How will they rule ??!

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When you’re accustomed to unjust privilege, equality feels like oppression.
Nice bumper sticker knockoff, but it's a fallacy. How can you know what oppression feels like when your only point of reference up until that point has been privilege?

Suppose, however, you have indeed experienced both privilege and oppression, would you still say equality feels like oppression? I think not.
When you’re accustomed to unjust privilege, equality feels like oppression.

Unjust privliege? You mean like how fewer children of some races are raised by a single parent than others or more of one group chooses not to finish high school than another. Because those are the two things that will almost assure that you end up poor. Who's at fault for that SJW? Those are personal choices.
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gain red lining explained.

That is a really bad explanation of redlining. It wasn't done to hurt a particular race or keep them out of the suburbs. Banks didn't want to make loans to areas with low income, high delinquency rates and low property values. In other words, they didn't want to take on risky loans. Unfortunately, redlining disproportionately impacted minorities. The government later stepped in to force banks to make riskier loans which was part of the reason the banking crisis and "Great Recession" happened.
Remember Brock Turner the white guy who raped an unconscious women behind a dumpster? He was sentence to three months in jail because the judge didn't want to "tarnish his image for the rest of his life."
Remember Brock Turner the white guy who raped an unconscious women behind a dumpster? He was sentence to three months in jail because the judge didn't want to "tarnish his image for the rest of his life."

Remember Brittany Covington, the black girl who helped kidnap a white special needs kid and who also took part in taunting him with racial slurs/torturing him for hours, while live streaming it all on Facebook just because he was a Trump supporter? She was sentenced to four years probation and a four year ban from social media.
Remember Brittany Covington, the black girl who helped kidnap a white special needs kid, who also took part in taunting him with racial slurs and torturing him from hours while live streaming it Facebook, just because he was a Trump supporter? She was sentenced to four years probation and a four year ban from social media.
Counterpoint, Levi thinks the kid should have been aborted since she was special needs soooo...
Remember Brock Turner the white guy who raped an unconscious women behind a dumpster? He was sentence to three months in jail because the judge didn't want to "tarnish his image for the rest of his life."

Interesting event occurring in the NAFTA talks: sounds like Trump is going to end the tri-lateral talks with Canada and Mexico together. Instead, he is going bi-lateral. No way to spin this: its a big negative for Mexico.

Not surprisingly, the peso traded down to its lowest level in a year. The markets are very good at predicting winners and losers and Mexico is about to have its azz handed to it.

They're about to pay for the wall; they may not know it, but its gonna happen.
When you’re accustomed to unjust privilege, equality feels like oppression.

This is lunacy and you cannot make a logical and coherent argument to substantiate it.

I'd love to see you try.. and while we are on the topic of lunacy, the other kid to explain to me how French Americans who are from arguably the most influential culture in the world, and with all those historical advantages, cannot economically outperform Nigerian americans.
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While children are being forcibly removed from their parents the GOP are claiming to be the party of family values. Perfect example of Orwell's "doublethink".
While children are being forcibly removed from their parents the GOP are claiming to be the party of family values. Perfect example of Orwell's "doublethink".
They are invaders. Uninvited socialist freeloaders.

So long as you're willing to sponsor and assume liability for 'em, go for it.

Otherwise, GTFO of my country and stay TFO.
While children are being forcibly removed from their parents the GOP are claiming to be the party of family values. Perfect example of Orwell's "doublethink".
If anyone is forcing anything it's the illegals. Not only are they forcing the government's hand, but they can easily stop endangering their children and forcing them to be accomplices to their crimes. That way they don't get detained, awaiting prosecution and their children don't get separated from them. Easy peasy.

Family values, high moral standards and discipline, includes respecting the law. Just like Trump, illegal immigrants -- even those who illegaly drag their children into the country with them -- are not above the law and do not get a sympathetic pass because of said children. Plenty of parents are jailed and separated from their children everyday for breaking the law. That's the way she blows.
Doesn't Stelter work for CNN?


And this right here is the most delusional whataboutism. We all saw Hillary break out in 10 minute coughing fits, barely able to speak. Let's not also forget she literally passed out and had a be chucked into an SUV like a dead hooker.

Not to mention, her custom campaign van was an emergency room on wheels, topped off with a secret, private doctor who never left her side. Quite the difference when compared to Melania having minor surgery and needing a little rest.

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Doesn't Stelter work for CNN?


And this right here is the most delusional whataboutism. We all saw Hillary break out in 10 minute coughing fits, barely able to speak. Let's not also forget she literally passed out and had a be chucked into an SUV like a dead hooker.

Not to mention, her custom campaign van was an emergency room on wheels, topped off with a secret, private doctor who never left her side. Quite the difference when compared to Melania having minor surgery and needing a little rest.

There is nothing wrong with faith unless you use your beliefs to oppress others. What is really wrong is when people of faith use science to oppress others. That very fact is illustrated throughout all of history by many different people having many different faiths in all parts of the world. But never mind what I think go on about the business of separating families while extolling Christian family values.
There is nothing wrong with faith unless you use your beliefs to oppress others. What is really wrong is when people of faith use science to oppress others. That very fact is illustrated throughout all of history by many different people having many different faiths in all parts of the world. But never mind what I think go on about the business of separating families while extolling Christian family values.

Like when those of the progressive faith use their pseudoscience to claim infinite/pick your own genders and allow the mentally deranged and perverts into the little girl's restroom.
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There is nothing wrong with faith unless you use your beliefs to oppress others. What is really wrong is when people of faith use science to oppress others. That very fact is illustrated throughout all of history by many different people having many different faiths in all parts of the world. But never mind what I think go on about the business of separating families while extolling Christian family values.
Not what is happening. As parents we are charged by GOD to protect our children. It is the parents responsibility and as Christians you are to obey the laws of the land. If you break the law you will be punished so, don't pick and chose what parts of the Bible you want to use. Your lack of understanding of the Christian Bible and the laws of our land is what makes you look foolish.
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There is nothing wrong with faith unless you use your beliefs to oppress others. What is really wrong is when people of faith use science to oppress others. That very fact is illustrated throughout all of history by many different people having many different faiths in all parts of the world. But never mind what I think go on about the business of separating families while extolling Christian family values.

Oh, also, the reason for the separation of children from illegal parents has been explained in detail, but I guess you DGAF because it destroys your narrative. Rule of law never matters unless it fits your agenda.