How will they rule ??!

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Now that Trump's lawyers have shown that drain dead Trump Jr committed perjury is he the next pardon? You gotta be cold blooded to send a letter to the special counsel that throws your son under the bus.

Now that Trump's lawyers have shown that drain dead Trump Jr committed perjury is he the next pardon? You gotta be cold blooded to send a letter to the special counsel that throws your son under the bus.
Is his drain actually dead, or could it just be a clog?
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Noted that you didn't answer the question so I guess you do support someone who thinks they are above the law.

What did Obama do that made him a dictator? Yeah, nothing.

Republicans only care about their 'team' so of course they are ok if Trump were to squash civil liberties, get rid of the courts, jail those who would speak out against the regime, etc. By staying silent you are endorsing it.
According to the money worshiping righties, Trump can do whatever he wants if the economy is doing well. Nevermind that he made the federal deficit even worse to give the wealthiest americans a huge tax cut.

Oh and remember all that talk about how the world now respects us? Tell that to the G-7 countries, because they just showed how much respect they have for our country right now. It's an embarrassment. First time ever our allies jointly disparaged this country because we are treating allies like enemies.
Noted that you didn't answer the question so I guess you do support someone who thinks they are above the law.

What did Obama do that made him a dictator? Yeah, nothing.

Republicans only care about their 'team' so of course they are ok if Trump were to squash civil liberties, get rid of the courts, jail those who would speak out against the regime, etc. By staying silent you are endorsing it.

Obama spied on an opposition candidate. That doesn't bother you.
lol, Obama weaponized the FBI as dictator in chief. Clueless stupid post as always
Oh please. Zero proof of that and Trump's tweets aren't proof.

Once again the things you think Obama did(with no proof by the way) Trump is doing above and beyond, yet you're cheering it on.

Willy you're a hypocrite with no backbone or moral fiber. You and you're pals will stand by and cheer on an administration that destroys democracy because they can. You would cheer on as your fellow americans are rounded up and put into camps because they don't believe the same things as you.

America has become nothing more than a slightly more liberal Russia. Once Trump cheats his way to a 2nd term, he will begin dismantling the last remaining checks on his power and the US finally lets go of its status as a defender of freedom and democracy.
According to the money worshiping righties, Trump can do whatever he wants if the economy is doing well. Nevermind that he made the federal deficit even worse to give the wealthiest americans a huge tax cut.

Oh and remember all that talk about how the world now respects us? Tell that to the G-7 countries, because they just showed how much respect they have for our country right now. It's an embarrassment. First time ever our allies jointly disparaged this country because we are treating allies like enemies.

U got anymore talking points?
yeah the truth hurts. I'll stop since it's hurting your feelings and you can't back anything up with facts.
They've never needed facts. If they get called out they switch topics and deal exclusively in unproven conspiracies against Obama and Hillary or whatever government agency is currently investigating the Trump admin.
I would if that were actually true. Yet it is not. If a member of Trump's team was giving intel to Russia you are saying the FBI should do nothing?

Trump is a liar.

Not true? Are you completely ignoring what the FBI has admitted too?

There is zero proof the Russians had anything to do with Trumps campaign, and if they were in fact trying to flip a member why wouldn’t the Intel services warn Trump?
Doesn’t it make sense that you wouldn’t want a foreign power, unbeknownst to the candidate, possibly incriminating one of the the Presidential candidates? Unless of course they never actually was any prying.
I would if that were actually true. Yet it is not. If a member of Trump's team was giving intel to Russia you are saying the FBI should do nothing?

Trump is a liar.


Do you think Hillary lost because of the Russians?

And what happened between 2012 and 2016 when you were saying the Russians were A ok?

And what about Kerry undermining the current administration with Iran? Do you deny that is illegal?
They've never needed facts. If they get called out they switch topics and deal exclusively in unproven conspiracies against Obama and Hillary or whatever government agency is currently investigating the Trump admin.

Unproven conspiracies? Did you just gloss over Cardkillas post about Trump placing citizens in concentration camps? Trampling the constitution?
How bout the unproven conspiracy Trump collided with the Russians? Talk about conspiracies, we’re 2 years into an investigation that hasn’t shown any collusion.
Unproven conspiracies? Did you just gloss over Cardkillas post about Trump placing citizens in concentration camps? Trampling the constitution?
How bout the unproven conspiracy Trump collided with the Russians? Talk about conspiracies, we’re 2 years into an investigation that hasn’t shown any collusion.
Gotta see where the investigation leads. So many unfounded conspiracies about Mueller peddled by Trump.
Straight from fox news for you

Remember when Shep Smith said the exact same thing when Trump tweeted about being wiretapped? How’d that workout, think Shep will ever come back and say perhaps I was wrong, or his he simply trying to hit Trump.

Trumps whole purpose of that tweet was to get ahead of leaks from the Muller team cone midterms.
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Remember when Shep Smith said the exact same thing when Trump tweeted about being wiretapped? How’d that workout, think Shep will ever come back and say perhaps I was wrong, or his he simply trying to hit Trump.

Trumps whole purpose of that tweet was to get ahead of leaks from the Muller team cone midterms.
Let's switch topics again! No evidence Obama ordered Trump wiretapped like a trump claimed. That's just the truth.
Let's switch topics again! No evidence Obama ordered Trump wiretapped like a trump claimed. That's just the truth.

I’m not switching topics, I’m pointing out a fact. Obama was the head of the Govt, Trump tower was surveilled during the campaign and during presidential elect period. If you think that happened without going to the top for approval youre nuts. We know Susan Rice knew, she released Flynn’s name.

My point was these so-called journalists immediately hit Trump, and never actually do some journalism.
Oh please. Zero proof of that and Trump's tweets aren't proof.

Once again the things you think Obama did(with no proof by the way) Trump is doing above and beyond, yet you're cheering it on.

Willy you're a hypocrite with no backbone or moral fiber. You and you're pals will stand by and cheer on an administration that destroys democracy because they can. You would cheer on as your fellow americans are rounded up and put into camps because they don't believe the same things as you.

America has become nothing more than a slightly more liberal Russia. Once Trump cheats his way to a 2nd term, he will begin dismantling the last remaining checks on his power and the US finally lets go of its status as a defender of freedom and democracy.
Spare us the absolute bullshit. BULLSHIT!

Gunwalker - Fast and Furious. Holder became the first sitting AG in US history held in contempt of Congress. Your hero weaponized the effing IRS so GD much that Lois Lerner resigned and took the fifth under oath before Congress. Remember that? How about cash payments to terror states? The Obama-Hezbollah-Drug Trafficking connection, a 14,000-word investigative piece authored by Politico?

Shall I continue?
Pick any topic (ACA, environment, net neutrality, tax cuts, etc etc) and you find nothing of melodramatic draconian predictions by the left that never ever show to be true and yet they whine about conspiracies.

I do know this...if there were a child molestation conspiracy involving Dems that turned out to be true @cardkilla and @EastKYWildcat could justify it within minutes with no problems. They both lie effortlessly.
We all have some confirmation bias. It's something everyone has to work on. But I have seen conservatives on here criticize Republicans several times. The only thing
I've ever seen a Dem say about their party is that "Hillary was a bad candidate." You'd probably see more criticism of Trump on here but when liberals constantly attack him for everything down to what he eats for dinner, yeah you are going to put them on the defensive. I hope the Dems continue to lack self awareness and keep blaming the Russians for Hillary's loss. It's only going to ensure more conservative victories because independents are seeing just how crazy libs are.
Let's switch topics again! No evidence Obama ordered Trump wiretapped like a trump claimed. That's just the truth.

I think you said it best...

"Gotta see where the investigation leads."

Let's have the I.G. investigate. You would ok with that, right?

To be clear, if President Trump colluded with the Russians. I hope they prove it.

But let's Sh!+ or get off the pot as they used to say.