How will they rule ??!

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we now know how stormy Daniels lawyer got ahold of Cohen's money trail. one of the banks compliance officers that files suspicious transaction leaked their treasury complaints to him.

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This is the main point: There comes a time where you can no longer take in anyone who wants to come here. There are so many cons to this way of thinking there is not enough time on here to point them all out. Just this one reason alone should be enough, eventually you run out of money to do so. Taxing Americans the way the left wants to do to support every social agenda they have come up with in recent years will eventually turn us into the third world countries of the people they are allowing to flow over the borders now. Vetting must be done first and these people must come here legally. If you really want to come here to make a better life, you need to prove it by working your way into it the legal way.

Semi annual gumball post to help out the delusional lunatic fringe left that are worried about national debt and spending but want to allow mass immigration.

Semi annual gumball post to help out the delusional lunatic fringe left that are worried about national debt and spending but want to allow mass immigration.

Don't agree that the ones we get are the best of them, MS13 and people who want to harm this country are in that mix but, probably a larger portion are good people. Good points in the video none the less.
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I enjoyed the article, I only disagree with number 2. It’s gonna be tough to get that much black vote especially if Dems run a black woman candidate. Plus they are told that they must vote democrat no matter what because Republicans are all klan members.

I'm not so sure about that. He may not get the percentage of what that article predicts, but I do think he will garner a lot of black votes.

Barak Obama made black lives not matter. He did nothing. What will a black woman candidate provide? Nothing. She will not do anything to promote an economy and rather she will promote illegal immigration which will harm black American citizens a right for a good life.
I'm not so sure about that. He may not get the percentage of what that article predicts, but I do think he will garner a lot of black votes.

Barak Obama made black lives not matter. He did nothing. What will a black woman candidate provide? Nothing. She will not do anything to promote an economy and rather she will promote illegal immigration which will harm black American citizens a right for a good life.
Oh, I think you are correct, but black woman screams diversity.
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California sends more revenue and gets back less than all but a couple of states. Red states overwhelmingly are the welfare queens of the US gov't. Kentucky right up at the top. They've also had a budget surplus for the past 4 years despite the narrative by conservatives, although it appears they are forecasting a deficit this year. CA is something like the 6th largest economy in the world so I think they're doing ok.....

Oh, I think you are correct, but black woman screams diversity.

Absolutely agree. DIVERSITY!!!!!!

It's funny how when in real life I see white people, black people, Hispanic people, Asian people all working together in positive respects.

But then magicially, the internet is able to help people see a world of racism.
Absolutely agree. DIVERSITY!!!!!!

It's funny how when in real life I see white people, black people, Hispanic people, Asian people all working together in positive respects.

But then magicially, the internet is able to help people see a world of racism.

I always enjoy an obese black woman and a college kid in school on someone else’s dime, crying about being oppressed.

Then there’s the whole “cops are targeting black people” thing which conveniently ignores the criminal activity and personal responsibility involved in these deaths.

And good luck with convincing black people to get off the Dem plantation in huge numbers. It has been decades and they still don’t see what Democrats have done to them. All Democrats have to do is tell a black man he’s oppressed and the tribalism kicks in.

Just look at how pro athletes behave especially in regards to a visit to the White House. They’re all about Democrats and skin color. The only white guy they like is one who grovels to them and tris to appease them.

So good luck thinking that a huge percentage will wise up to the DNC. What they should’ve done is look at what Democrats have done to their cities, how race hustlers conned them and been united with a big chunk of whites in being against the third world invasion that Democrats are doing to get votes, trying to replace the population.

This was a biracial country; not a melting pot until a deliberate attempt was made.
Did McCain ever say something similar about standing with Israel (ally) after Obama gave them billions and permission to make a Nuke? Or even after finding out the illegal way Obama went about it?
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Trump told the g7 to drop all tariffs & barriers or we will end all trade. and they all left laughing at his pathetic empty threat. it will be amusing to see what kind of empty win Trump tries to declare from the summit.