How will they rule ??!

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K. I'll take your word for it. None of that makes your argument any less dumb. You immediately went into deflection mode and failed to even click on the video. What happened to Omar Siddiqui has absolutely nothing to do with Fox News. The Democrats are racist.

BTW you have zero room to talk about someone's pussy ego. You're on a message board constantly bragging about petty shit and being a spelling Nazi like you're better than others. Get Trump 's dick out of your mouth and check your own fragile ego.

Dude I was never talking about whatever bullshit clip was posted above. I was just saying fox has zero credibility because they tried to take Trumps crap and run with it, and when they got called out for it they retreated like the Americans in the war of 1812.
People like Dion always skip over Asians. Weird how Asians are so successful in education and average income while blacks are not. But, I thought black failure was just because of whites? Lol. Oh, you mean culture makes a huge difference? Two-parent households make a difference?

Whites got a hearstart? Lol. How about the other nations where blacks are the majority? What did they invent? Look at history and modern day and see what those nations look like. Oh, it’s whitey’s fault for every black failure? Amazing how Asians don’t seem to have that issue.
See my above posts regarding Asians and the different situations ethnic groups have found themselves in over American history. You always try to make this into a white vs black war rather than an honest discussion about circumstances.
Dude I was never talking about whatever bullshit clip was posted above. I was just saying fox has zero credibility because they tried to take Trumps crap and run with it, and when they got called out for it they retreated like the Americans in the war of 1812.
And I pointed out to you in this context (first hand source being interviewed) their creditability was irrelevant and your argument was dumb.
Dude I was never talking about whatever bullshit clip was posted above. I was just saying fox has zero credibility because they tried to take Trumps crap and run with it, and when they got called out for it they retreated like the Americans in the war of 1812.

Let's be honest. Fox is bad, but they are more credible than every liberal based media outlet and it isn't even close. Liberal media is absolute bullshit and the biggest source of made up lies that I have ever seen
Hot damn you're making assumptions. May 7th--- asylum seekers --BTW just as a reminder, slavery was once lawful and genocide was once a policy, neither were moral. You don't have a clue why I'm posting this and you're acting like I'm the one lost. People here have been saying the seperations didn't happen so let's see if you acknowledge your impertinence.
Who has said the separations didn't happen? All I've read is that they're legal and required by law. Something Obama did as well.

Regardless of how much you don't want to admit it entering the country illegally is a prosecutable crime. When you're arrested for committing a crime your kids don't get to come.

Trump has decided to enforce the law. It's not his fault Obama chose not to enforce the law to the full extent and had the open borders crowd convinced it was the norm. It's not.
Does racism affect wages, probably. The biggest things that affect wages are showing up on time and making your company money while causing and having no drama in your workplace. I would say 90% of success is making good choices. Finish school, work, get married, then get your woman knocked up.
It's been proven if you finish high school just high school, get a job, any job, and keep it until other opportunities arise, and dont have children until you are married you are 98% likely to not be in poverty.
Does racism affect wages, probably. The biggest things that affect wages are showing up on time and making your company money while causing and having no drama in your workplace. I would say 90% of success is making good choices. Finish school, work, get married, then get your woman knocked up.
It's been proven if you finish high school just high school, get a job, any job, and keep it until other opportunities arise, and dont have children until you are married you are 98% likely to not be in poverty.
Who has said the separations didn't happen? All I've read is that they're legal and required by law. Something Obama did as well.

Regardless of how much you don't want to admit it entering the country illegally is a prosecutable crime. When you're arrested for committing a crime your kids don't get to come.

Trump has decided to enforce the law. It's not his fault Obama chose not to enforce the law to the full extent and had the open borders crowd convinced it was the norm. It's not.
It's weird, if they would go look at the socialist countries they love so much they'd see they dont allow immigration really at all, if they do you have to be a functioning member of society
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Ky is mostly white and mostly poor which means this is a tough place to sell white privilege.

Man, that white privilege

Ky is mostly white and mostly poor which means this is a tough place to sell white privilege.
Appalachians have many historical disadvantages just like other ethnic groups. We should be trying to help these people, not telling them to shut and deal with it.
Appalachians have many historical disadvantages just like other ethnic groups. We should be trying to help these people, not telling them to shut and deal with it.
Telling them or any group incessantly that they are victims is not helping. Part the mentality leading to opiod and heroin abuse.

And the bold is another strawman... you like throwing those in to enhance your otherwise shitty argument.
So you're arguing that differences in absentee fathers, graduation rates, and likelihood to commit a crime are all based on the color of a person's skin and not historical advantages/disadvantages? Wow.

Those very true issues are Not caused by color, but a result of cultural issues associated with race....and you know it. All those problems...each without exception is caused by personal choice. Unfortunately, children are victims of these decisions. You'd be a good media type- trying to twist accurate statements.
So you're arguing that differences in absentee fathers, graduation rates, and likelihood to commit a crime are all based on the color of a person's skin and not historical advantages/disadvantages? Wow.

Those very true issues are Not caused by color, but a result of cultural issues associated with race....and you know it. All those problems...each without exception is caused by personal choice. Unfortunately, children are victims of these decisions. You'd be a good media type- trying to twist accurate statements.
This goes back to my earlier post.

Learned my fifth great grandfather was shot in leg at Valley Forge. Spent remainder of his life dragging that leg. I had at least two fifth Great Grandfathers at Valley Forge and Washington is an uncle. Athletes are not heroes.

Many athletes are usually pretty terrible people in leagues like the NFL and NBA. Coaches sell their souls and overlook guys who are dumber than dirt and of poor character just cause they might help you win.

Look how many pro players can’t put together a sentence but live a life of luxury because of a game. A game:
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Appalachians have many historical disadvantages just like other ethnic groups. We should be trying to help these people, not telling them to shut and deal with it.
As a person that began my professional career in Appalachia, I can tell you those people were proud and didn't realize they were disadvantaged until LBJ and such convinced them. They were poor, but they cared for their families without hand-outs. They worked their arses off.....until the guvment started giving them welfare checks. Why work when you can get it for free. Welfare DESTROYED the people in the area I worked.
Hot damn you're making assumptions. May 7th--- asylum seekers --BTW just as a reminder, slavery was once lawful and genocide was once a policy, neither were moral. You don't have a clue why I'm posting this and you're acting like I'm the one lost. People here have been saying the seperations didn't happen so let's see if you acknowledge your impertinence.
History and if that is all you have, people learned and have wised up. Plus his point was factual about the law. It sticks in your craw because it destroys your narrative.
Let's be honest. Fox is bad, but they are more credible than every liberal based media outlet and it isn't even close. Liberal media is absolute bullshit and the biggest source of made up lies that I have ever seen

I don’t think credibility comes in degrees. You’re either credible or you’re not. That bullshit anthem kneeling story they ran makes them as bad as infowars.
K. I'll take your word for it. None of that makes your argument any less dumb. You immediately went into deflection mode and failed to even click on the video. What happened to Omar Siddiqui has absolutely nothing to do with Fox News. The Democrats are racist.

BTW you have zero room to talk about someone's pussy ego. You're on a message board constantly bragging about petty shit and being a spelling Nazi like you're better than others. Get Trump 's dick out of your mouth and check your own fragile ego.

I don’t need a massage board to brag about anything. My paycheck and portfolio are enough to tell me I’m better than 98% of the Kentucky rednecks and Mobilhoma hayseeds on this board.

News flash, dick licker - your heroes at Fox News are just as bad as all the other news stations. Lying sacks of shit.
Creditability? Come on man, you’re making this too easy.
Again this is a message board. If you have to resort to spelling mistakes then it's a sign that your argument must be very dumb.

Go ahead and correct my spelling of credibility and while you're at it you can tell me more about the rights (written in a Constitution you know absolutely nothing about) that the NFL players were exercising. Let's find out who the hayseed truly is.

BTW it's "Come on, man, you’re making this too easy." If you're going to be a spelling/grammar nazis then you should have an understanding of correct comma placement.
I don’t think credibility comes in degrees. You’re either credible or you’re not. That bullshit anthem kneeling story they ran makes them as bad as infowars.

So they got a story wrong on football players kneeling and you’re ready to fry them?

How do you feel about The NY Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN
Pushing false stories about our President colluding with a nuclear power? How bout them covering for an outgoing admin spying on an incoming? The intel services being weaponized against political enemies?
Shit, you’re probably about ready stroke the f*ck out over that.

...or you’re a troll that tries to get a rise out of people, either way you’re full of shit.
[roll]I'm a dumb ass and make a lot of money. That is beginning to crack me up now because I get you now. Penis envy is to be expected from a Canadian.

I posted my W2 and will do so again. The 2017 number is tangibly larger than the 2016 number I posted before.

Suffice to say I could buy a thousand of those overpriced coolers if I wanted to.
Again this is a message board. If you have to resort to spelling mistakes then it's a sign that your argument must be very dumb.

Go ahead and correct my spelling of credibility and while you're at it you can tell me more about the rights (written in a Constitution you know absolutely nothing about) that the NFL players were exercising. Let's find out who the hayseed truly is.

BTW it's "Come on, man, you’re making this too easy." If you're going to be a spelling/grammar nazis then you should have an understanding of correct comma placement.

You’re campaigning for the use of an Oxford comma? I thought you rednecks fought the British over that. Maybe you should bow to the queen and her rules of English.
I don’t need a massage board to brag about anything. My paycheck and portfolio are enough to tell me I’m better than 98% of the Kentucky rednecks and Mobilhoma hayseeds on this board.

News flash, dick licker - your heroes at Fox News are just as bad as all the other news stations. Lying sacks of shit.
I can't tell. You say you don't need to brag but then immediately brag. That's all you do here is brag like someone actually cares. No one does.

Also my post had absolutely nothing to do with anything about the anthem so your point is irrelevant. You saw Fox News and immediately got triggered without knowing what was going on.

I see you've also now resorted to ad hominen. A clear sign that your argument was dumb. Next time pay attention before running your mouth.
So they got a story wrong on football players kneeling and you’re ready to fry them?

How do you feel about The NY Times, Washington Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN
Pushing false stories about our President colluding with a nuclear power? How bout them covering for an outgoing admin spying on an incoming? The intel services being weaponized against political enemies?
Shit, you’re probably about ready stroke the f*ck out over that.

...or you’re a troll that tries to get a rise out of people, either way you’re full of shit.

They didn’t run a story wrong - they ran it to promote Trump’s asinine contention that the Eagles didn’t respect the flag. It wasn’t a mistake. They were doing the bidding of their master and got caught. Zero Eagles kneeled last year during the anthem. Trump put a call in to his stooges at Fox News and told them to make him look good. Sadly, neither he nor they did any research, so they tried to run some footage of them praying hoping they could get away with it. They got called out. End of story.

I’m pretty sure you’re a Christian based on many of your previous posts. The fact that Fox did this should have you outraged, but Trump’s balls are too close to your tonsils and you don’t even care.