk about anything they disagree with. Clueless.^^^^^
Does Fuzz want UK to give Alabama some of their points because they have more?
Yes, hoping for a tie. Win-Win if you will. Trophies for everyone. Keep playing until they can play no more (exhausted) and then collapsing. Sounds like what will happen to our country when the left gets total control.
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Not sure what you mean by "establishment," or whether it was something that was disputed or not. Harvard/Yale thing goes back quite a ways, btw. And who are "you lefties" here?

I'd take that bet re: black, purely for the statistical odds. My best guess (purely guess) is someone who was easily confirmed to an appellate court seat (maybe the 97-0 confirmation guy on the DC Circuit?). I would bet that it won't be a Catholic. Just a hunch there.
If you don't know what is meant by establishment, you are a leftie because they have been duped for years and have no clue that their candidates are no different when it comes to helping the rich. BTW, your postings give you away.
Sanders seeks 'society of fairness'
Kevin Hardy, 10:05 p.m. CST January 29, 2016

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., talks with voters during a campaign a campaign event, on Friday, Jan. 29, 2016, in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Evan Vucci/AP

MOUNT PLEASANT, Ia. — While Sen. Bernie Sanders on Friday continued to highlight contrasts with his chief Democratic challenger, Hillary Clinton, the Vermont senator doubled down on the heart of his sportsmanship message and called for a "society of fairness."

"It doesn't mean to say everybody has the same players, everybody has the same kind of fan base, is nurtured by the same kind of coaching staff," he said. "But what it does mean is that we're a society based on justice, based on equality, based on fairness."

And that isn't the society Sanders sees today.

"To my mind, it is not acceptable that in the NCAA today the top one-tenth of 1 percent wins almost as many championships as the bottom 90 percent," he said in a gymnasium at Iowa Wesleyan University. "That doesn't sound like what America is supposed to be about."

It's this core message that has drawn many people to Sanders' campaign.

"What first caught my eye about him is how focused he was on basketball and football inequality," said Greg Allred, a 59-year-old assistant manager at a local grocery store. Although he is a registered Democrat, Allred said Monday would be his first time caucusing. "His proposal of no longer keeping score in games, of switching key players to the opponents team during halftime. It speaks to's bold, but it's Bernie."
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"What first caught my eye about him is how focused he was on basketball and football inequality," said Greg Allred, a 59-year-old assistant manager at a local grocery store. Although he is a registered Democrat, Allred said Monday would be his first time caucusing. "His proposal of no longer keeping score in games, of switching key players to the opponents team during halftime. It speaks to's bold, but it's Bernie."

There's a real winner.
Just now caught up the last few days, *very* strong effort, Fuzz.

Just wait till they determine your net worth meets their criteria. After all, it is arbitrary. Net worth of $1M? I mean, you are a millionaire on that scenario. House paid off, maybe $750K in a 401K? Just scratched your last payment on your Accord?

You don't really need that much, your kids certainly don't.
The left was so calculating and smart while conservatives/Americans were asleep. Over the years, they completely took over academia and the media, which is all you need today.

Yep. From trophy culture, to academia, to media, to handouts, to refusal to enforce immigration laws. Its been a slow power grab for years thats now become an unstoppable force. This will be the last election where the GOP has a chance. Miss this, and its over for the GOP; and the country. Truthfully, the country is probably too far gone to save at this point regardless.

Seriously, is there any hope for the kids coming up today? They're effed and we're all effed when they get older and in these positions. Think about this. A senior in college has known Obama as the president since he was in the 8th grade. We very well might get another 8 years of Hillary too so think about the media and academia influence for this stuff.

Nope. Thanks in large part to trophy culture.

It will be a miracle if a fifth of the population aged 30 - 45 (most productive years) is actually motivated to do anything at all.

We're headed straight to a Wall-E future.

Well....Im shocked but he said this would happen.

and then there is this....

Not saying this cycle, but Texas will become a swing state in the next few years

Absolutely. Like I said above, refusal to enforce immigration laws have been a calculated effort to basically breed in an unbeatable voter base. At this point, can anyone imagine a GOP candidate winning California ever again? The Dems have mortgaged the future of our nation in return for short term presidential election domination.
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Seriously? Liberals and the PC crowd are the ones who lose their minds when people talk about anything they disagree with. Clueless.^^^^^
Disagree, It seems to me that conservatives on here are the ones losing their minds. This quote from vice describes a few:

I realize that while conservatives might stridently object to authority and big government and the EPA, they endorse a kind of Environmental Protection Agency of the mind—regulating the way people think, determining what's racist, when it's time to get over it, how easy it should be to get guns, how hard it should be to get food stamps or birth control, how a black man can behave after he scores a touchdown. They think, because they grew up with black kids, they can decide minorities are being too sensitive, and also when America's not being sensitive enough to the Constitution. They're tough guys who want to be allowed to tell the teacher when their feelings get hurt.

That being said, its both sides reacting to each other. I see Hiesman get super emo over issues, and I see Catdaddy. Hell, probably most.
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True Americans...not the radical nuts that have taken over the two industries I mentioned. I'm sure this will be two pages of you freaking out.
Heisman, if you bothered to study history you would realize that "academia and the media" have always been left of center. It has been true, 100, 200, 300...1000 years. That is why dictatorships seize control of those to factions of society first, so they can control the message. There is no "take over" it is simply the fact that they are fields that are attractive to people who are open to new ideas and interested in "the story". It's the same with the arts.
BTW, are you claiming that there aren't radical nuts on the right? Is talk radio dominated by the right? Are you going to argue that Limbaugh, Lavin, et al aren't "radical nuts"?
Does Fuzz want UK to give Alabama some of their points because they have more?
Nice try Willy but you really missed the mark. You think UK should inherit a 20pt lead to start the game because of our history of winning? Or if we're playing football, Bama gets 21 on the board before kickoff?

In sport it doesn't matter what you've done in the past, the game always starts 0-0...of course unless we're playing golf and using handicaps...I think there are handicaps in bowling as well.
A better example would be, Alabama has some injuries and we need to spot them 15 points before tip-off.

Reality is, it's next man up.
Fuzz, You're right about academia always being left of center. Unfortunately where they're at now is left of left of center.

It's getting to the point of infringing on people's freedoms simply because they don't like what they have to say. That is a dangerous precedent being set. Or that since a person went to college that their opinion matters more, it doesn't.
The young lady raising hell about Halloween in the link posted a few days ago is a good example. It made no difference to her that a majority of students have no problem with the holiday. She believes no one should ever be subjected to something they oppose, and something as simple as costumes offended her. That's the future generations the left is cultivating, and it's a scary thought.
Society isn't a blank monolith where people walk around in fear of offending someone.

What's worse is our young adults are being taught in Universities that line of thinking is acceptable.
who are open to new ideas and interested in "the story". It's the same with the arts.
BTW, are you claiming that there aren't radical nuts on the right?
And then you go to the standby of assigning something that was not said to rathole.

See what happens when you don't enforce immigration laws and you let a swarm of them set up shop, get every social program imaginable and spit out tons of anchor babies?
Its all part of the Dems plan and the Republicans have done nothing for years to try and stop it. They are all selling out our country for votes.
Nice try Willy but you really missed the mark. You think UK should inherit a 20pt lead to start the game because of our history of winning? Or if we're playing football, Bama gets 21 on the board before kickoff?

In sport it doesn't matter what you've done in the past, the game always starts 0-0...of course unless we're playing golf and using handicaps...I think there are handicaps in bowling as well.

No, that was my point. YOU wish teams were given points so they could be even steven. Because fair is fair, right?

And I agree with your first sentence of your 2nd mini-paragraph. The game always starts 0-0.
if not for a late debate skip, Trump would be 4-0 this morning

"may you live in interesting times..."
Republican establishment not happy with Trump's success.

Good. Maybe shit candidates like Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz can finally hit the skids.

But wait, I thought the notion that "anyone is better than Hillary" mantra was the main goal. Now the RNC wants to be whiny bitches when their soulless lifeless robot in a suit Rubio isn't being taken seriously. I laugh. Reap what you sow.
Republican establishment not happy with Trump's success.

Neither am I. I'm not sure I could vote for him in November. I think his ego is dangerously massive, and he's not a conservative IMO.

I don't consider myself establishment nor tea party, but want a united party against Hillary. I fear we aren't going to have that.
Neither am I. I'm not sure I could vote for him in November. I think his ego is dangerously massive, and he's not a conservative IMO.

I don't consider myself establishment nor tea party, but want a united party against Hillary. I fear we aren't going to have that.

Empathy is pretty powerful. Now you know how I feel when Repubs prop up these butt licks for candidates.
Fuzz, You're right about academia always being left of center. Unfortunately where they're at now is left of left of center.

It's getting to the point of infringing on people's freedoms simply because they don't like what they have to say. That is a dangerous precedent being set. Or that since a person went to college that their opinion matters more, it doesn't.
The young lady raising hell about Halloween in the link posted a few days ago is a good example. It made no difference to her that a majority of students have no problem with the holiday. She believes no one should ever be subjected to something they oppose, and something as simple as costumes offended her. That's the future generations the left is cultivating, and it's a scary thought.
Society isn't a blank monolith where people walk around in fear of offending someone.

What's worse is our young adults are being taught in Universities that line of thinking is acceptable.
I would contend that has always been the case, you just don't have the historical perspective to see it. The Civil Rights movement was largely centered and played out on college campuses and there were people complaining about professors suggesting that blacks should be admitted to "white" colleges. Prior to that, that women should be given the right to vote...

Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We, their sons, are more
worthless than they; so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more
corrupt. <-- Book III of Odes, circa 20 BC

Picking out one example doesn't make a case. It's like me suggesting that the Oregon Militia folks are representative of most conservatives or that David Duke is representative of most Republicans. There are always nuts that are far beyond the mainstream of either side.
The bemoaning of the next generation by those older is as predicable as light and darkness.

I'll ask again what I'm sure that Qwesley will consider a "rathole question"...I know that because it is one that I'm sure he doesn't have an answer...but here it goes.
If you could turn back the hands of time to a period when you think everything was better, when would that be?

BTW: My wife is a school teacher and all of the wrangling over Halloween at least at her school has come from a few evangelical parents who object because their church has preached against it. They were successful in getting the Halloween parties at school replaced with an Autumn or Harvest Fest. No costumes allowed. Pretty sure those evangelicals line up on the right.
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Neither am I. I'm not sure I could vote for him in November. I think his ego is dangerously massive, and he's not a conservative IMO.

I don't consider myself establishment nor tea party, but want a united party against Hillary. I fear we aren't going to have that.
Don't think that is going to happen. You are going to have the divide over those that want Trump and those that want Rubio or Cruz. Not sure the party can be united.
So now fuzz is correlating the civil rights movement to microaggressions etc. Whew.
What gets me is those who love how Trump is confounding the establishment GOP, and yet Trump trashes the tea party candidate, Cruz.

Makes no sense.
There are so many clear differences among the parties.

You have a ton of Republicans who are critical of Trump and say they won't vote for him and they use his character as the reason. Meanwhile Dems don't give an eff about Hillary Clinton's character and corruption and will still vote for her.
What gets me is those who love how Trump is confounding the establishment GOP, and yet Trump trashes the tea party candidate, Cruz.

Makes no sense.

When you take off the bias. Trump is a better candidate than Rubio or Cruz. Neither can hold Trump's balls. I don't really care for him, but I would vote him over Rubio and Cruz. If either Cruz or Rubio get the nod, I'll vote Johnson.

and Ted Cruz is a fake tea Party. The fake tea party gave us Obama. Ron Paul is the godfather of the real Tea party. the fake Tea party is made up of big gov't clowns.
Schumer says it doesn't matter what he or Biden said in the past about confirming justices during an election. (they were actually against even letting them out of committee).
Schumer says it doesn't matter what he or Biden said in the past about confirming justices during an election. (they were actually against even letting them out of committee).

Democrats and hypocrisy go hand-in-hand. It's amazing how the narrative shifts when it doesn't benefit them.
There are so many clear differences among the parties.

You have a ton of Republicans who are critical of Trump and say they won't vote for him and they use his character as the reason. Meanwhile Dems don't give an eff about Hillary Clinton's character and corruption and will still vote for her.

Dems are selfish and lazy; plain and simple.

They have no interest in the improving the country; its all about getting something for nothing.
Good. Maybe shit candidates like Mitt Romney and Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz can finally hit the skids.

But wait, I thought the notion that "anyone is better than Hillary" mantra was the main goal. Now the RNC wants to be whiny bitches when their soulless lifeless robot in a suit Rubio isn't being taken seriously. I laugh. Reap what you sow.
Hopefully the Republicans will realize that we are tired of the status quo of what they produce, and will start grooming candidates along the lines of Justin Amash. I'm Libertarian, but it's going to be along time before my party is main stream enough to win, if ever. So my best hope is that we can get some Libertarian leaning Republicans. If done properly it could reunite the base and keep ultra liberals out of office for awhile.
Hopefully the Republicans will realize that we are tired of the status quo of what they produce, and will start grooming candidates along the lines of Justin Amash. I'm Libertarian, but it's going to be along time before my party is main stream enough to win, if ever. So my best hope is that we can get some Libertarian leaning Republicans. If done properly it could reunite the base and keep ultra liberals out of office for awhile.

Great post Phil.

Justin Amash is a rockstar.