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"There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea." : Trump

well Trump says it's all done so move on to the next country! NK will still be a nuclear threat when everyone on this board is long gone. they are never giving up their nukes.
Atlantic editor Jeffrey Goldberg reported this week that the Trump Doctrine he heard from multiple White House advisers was short and to the point: “We’re America, bitch.”

It’s the perfect encapsulation of the Trump administration’s false bravado. This is an America that uses a misogynist slur to cast the rest of the world as weak and acted-upon. It’s also an America that proudly sits down with the leader of a murderous regime; says nothing about the suffering of the North Korean people; and seems content to come away with no concrete road map to address the nuclear weapons that threaten our nation and our allies. Doesn’t seem that tough, does it?
But Barry coercing banks to convert money to currency to iran... a nation that's brutal to its citizens, has built nukes, and funded al Qaeda for 9/11 is great diplomacy!
Thank God our dear leader has the nuts to take on Canada
You mean he would be nuts if he tried. US taking on that weak liberal nation is like Mike Tyson fighting Nancy Pelosi. You would win hands down and in an instant but, the stench from touching that scum would last forever.
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This dude pepper sprays himself to try to get elected

Ya know as much as i want to laugh at him and call him a cuck... ill give him credit for at least trying to run an ad that doesnt say "resist" or "trumps killing people" or "ban da machine guns" and actually doing something, no matter how stupid.
"There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea." : Trump

well Trump says it's all done so move on to the next country! NK will still be a nuclear threat when everyone on this board is long gone. they are never giving up their nukes.

The ONLY thing you can say at this point to gain any cred is "Trump was right and I am a liberal cocksucker"....otherwise, ANYTHING you say is pretty much pointless.

I'd pay good money to see the reactions of this group if Obama gushed over Kim Jong-Un the way Trump is.

I realize everyone that hates the black guy will SWEAR they would never react differently......but well.....i'm sure the bunch that believe that women and minorities need to be knocked down a peg or eight and went into a full-fledged panic over whites not more than 50% of the country anymore are VERY happy now....just not enough to own up to it.
Race baiter alert. please disregard anything this guy post. His only answer to everything is because you are racist. He lacks intelligence in all things non racial so....
Nevada pimp Dennis Hof wins GOP primary, ousts incumbent.

Pimp Dennis Hof, the owner of half a dozen legal brothels in Nevada and star of the HBO adult reality series "Cathouse," won a Republican primary for the state Legislature on Tuesday, ousting a three-term lawmaker.

Hof defeated hospital executive James Oscarson. He'll face Democrat Lesia Romanov in November, and will be the favored candidate in the Republican-leaning Assembly district

Hope for our nation after all. Drain the GD swamp! #MAGA. :americanflag:
I'll give it up to Republicans. They're doing a fantastic job of keeping the American public sidetracked so they don't see how little governing and solving our domestic problems they are doing. Debt is exploding, infrastructure is crumbling, the country is slowly descending into a police state, corruption is taking over the government, and we're worried about twitter trolls and a made for tv summit with near zero substance.
That happened under Obama, what you failed to mention is the other stuff that was floundering under Obama that is now doing better. It will take time to fix some of the other stuff but at least Trump is going in the "right" direction. Obama was floundering everywhere.
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Kim and Trump deserve each other...two sides of the same coin.

But the right absolutely flipped out when Obama said he'd meet with dictators unconditionally. Flipped the f out. Still flip out over opening dialog with Raul Castro.

Sad that Trump shows more respect for killers and despots than our allies who have bled alongside us in numerous conflicts around the globe. Who had our backs after 9/11...just disgraceful.
That happened under Obama, what you failed to mention is the other stuff that was floundering under Obama that is now doing better. It will take time to fix some of the other stuff but at least Trump is going in the "right" direction. Obama was floundering everywhere.
with a Republican majority for 6 of 8 years...who refused to take up infrastructure. Floundering everywhere, that's laughable. He took over a wonderful economy didn't he? Head in the sand.
Kim and Trump deserve each other...two sides of the same coin.

But the right absolutely flipped out when Obama said he'd meet with dictators unconditionally. Flipped the f out. Still flip out over opening dialog with Raul Castro.

Sad that Trump shows more respect for killers and despots than our allies who have bled alongside us in numerous conflicts around the globe. Who had our backs after 9/11...just disgraceful.
Nah, pretty sure many on the right have been weary. On the flip...none of you said anything when Barry met with Castro. Why?
Ya know as much as i want to laugh at him and call him a cuck... ill give him credit for at least trying to run an ad that doesnt say "resist" or "trumps killing people" or "ban da machine guns" and actually doing something, no matter how stupid.

I’m fascinated by the ridiculousness of ads like this...mostly cause you know there was one or more meetings where well dressed/professional looking people, sit around a table and discussed whether the candidate should have himself pepper sprayed.

I want to be in on one of those meetings...was it the candidate’s idea and some subordinates tried to talk him out of something so dumb...or was his team trying to talk him into it cause no sane person wants some pepper spray to the face.

I want the full story, but I can tell you this, if I’m in the room and my opinion is asked (I probably already think my boss is a douche) so my vote is yeah take some pepper spray to your eyeballs, the common folk will think you are tough.
with a Republican majority for 6 of 8 years...
with a Republican majority for 6 of 8 years...who refused to take up infrastructure. Floundering everywhere, that's laughable. He took over a wonderful economy didn't he? Head in the sand.
Wrong again copkilla. Dems controlled house and senate first 2 Obama years and Repubs the last 2 years. In between it was split between the 2. The normal fake news by the left.
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In case anyone missed the YouTube interview I posted late last night of this...

Bill Clinton picked a good week to have a quote about norms changing about what ‘you can do to someone against their will’. Trump/Korea stuff taking up all the air time.
Oh the left will be boycotting chick fila? That's gone on for years. Their profitability continues to increase despite being closed Sundays.

A perfect example of the over amplified impact of the left on social media. They can generate a huge response due to bots etc. But in actual impact, it's very small. That's why I don't understand the immediate capitulation to these bullies
Oh the left will be boycotting chick fila? That's gone on for years. Their profitability continues to increase despite being closed Sundays.

A perfect example of the over amplified impact of the left on social media. They can generate a huge response due to bots etc. But in actual impact, it's very small. That's why I don't understand the immediate capitulation to these bullies

I am not a fan of Chick-Filet but, I started going not long after all of the hoopla.
I am not a fan of Chick-Filet but, I started going not long after all of the hoopla.

Their food is solid, but I don’t understand why the local one near me always has a line of 30 cars...

I will say this, walk into any Mcd’s, Burger King, Wendy’s or Chick-fila...doesn’t matter what town or city you are in and every time the chick-fil-a will be the cleanest and have the most professional acting staff. The last Burger King I walked into was so nasty I just turned around and walked out.

There is zero indication chick-fil-a is discriminatory in their hiring practices, I think I have read they help employees of more than one year with college. Their CEO gave a damn interview with some Christian publication and he was against gay marriage...smh..not a big deal. Don’t yall remember a few liberal mayors including Chicago’s Rahm Emmanuel coming out a few years ago and saying chick-fil-a wasn’t welcome in his city cause they didn’t represent ‘Chicago values’. Chicago is murder capital of the US, in a state with incredible financial woes...and rahm is worried about chick’s values. We live in a bizarro world and the only damn sane people are those who are anti-leftists.
Their food is solid, but I don’t understand why the local one near me always has a line of 30 cars...

I will say this, walk into any Mcd’s, Burger King, Wendy’s or Chick-fila...doesn’t matter what town or city you are in and every time the chick-fil-a will be the cleanest and have the most professional acting staff. The last Burger King I walked into was so nasty I just turned around and walked out.

There is zero indication chick-fil-a is discriminatory in their hiring practices, I think I have read they help employees of more than one year with college. Their CEO gave a damn interview with some Christian publication and he was against gay marriage...smh..not a big deal. Don’t yall remember a few liberal mayors including Chicago’s Rahm Emmanuel coming out a few years ago and saying chick-fil-a wasn’t welcome in his city cause they didn’t represent ‘Chicago values’. Chicago is murder capital of the US, in a state with incredible financial woes...and rahm is worried about chick’s values. We live in a bizarro world and the only damn sane people are those who are anti-leftists.
You can never get them to chime in on Obama being elected while being against gay marriage.
Chicago’s Rahm Emmanuel coming out a few years ago and saying chick-fil-a wasn’t welcome in his city cause they didn’t represent ‘Chicago values’. Chicago is murder capital of the US, in a state with incredible financial woes...and rahm is worried about chick’s values. We live in a bizarro world and the only damn sane people are those who are anti-leftists.

lmaoo. Classic. Chicago values!