How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Maybe it looks that way on this board, where center and left are very much in the minority. I voted Kasich yesterday, McCain and Obama previously so it's simultaneously not my fault and all my fault... that's pretty moderate by definition.
No Cro, not toward you. You stick out as not predictable in your opinions and always read them.
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If those people don't vote, they have no right to complain. By staying home, they're saying they want Hillary Clinton as the next president, which is exactly what would happen.

Just because someone isn't "Christian" enough, doesn't mean you should just concede the presidency to the left.

I know Cruz won't drop out and I doubt it will ever get down to just two people but Republicans need to vote no matter who wins the nomination. I know most elections turn out to be who the lesser of the two evils are and that is literally anyone from the Republican side. We cannot afford to have Hillary as the president.

Not sure who you're referring to, but it's about the ego for me. Not the level of Christianity.
Predictions Winners in bold

Triple Threat Match, with the winner facing Triple H for the WWE World Title at WrestleMania 32:
-Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar vs Dean Ambrose

WWE Divas Title Match:
-Charlotte (c) vs Brie Bella

WWE Intercontinental Title Match:
-Kevin Owens (c) vs Dolph Ziggler

-Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles

-Sasha Banks and Becky Lynch vs Tamina Snuka and Naomi

6 Man Tag Team Match:
-Kane, Big Show and Ryback vs The Wyatt Family

2 Out of 3 Falls WWE U.S. Title Match on the Kickoff Show:
-Kalisto (c) vs Alberto Del Rio

The seeds will be planted for a heel turn for Ambrose but he won't win it. He'll come close due to some shortcut/distraction/interference but he isn't winning.


Not sure if this was on purpose as a fellow wrestling thread poster, but it is about as meaningful HERE as a lot of posts I read!
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This sounds very trickle-down-ish....
Yes, I assume you are democrat and your party sold you on being anti trickle down. The bottom line is, and what democrats can't explain, is once you comprehend my example below, all your trickle down/socialism/anti conservative talk is in a way practically BS

If you take all the money in the world, divide amongst each person equally do you think in ten years time anything would be different than what you know today about the rich vs working class vs poors?

The correct answer is no!

So all the anti trickle BS you bought and pay for daily is essentially a trick your base plays on your people you can't figure out why they are poor and gives them the rich to blame instead of themselves.
Thing is I was reading politics, looked up and read that and began wondering if I somehow got into the wrestling thread and almost responded with a wrestling take.
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In today's world, not oozing with white guilt or not worshipping minorities and being a realist or critical means you're racist.

It's a word that's mentioned to try and silence dissenting thought.
No, we live in a world where no body wants to be the bad guy. So many racists justify their racism as they are pointing out the facts, when it's in fact racism.
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Here's the problem with the whole socialism argument...people act like every socialism or communism is the same... And it's not. People just don't understand Bernie and what a democratic socialist is.

A democratic socialist isn't a Marxist socialist or communist. A democratic socialist is one who seeks to restrain the self destructive excess of capitalism and channel the government use of our taxes into creating opportunity for everyone.

A democratic socialist believes that the economy and society should be run via democracy... To meet public needs instead of a profit for a few.

A democratic socialist doesn't want to destroy private corporations... But does want to bring them under more democratic control. The government can then utilize regulations and tax incentives to encourage companies to act in the Public interest and outlaw destructive activities such as exporting jobs to low wage companies and polluting our environment. Most of all democratic socialist look to the unions to make private businesses more accountable.

This all socialist are the same and blah blah blah is just ignorance by people who just want to stay in a comfort zone we have become accustomed to. If you look at the true definition of that how can you disagree with any of it judging by the state of this country now?
So basically just change your habits America and give the govt more money and control and you'll be ok.........seriously!
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Were going to be taxed no matter what lol. Are you part of the top percent that would be asked to pay a bit more? I'd rather pay more taxes so my kids college is a little more affordable than for a wall that history shows won't do a Damn thing. How'd that Great Wall keep the Hun's out? How bout that Berlin Wall?
First and foremost I am a Christian... But I love some of these "Christians"/Republican's that dog Bernie's ideals because they are solely thinking of themselves... And in the same breath say we need someone with more Christian values in office.....

Wait a minute... Isn't that pretty contradictory? I ain't paying no money to help anyone else but I want someone more Christian in office (a religion that is predicated on Christ himself caring for others first and himself Second)

Cant have it both ways....
Don't want it both ways. I wish religion had nothing to do with a president or his base.

When it comes to a president I want:

1- A MFer that can and will run America like a business because we are!
2- A MFer that really doesn't care to piss people off
3- Someone who essentially realizes when we may be in danger and isn't afraid to go to war to keep our peace.
4- Someone that can honestly look at a policy, red/blue be damned, and think critically as to whether it helps or not and then proceed to talk to those that help(congress/senate) in order to get things done

That is honestly about it. I mean I'd like to like the guy, but I don't have to. Truth be told those 4 things don't fit too many people willing to go after this job, and this year it almost fits 1.

Also, [roll], at Trump when the lights went out! Bravo man, the improv was on point.
First and foremost I am a Christian... But I love some of these "Christians"/Republican's that dog Bernie's ideals because they are solely thinking of themselves... And in the same breath say we need someone with more Christian values in office.....

Wait a minute... Isn't that pretty contradictory? I ain't paying no money to help anyone else but I want someone more Christian in office (a religion that is predicated on Christ himself caring for others first and himself Second)

Cant have it both ways....
Trump's campaign is feeding heavily off the prosperity gospel, which explains why is he doing so well among evangelicals.
Don't want it both ways. I wish religion had nothing to do with a president or his base.

When it comes to a president I want:

1- A MFer that can and will run America like a business because we are!
2- A MFer that really doesn't care to piss people off
3- Someone who essentially realizes when we may be in danger and isn't afraid to go to war to keep our peace.
4- Someone that can honestly look at a policy, red/blue be damned, and think critically as to whether it helps or not and then proceed to talk to those that help(congress/senate) in order to get things done

That is honestly about it. I mean I'd like to like the guy, but I don't have to. Truth be told those 4 things don't fit too many people willing to go after this job, and this year it almost fits 1.

Also, [roll], at Trump when the lights went out! Bravo man, the improv was on point.

I agree that religion shouldn't have a part in Politics. By definition anything of this world cannot share the divine nature with "christianity". Religion has a history of crumbling government.
Poor mans hitler? Your on fire and my ears are burning, please elaborate how you know this? I mean according to everyone here Trump is a democrat posing as a republican to win.

So was hitler a democrat, because I'd love that!
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And by history I mean REALLY history. People like to forget that history tends to be written by conquerors and people in power.... Which happens to be white people 90% of the time. Not saying it's bad, just saying history as taught in our school system. Is very slanted to say the least.
Poor mans hitler? Your on fire and my ears are burning, please elaborate how you know this? I mean according to everyone here Trump is a democrat posing as a republican to win.

So was hitler a democrat, because I'd love that!

There's an old saying that what you say the 1st time is what you really mean. The whole Mexicans are rapist and horrible and the refugees are murderers crap sounds a lot like Hitler when he said similar things about blonde's, gingers and blue eyes...

Well there are a lot of illegal criminals in this country, and considering the FBI says we can not properly tell the difference between normal Muslim and ISIS but it's all trumps fault for reporting those issues. But comparing those statements to Hitler having a personal goal to wipe out non blonde hair blue eyed people.

So was hitler, because what you said first and all, in essence so much like Trump that he too is a democrat?

Yes or no?
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Don't want it both ways. I wish religion had nothing to do with a president or his base.

When it comes to a president I want:

1- A MFer that can and will run America like a business because we are!
2- A MFer that really doesn't care to piss people off
3- Someone who essentially realizes when we may be in danger and isn't afraid to go to war to keep our peace.
4- Someone that can honestly look at a policy, red/blue be damned, and think critically as to whether it helps or not and then proceed to talk to those that help(congress/senate) in order to get things done

That is honestly about it. I mean I'd like to like the guy, but I don't have to. Truth be told those 4 things don't fit too many people willing to go after this job, and this year it almost fits 1.

Also, [roll], at Trump when the lights went out! Bravo man, the improv was on point.

Point 3 is what concerns me about Isis.

Boots on the ground will not get it done. We commit ground troops and it plays into their grandiose notions of pitting Islam against the western world.

Somebody likes trump takes office and with all his anti Muslim rhetoric, it makes it much easier for Isis to radicalize Muslims in the region.

America vs Islam is worst case. Best case is working with Muslim countries in the area to isolate, marginalize and ultimately defeat Isis. They need to put in work and not just depend on team America world police.

We go to war with Isis and we're doing exactly what they want.
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We go to war with Isis and we're doing exactly what they want.

It is "prophesized" that we meet them in battle outside Damascus... we are the "antichrist" and "Jesus the MUslim" comes and wins the battle for them and institutes worldwide sharia.

It's all very disturbing, the mindset we are dealing with, what they actually believe and are fighting for. They don't just hate us for our freedoms.
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Point 3 is what concerns me about Isis.

Boots on the ground will not get it done. We commit ground troops and it plays into their grandiose notions of pitting Islam against the western world.

Somebody likes trump takes office and with all his anti Muslim rhetoric, it makes it much easier for Isis to radicalize Muslims in the region.

America vs Islam is worst case. Best case is working with Muslim countries in the area to isolate, marginalize and ultimately defeat Isis. They need to put in work and not just depend on team America world police.

We go to war with Isis and we're doing exactly what they want.

Islam is a problem no matter the country. They do not belong in western civilization at all. Europe is getting a heavy dose of that right now. They're absolute lunatics that cannot be reasoned with at all. No one is ever better off with Muslims in their countries.
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Why do you constantly refer to them as Trump voters? This is essentially the base of the Republican party. Trump is just saying what they want to hear, sans the dog whistle...
Well, once again you do a drive by to prove that you have no clue to what is going on in the world. You really are uneducated about things aren't you?
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Yes, I assume you are democrat and your party sold you on being anti trickle down. The bottom line is, and what democrats can't explain, is once you comprehend my example below, all your trickle down/socialism/anti conservative talk is in a way practically BS

If you take all the money in the world, divide amongst each person equally do you think in ten years time anything would be different than what you know today about the rich vs working class vs poors?

The correct answer is no!

So all the anti trickle BS you bought and pay for daily is essentially a trick your base plays on your people you can't figure out why they are poor and gives them the rich to blame instead of themselves.
Albany does not really understand. He is a lemming that repeats what he hears only because he has no independent thought. Blissfully unaware and easily controlled.
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"Somebody likes trump takes office and with all his anti Muslim rhetoric, it makes it much easier for Isis to radicalize Muslims in the region."

This point show how ignorant some people are to what is happening in the world. History has shown us that these people have been fighting for thousands of years and no matter what you do they will continue to fight.
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Considering just googling the first paragraph of BigBlueSean's post shows it appears in various places on the internet, it's obviously just copied and pasted without attribution.

That being the case, there's clearly no reason to explain how goddam stupid it is, because if someone is just going to copy and paste something that idiotic, an explanation for why it's moronic will likely fly over their head.
Considering just googling the first paragraph of BigBlueSean's post shows it appears in various places on the internet, it's obviously just copied and pasted without attribution.

That being the case, there's clearly no reason to explain how goddam stupid it is, because if someone is just going to copy and paste something that idiotic, an explanation for why it's moronic will likely fly over their head.

You are right, it is other places... But it's also the true definition of a democratic socialist... Which is very different than than a blanket socialist or communist.
Hitler and Trump both act like the problems go away if you just get rid of certain people they don't agree with.
Trump is Hitler, neo socialism is underrated. Great start to the week.

Take away the constitutional argument, how can someone (that has access to news and an iq over 80) look at our fed govt and say they are currently capable of managing more responsibility?
Stolen from the internets....Trump is like Obamacare, you gotta put it in place before you are told what it is about but we promise it is great.
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Trump is Hitler, neo socialism is underrated. Great start to the week.

Take away the constitutional argument, how can someone (that has access to news and an iq over 80) look at our fed govt and say they are currently capable of managing more responsibility?

You just don't get it. If companies were owned publically, and ran democratically, like if all the shareholders had a vote, we wouldn't run into situations where people are jealous of executive comp. The democratic process of giving all the owners a say in governance would make sure we all aren't victims of capitalism.

But now we just need to make sure all companies are owned publically. We can't settle for having people risk everything they own to build businesses they own themselves. The public matters, not the profit of the individuals who built the business.

My favorite line of that dumb shit was, "A democratic socialist doesn't want to destroy private corporations... But does want to bring them under more democratic control."

You want to bring private corporations under public control, but don't want to destroy private corporations. Jesus Christ.
Hitler and Trump both act like the problems go away if you just get rid of certain people they don't agree with.

Define rid.

That's a mighty big league leap to get to Hitler.

Sean, if what you say is true. Then the joint that you smoke makes you very comparable El Chapo. You and El Chapo both act like the problems with illegal narcotics would just go away if you just get rid of certain people that you and El Chapo don't agree with.
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Make no mistake Sean, whoever formed that opinion you parroted likely did it on a college campus.

For your sake, we'll assume you're in high school and not an actual adult with the viewpoints of a child like Fuzz.