How will they rule ??!

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The labor market is so hot that we can barely hire people. I'll eat crow and say I was wrong about the job market - it's on fire and Trump's policies are the reason.

Hey, if all that is required is one college course, ill get out of the 60+ hour weeks and team up with you. Come on down and lets do an in person interview.
Not sure if any of you caught that Italy story I posted the other day about the liberals trying to hijack their democracy, but the people of Italy won and defeated the establishment. They folded and approved the governments that were voted for and swore in the PM/cabinet ministers.

They must have realized how much it was going to be for them if they put it to a second vote. You would think Democrats would learn the same lesson of, "don't piss off the people who we know have enough support to do whatever they want."
Canada is, for all intents and purposes, a vassal state of the US. I can't even imagine the type of stupidity it would take for them to get into a trade war with us


Well, I can kind of imagine
I think your use of the term racist is flawed. It may insensitive, given the context of the use of the word negro, but it isn't racist. Racism is to discriminate or use derogatory terms against another race because of a belief that ones own race is superior to that race. There has to be intent behind a person's comments for it to be racist. Many comments may be insensitive to the historical plight of a given race, but it doesn't mean the person saying them is racist or believes that the person being talked about is inferior by virtue of being of a different race.
I wish I could give more than one like to the above post.

I will be using/stealing your sentiments if I ever end up in a discussion on racism and it's meaning.

But I will cite my source of course : )

This is such a pathetic statement and shows that the left would rather the country burn to the ground than see it succeed under Trump. It also shows exactly why he will easily win in 2020 if he keeps up what he's doing. The left is literally destroying their own political party and they are too dumb to see it.
Can someone who is smarter about the global fuel economy than I am explain why gas is rising in price? Seems production is up across the board and crude is cheap as shit. I sold my Hybrid last year and bought a big ass truck because I thought gas was gonna stay cheap. $90 to fill up sucks.
Oil prices are actually falling now after reaching a peak ~2 weeks ago. What pushed them up? Specter of no Iran oil after sanctions and no OPEC boost in production to make up for it; continued decreased output by Venezuela; general volatility in ME after US sanctions on Iran. What has made them go down again? Saudi Arabia saying OPEC will increase production; evidence of continued increases in American production; and instability in Italy which could cause ripple effects in EU and world economies (looks like that has passed).
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Oil prices are actually falling now after reaching a peak ~2 weeks ago. What pushed them up? Specter of no Iran oil after sanctions and no OPEC boost in production to make up for it; continued decreased output by Venezuela; general volatility in ME after US sanctions on Iran. What has made them go down again? Saudi Arabia saying OPEC will increase production; evidence of continued increases in American production; and instability in Italy which could cause ripple effects in EU and world economies (looks like that has passed).

Thanks CW.
Can't deny that Trump is killing it, bro.

I hope his dumbass son didn't do anything that will screw this up...
Yeah thanks to Obama.

But enjoy the $4 gas coming your way by the end of the year. Along with higher prices on everything. Which will eat up that extra $30/month you are getting from the tax cuts [roll]

Trump loves to take credit for the low black unemployment rate. Yet under Obama it went from nearly 17% in 2009/10 to 7.8%, a drop of nearly 10%. So it's not like it plummeted under Trump. He just likes to take credit for things he has had little to do with.
Yeah thanks to Obama.

But enjoy the $4 gas coming your way by the end of the year. Along with higher prices on everything. Which will eat up that extra $30/month you are getting from the tax cuts [roll]

Trump loves to take credit for the low black unemployment rate. Yet under Obama it went from nearly 17% in 2009/10 to 7.8%, a drop of nearly 10%. So it's not like it plummeted under Trump. He just likes to take credit for things he has had little to do with.

You are fake news
Yeah thanks to Obama.

But enjoy the $4 gas coming your way by the end of the year. Along with higher prices on everything. Which will eat up that extra $30/month you are getting from the tax cuts [roll]

Trump loves to take credit for the low black unemployment rate. Yet under Obama it went from nearly 17% in 2009/10 to 7.8%, a drop of nearly 10%. So it's not like it plummeted under Trump. He just likes to take credit for things he has had little to do with.
So Trump shouldn't take credit for things that are happening under his administration?
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That Parkland story and the failures of the sheriff’s dept keeps getting worse. Honestly, unbelievable how bad they failed those kids and then CNN does a townhall within days that was nothing more than a NRA bashing rally. That is the danger of holding a nationally televised townhall before you even know the facts.

A RFT which consists of 3 paramedics and 3-4 law enforcement officers were told 6 times no they could not enter the school. Told no once even after the shooter had been caught.

That Parkland story and the failures of the sheriff’s dept keeps getting worse. Honestly, unbelievable how bad they failed those kids and then CNN does a townhall within days that was nothing more than a NRA bashing rally. That is the danger of holding a nationally televised townhall before you even know the facts.

A RFT which consists of 3 paramedics and 3-4 law enforcement officers were told 6 times no they could not enter the school. Told no once even after the shooter had been caught.
A damn shame.

That Parkland story and the failures of the sheriff’s dept keeps getting worse. Honestly, unbelievable how bad they failed those kids and then CNN does a townhall within days that was nothing more than a NRA bashing rally. That is the danger of holding a nationally televised townhall before you even know the facts.

A RFT which consists of 3 paramedics and 3-4 law enforcement officers were told 6 times no they could not enter the school. Told no once even after the shooter had been caught.

If I’m one of those LEOs, I’m telling the sheriff to go **** himself and going in anyway.
Yeah thanks to Obama.

But enjoy the $4 gas coming your way by the end of the year. Along with higher prices on everything. Which will eat up that extra $30/month you are getting from the tax cuts [roll]

Trump loves to take credit for the low black unemployment rate. Yet under Obama it went from nearly 17% in 2009/10 to 7.8%, a drop of nearly 10%. So it's not like it plummeted under Trump. He just likes to take credit for things he has had little to do with.
[laughing]. So......the fact that black unemployment was as low as 8.6% in 2008 seems to indicate Obama did something wrong. Or it could be that the recession inflated his numbers dramatically. See the DJII.

The low under Bush during his 2nd term was 7.6%. The low under Obama, his last month in office, was 7.8%. I ask you, what did Obama do that was so great?
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