How will they rule ??!

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You know, I want liberals to give us some good ideas. Trump isn’t infallible, he agrivates me sometime, he makes mistakes. I want some ideas from liberals of how to MAGA. One of my pet peeves is people that constantly complain but never have any solutions.

They have no ideas. They molest kids. They want to tax the middle class to pay for illegal immigrants. They hate America. They are #MA2008-2016A
You know, I want liberals to give us some good ideas. Trump isn’t infallible, he agrivates me sometime, he makes mistakes. I want some ideas from liberals of how to MAGA. One of my pet peeves is people that constantly complain but never have any solutions.
Their solutions would be to return to the liberal ideology and Obama's policies to continue the destruction of the country in favor of a world government, AKA socialism/communism.
You know, I want liberals to give us some good ideas. Trump isn’t infallible, he agrivates me sometime, he makes mistakes. I want some ideas from liberals of how to MAGA. One of my pet peeves is people that constantly complain but never have any solutions.
Exactly. Offer a solution, not a reach-around.
They have no ideas. They molest kids. They want to tax the middle class to pay for illegal immigrants. They hate America. They are #MA2008-2016A
Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. Work hard and make yourself rich, but no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.
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Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. No 3 peoples' lives should be worth as much as half of us.

Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. No 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.
Big business leaves country, rich people put money in untouchable accounts, all of your spending then gets put on middle class and they disappear because it is not sustainable, country turns into third world country, left goal achieved as socialism/communism reigns supreme. Everyone except 1% dirt poor. Bravo, you just destroyed our democracy.
Big business leaves country, rich people put money in untouchable accounts, all of your spending then gets put on middle class and they disappear because it is not sustainable, country turns into third world country, left goal achieved as socialism/communism reigns supreme. Everyone except 1% dirt poor. Bravo, you just destroyed our democracy.
Obviously address the off-shoring issues, your boy Trump is even trying to do that. Unfettered capitalism is already destroying the middle class. From 1982 to 2011 the Forbes 400's net worth increased by 2,400% while the average median household income increased by just 180%, mostly eaten by inflation. Our current system is just making the ruling elites like Hillary and Trump richer at the expense of the rest of us.

you can tell Trump loves the attention he gets by pardoning black people when he doesn't even bother to know that Ali can't be pardoned because he has no record and Carter already pardoned everybody that draft dodged in vietnam.
Another play to the lowly educated.
Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. Work hard and make yourself rich, but no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.

GO to hell
Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. Work hard and make yourself rich, but no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.
I’m not sure you can tax the rich enough to make the poor wealthy or even middle class. Plus why don’t the three guys you mentioned just give every penny away and shut down their businesses to make it more fair to the poor.
Address income inequality. Tax the shit out of the top 1%. Use the money to provide healthcare for all, college joins the rest of free public education, and fund Universal Basic Income. End poverty and welfare at the same time while massively reducing the size of the government bureaucracies that manage them. Make it so no American goes without while correcting the fact that 3 people, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos have as much money as 160 million Americans, half of the entire country, combined. Work hard and make yourself rich, but no 3 people's lives should be worth as much as half of us.
Thanks. Specifically, what about North Korea?
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I’m not sure you can tax the rich enough to make the poor wealthy or even middle class. Plus why don’t the three guys you mentioned just give every penny away and shut down their businesses to make it more fair to the poor.

Guy clearly took Marxsim 101 at Che Guerva University.
Dion is clearly an economic scholar ahead of his time. A young Nikola Tesla you might say.
Wife suprised me with brunch reservations this morning at LeMoo. When we got there we discovers they were having a drag queen brunch starting at noon. Luckily we got out of there before the show started but I was told our buddy dion was there waxing tranny balls for charity

Wife could be hinting at something. Is there more to the story or is that the whole ball of wax?
I’m not sure you can tax the rich enough to make the poor wealthy or even middle class. Plus why don’t the three guys you mentioned just give every penny away and shut down their businesses to make it more fair to the poor.
No one's trying to make the poor wealthy or make things "fair". If you want to be wealthy you have to work your ass off for it. What we're talking about is a floor, just like we have now, but reducing the complexity of all these benefit programs and hence the size of government needed to manage them. End all current welfare type programs and send everyone a check for $1,200 a month, whether you're a billionaire or a schlub. If you squander it and are homeless that's your problem, personal responsibility like everyone here preaches. If you want to improve your lot in life then go out and work for it. No more people not wanting to work because they'll lose "their check".
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No one's trying to make the poor wealthy or make things "fair". If you want to be wealthy you have to work your ass off for it. What we're talking about is a floor, just like we have now, but reducing the complexity of all these benefit programs and hence the size of government needed to manage them. End all current welfare type programs and send everyone a check for $1,200 a month, whether you're a billionaire or a schlub. If you squander it and are homeless that's your problem, personal responsibility like everyone here preaches.

This is by far far the dumbest thing that I have ever heard. Hands down moronic. Oh, Finland's basic pay failed. But I guess it will work for America, right? lol, Moronic.

BTW, trump plans to cut 200K federal jobs. I am assuming you will support that based on that post
This is by far far the dumbest thing that I have ever heard. Hands down moronic. Oh, Finland's basic pay failed. But I guess it will work for America, right? lol, Moronic.

BTW, trump plans to cut 200K federal jobs. I am assuming you will support that based on that post
I think the way he cuts those 200k jobs is by simply not replacing retirees. The post office should be the first place then the IRS.
Obviously address the off-shoring issues, your boy Trump is even trying to do that. Unfettered capitalism is already destroying the middle class. From 1982 to 2011 the Forbes 400's net worth increased by 2,400% while the average median household income increased by just 180%, mostly eaten by inflation. Our current system is just making the ruling elites like Hillary and Trump richer at the expense of the rest of us.

Where do you think the wealth came from? They simply eliminated the middle class by sending manufacturing jobs out of the country. The ones that stayed had their wages effectively frozen.
Cost to produce product dropped due to less regs and workers making pennies on the dollar. Product cost to buyer didn’t drop by the same amount, wealthy reap the benefits.

That’s global economy in a nutshell. Trump was elected to move the US away from that, and back toward what you described where the middle class grows.
You’re wealth redistribution is a joke, when you give people things it removes the desire to work toward self sustenance.
This is by far far the dumbest thing that I have ever heard. Hands down moronic. Oh, Finland's basic pay failed. But I guess it will work for America, right? lol, Moronic.
Finland's experiment was neither UBI nor did fail. It was another welfare scheme like any other, limited by all sorts of restrictions, and it ran the full duration and ended when it was supposed to. More fake news from Willy.
Finland's experiment was neither UBI nor did fail. It was another welfare scheme like any other, limited by all sorts of restrictions, and it ran the full duration and ended when it was supposed to. More fake news from Willy.

[laughing] better tell your liberal fake news media that. They are the ones calling it UBI.
You lose again. You'll never one up me. Ever.
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.You’re wealth redistribution is a joke, when you give people things it removes the desire to work toward self sustenance.
We can agree to disagree, but what removes the desire to work is the threat of losing what you're getting if you do. If a poor person goes out and works hard they should be rewarded, not punished.
[laughing] better tell your liberal fake news media that. They are the ones calling it UBI.
You lose again. You'll never one up me. Ever.
So now you trust the liberal media because they said something you like? Why are they wrong on everything about Trump but right on this? Ironic.