How will they rule ??!

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Just a quick google search shows that one player did kneel in a preseason game. And Malcolm Jenkins and others raised a fist in the air during the anthem for several games. This is their job, not a protest on their personal time. Rational people are seeing through the bullshit. Crying racism for political gain is not gonna work much longer.

A preseason game? $100 says that player didn’t make the roster.
Go look up the negative/positive percentage for Fox on Trump then, look up negative and positive liberal media coverage on Obama dumb ass then get back to me. Maybe with that supposed education you have you might learn something.

I’ve never claimed to be super educated - I went to one semester of college. One semester of college in Canada must be like a Masters in Kentucky though, because I run circles around most of the people here.
A preseason game? $100 says that player didn’t make the roster.

Good. Hope he didn't. Malcolm Jenkins wasnt cut. They have been given an option now in how they can protest. Which is more than employees at most any other workplace are given. If they don't like it they should quit and join the real world.
Just a quick google search shows that one player did kneel in a preseason game. And Malcolm Jenkins and others raised a fist in the air during the anthem for several games. This is their job, not a protest on their personal time. Rational people are seeing through the bullshit. Crying racism for political gain is not gonna work much longer.

If they had shown footage of that one player in the preseason game, it would have been terribly misleading but at least it would have been accurate. Instead, they showed multiple shots of several players kneeling in prayer. It wasn’t a simple mistake.
Good. Hope he didn't. Malcolm Jenkins wasnt cut. They have been given an option now in how they can protest. Which is more than employees at most any other workplace are given. If they don't like it they should quit and join the real world.

Maybe I’ll kneel in protest next time they play the anthem at the start of my workday. Oh wait, they don’t play the anthem at the start of 99.99% of people’s workdays. They should stop doing it at NFL games too. It has nothing to do with Football.
If they had shown footage of that one player in the preseason game, it would have been terribly misleading but at least it would have been accurate. Instead, they showed multiple shots of several players kneeling in prayer. It wasn’t a simple mistake.

I fully agree it was dishonest. They at least apologized for it. How often do other media outlets apologize for their dishonest takes on the president?
Maybe I’ll kneel in protest next time they play the anthem at the start of my workday. Oh wait, they don’t play the anthem at the start of 99.99% of people’s workdays. They should stop doing it at NFL games too. It has nothing to do with Football.

It's a minute part of their job. If the league decides to not play it then so be it. But for right now it's part of the job they are paid to do.
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Where's the tank? JohnKBA is saying " Man, I might have enough money to buy that tank"....In the words of Walter, "Dumb ass".

Yeah, I live in Oklahoma and if you make as much money as you say you do, that is well over twice the amount me and my wife make together but, the cost of living is cheap here and I do OK and, I would not change or trade my life for yours. I have traveled a lot thanks to the military and am better prepared physically and mentally for most things that could come along that you would crumble under. We all have our strengths and mine beat yours hands down.
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That's the NFL's prerogative. They make the rules for their business. They can play any song they like before games. Plus you act like only the NFL does this. Every professional sports league does even the NHL which is made up of mostly foreign players. This is something that's been done for forever.

Sports leagues don't have to change their rules and traditions to appease the minority ( for the race baiters I mean small amount not race) mob. Don't like it then I hear Canada has a football league. Or do they also play the Canadian anthem before games? Don't know never watched that reject stuff.
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IDGAF about any NFL or NBA player’s opinion. I sure as hell don’t value Lebron’s ignorance. That guy never worked an actual job in his life. Never attended a day of college nor is he some genius.

He’s desperate to be Muhammad Ali but can’t be a victim or have any real fight so he tries to over compensate and act as if he’s some brilliant mind just because ESPN sticks a mic in his face.

The reality is, the majority of the black community are soldiers for the Democratic Party and total slaves to them. They have an intense hatred for whites that is stoked by liberal elites and their media. Because of this shit that is always on display on social media and in the pros, I don’t care one iota about being PC or offending them.

Just to show the hypocrisy, I’d love to see what the liberal media narrative would be if white NHL and MLB players continued to show an intense hatred for Obama. I bet it sure as hell would not be celebrated.

Honestly, every single person should stop giving a shit about the names liberals call you. These people are the scum at the bottom of a sewer drain.
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Maybe I’ll kneel in protest next time they play the anthem at the start of my workday. Oh wait, they don’t play the anthem at the start of 99.99% of people’s workdays. They should stop doing it at NFL games too. It has nothing to do with Football.
Neither do Canadian's yet, here you are.
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The Eagles were jerking around the White House. As of this past Friday they told the White House that 80 players were coming today. They then tried to reschedule for next week when Trump is going to be in Singapore.
Then it was the mascot and a handful of players would be there today.
In short, they were playing politics, they were trying to embarrass the President and you can bet your sweet ass the same media slamming Trump for canceling, would’ve been hee hawing that the only person there was the mascot. That’s why Trump canceled it.

Fox dropped the ball, but you’re literally crying over a cup of spilled milk, while shrugging your shoulders at the guys trying to steal the cow.
I’ll never forget being on vacation at an all inclusive resort (I was still young and poor) in Ochos Rios circa 2005/2006-ish. My wife and I met this couple from Canada who seemed nice enough. We sat down and had lunch with them one day and sure enough they decided to bring up American politics/foreign policy.

Now, anyone who knows me will know I’m usually 45 beers deep by noon when on vacation (30 deep on normal days). So, I do not take very kindly to his thoughts on American politics/foreign policy and proceed to berate him in front of his wife. I really let him have it. Told him he could lecture us the next time Canada lost 3,000+ lives in a terror attack or even when/if his ball-less government/impotent military raised a GD finger to help the good ol’ US of A. He sat there and took it like the cucks they are.

Later that night (I’m 75 beers deep at this point) we are playing beach games. You know, where couples are divided up in teams and play these silly games that are meant to be tough because everyone is shit faced? Anyway, I get the misfortune of having this giant pussy and his ugly ass Eskimo wife on our team.

Despite that, our team is kicking ass and I absolutely destroy the competition in the “bouncing a ball on a paddle board while running up and down the beach after spinning in circles” part of the game. Destroy. I’ve produced what seemed like an insurmountable lead until - you guessed it - it was the Canadian cuck’s turn.

This Canadian POS couldn’t put one foot in front of the other. He would make Sheray Thomas look like Lebron James. You talk about giving someone hell in front of a hundred or so guests/resort employees. I mean I went the f*ck off on this bitch. Made sure EVERYONE knew he was from Canada and that’s why he was so f#cking terrible. They pretty much stayed in their rooms, never to be seen around the resort again after that night. Felt really good about it, too.

Long story short, every time I see John post I imagine he’s the dickless cuck Canadian I shamed the f*ck out of years ago in Ochos Rios.
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I’ll never forget being on vacation at an all inclusive resort (I was still young and poor) in Ochos Rios circa 2005/2006-ish. My wife and I met this couple from Canada who seemed nice enough. We sat down and had lunch with them one day and sure enough they decided to bring up American politics/foreign policy.

Now, anyone who knows me will know I’m usually 45 beers deep by noon when on vacation (30 deep on normal days). So, I do not take very kindly to his thoughts on American politics/foreign policy and proceed to berate him in front of his wife. I really let him have it. Told him he could lecture us the next time Canada lost 3,000+ lives in a terror attack or even when/if his ball-less government/impotent military raised a GD finger to help the good ‘ol US of A. He sat there and took it like the cucks they are.

Later that night (I’m 75 beers deep at this point) we are playing beach games. You know, where couples are divided up in teams and play these silly games that are meant to be tough because everyone is shit faced? Anyway, I get the misfortune of having this giant pussy and his ugly ass Eskimo wife on our team.

Despite that, our team is kicking ass and I absolutely destroy the competition in the “bouncing a ball on a paddle board while running up and down the beach after spinning in circles” part of the game. Destroy. I’ve produced what seemed like an insurmountable lead until - you guessed it - it was the Canadian cuck’s turn.

This Canadian POS couldn’t put one foot in front of the other. He would make Sheray Thomas look like Lebron James. You talk about giving someone hell in front of a hundred or so guests/resort employees. I mean I went the f*ck off on this bitch. Made sure EVERYONE knew he was from Canada and that’s why he was so f#cking terrible. They pretty much stayed in their rooms, never to be seen around the resort again after that night. Felt really good about it, too.

Long story short, every time I see John post I imagine that’s the dickless cuck Canadian I shamed the f*ck out of years ago in Ochos Rios.
Why are you bragging about acting like a jerk?
The official White House statement said the eagles were uninvited because they didn’t believe in standing for the anthem. In reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The eagles were one of 7 teams last year that had a 100% rate of players standing for the anthem. The Patriots were in the middle of the pack with 16 instances of players kneeling. Do you think Trump would have uninvited his pals Kraft and Brady? **** no.

Fox did their best to propagate the bald faced lie that Eagle players were kneelers - they played unrelated footage to make it seem so. It wasn’t a mistake, they were doing their job as the state run TV station.

John next time you decide to get triggered.. maybe not do exactly what youre so triggered about. The white house did not EVER say the eagles were disinvited because of kneeling. Period.

They said they weren't invited because they were bringing such few numbers. For someone so rich, with so much gold, and 30 beers on a tuesday.. you spend a crazy amount of time on tbis board with the hayseeds. What are you compensating for, honestly?
You dumbass. Where were you educated? No wonder youre a dumbass.

It's beyond parody.

I don’t need a massage board

From my experience the douchebags who correct grammar and spelling instead of debating the actual facts concerning the topic have the weakest knowledge and opinions.

Also from my experience douchebags who constantly brag on message boards are the biggest frauds.
Go back and read the last few pages of this thread, think reeeaaallll hard about it, and maybe you’ll see the irony in your use of the word ‘jerk’.
I don't see how a story about being a jerk at a resort because of someone's nationality is effective satire of @JohnKBA. If he lorded his Canadian citizenship over us all the time instead of his W2 I'd see the connection. As is, a swing and a miss. Maybe something about buying the golf course he plays on with your billions of internet dollars?
I don't see how a story about being a jerk at a resort because of someone's nationality is effective satire of @JohnKBA. If he lorded his Canadian citizenship over us all the time instead of his W2 I'd see the connection. As is, a swing and a miss. Maybe something about buying the golf course he plays on with your billions of internet dollars?
Maybe you simply missed the multiple posts of him denigrating this state and the wonderful people who live in it. Jesus Christ.
Who has said the separations didn't happen? All I've read is that they're legal and required by law. Something Obama did as well.

Regardless of how much you don't want to admit it entering the country illegally is a prosecutable crime. When you're arrested for committing a crime your kids don't get to come.

Trump has decided to enforce the law. It's not his fault Obama chose not to enforce the law to the full extent and had the open borders crowd convinced it was the norm. It's not.

And when will you grow a brain that works? People at the border asking for asylum are not breaking any laws. Another person not worth my time. Btw you didn't see the conversation I had but you know what I'm talking about? How many ways are you going to show us your brilliance?
And lets be clear....this dickless Canadian (redundant, I know) was a complete asshole. Unprompted, he started saying some really hateful stuff about our Pres, our military, and our citizens. I finally cut that shit off.

And I’ll be damned if some liberal American apologist isn’t here on a UK mesage board calling ME the jerk years later. Go figure.
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And when will you grow a brain that works? People at the border asking for asylum are not breaking any laws. Another person not worth my time. Btw you didn't see the conversation I had but you know what I'm talking about? How many ways are you going to show us your brilliance?

My brain works just fine.

There's a right way and wrong way to apply for asylum. Skipping the line and Illegally crossing the border between the ports of entry then when you get caught claiming you're here to apply for asylum is the wrong way and is against the law. You cannot cross the border illegally. Period. Once you do you are no longer an asylum seeker but instead have broken federal immigration law. You will be detained and prosecuted for doing so.

I'm not worth your time because you don't know what you're talking about and I refuse to let you post lies.

If you had a conservation with someone claiming there were no separations then quote it. I don't post much but I keep up with this thread best I can. I haven't seen anyone claim that children aren't being separated from parents that have been arrested and are facing criminal charges. That's how the law works even for Americans.

I'll keep showing my brilliance every time you post your lies.
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Perfect example. Remember the caravan? For the most part those people stayed on the Mexican side of the border and waited in line. They applied for asylum at the port of entry the legal and right way.

Except for the illegal reentries (those who had already been deported before) and the 6 who refused to wait their turn and illegally crossed the border all of their asylum claims were heard and processed. None of them were charged criminally and not a single one was separated from their kids.
awwww poor Trump needs a new conspiracy theory

is Trump going to apologize to for his baseless attacks? or his base admit they were duped like always.

Previously redacted Strzock Page text released today unredacted.


Why would the DOJ and FBI redact the word "lures" from the text messages?

Well maybe because OCONUS means outside contiguous United States.

And lures is well known FBI lingo for spies.

When used in this context "OCONUS lures" means foreign spies. It's not a coincidence that Halper, Mifsud and Steele were all either former MI6 agents or had close ties and/or did spy work for MI6 in the past. i.e. Foreign spies. i.e. oconus lures.

So the DOJ and FBI redacted that one word not because of national security reasons but to cover up the use of foreign spies against the Trump campaign.

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