How will they rule ??!

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I'm libertarian, I didnt vote for him either. With how the electoral college works I knew KY would be red and I wanted to give the 3rd party some support. I'm still not big in some of his trade ideas or protectionism...but hes done way more than I expected. And the left just keeps getting crazier. I'll vote for him next time.
Agreed. Plus the Libertarians need to put out a decent candidate. Johnson isn't going to cut it.
Seriously, eff every single one of you leftists on here.

This part needed repeating.


I detest Matt. He’s the same douche who was cool with Obama doing the wave at a baseball game with a dictator and giving tons of money to Iran.

Seriously, Matt, eff you. You were the chubby nerd who got stuck in the outfield cause you didn’t have an athletic bone in your body and somehow conned a portion of this fan base into reading your stupid shit.

How the hell do any of you people like this douche? He’s a pretentious con artist. Steals shit from this board and actual reporters. He’s a fraud with a frat blog.
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President Trump and Kim Jong Un will sign an agreement to acknowledge the progress of the talks and pledge to keep momentum going.

that's some high level shit right there. so it was a giant photo op / publicity stunt. I'm glad he hasn't listened to moron Bolton and moved on regime change. but this was just a giant ego boost event for both man child's. even had to drag out releasing what was signed because Trump needs everything to be a suspenseful show. it obviously wasn't anything meaningful or it would have been done up more.
Lester Holt and those nbc clowns seriously floated the idea that trump could be meeting with Kim to distract everyone from all the domestic issues back in the US... record unemployment and stuff.
No but the end of net neutrality could be something they would like to distract people from.
it's a 4 bullet point document that is all promises to "commit". NK has signed off on full denuclearization in 85, 92, 94, 05. we all know how those went. its nice they are pretending to be friends but i expect nothing to happen
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I hope Trump does well, I have absolutely no confidence he will. I think America will pay the price for whatever he agrees to years down the road, that is NK's MOP. Trump dances to the music Putin is playing and has insulted every leader of the free world, but not Putin. Then of course Putin and his oligarchs were the only people left in the world that would lend Trump money so that's understandable. Putin an oligarch himself would separate families, hated Obama, work against the leaders of the free world, try to split up NATO, could care less about healthcare for his people at large, ignore climate change, and pass laws for the benefit of fellow billionaires. The big difference between Trump and Putin is people would puke at the site of Trump without a shirt.

“We will take America without firing a shot ... we will bury you!
We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism.
We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”

This is a quote attributed to the late Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev.

BTW war with NK would almost guarantee retribution from China.
I didnt vote Trump last election but I cant deny how great the first 500 days have been for him. Corporate Tax cuts, economy booming, jobs are a plenty, wages continue to rise, ISIS all but off the face of the earth (lets remember it was only a couple years ago it seemed like we saw a huge ISIS attack every other month or so) and now this meeting.

Obviously this first meeting was more of just a meet and greet. I didnt and I dont think anyone shouldve expected any big promises from this first meeting. This was a country that was threatening to bomb South Korea, Japan and the US, we now are sitting down with them trying to peacefully talk down the situation. If this meeting can lead to more meetings which may lead to some actual denuking of NK, then this will be one of the biggest wins for Foreign Policy for an US president in a very long time. Even if it doesnt lead to that and nothing changes, as long as we dont lift any sanctions Im cool with the peaceful attempt.

I honestly went into the Trump presidency the same way I did Obama, thought both were going to be horrible but I hoped for the best for both of them. Obama basically got worse and worse, but Trump has actually been a great surprise. I dont understand and cant stand the people (right or left) that root for the president to fail because they dont have the right letter in front of their name in ().
He keeps telling us he is a new kind of Democrat but he still supports Obama, Pelosi and Schumer. He keeps saying how awful the civil discourse has become since Trump but HE uses every opportunity to attack Trump and conservatives.

His show is very popular and I have heard callers claim to be conservatives that want McConnell gone, say they wou.d vote for MJ. I hope they aren't that stupid. A vote for MJ is a vote for Pelosi and shumer.
I hope Trump does well, I have absolutely no confidence he will. I think America will pay the price for whatever he agrees to years down the road, that is NK's MOP. Trump dances to the music Putin is playing and has insulted every leader of the free world, but not Putin. Then of course Putin and his oligarchs were the only people left in the world that would lend Trump money so that's understandable. Putin an oligarch himself would separate families, hated Obama, work against the leaders of the free world, try to split up NATO, could care less about healthcare for his people at large, ignore climate change, and pass laws for the benefit of fellow billionaires. The big difference between Trump and Putin is people would puke at the site of Trump without a shirt.

“We will take America without firing a shot ... we will bury you!
We can’t expect the American people to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have communism.
We do not have to invade the United States, we will destroy you from within.”

This is a quote attributed to the late Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev.

BTW war with NK would almost guarantee retribution from China.

Hahaha... no you hope has no where near a next 900 days as was his first 500. He's gaining voters every day and not doing anything to lose any.

Your nonsense about putin is why no one takes you seriously. Youre ate up with trump derangement syndrome and you couldn't be honest about trump if it meant curing cancer. The fact that you use a small doses of socialism metaphor to needle republucans could be the most ironic comment I've ever seen.
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President Trump and Kim Jong Un will sign an agreement to acknowledge the progress of the talks and pledge to keep momentum going.

that's some high level shit right there. so it was a giant photo op / publicity stunt. I'm glad he hasn't listened to moron Bolton and moved on regime change. but this was just a giant ego boost event for both man child's. even had to drag out releasing what was signed because Trump needs everything to be a suspenseful show. it obviously wasn't anything meaningful or it would have been done up more.

Yeah, he committed to complete denuclearization

Only a few hours ago, you were bashing the whole thing because kim wouldnt say yes to jim acostas child like shouts.

Serious question.... what are you overcompensating for? Im guessing super ugliness, maybe fat, with a very low vagina penetration count .
I'm old enough to remember NK torturing a US citizen until he was brain dead and shipping him back to his parents in the US. So forgive me if I ignore everyone on the left who supported that foreign policy as they criticize the man who actually had a few prisoners sent home before agreeing to meet with NK.

People won’t forget childish things like this. No way he runs...

I think he’s smart enough and douchey enough to accept campaign donations and then just buy a new KSBar, or somrthing. Do the Bernie Sanders thing, disrupt politics and cash out.

What happened last night was unbelievable. And it took Trump how many days?
~Liberals need to get on board the Trump train...we will extend a handshake like Trump did. Otherwise, their ignorance will eventually bring them down hard.

~Matt His game is tired. What a dumbass.

~Trump won the 2020 election last night..

People won’t forget childish things like this. No way he runs...

I think he’s smart enough and douchey enough to accept campaign donations and then just buy a new KSBar, or somrthing. Do the Bernie Sanders thing, disrupt politics and cash out.

What happened last night was unbelievable. And it took Trump how many days?

I'll ensure we get a screen-shot, Mash.
so Trump asked Kim if he was willing to give up nukes and Kim wouldn't answer. yea, move on to the next circus show.

while this was going on the senate added an amendment into the defense bill blocking Trump from making any stupid ZTE deal.
Well, I pretty much agree with this. Nothing concrete came out of the meeting beyond agreeing to future attempts to do something.

And yes, I agree with the Senate.