How will they rule ??!

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Trump told the g7 to drop all tariffs & barriers or we will end all trade. and they all left laughing at his pathetic empty threat. it will be amusing to see what kind of empty win Trump tries to declare from the summit.
Translation: "I'm so pissed off that Trump puts America first".

You are dismissed.
Translation: "I'm so pissed off that Trump puts America first".

You are dismissed.
translation : Europe knows Trump can't stop trade so it's a really stupid threat to make. we have a trade surplus with Canada so why is Trump even picking a fight with the syrup slurpers? and even though we have a 566billion deficit overall we still make a lot of money off that. companies take that 566billion in products and sell them for 2trillion. Trump just knows his base is to stupid to understand economics and will freak out if he says lots of big numbers.
the Republican party built this foundation of globalism and free trade. know Trump wants to **** with it to keep a ignorant base happy.
Trump threatening to end trade with our allies while arguing for Russia's readmission to G7. Hilarious. Our Russian asset, toddler president everyone.
You're ok with the U.S getting ripped off. Wow. You are something else. Good thing that you don't make the decisions. You'd have other country's bankrupting us in 2 weeks.
You guys say the STUPIDEST things. How is the US getting ripped off? Not slogans or other b.s. but tangible proof. Having a trade imbalance is hardly proof of getting ripped, which seems to be the only thing Trump uses to discern whether it's a 'good deal' or not.

All Trump is doing is ensuring that the US will be soon be a loner while the rest of the world makes decisions that will negatively affect us. Past superpowers also thought that the world couldn't get along without them but have been proven wrong every single time.

Go read up on Kaiser Wilhelm II and see what happens when a global power puts their empire in the hands of a self-absorbed idiot. It is frightening the parallels between him and Trump.

Trump has shown he is a weakling because he can't stand alongside his peers. He needs to be in the company of dictators who will feed into his narcissism. So sad to see him treating our enemies and the worst leaders on the planet with more respect than our friends and allies. Truly sickening.

So glad he is bringing respect for the US back again [roll]
You guys say the STUPIDEST things. How is the US getting ripped off? Not slogans or other b.s. but tangible proof. Having a trade imbalance is hardly proof of getting ripped, which seems to be the only thing Trump uses to discern whether it's a 'good deal' or not.

All Trump is doing is ensuring that the US will be soon be a loner while the rest of the world makes decisions that will negatively affect us. Past superpowers also thought that the world couldn't get along without them but have been proven wrong every single time.

Go read up on Kaiser Wilhelm II and see what happens when a global power puts their empire in the hands of a self-absorbed idiot. It is frightening the parallels between him and Trump.

Trump has shown he is a weakling because he can't stand alongside his peers. He needs to be in the company of dictators who will feed into his narcissism. So sad to see him treating our enemies and the worst leaders on the planet with more respect than our friends and allies. Truly sickening.

So glad he is bringing respect for the US back again [roll]

you need help. Serious help.

LeBron may be acting like an idiot or the media may not be doing their jobs by not being skeptical...but how does one make a teddy Kennedy killed a girl reference to compare to LeBron maybe making up a hand injury haha.

(Yes I get teddy Kennedy was wearing a neck brace for show)

But one bizarre analogy
Translation: "I'm so pissed off that Trump puts America first".

You are dismissed.
Do you even know what that means? Seems to me like just an empty bumper sticker slogan the right likes to throw out there. I guess we're gonna trade the EU for North Korea? Sounds like a great trade off. Unfortunately all I think Trump has done is help the rest of the world realize they don't need the US anymore. Trump is just pushing everyone to China now. They seem like a more reliable partner now sadly.

Trump just getting taste of his own medicine by Trudeau. He can dish it out but sure can't take it.
Exactly, Copkilla has no clue. He has been wrong every step of the way in reference to Trump. Yet, here he is still parroting the lefts failing tactics against Trump.
You know, I want liberals to give us some good ideas. Trump isn’t infallible, he agrivates me sometime, he makes mistakes. I want some ideas from liberals of how to MAGA. One of my pet peeves is people that constantly complain but never have any solutions.
You guys say the STUPIDEST things. How is the US getting ripped off? Not slogans or other b.s. but tangible proof. Having a trade imbalance is hardly proof of getting ripped, which seems to be the only thing Trump uses to discern whether it's a 'good deal' or not.

All Trump is doing is ensuring that the US will be soon be a loner while the rest of the world makes decisions that will negatively affect us. Past superpowers also thought that the world couldn't get along without them but have been proven wrong every single time.

Go read up on Kaiser Wilhelm II and see what happens when a global power puts their empire in the hands of a self-absorbed idiot. It is frightening the parallels between him and Trump.

Trump has shown he is a weakling because he can't stand alongside his peers. He needs to be in the company of dictators who will feed into his narcissism. So sad to see him treating our enemies and the worst leaders on the planet with more respect than our friends and allies. Truly sickening.

So glad he is bringing respect for the US back again [roll]

Would you stop, and just think for a minute.
Trump is about to meet North Korea’s dictator, and try to get him to agree to remove its nuke program.
This is chess, not checkers. Understand the overall end game at foot.