How will they rule ??!

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This something you and I can agree on. We need to pull out of everywhere and only go there if they can pay the bill required to help them or at least pay half. That would go a long way to helping us in military spending.
I have no problem with us being involved in conflicts, but in those cases where it's a matter of civil war, our role should be to secure their borders to keep other nations from getting involved, then let the parties figure out their own problems.

America Ferrera– Verified account ‏@AmericaFerrera

Harrah's casino site- Bernie supporters chant "English-only" to stop civil rights leader @DoloresHuerta from providing Spanish translation.
2:07 PM - 20 Feb 2016

I wonder how much we'll hear about Deomcrats and racism?

I agree with the anti-Spanish assessment. I know regressives seek their pitchforks whenever you say that but it's extremely insulting to not speak the native language and we do speak English in this country. Everything in this country operates in English. Spanish is not our language. It's the language of people who couldn't be bothered to assimilate and learn the language of the place they moved to and think people should adapt to them.

^ That's actually a perfect summary of immigration today compared to immigration back in the day. Don't want to assimilate and be American but want to replicate your culture here while expecting the locals to adapt to you while you get the benefits of living here.

But yeah, Democratic Party racism, which is the majority of it, never gets a mention. They're the ones who need to present themselves as the savior of the groups on the "career victim pyramid."
You can't campaign on the race card like the Dems are hell bent on doing right now because after the election you can't turn that off.
You can't campaign on the race card like the Dems are hell bent on doing right now because after the election you can't turn that off.

They don't want to turn it off. Their strategy has been very clear. Create social division and present yourself as the good guy while convincing these people that they're oppressed and victims and cannot succeed without you being their "savior."

That is how they have successfully garnered so many voting blocks. They run on social chaos and dividing us and distracting us so we don't actually look at their record. They're so good at this, that they have actually managed to get groups that are completely conflicting ideologies. Who else could possibly get LGBT and feminist groups while being apologists for Muslims and wanting to bring them here?
They don't want to turn it off. Their strategy has been very clear. Create social division and present yourself as the good guy while convincing these people that they're oppressed and victims and cannot succeed without you being their "savior."

That is how they have successfully garnered so many voting blocks. They run on social chaos and dividing us and distracting us so we don't actually look at their record. They're so good at this, that they have actually managed to get groups that are completely conflicting ideologies. Who else could possibly get LGBT and feminist groups while being apologists for Muslims and wanting to bring them here?
I thought this was the Republican strategy.

Republican Party is full of a bunch of scared pussies. Only reason Trump is winning. Republicans are scared to death and for some reason they think the guy who has never probably held a gun in his life, never been in a fight in his life, is gonna save them from the scary mooslims
I thought this was the Republican strategy.

Republican Party is full of a bunch of scared pussies. Only reason Trump is winning. Republicans are scared to death and for some reason they think the guy who has never probably held a gun in his life, never been in a fight in his life, is gonna save them from the scary mooslims

Conservatives are scared pussies while progressives are crying about being offended by microaggressions and needing a safe space? [laughing]

Yes, you got to be a total pussy to care about your borders and protection from the insanity that is going on in Europe right now due to Muslims.

Also Trump's rise is because of two things and two things only.

1. Rejection of feminism, constant white guilt indoctrination, PC culture
2. Someone who is not the typical puppet by Democratic/Republican establishments
All the kings horses
And all the kings men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

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Just think how much money was pissed away by Jeb.

Hoping for Trump. Anything else won't win. Plus, moderates should like him, right? He's not one of those crazy zealots, right?

Trump will beat Hillary if he can get the nom.
Total advertising spending to date:

Jeb! $89 million

Trump $8 million

And I thought money/Citizens United was ruining politics....
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Trump is becoming a juggernaut. He is leading everywhere. And he's improving dramatically as a campaigner.

New black ops rumor being circulated against Trump is that he has a serious health problem.
Trump is a liberal but if he wins he'll gather good people around him and be a halfway decent President. Not anything utterly crazy like Cruz.

The amazing thing about Trump and I challenge anyone to name anyone including Reagan, Clinton, Obama, or any other great candidate that has ever lived... who on earth besides Trump can fight with the entire Bush family, the Pope, and Apple then win in a landslide in South Carolina against a devout Christian like Ted Cruz running all in the same week without so much as skipping a beat?

There simply are no rules for what Trump can do. And he is death to attack. Bill Clinton tried to attack him a few weeks back and Trump blew him off the map in a day. Seriously, some of you folks have been watching politics for as long as I have and you simply have to admit it is crazy how effective Trump is at counter punching people? I have no compass point against which to measure what I have already seen him do. This is new uncharted political territory.

He doesn't even need people on the ground. He doesn't need advertisements. He's just this massive unstoppable force gaining energy like a Death Star.
I would not underestimate Marco.If you take away Jeb he's pretty close down here in SC.I really think he will take Trump in Florida and if Cruz cant beat Trump HERE than he he cant beat Trump at all.
I saw Trump.I saw Marco.I did not not see Jeb because I had to work.Marco can generate a tremendous energy in person that Trump did not match.Granted,Marco had Nikki, which is pretty powerful stuff in SC.But with Jeb dropping out he will pick up the most of his supporters.Marco defended the Bush family when they were attacked by Trump and he has the support of the RNC He has a LOT of momentum coming out of tonight.
It's about time for FTS - free thinking, open minded liberal that he is - to post another 'Rubio is secretly gay' link.

And Trump is not going to destroy Rubio. The longer this goes on, the more people feel like they know the candidates, the less consequential a 2 minute exchange in some debate will be. Besides, as the field narrows, there are fewer viable options - someone who's inclined to support Rubio, for example, might vote for Bush or Christie or Kasich. That person isn't moving from Rubio to Trump, and likely not from Rubio to Cruz. And 2 of the 3 are now out.

Trump has a hard ceiling, and it's less than 50%. If Cruz or Kasich or Rubio can get the race to one on one before Trump wraps it up, they will beat him. If they can't, they won't. That simple....
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So how would you really describe Trump?

Extreme right liberal?
Mojo here you go...
Like I said before, he's a populist conservative in the mold of George Wallace. He capitalizes on the multitude of alienated white voters who feel like they America they know is slipping away. He uses muslims and hispanics as a wedge issue to garner support among people who are afraid of those groups, just as Wallace used blacks in his time. But he is also pro social security, pro medicare, pro medicaid, and pro taking care of the vets. He's Wallace, just happens to have an R next to his name.
I'm not a regular in this forum but I will say this and bid you all good night,its been a long week down here.-----take it for what you will.--Trump is NOT that popular with most people in SC.By far most people voted against him rather than for him.He won here because the anti Trump vote was split.
trump is going to swing so far to the center if/when he wins the nomination and it's going to be touching hilarious.
LOL. I posted about this earlier today. Trump is a New York Liberal at heart. He is saying what he has to say to get through a Republican Primary. When the convention is over he will be to the left of Hillary faster than you can say "tax credit". He'll be leading Black Lives Matter protests and calling HIllary a racist while he gets arrested at the border while loudly shouting "GO BACK TO AMERICA, GRINGOS!"

Trump will say what needs to be said at any given moment. He is not even in the slightest bound by anything. Whatever is convenient, that's what he believes in. Wait till you catch his general election act.
There simply are no rules for what Trump can do. And he is death to attack. Bill Clinton tried to attack him a few weeks back and Trump blew him off the map in a day. Seriously, some of you folks have been watching politics for as long as I have and you simply have to admit it is crazy how effective Trump is at counter punching people? I have no compass point against which to measure what I have already seen him do. This is new uncharted political territory.

He doesn't even need people on the ground. He doesn't need advertisements. He's just this massive unstoppable force gaining energy like a Death Star.
Yep, been watching politics a long time, never seen anything like it. He defies all rules, all conventional thinking.

You think he'd surround himself with good people and be a passable Prez. I'm not so sure, I think he's capable of crazy. I recall in '92, after Pero got 19% of the vote without the benefit of being backed by a party - and would've done much better than that had he not dropped out for a couple of months and the re-entered. He revealed himself to be a little crazy paranoid during that run. I remember thinking, "someday there will be a dude with enough money to buy the election and we'll elect an irrational, unqualified person to the Office." And we may be there (although I still say he can't win a general....).
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Not Mojo but ok then.

I don't see Trump as using minorities as a wedge. I see it that he thinks minorities have been trained to abuse the system and by default have become a burden and he wants to change that.

I truly believe that "racism" today is basically having a different view than others. I'm not sold on the hate that people seem to see from trump.

Now if you want to bash his politics or experience well I'm with you, but his character is a different matter all together.
Trump obviously can be crazy and irrational, but he'll have a giant staff around to handle details that need to be handled. The President needs to be somebody that can galvanize the public towards a particular aim. That's it. Not a policy wonk. Not even somebody that understands the policy in detail. If they can point people in a desired direction, then there are scores of other people that can attend to the details of policy-making.

I pointed these things out in some detail the other day as I have come to the conclusion that voting for a President who knows the details of all the policies and has all sorts of great fantastic ideas that could really help the country is essentially useless if they are incapable of galvanizing the American people.

That's the big picture. If you want an effective President then actually your sole criteria should be whether or not they can occupy the bully pulpit effectively. All else is sadly useless.
I can't tell you how much I hate some of the people on my wife's Facebook feed. It's from select Christian side where they questioned your Christianity for voting for Trump and how South Carolina was shameful and how Trump is Hitler. Oh, piss off. That type of logic is what will give Hillary the presidency.

That self righteous crap pisses me off beyond belief. I say this as someone who believes in God. Just because somene can pray in front of you and act like they're Johnny Christian, doesn't make them qualified for this position. This position isn't to be a pastor. It's to make some tough decisions, protect us and be able to deal with enemies and get our spending under control.

It makes my blood boil with this mentaity. I'm also convinced that none of them know anything about Hitler.
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Not Mojo but ok then.

I don't see Trump as using minorities as a wedge. I see it that he thinks minorities have been trained to abuse the system and by default have become a burden and he wants to change that.

I truly believe that "racism" today is basically having a different view than others. I'm not sold on the hate that people seem to see from trump.

Now if you want to bash his politics or experience well I'm with you, but his character is a different matter all together.

In today's world, not oozing with white guilt or not worshipping minorities and being a realist or critical means you're racist.

It's a word that's mentioned to try and silence dissenting thought.
Not Mojo but ok then.

I don't see Trump as using minorities as a wedge. I see it that he thinks minorities have been trained to abuse the system and by default have become a burden and he wants to change that.

I truly believe that "racism" today is basically having a different view than others. I'm not sold on the hate that people seem to see from trump.

Now if you want to bash his politics or experience well I'm with you, but his character is a different matter all together.
Trump is confounding the so called experts. Why? Most of these experts and the RNC are out of touch with the voting block. I agree with your racism comment because, it has been orchestrated by the left to ensure their base stays with them for the general election.

The DNC with Bernie are experiencing something similar but have been so corrupt that they know how to manipulate the outcome and make sure Hillary will be their nominee. They have kept their base in the dark for so long using the race and the victim card that they do not know that there is a another way.
I am as conservative as they come, but this election is less about social policies then it is about the sovereignty of this nation. Trump is serious about stopping illegal immigration and he is not doing this to get rich. He will not sell this country down the river like the Dems and the GOP establishment have been doing for years.

People say he will go left but they are the same people that think a Rino would be a good next president.

This country needs a brash, hard ass when it comes to dealing with immigration, terrorists and other foreign entities.

There is no reason why this nation cannot be the economic juggernaut it used to be or even better, but you have to have a clue of what you are doing to do that and no one knows more about economics then the Donald. He will get rid of some of the bureaucratic regulations that are strangling the economy.
The Dems will try to steal and cheat their way back to the White House, but if Trump wins he will probably go after the criminals of the current administration. It will be sweet when they slap the handcuffs on Hillary and Lois Lerner.