How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I’m not running for office nor do I give a shit what a bunch of hayseeds on a message board think about me.

Trump has been good for me too. I’m having a record year. It’s been fun.
Yeah, it's those hayseeds that make your money for you. You clearly did not make it with your intellect. Remember Obama said you did not do that, someone else did.
It's slim pickings in Kentucky

No one is forcing you to stay. Pack your shit and go, Mr Moneybanks
Making fun of someone for something they were born with and have no control over, i.e. their race or appearance, is absolutely different from making fun of someone for a personal view that's changeable, i.e. politics or religion.

Discrimination is discrimination. Religion is a protected class same as race, and isn't comparable to politics. You don't get to pick and choose. If making fun of some religion person for the spaghetti monster in the sky is acceptable, then making fun of Jarrett for being ugly as hell and looking like a character from the Planet of the Apes is acceptable, too.
I’m not running for office nor do I give a shit what a bunch of hayseeds on a message board think about me.

Trump has been good for me too. I’m having a record year. It’s been fun.

Hayseeds? Wtf you really are a wolf in sheepssheep's clothing you pathetic liberal.
Well good for you coming out for being a loser.

Canadian **** living off USA values. Go back to your stupid cold ass trash land.

No way man! I can play 70 rounds of golf a year down here. I’m not giving that up.

Also, I live off of moving American jobs offshore. So it’s been awesome. Already relocated over 2,000 heads this year and have saved my clients tens of millions of dollars.

USA values indeed.
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No way man! I can play 70 rounds of golf a year down here. I’m not giving that up.

Golf is great but being retarded and saying one thing and living another way is not.

You are literally the poster board loser who believes in one thing yet totally is using it the other way.

Who knows maybe ur dumbass will get a caddy who is in Ms 13. Good luck u stupid cuck
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No way man! I can play 70 rounds of golf a year down here. I’m not giving that up.

Also, I live off of moving American jobs offshore. So it’s been awesome. Already relocated over 2,000 heads this year and have saved my clients tens of millions of dollars.

USA values indeed.

Exactly why you are a POS
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Golf is great but being retarded and saying one thing and living another way is not.

You are literally the poster board loser who believes in one thing yet totally is using it the other way.

Who knows maybe ur dumbass will get a caddy who is in Ms 13. Good luck u stupid cuck

I only accept white caddies.
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JohnKBA is like a pimple on your ass, he showed up thinking he will stand out butt, with a grunt and a pinch, he is gone like a turd.
Yeah, it's those hayseeds that make your money for you. You clearly did not make it with your intellect. Remember Obama said you did not do that, someone else did.

They make my money for me by being lazy, entitled pains in the ass.

My clients don't just move jobs because it's much cheaper. They also get better qualified employees who are grateful for their jobs and believe in providing good quality work in exchange for their pay - something that is lost on a lot of Americans. And with their knight in shining armor hero in the White House, they are more entitled than ever. Makes my sales pitch easy.
They make my money for me by being lazy, entitled pains in the ass.

My clients don't just move jobs because it's much cheaper. They also get better qualified employees who are grateful for their jobs and believe in providing good quality work in exchange for their pay - something that is lost on a lot of Americans. And with their knight in shining armor hero in the White House, they are more entitled than ever. Makes my sales pitch easy.

Or...Your company simply wants cheap labor with college degrees, so they ship jobs to third world countries.

Seems like I had this same conversation that was under a different screen name, in 2016.
Or...Your company simply wants cheap labor with college degrees, so they ship jobs to third world countries.

Seems like I had this same conversation that was under a different screen name, in 2016.

Same screen name.

The business model hasn’t changed and our offshore footprint has only expanded.
Or...Your company simply wants cheap labor with college degrees, so they ship jobs to third world countries.

Seems like I had this same conversation that was under a different screen name, in 2016.

Also, we don’t “move” jobs. The companies you deal with every day - banks, insurance companies, payers, wireless carriers, airlines, etc - are the companies moving the jobs. We simply supply the manpower and solution. BPO 101.
I beg to differ. Calling customer service and having to explain whatever to an idiot who can barely speak/understand English isn't what I call providing quality work. It only serves it exasperate.

I’d agree for companies that provide customer service out India/Africa.

That’s not part of our model. Our employees speak English and are educated primarily in English from the time they start school. They have much better command of the English language than the average person from Appalachia or the Deep South.
For example, just last week I was having problems with my cable TV credentials that I use to sign into my Roku apps -- WatchESPN, Discover, AMC, etc...

Not only did the first four people I spoke with barely speak/understand English, but they didn't even know what a Roku was. Providing quality work, indeed.
For example, just last week I was having problems with my cable TV credentials that I use to sign into my Roku apps -- WatchESPN, Discover, AMC, etc...

Not only did the first four people I spoke with barely speak/understand English, but they didn't even know what a Roku was. Providing quality work, indeed.

Sounds made up. Maybe you need a better cable provider.
Sounds made up. Maybe you need a better cable provider.
Made up my ass. Cable provider is one of the big three. Don't be mad because the people you're advocating for are dumb ass shit. Bet the hayseeds you hate so much could have solved my problem in mere minutes.
Made up my ass. Cable provider is one of the big three. Don't be mad because the people you're advocating for are dumb ass shit. Bet the hayseeds you hate so much could have solved my problem in mere minutes.

I’m shocked a brainiac like you couldn’t figure it out for yourself.
Also, we don’t “move” jobs. The companies you deal with every day - banks, insurance companies, payers, wireless carriers, airlines, etc - are the companies moving the jobs. We simply supply the manpower and solution. BPO 101.

So you provide what amounts to slave labor, got it. These people you take advantage are primarily Brown, you did say India and Africa, right?
So you want to cry racism on one end, yet take advantage of brown people on the other?
And we’re the racists, you are definitely the prototypical liberal, it makes sense now.
Yep, lots of white trash up there too.

You can pretty much look at an electoral map broken out by counties and it tells the story - red, probably not many rocket scientists.
Yeah, and those inner cities, where the majority of Democrat votes come from, are just full of Rhodes Scholars. Give me break, dude. The Democrat party isn't what you pretend it is.
Little advice to the left elitists from KY. No matter your education, upbringing, and etc. the second you step out the bluegrass you are nothing but a dumb hillbilly redneck Appalachian trash regardless of race, gender, or religion. That's how they see you. You will not change their bigot mind so don't let them guilt you into being something you are not. They eat their own in their victim hood culture of hate. They hate you and the only thing that will please them more is for you to hate yourself.
So you provide what amounts to slave labor, got it. These people you take advantage are primarily Brown, you did say India and Africa, right?
So you want to cry racism on one end, yet take advantage of brown people on the other?
And we’re the racists, you are definitely the prototypical liberal, it makes sense now.

I said India and Africa aren’t part of our business model. Might want to brush up on reading comprehension.