How will they rule ??!

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Can you imagine if you were one of the Roseanne actors that hadn’t done crap since the first show ran, and you thought you were finally back, and then boom!
Plus they just pulled all the reruns from tvland and other channels. No more royalties. This is hurting a lot of people in the name of political correctness.
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I honestly don’t know who the fuq Valerie Jarrett is or what she looks like.

Which is a major problem and most people are in the same group as you. Hussein was not vetted with the same microscope as DJT. Her name was about to hit the scandal news wire. Her past and family ties were about to be exposed but I'm not too sure now. It will all be about her looks and some dumbass washed up crazy comic's comments.

Let's boost some bipolar comic up as Trump supporter. Use her show for more SJW propaganda. Slowly walk it back and watch it tank. Have her subvert an online group and spout conspiracy theories. Then drop the hammer with racists comments. Watch all the numbskulls defend her thinking she was on your side. Stop it with these fame whores. They only care about fame and money. They don't care how they get it or who they use.

These people are masters at deception and diversions. They will cry out in pain as they strike you.
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I agree with your first post though re:kaepernick. The fact that this was started by a Muslim sympathizing douchebag didn’t help the cause.

I think Kap started it because he was about to get cut by the Niners, and he was trying to prevent it, and it worked for a year.

I also think he has guilt because he was raised by a white family, and he lived a sheltered life that many of his fellow players didn’t have.
Mix that with a good dose of activist girlfriend and you end up digging yourself a hole.
Nah. I'm just making fun of an ugly woman. I'll leave the religious discrimination to bigot's like @JohnKBA and Joy Behar.
Yeah cause making fun of someone for how they were born looking is so much more noble than making fun of them for choosing to believe in a flying spaghetti monster.
I agree with your first post though re:kaepernick. The fact that this was started by a Muslim sympathizing douchebag didn’t help the cause.

The interesting part is seeing each side of the aisle have the exact opposite reaction to Rosanne being canned.

It's the same exact issue. Can say/do what you want. But there may well be repercussions. Private employers do not have to honor your cause
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I know exactly what the plural of bigot is. It's called autofill on a mobile phone. I see there's no denying it, though.

Yeah cause making fun of someone for how they were born looking is so much more noble than making fun of them for choosing to believe in a flying spaghetti monster.

Oh, mighty virtue signaling peasant. Freedom of religion is protected by the first amendment. Discrimination is discrimination. Can't be mad at Roseanne for making fun of someone for, in your opinion, their race, but totally be on board with discriminating against someone for their religion. You're a bigot all the same.
Nah. I'm just making fun of an ugly woman. I'll leave the religious discrimination to bigot's like @JohnKBA and Joy Behar.

I'm an equal opportunity bigot - I hate all dumb people.

90% of my good friends are proud, gun toting conservative Christians who voted for Trump. They're not idiots though. As a highly successful and well compensated individual, I'm very selective about who I spend my time with. It's slim pickings in Kentucky in the intellect department, but there are a few smart folks out there on both sides of the aisle.
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Yeah cause making fun of someone for how they were born looking is so much more noble than making fun of them for choosing to believe in a flying spaghetti monster.
Yeah, you never hear the left make fun of anyone's looks. Well, as long as they are left leaning locksteppers. If not, anything goes. God you guys are insuferable hypocrites and bigots.
The interesting part is seeing each side of the aisle have the exact opposite reaction to Rosanne being canned.

It's the same exact issue. Can say/do what you want. But there may well be repercussions. Private employers do not have to honor your cause

I mean I don’t care about her show. She’s not funny, is offensive to look at, and has an annoying voice. I wasn’t watching it either way.

I do think it was a dumb tweet though. Especially with her history of being batshit insane.
Yeah, you never hear the left make fun of anyone's looks. Well, as long as they are left leaning locksteppers. If not, anything goes. God you guys are insuferable hypocrites and bigots.

I love making fun of fat people. Of all physically disgusting things, fatness is the only one that is truly a choice. Fair game IMO.
I mean I don’t care about her show. She’s not funny, is offensive to look at, and has an annoying voice. I wasn’t watching it either way.

I do think it was a dumb tweet though. Especially with her history of being batshit insane.

I don't like her either. It was stupid. No way any sensible person risks millions to say something dumb.
The interesting part is seeing each side of the aisle have the exact opposite reaction to Rosanne being canned.

It's the same exact issue. Can say/do what you want. But there may well be repercussions. Private employers do not have to honor your cause
It proves that you do not have free speech rights by your employer. Yet idiots still think Kaepernick does.
That character was never mentioned by Roseanne, only posters here. Yall went through the entire cast of 9 Planet of the Apes movies until you found one you think she resembles and projected that onto her tweet.
I have no problem if they cancelled her show..private entities can do what they want. Weird you are all of a sudden supporting private businesses, when you usually claim they dont care about their employees. If they want to fire her ass..they should go for it. But the inability for you to be consistent is what's hilarious: Private entity NFL changes kneeling policy "outrage, free speech!"

So no, in either case no ones free speech is violated...private entities arent obligated to recognize free speech...only your God, the govt is.

But here's the real irony..."haha yeah fire roseanne" but then the same network hires unhinged Keith Olbermann. Or major media outlet NBC has one of its journalists blatantly lying claiming time traveling hackers made her look like a homophobic bigot....and then crickets from you. Stay consistent bub.
Discrimination is discrimination. Can't be mad at Roseanne for making fun of someone for, in your opinion, their race, but totally be on board with discriminating against someone for their religion.
Making fun of someone for something they were born with and have no control over, i.e. their race or appearance, is absolutely different from making fun of someone for a personal view that's changeable, i.e. politics or religion.
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I'm an equal opportunity bigot - I hate all dumb people.

90% of my good friends are proud, gun toting conservative Christians who voted for Trump. They're not idiots though. As a highly successful and well compensated individual, I'm very selective about who I spend my time with. It's slim pickings in Kentucky in the intellect department, but there are a few smart folks out there on both sides of the aisle.
Yeah, that always helps your standing. Tell everyone except a few that your intellect is superior. That really went well for the left in the last election, proving just the opposite. But hey, I am good with that, it will keep us unintelligent folks in power.
Yeah, that always helps your standing. Tell everyone except a few that your intellect is superior. That really went well for the left in the last election, proving just the opposite. But hey, I am good with that, it will keeps us unintelligent folks in power.

I’m not running for office nor do I give a shit what a bunch of hayseeds on a message board think about me.

Trump has been good for me too. I’m having a record year. It’s been fun.