How will they rule ??!

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You directly addressed me as "man". When you directly address someone a comma comes before.

Come one (comma), man.

When not directly addressing someone.

Go talk to that (no comma) man.

See the difference? Class is dismissed (comma), hayseed.

What does come one, man mean?

I’m really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here Dwayne.

Were you educated in Kentucky? If so I will back off since it’s not a fair fight.
What does come one, man mean?

It's a typo. You know exactly what I meant. Come on, man. Typo still doesn't change the fact you have absolutely no idea what an Oxford comma is nor do you have any idea about comma placement.

Sad when this Kentucky education has a better grasp than you yet you're the one trying to be the message board English teacher. You're pitiful.
If so I will back off since it’s not a fair fight.

Forgot the comma after "If so".

I’m really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here Dwayne.

You're addressing me directly. Comma before "Dwayne".

You see it's easy. You're not as smart as you think you are. If I were you I get a better understanding before pretending to be a grammar and spelling Nazi.
They didn’t run a story wrong - they ran it to promote Trump’s asinine contention that the Eagles didn’t respect the flag. It wasn’t a mistake. They were doing the bidding of their master and got caught. Zero Eagles kneeled last year during the anthem. Trump put a call in to his stooges at Fox News and told them to make him look good. Sadly, neither he nor they did any research, so they tried to run some footage of them praying hoping they could get away with it. They got called out. End of story.

I’m pretty sure you’re a Christian based on many of your previous posts. The fact that Fox did this should have you outraged, but Trump’s balls are too close to your tonsils and you don’t even care.

I’m not defending Fox, I’m laughing at you’re faux outrage over that, but you’re hohum attitude about the past admin trying to undermine their replacement.

I think it’s dumb as hell for players to anger the very people that buy their product. Whether you think it should or not is irrelevant, it does. Kind of like how the baseball strike in 94 damaged the MLB, the NFL players just self inflicted the same type of wound.

I think you’re a fraud, my first experience with you was on the Louisville board 3 years ago. I’ll give you credit, you are a UK fan, but you didn’t mind throwing the fans under the bus.

I think You’re Z, and LEK
Trump actually made a joke at the gold star ceremony about him and Melania getting divorced. some high class president

Fox news made one mistake and John is giddy. He's literally obsessing over it like it trumps everything ever.

His favorite news stations have been pumping out fake news on a weekly basis for two years and he's silent. Typical.

And don't say you don't watch cable news. You get all your opinions from CNN. It's easy to tell because what you post here lines up identical to what they say.
Fox news made one mistake and John is giddy. He's literally obsessing over it like it trumps everything ever.

His favorite news stations have been pumping out fake news on a weekly basis and he's silent. Typical.

And don't say you don't watch cable news. You get all your opinions from CNN. It's easy to tell because what you post here lines up identical to what they say.

It wasn’t a mistake. It was an intentional act to try and make redneck Trump garglers believe the eagles spent most of last year kneeling during the anthem - but even after they got called out and admitted they misled everyone, you dumb ****s still believe the story anyway, because Fox News couldn’t possibly be a propaganda machine for Trump. Except that’s exaclty what they are.
Fox news made one mistake and John is giddy. He's literally obsessing over it like it trumps everything ever.

His favorite news stations have been pumping out fake news on a weekly basis for two years and he's silent. Typical.

And don't say you don't watch cable news. You get all your opinions from CNN. It's easy to tell because what you post here lines up identical to what they say.


Sheesh. Too easy.
I'm sure you heard them say it on CNN but tell us more about the rights you claimed the NFL players were exercising. I'm really interested in seeing you prove exactly how ignorant you are. Even the rednecks and hayseeds you hate are smarter and more informed than you.
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I'm sure you heard them say it on CNN but tell us more about the rights you claimed the NFL players were exercising. I'm really interested in seeing you prove exactly how ignorant you are. Even the rednecks and hayseeds you hate are smarter and more informed than you.

Oh make no mistake - I don’t hate them. The bottoms feeders of the job market (mostly rednecks and hayseeds) are why we are able to sell so many clients on moving jobs offshore. My livelihood depends on idiots, and Kentucky has a never ending supply.
I honestly don’t give a shit what the previous administration did or didn’t do. The fact that you justify every lie Trump tries to sell by saying that Obama did it too tells me you don’t care about truth. You care about how deep you can get his dick down your throat. You seem to be doing a good job.

You don’t care that a administration tried to undermine an election, but you’re mad as hell about Trump calling out football players?

I never once used the excuse Obama did it so Trump can do it too. In fact, what the Obama admin tried to do is undermine the Constitution. To protect his legacy he tried to damage Trump, yet Trump was the one called a traitor? No other Outgoing President EVER has pulled a stunt like that. So yeah, that’s a little bigger than Trump calling out football players.
I honestly don’t give a shit what the previous administration did or didn’t do. The fact that you justify every lie Trump tries to sell by saying that Obama did it too tells me you don’t care about truth. You care about how deep you can get his dick down your throat. You seem to be doing a good job.

How exactly does Fox News running a false Video equate to a Trump lie? Here's the bottom line on this anthem bullshit. It is the bottom line. The NFL owners understand exactly how much this issue cost them. It's their business. They're putting a halt to it. Trump pushed for it because he has a pretty good handle on how the majority of everyday working class people feel about it. He doesn't cater to the lunatic fringe like past presidents. And it feels pretty damn good to me that he is what he is.
You don’t care that a administration tried to undermine an election, but you’re mad as hell about Trump calling out football players?

I never once used the excuse Obama did it so Trump can do it too. In fact, what the Obama admin tried to do is undermine the Constitution. To protect his legacy he tried to damage Trump, yet Trump was the one called a traitor? No other Outgoing President EVER has pulled a stunt like that. So yeah, that’s a little bigger than Trump calling out football players.

It’s not just Trump falsely calling out the Eagles for kneeling. It’s the fact that Fox News hopped on the train and doubled down by showing pictures that had nothing to do with the anthem.

Credibility is like uniqueness - neither have degrees. You’re either unique or you’re not - the same rules apply to credibility.
Oh make no mistake - I don’t hate them. The bottoms feeders of the job market (mostly rednecks and hayseeds) are why we are able to sell so many clients on moving jobs offshore. My livelihood depends on idiots, and Kentucky has a never ending supply.

They're still smarter and more informed than you. They definitely know the difference between the government, a private business and what the first amendment is actually for.
How exactly does Fox News running a false Video equate to a Trump lie? Here's the bottom line on this anthem bullshit. It is the bottom line. The NFL owners understand exactly how much this issue cost them. It's their business. They're putting a halt to it. Trump pushed for it because he has a pretty good handle on how the majority of everyday working class people feel about it. He doesn't cater to the lunatic fringe like past presidents. And it feels pretty damn good to me that he is what he is.

The official White House statement said the eagles were uninvited because they didn’t believe in standing for the anthem. In reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The eagles were one of 7 teams last year that had a 100% rate of players standing for the anthem. The Patriots were in the middle of the pack with 16 instances of players kneeling. Do you think Trump would have uninvited his pals Kraft and Brady? **** no.

Fox did their best to propagate the bald faced lie that Eagle players were kneelers - they played unrelated footage to make it seem so. It wasn’t a mistake, they were doing their job as the state run TV station.
It wasn’t a mistake. It was an intentional act to try and make redneck Trump garglers believe the eagles spent most of last year kneeling during the anthem - but even after they got called out and admitted they misled everyone, you dumb ****s still believe the story anyway, because Fox News couldn’t possibly be a propaganda machine for Trump. Except that’s exaclty what they are.
They aren't a propaganda machine for Trump. 52% of the coverage from Fox is negative for Trump. That means most of their coverage is not good for Trump. They have a ton of Trump haters.
They aren't a propaganda machine for Trump. 52% of the coverage from Fox is negative for Trump.

Lol. So Shepard Smith is on 13 hours a Day? The majority of fox hosts have Trumps balls so far down their gullet they can barely breathe.

Fox and friends

That’s probably accounts for 98% of what rednecks watch - all would take one of Trumps loads in the face. Which in some cases would be hot.
I don’t need a massage board to brag about anything. My paycheck and portfolio are enough to tell me I’m better than 98% of the Kentucky rednecks and Mobilhoma hayseeds on this board.

News flash, dick licker - your heroes at Fox News are just as bad as all the other news stations. Lying sacks of shit.
[roll]Better at what? Being a douche? Agreed, you certainly aren't much of a man if money defines you. I could teach a weak ass man like yourself what it takes to be a man.
“Fox News - we lie like shit to make Trump look good, but hey, we’re not Infowars.”

What a high bar.

As opposed as to liberal media who "we make shit up to make trump look bad"

I think unfowars is trash. But i don't recall them running a story about how trump got 2 scoops of ice cream and everyone else got one. That was run by cnn, msnbc, etc etc
The official White House statement said the eagles were uninvited because they didn’t believe in standing for the anthem. In reality, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The eagles were one of 7 teams last year that had a 100% rate of players standing for the anthem. The Patriots were in the middle of the pack with 16 instances of players kneeling. Do you think Trump would have uninvited his pals Kraft and Brady? **** no.

Fox did their best to propagate the bald faced lie that Eagle players were kneelers - they played unrelated footage to make it seem so. It wasn’t a mistake, they were doing their job as the state run TV station.

Just a quick google search shows that one player did kneel in a preseason game. And Malcolm Jenkins and others raised a fist in the air during the anthem for several games. This is their job, not a protest on their personal time. Rational people are seeing through the bullshit. Crying racism for political gain is not gonna work much longer.
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“Fox News - we lie like shit to make Trump look good, but hey, we’re not Infowars.”

What a high bar.
Go look up the negative/positive percentage for Fox on Trump then, look up negative and positive liberal media coverage on Obama dumb ass then get back to me. Maybe with that supposed education you have you might learn something.
Never said what? Please complete your sentence fragment.
I've asked clearly a few times. My "sentence fragment" has been just fine. Your reading comprehension is that of a hayseed.

I'm sure you heard them say it on CNN but tell us more about the rights you claimed the NFL players were exercising. I'm really interested in seeing you prove exactly how ignorant you are. Even the rednecks and hayseeds you hate are smarter and more informed than you.