How will they rule ??!

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Do people really have to type this stuff out? Jesus Christ.

What's the difference between tyrannical governments and companies? That's actually a question that's getting asked on here as if there's some sort of debate or something?

My god. The fact that you people not only have the right to vote, but are likely to vote, is why I'm staying home in November. There's absolutely no saving this country.
Just got out of a meeting with a UK citizen who's been a resident of the US for 30 years sold a business not to long ago (very pleasant guy). This evening, a bunch of Mexicans (presumably illegal aliens) will come through my office and clean the place. Sometime after that, I'll leave and walk past a bunch of homeless people (presumably Americans) on the way to my car.

I can tell you it's not the immigrant I have a problem with.
Tyrannical states murder people with no repercussions. The only private entities that have done that had state support. Name one private entity who could commit genocide, for instance, and get away with it WITHOUT state support.

I know you will bring up coal companies of the turn of the century or companies in China today, but I'll go ahead and tell you they had tacit or explicit support from the state. So if you reply with those or something of that kind I will assume you are mendacious or stupid or both.

It's also true that tyrannical states are, without fail, harder to escape than these tyrannical private entities. Leaving Eastern Kentucky for, umm, central Kentucky would have been enough to escape the coal companies. Try peacing out of North Korea sometime and see how that works
So you jump straight to murder and genocide? Tyranny is tyranny. I understand corporations aren't going to murder and rape their employees. But they are still unaccountable entities where the subjects below them rent their labor for a low wage and follow orders handed down from above. You, Cosby, and Q should book you a spa day and feed each other grapes while you compliment each other on how you guys have it all figured out.

Tyranny is tyranny!*

*except: murder, rape, theft, genocide, war making, etc. I mean, other that THAT, it's identical. Good lord, idiot.

Unaccountable, except people are free to not work for them or purchase their product. You acknowledge that people rent their labor out, meaning they have agency and are not simply being acted on. That is the antithesis of tyranny. You think the deal between corporations and employees is unfair. That's fine and a topic worth discussing. That is NOT tyranny.

Tyranny is "arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority" Not paying someone what they are worth or even exploiting them is not tyranny. Tyranny to boss means not being in absolute control of your life at all times. K.

Noam Chomsky; exalted as a genius beyond reproach by people who have a tenuous, at best, grasp on the meaning of relatively common words
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Didn't Henry Ford kill a ton of Jews for Hitler?

That was the Bayer company. Makers of aspirin and other things that will make headaches go away forever.

That was the Bayer company. Makers of aspirin and other things that will make headaches go away forever.


Yeah, but I do think Henry gave the Nazis some support from here in good ol America. I think Ford was the only American mentioned by name in Mein Kampf
After reading the mindnumbing posts regarding corporate tyranny from Fuzz and Daboss, Im convinced theyre the same person. Im also fairly convinced theyre just trolling us.
Do me a go back and find them. I just cleaned my desk and I don't have a barf bag on hand to go through your post history right now.

Explain how my interpretation is wrong, please.
So as the old saying goes....Your mouth wrote a check that your ass can't cash.

I really left nothing to interpretation and was specific and clear about the intent so the fact that you thought there was anything to interpret tells me you were lazy and didn't bother to read what I read. So why would I bother repeating what I said because you are either to dumb to understand or too lazy to read. Figure it out or remain ignorant. I couldn't care less which option you choose.
What did your kids and their kids, their kids, kids do to earn the right of being positioned with untold wealth from the time they leave the womb? Make your money, leave your kids enough money to put them in the top 1% and then spend the rest so that it grows the economy. Don't want to give it to Uncle Sam? Spend it, give it away before you die. Again, you can pass down $5.5 million tax free...not to mention all that you can gift to your kids every year.
Nobody said you had to give it to the government, there are plenty of ways to avoid that. Just put it back into the economy.
You have a serious reading comprehension problem. The irony of what you are saying is that because of your blood you should be entitled to something that YOU didn't earn.

My plan doesn't give money to anyone unless the person with the money chooses to give it away. It only requires that any money over $5 million, $10 million...pick a threshold get's plowed back into the economy. If you know you have to use it or lose it then you'll be more apt to spend it. Spending money creates jobs. Jobs allow people to earn and creates the opportunities for the next millionaire.
You know what people would spend $5+ million on if they had to dump assets before they died? Luxury goods.

You know who doesn't make luxury goods? 99.9999999% of Americans. I'm sure some random millionaire buying a fleet of lambos before he dies will invigorate the economy.

You know who knows how to spend their own money better than you would, Fuzz? Every single person on Earth. You, nor anyone else, can spend someone's money better than they can. I know you fall into that "Top Men" theory of government/administration that I mentioned earlier, so it's probably a lost cause.

It's also true that people work really hard so they can give their children money. People don't just hoard wealth. If the children are stupid they will spend it all and you have basically achieved the scenario you wanted with the inheritance tax without the massive bureaucracy. If they are smart then they invest it well or start more businesses and have created more good than frivolously wasting it on luxury goods that benefit no one.
And you know this how??? Why would you dump your assets into something that you'd not get to use? I can think of dozens of charitable causes, my place of worship, perhaps formation of your own charitable trust that served the causes that you wanted to support.

Besides, it is the top 0.2% of estates that would ever be subject to this rule so you don't need to worry about it.
Why wouldn't people do that anyway if it was such a good idea? Again, you seem to be under the impression that you know more about how to spend people's money than the people who actually have the money.

I don't care if it's .2% or just one person. You or any busybody, know it all, idiot shouldn't get to tell others what to do with their earnings. You think because you sketched out some economically illiterate idea on the back of a napkin that it makes total sense and there are no downsides. You're basically the, "Why don't they build the entire plane of the black box material" guy.

And your claim that you don't want it to go to the government is hilarious doublespeak. "You don't have to give one red cent to the government! You just have to use in a way that the government has deemed 'appropriate' and one that will directly lead to larger tax revenues. And if you don't spend it that way then the government does get it."

You are as bad at formulating a logical argument as you are paying your bets
Quote the claim you're interpreting, please.

How does this one work?
Fuzz doesn't think those people deserve those salaries....regardless of the work it took them to get to that place or the fact that shareholders have no problem whatsoever paying them these salaries because of the value they provide to the organizations.

He also is a firm believer that any amount of money you make over $5 million should be taken from your family and given to the federal government when you die.
If you gave it to a charity or perhaps your church...I'd think that the people in charge of that charity or your church would make that determination.
Oh my bad. You're saying that the government gets to decide what you do with your money, and if you don't spend it, THEN they can take it. Oh that's soooo much better.
See the government isn't "taking" your money, they are just demanding you use the way they want you to or they will take 100% of it.

Totally different, guys. Actually, just give all your money to RQ/Fuzz. He knows that everyone should donate their money to charity and exactly how much too! If we only had a handful of geniuses like him running the show, our economy would never fail
Fuzz, it's ok. Really, it is.

Your proposal is one of the dumbest, most shortsighted, offensive, goddamn ridiculous takes I've ever seen on this board but I'd be willing to give you back a smidgen of credibility if you just admit you had too much NyQuil that day or whatever.

Just admit it. Walk it back. People will respect that.
No, I think you should direct that the money go to some cause you support.

This is insane. So instead of it going to your family. You think it should go some "cause" like Susan B Komen or some shit like that?
Oh my bad. You're saying that the government gets to decide what you do with your money, and if you don't spend it, THEN they can take it. Oh that's soooo much better.
Would you prefer to be buried with it? I suppose that would be acceptable as well. Would you like it burned upon your death? Hopefully if you're smart enough to have acquired an estate of sufficient size then you've done some estate planning. If you've got no where else you'd rather see it go then sure, I'm sure the govt will be happy to cash the check.
I agree with Argubs. That is one of the craziest pitches that I have ever heard.

You should have to give up your own money to a goddamn charity cause. A charity where the money goes straight to the upper management.

Here's $5 million from the Argubs estate.

Absolute horse shit.
Would you prefer to be buried with it? I suppose that would be acceptable as well. Would you like it burned upon your death? Hopefully if you're smart enough to have acquired an estate of sufficient size then you've done some estate planning. If you've got no where else you'd rather see it go then sure, I'm sure the govt will be happy to cash the check.

No, I'd give it to family.
Maybe they want to give it all to their kids, you self righteous idiot. You clearly are not as smart as you think you are, otherwise, you would have seen how ridiculous your "plan" is.

Obviously, you don't see that, and that's the problem. We have too many people like fuzz in government. You have a room full of smartest people in the room who think they can manage the financial affairs of 300,000,000 people without the slightest understanding of markets, tax law, or macroeconomics.

What are your opinions on particle accelerators. fuzz? I'm sure you could teach the scientific community a thing or two over a long lunch
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This is insane. So instead of it going to your family. You think it should go some "cause" like Susan B Komen or some shit like that?
Now Willy...we've already covered that you and your wife if married could be giving $14,000 each (so if you and your wife each gave $14K to your son and his wife that would be $56K/yr) plus the $5million (I used that number...think it's actually $5.6 million) that could pass when the first parent dies...another $5 mill when the other goes... in other words, the family is going to be well funded. Just not to the point of say a Rockefeller. Your great-grandchildren may well have to work for a living. Sorry for the bad luck.
Now Willy...we've already covered that you and your wife if married could be giving $14,000 each (so if you and your wife each gave $14K to your son and his wife that would be $56K/yr) plus the $5million (I used that number...think it's actually $5.6 million) that could pass when the first parent dies...another $5 mill when the other goes... in other words, the family is going to be well funded. Just not to the point of say a Rockefeller. Your great-grandchildren may well have to work for a living. Sorry for the bad luck.

But that's crazy. It's not you or the gov't to define "well funded" for another person.
One more chance fuzz.........walk it back or dig in?

To reiterate - If an individual dies with $20 million in a bank account, fuzz thinks the federal government should take $15 million of that money and leave the family with $5 mil. This is what fuzz proposed.

Yes or No.
But that's crazy. It's not you or the gov't to define "well funded" for another person.
Fuzz clearly knows what is best for everyone in the country and how much money they should have.

He shall determine who works for a living and who doesn't. Society is just a giant puzzle and we need a genius like fuzz to put it together and everything will work perfectly*

*unless you want to live in a society where sub-literate know it alls like fuzz don't get to tell you how to spend your money. If that's what you want, you're effed
One more chance fuzz.........walk it back or dig in?

To reiterate - If an individual dies with $20 million in a bank account, fuzz thinks the federal government should take $15 million of that money and leave the family with $5 mil. This is what fuzz proposed.

Yes or No.

$15 million which will go to lazy poors spread out.
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