How will they rule ??!

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I did answer the question. It's racist to say Valerie Jarrett is an ape because of the long history of comparing black people to apes for racist reasons which has led to the black/ape comparison having racist connotations. It is not racist to compare Trump to an orangutan because calling whites who overuse orange spray tan orangutans does not have the same history and hence connotations. Google connotation if you are confused.
Poor argument, historically according to many scientist and atheist, we all came from the same ancestor. Calling Trump an Orangatan is just as bad. Unless you are just another racist saying it is OK.
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We had this same discussion the other day. There's a difference between making fun of someone for a choice they made, i.e. marrying your sister, and something they have absolutely no control over, i.e. being born black.

P.S. He was referring to @JohnKBA as a liberal, not his ex-wife of whom he has no knowledge of political affiliation. Reading comprehension is a basic skill.

Are you purposefully dense? The vast majority of Kentuckians do not marry the sister; yet, your comment does not attack any specific individual who married his sister, but, instead, everyone from the state. Therefore, you are guilty of the same reprehensible conduct that you condemn others for doing. The only "difference" here is that the filth on your side generally is allowed to get away with this kind of thing, but not always- as the backlash against the loathsome Samantha Bee or that repulsively hideous beast prof from Fresno State shows.
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Poor argument, historically according to many scientist and atheist, we all came from the same ancestor. Calling Trump an Orangatan is just as bad. Unless you are just another racist saying it is OK.
Google phrenology. Your statement on the equivalency is incorrect.
Are you purposefully dense? The vast majority of Kentuckians do not marry the sister; yet, your comment does not attack any specific individual who married his sister, but, instead, everyone from the state. Therefore, you are guilty of the same reprehensible conduct that you condemn others for doing. The only "difference" here is that the filth on your side generally is allowed to get away with this kind of thing, but not always- as the backlash against the loathsome Samantha Bee or that repulsively hideous beast prof from Fresno State shows.

"Kentuckian" isn't a race though. By that comment, he's saying all Kentuckians marry their sisters - which would actually be impossible, since not all have sisters. The only way that comment could be possible would be if everyone in Kentucky was female and they all had an odd number of siblings. Then they could all lesbian marry each other.
Not all conservative stances, just the "hardcore" stances - which is clearly stated in my post. Hardcore liberals are just as bad.

Comprehension, man. Try it sometime.
Comprehension? How about you look up the word. It isn't defined as mind reader. I read exactly what you posted. These days mainstream liberals think border security is hardcore. They also think tax cuts are hardcore. So on and so on. Coming from liberals, even those who aren't hardcore, hardcore conservative stances could mean anything.
Chill, John. Please.

I've got lots of respect for you, and can sense the frustration. Just chill. Nothing is perfect.

<- - - - Just returned from the pub. Got a good buzz going. Let's all be cool.

Dude, I just have no tolerance for idiots. I enjoy the witty and funny stuff guys like you and Willy post even though I don't agree with everything you guys believe in. Hell, even the hardcore guys like screwduke, Phatty and King post mostly well thought out stuff even though a lot of it is rubbish (I kid, I kid.) I just can't stand the idiots. They know who they are.
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Comprehension? How about you look up the word. It isn't defined as mind reader. I read exactly what you posted. These days mainstream liberals think border security is hardcore. They also think tax cuts are hardcore. So on and so on. Coming from liberals, even those who aren't hardcore, hardcore conservative stances could mean anything.

I don't think border security is hardcore. I also love me some tax cuts, the one we got this year wasn't big enough.
Comprehension? How about you look up the word. It isn't defined as mind reader. I read exactly what you posted. These days mainstream liberals think border security is hardcore. They also think tax cuts are hardcore. So on and so on. Coming from liberals, even those who aren't hardcore, hardcore conservative stances could mean anything.
As far as politicians go, if someone is willing to compromise in legislation I don't consider them hardcore anything. The strongest countries have a diversity of opinions that can reach some agreement with each other.
"Kentuckian" isn't a race though. By that comment, he's saying all Kentuckians marry their sisters - which would actually be impossible, since not all have sisters. The only way that comment could be possible would be if everyone in Kentucky was female and they all had an odd number of siblings. Then they could all lesbian marry each other.
None of that changes the fact that he's a bigot who stereotyped an entire state just because of where they were born. Not to mention, we all know he was referring to the white ones from the hills. Don't play dumb.
Why do I have to keep reading about this lady’s race?

It’s not obvious she is black, it is obvious she looks like she could easily stand in that movie and that the joke is in poor taste.

Some people are racist, others are idiots of different sorts.... move on and talk about something more interesting, k thanks.
Dude, I just have no tolerance for idiots. I enjoy the witty and funny stuff guys like you and Willy post even though I don't agree with everything you guys believe in. Hell, even the hardcore guys like screwduke, Phatty and King post mostly well thought out stuff even though a lot of it is rubbish (I kid, I kid.) I just can't stand the idiots. They know who they are.
I hear ya. Extremes on all sides. Gotta find some moderation here and there. I'm more RW on many issues, but also attack the stupidity when and where applicable.

One must admit the lefties leave themselves open for, well, some awesome trolling. Just saying.

Dynamics have changed much since old Donald moved in. But, hey, we're all cool.
I hear ya. Extremes on all sides. Gotta find some moderation here and there. I'm more RW on many issues, but also attack the stupidity when and where applicable.

One must admit the lefties leave themselves open for, well, some awesome trolling. Just saying.

Dynamics have changed much since old Donald moved in. But, hey, we're all cool.
Our public discourse tends to be dominated by the official statements of our authority figures and has a trickle down effect on the average citizen. When we have a president who tweets haphazardly on a range of topics that thoughtlessness is echoed by others.
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"Kentuckian" isn't a race though. By that comment, he's saying all Kentuckians marry their sisters - which would actually be impossible, since not all have sisters. The only way that comment could be possible would be if everyone in Kentucky was female and they all had an odd number of siblings. Then they could all lesbian marry each other.

I agree, but neither is Mexican, but that didn’t stop the left from running around calling Trump a racist for the comment.

The point being that both arguments are absurd. It’s absurd we’ve got to the point where everyone is so GD pussified they overreact to everything.
Not you John, just making a point that enough is enough slready
Dude, I just have no tolerance for idiots. I enjoy the witty and funny stuff guys like you and Willy post even though I don't agree with everything you guys believe in. Hell, even the hardcore guys like screwduke, Phatty and King post mostly well thought out stuff even though a lot of it is rubbish (I kid, I kid.) I just can't stand the idiots. They know who they are.
Yes we do, glad you finally realized you are in that boat too. There is still hope for you.
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Our public discourse tends to be dominated by the official statements of our authority figures and has a trickle down effect on the average citizen. When we have a president who tweets haphazardly on a range of topics that thoughtlessness is echoed by others.
Extremely weak-minded and erroneous argument. Reckless racebaiting and identity politics were dividing us way before he ran. Your team does things wrong, get off Vox and MotherJones some time.

hahaha I bet this is Bernie Sanders burner acct.

I just got off the phone with a buddy from the old days who wants to go fight for Israel right now.

WTF happened today that I missed? Good lord.
Just an FYI, I think my buddy got high and decided to call me about travel over to Israel, and volunteer his old ass for some stupid shit. He's a trained US Army medic. Shit ain't changed, according to news sources I can access. I talked him out of it. We're too GD old for stupid mercenary crap.

Now ask yourself hmmmm the CIA has a well documented history of running drugs and guns to fund resistance groups to overthrow regimes and governments. Man they seem hell bent on bringing down President Trump. I know. I know. Crazy conspiracy theory.

Any word on Poppy Bush's health? Is he back in the hospital?

You got some pretty far out ideas sometimes, but you are respectable to everyone here. You don’t always act like a child like a couple of our main posters, and don’t try to squabble with other posters on here constantly. You actually bring something to the board which is theories some of us wouldn’t normally come across. I think 80 plus percent of those theories are crazy most of the time haha, but a few have really made me think.
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You got some pretty far out ideas sometimes, but you are respectable to everyone here. Don’t always act like a child like a couple of our main posters, and don’t try to squabble with other posters on here constantly. You actually bring something to the board which is theories some of us wouldn’t normally come across. I think 80 plus percent of those theories are crazy most of the time haha, but a few have really made me think.

I was the same way. 80 percent seems crazy and then you start to follow the money and you start seeing things connect that most would gloss over. I care nothing about aliens and stuff like that but there is a hell of a lot of money and power in politics for it not to be 80% conspiracies in the actual term. 2 or more people conspiring to commit a crime.
Dude, I just have no tolerance for idiots. I enjoy the witty and funny stuff guys like you and Willy post even though I don't agree with everything you guys believe in. Hell, even the hardcore guys like screwduke, Phatty and King post mostly well thought out stuff even though a lot of it is rubbish (I kid, I kid.) I just can't stand the idiots. They know who they are. more hardcore than austin and willy? Daaamn, i know i call your bs out but i post here maybe 2 or 3 times a day....if that's hardcore, youre a fuggin maniacal lifer.:sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:
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Btw, the one person over me at our company.. happens to be black.., a customer complaint worked its way up to him.. he told him he wasnt welcome anymore and we didnt need his business...

..he called him a racist cracker. The picture with him posing with a sign that read "im a racist cracker" was a big hit.