How will they rule ??!

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I'd pay good money to see the reactions of this group if Obama gushed over Kim Jong-Un the way Trump is....

Buenas tardes. President Castro, to you, the Cuban government and the Cuban people, thank you for the welcome that you have extended to me, to my family, and to my delegation. ......

....;My wife, Michelle, and I brought our daughters -- and by the way, they don't always want to go with us; they’re teenagers now. They have friends at home and they have things to do -- but they wanted to come to Cuba because they understood, and we wanted to show them, the beauty of Cuba and its people. We were moved by the Cubans who received us yesterday, smiling and waving, as we drove in from the airport. We were grateful for the opportunity to experience Old Havana -- had some excellent Cuban food.....

You are dismissed.
as Trump would say. only losers get captured!

Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg reported this week that the Trump Doctrine he heard from multiple White House advisers was short and to the point: “We’re America, bitch.”

It’s the perfect encapsulation of the Trump administration’s false bravado. This is an America that uses a misogynist slur to cast the rest of the world as weak and acted-upon. It’s also an America that proudly sits down with the leader of a murderous regime; says nothing about the suffering of the North Korean people; and seems content to come away with no concrete road map to address the nuclear weapons that threaten our nation and our allies. Doesn’t seem that tough, does it?
Before the summit, administration sources said Trump had decided not to mention Kim’s horrific record on human rights. It appears he was true to his word. Though Trump promised during the last State of the Union to honor the memory of Otto Warmbier, the American student who died shortly after being returned from North Korean custody, he was silent when asked about him in front of Kim.

When pressed on this during a solo press conference, Trump made the dubious claim that the summit wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for Warmbier — but only after offering more praise for the leadership skills of the man responsible for his death.

Heather Hurlburt
Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg reported this week that the Trump Doctrine he heard from multiple White House advisers was short and to the point: “We’re America, bitch.”

It’s the perfect encapsulation of the Trump administration’s false bravado. This is an America that uses a misogynist slur to cast the rest of the world as weak and acted-upon. It’s also an America that proudly sits down with the leader of a murderous regime; says nothing about the suffering of the North Korean people; and seems content to come away with no concrete road map to address the nuclear weapons that threaten our nation and our allies. Doesn’t seem that tough, does it?
It is hilarious watching all you Liberals head's exploding.
LOL "Trump stayed silent when asked about Wambier". Was that another dipshit reporter just yelling questions as they're walking away?

Obama let Wambier get tortured to death without saying a word, and now we're supposed to be mad at Trump for not explicitly mentioning his name while working to come to an agreement to denuclearize NK and improve the lives of all its citizenry, while making sure no US citizen is ever held hostage and tortured to death again.

And I love the lefties saying the same people who are OK with Trump meeting with Kim would be up in arms if Obama met with him, like its some kind of insult. Uh yeah, no shit. Obama hates America. We saw him flying plane loads of cash to Iran, while the goddam greedy banks of all people had to tell them to dial it back a bit on the illegal collusion with Iran.

So yeah, I'm quite comfortable with the "we're America, bitch" POTUS meeting with another nation. Much better than Obama's doctrine of, "we're everyone's bitch so long as you can help take down our despicable nation."
Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg reported this week that the Trump Doctrine he heard from multiple White House advisers was short and to the point: “We’re America, bitch.”

It’s the perfect encapsulation of the Trump administration’s false bravado. This is an America that uses a misogynist slur to cast the rest of the world as weak and acted-upon. It’s also an America that proudly sits down with the leader of a murderous regime; says nothing about the suffering of the North Korean people; and seems content to come away with no concrete road map to address the nuclear weapons that threaten our nation and our allies. Doesn’t seem that tough, does it?
And your boy Barrack traveled to Havana to meet with a Cuban who I suppose in your eyes was a Baptist Sunday School teacher. And Obama would have met with the Iranian leader but they didn't want him near them. All they wanted was American money and Obama was glad to throw that at them. So Kerry sits with them and makes the worst deal in American history. It was even worse than the deal Bill Clinton made with North Korea to kick start their nuclear program and finance it.

Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Obama and the fellow leftist have screwed up the world by bowing to every dictator on earth. Obama entertained the Communist leader of China and the left praised him for being so brilliant as he led from behind. Meanwhile China totally screwed us in the trade world.

We now have a leader who will not put up with the world's BS and will throw it back in their face. You may as well face the reality Trump will be in Washington for another 6 years.
Congress has to apporve too:

"New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

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Buenas tardes. President Castro, to you, the Cuban government and the Cuban people, thank you for the welcome that you have extended to me, to my family, and to my delegation. ......

....;My wife, Michelle, and I brought our daughters -- and by the way, they don't always want to go with us; they’re teenagers now. They have friends at home and they have things to do -- but they wanted to come to Cuba because they understood, and we wanted to show them, the beauty of Cuba and its people. We were moved by the Cubans who received us yesterday, smiling and waving, as we drove in from the airport. We were grateful for the opportunity to experience Old Havana -- had some excellent Cuban food.....

You are dismissed.

Obama basically took a vacation, lifted all the sanctions, and we got nothing. Unless you count the Sonic attack on our diplomats
The hypocrites on the right praising Trump for meeting with Kim when they attacked Obama for suggesting it...this is f'ing gold
I'll give it up to Republicans. They're doing a fantastic job of keeping the American public sidetracked so they don't see how little governing and solving our domestic problems they are doing. Debt is exploding, infrastructure is crumbling, the country is slowly descending into a police state, corruption is taking over the government, and we're worried about twitter trolls and a made for tv summit with near zero substance.
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I'll give it up to Republicans. They're doing a fantastic job of keeping the American public sidetracked so they don't see how little governing and solving our domestic problems they are doing. Debt is exploding, infrastructure is crumbling, the country is slowly descending into a police state, corruption is taking over the government, and we're worried about twitter trolls and a made for tv summit with near zero substance.

I'm sure denuclearization was all planned as a

Funny you mention crumbling infrastructure. I distinctly remember Obama spending trillions on "shovel ready" jobs redoing infrastructure.
The hypocrites on the right praising Trump for meeting with Kim when they attacked Obama for suggesting it...this is f'ing gold
Lazy but part of the tribal idiocy. Newsflash, this would also make you a hypocrite but whatever....

Important for triple IQ people to note:

-NK recently developed the ability to deliver nuclear warheads to anywhere in the US
-Key to how many feel about a leader meeting with a rogue state is their mindset related to our country's best interests.

Context is a bitch for idiots.
I'm sure denuclearization was all planned as a

Funny you mention crumbling infrastructure. I distinctly remember Obama spending trillions on "shovel ready" jobs redoing infrastructure.
I liked the “well the shovel ready jobs weren’t so shovel ready” yet the full katrillion dollars got spent anyways.

Didn’t half the stimulus just go to funding municipality’s budgets, hence “created or saved”?

Jesus, what a racket.
Libs crying that trump should've brought up human rights atrocities. Lol ok. Bet that would really smooth out the denuclearization negotiations

They're really hoping he will bring it up so negotiations will fall apart.

These people are the worst. Same bastards who claimed Trump would get us in WWIII are upset about this. Keep in mind that they didn't give a crap about Cuba, Iran, Islam nor did they care enough to try and get Otto back before they made him brain dead.

Same group who gets concerned about deaths overseas and the debt only when a Republican is in office. But when a Democrat got us into record debt? Crickets. That was one of the major reasons Obama even won in 2008, citing the debt. Then he proceeds to nearly double it. NOT AN EFFING WORD FROM THE LEFT.

Democrats are the true enemy to this country.
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