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White house pulls out of korean summit

This will be a ploy... basing it on the pence comments

Trump had no choice but to walk away after the Pence comments and mostly because NoKo said something about meeting them on the battlefield nuke to nuke. It's unreasonable to try to meet face to face with someone who's still making those types of threats. He's calling their bluff, proving to them he has no problem walking away and showing them that they need this more than the US.

The North Korean summit was all directed by China as a negotiating tactic with the US. Notice how Kim started getting belligerent the past week or so, precisely when the talks with China began.
China thought Trump would give in if they threatened the summit, Trump just called their bluff.

It's called The Art Of the Deal. Kim is about to learn to respect us or he's going to learn about the hell that Bolton dreams about and the wrath that Mattis carries out.
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Trump sure showed Kim who the master negotiator is. His only move is to just never finish a negotiation and then nobody has to see how shit your results would be. You accomplished nothing in NK, congrats you still accomplished as much as the last dozen presidents. This is also why you don't start with a face to face meeting as the goal with a nut like Kim. You make him earn it, which he probably never will. Kim doesn't want peace or denuclearization, he only wants national attention every few months.
Trump sure showed Kim who the master negotiator is. His only move is to just never finish a negotiation and then nobody has to see how shit your results would be. You accomplished nothing in NK, congrats you still accomplished as much as the last dozen presidents. This is also why you don't start with a face to face meeting as the goal with a nut like Kim. You make him earn it, which he probably never will. Kim doesn't want peace or denuclearization, he only wants national attention every few months.

Keep up with the news Platinum.

North Korea dismantles nuclear test site ahead of US summit
Trump sure showed Kim who the master negotiator is. His only move is to just never finish a negotiation and then nobody has to see how shit your results would be. You accomplished nothing in NK, congrats you still accomplished as much as the last dozen presidents. This is also why you don't start with a face to face meeting as the goal with a nut like Kim. You make him earn it, which he probably never will. Kim doesn't want peace or denuclearization, he only wants national attention every few months.

You're full of nonsense. Trump said from the beginning that he wasn't going to make a deal for the sake of making a deal and was perfectly content with walking away. Willing to walk away and take the heat is leadership. Unlike the last administration bowed down and sucked Iran off just so they could say they made a deal.

And try telling those three hostages nothing was accomplished. You're the worst. Root against the country just to spite Trump. I don't punch idiots like you. Only open hand smack treating you like the bitch you are.
Trump sure showed Kim who the master negotiator is. His only move is to just never finish a negotiation and then nobody has to see how shit your results would be. You accomplished nothing in NK, congrats you still accomplished as much as the last dozen presidents. This is also why you don't start with a face to face meeting as the goal with a nut like Kim. You make him earn it, which he probably never will. Kim doesn't want peace or denuclearization, he only wants national attention every few months.
God you're dumb. Trump got 3 hostages back and didn't give up a thing to do it. Saying nothing was accomplished is total bullshit.
Damn right they wont.. and i would still lay odds the meeting happens.. maybe not in june, but it will happen.

The art of the deal
It'll have to happen if Kim wants to stay alive. Kim knows Trump will blow his ass away if he has too. Kim will blink again.
Instead of attacking Kim Pelosi goes at Trump.

Unreal. Please please please run on this platform dems. Trump bad Kim good.

#MeToo goes after Morgan Freeman

Now we wait for that Trump tweet from 5-6 years ago predicting this.
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oh boy, Kim closed some tunnels to a mountain so ****ed up from the last test he couldn't use them anyway. That's one hell of a ringer.
You said nothing was accomplished you dope. Apparently destroying a nuke test site and getting three hostages back while giving up absolutely nothing means nothing was accomplished. Jesus, you libs are insane and should be placed in padded rooms.
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After reading that letter the world has to wonder if Trump has a brain aneurysm.

Dear Kim,
I love you so much but it's me and we have to call off this salacious relationship. I hate your ****ing face and will beat your ass if you say one more bad word. Thanks for all the good times we had, please keep in touch. Watch the skies mother****er, bombs a comin.
P.S. we can still have late night sex romps, if your extra good Ivanka will join in
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Trump sure showed Kim who the master negotiator is. His only move is to just never finish a negotiation and then nobody has to see how shit your results would be. You accomplished nothing in NK, congrats you still accomplished as much as the last dozen presidents. This is also why you don't start with a face to face meeting as the goal with a nut like Kim. You make him earn it, which he probably never will. Kim doesn't want peace or denuclearization, he only wants national attention every few months.

[laughing] Trump had to cancel. He's going to be tied up with serious business. Remember? Your cum guzzling savior and her grifter lawyer are dragging him in front of a federal judge.
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302,000 retweets. Stay classy, leftist douchebags.

Imagine if you cowards actually were face to face in a battle with conservative men? That would be a laugh.
Given the context of what he is saying, I think his point was that she SHOULD be able to visit without having a drink thrown at her. Looks like he just botched his point.
More than your boy Barry and his idiot Sec. of State (Kerry) ever got in 8 years.
Obama got 2 journalists released from NK in 09. Got four freed from Iran in 16. Got the sailors released in less than a day. He must be a master negotiator like Trump.
Obama got 2 journalists released from NK in 09. Got four freed from Iran in 16. Got the sailors released in less than a day. He must be a master negotiator like Trump.

You're missing the point, Iran boarded and confiscated a US Navy vessel, that alone should've ended the negotiations with them. However, all Obama was worried about was his legacy, and Iran getting Nukes in or near his term would've put it on him. Thats why it was pushd 10 years out, Iran was paid to not announce they have Nuclear capabilities, thats why Trump continually calls it a bad deal.
Obama got 2 journalists released from NK in 09. Got four freed from Iran in 16. Got the sailors released in less than a day. He must be a master negotiator like Trump.

Iran takes Obama's ransom and then takes more hostages

Surrounded by his yes-men at the Pentagon on August 4, President Obama, with trademark smugness, hammered the media and his political opponents for claiming that his $400 million cash payment to Iran in January was tied to the simultaneous release of four American hostages.

“We do not pay ransom for hostages,” the President declaimed.

Just two weeks later, State Department spokesman John Kirby acknowledged in response to a reporter’s question that Iran’s release of the hostages was “contingent” upon the $400 million cash payment.

The money-for-exchange in January wasn’t the first time that President Obama has caved in to the demands of terrorists. One week before the ransom payment, Iran captured a U.S. naval patrol boat and 10 American sailors, claiming they had strayed into Iran’s territorial waters, and brazenly paraded them blindfolded on Iranian TV — just as Khomeini’s “students” did with U.S. diplomats in 1979.

By design or good fortune, the incident occurred early in the morning of Obama’s last State of the Union speech. Obama pretended it hadn’t happened and dispatched Secretary of State John Kerry to apologize to the Iranians.

The message sent to Iran’s Islamic thugs was simple: you hit us and the United States will reward you, not punish you.

Iran is responding predictably — by taking more hostages.
I'm for the second amendment and everything, but the moment I see a young adult walking down the street with an AR-15 I'm tuck-tailing and running for the hills. That's just poor taste.
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I'm for the second amendment and everything, but the moment I see a young adult walking down the street with an AR-15 I'm tuck-tailing and running for the hills. That's just poor taste.
You're immeasurably less likely to be shot by someone legally open-carrying a SA rifle than if you were to stroll through south/westside Chicago.
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I’m A Democrat, And The Left’s Russia Gaslighting Scares Me More Than Trump Does
By Saritha Prabhu

My fellow Democrats are increasingly becoming the kind of low-information voters they despise and think are only on the other side.

I am an ordinary voter living far from the Beltway who feels gaslighted by our political and media establishments regarding the Russia investigation. Our current Yanny versus Laurel political moment is probably confusing even for professional political commentators. But for ordinary Americans it is a bewildering, disorienting spectacle.

Which is it: Is Donald Trump a threat to the republic, or is the deep state the threat? Was the Russia investigation legit, or was it concocted by an out-of-control Federal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency? Was it an FBI “informant,” or was it a “spy”?

Has America become Venezuela, as Republicans say, because the Obama administration spied on the campaign of a political adversary? Or has it become Venezuela, as Democrats say, because our current president is attacking his investigators?

The answers to the above questions depend on which camp one is in. In our hyperpartisan times, each side has its own narrative.

The Democrats and their supportive media outlets (CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times) have been saying for a year that Trump and his campaign likely colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election, that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will eventually find proof of it, and that Trump will, as a result, get impeached.

Those on the Right point to the various leaks and reports to say there was no collusion, the Russia investigation was a set-up to undermine Trump’s presidency, and that the investigation needs to wrap up.

I’m a Democrat, and it would be easier to accept my side’s version of unfolding events. It would certainly make my life easier when talking with my liberal friends. But facts are pesky things, and I’ve become increasingly aggravated by my own side. It seems the desire to win the 2016 election and Trump hatred has not only warped the Democratic political and media establishments, but exposed them for what they are.

Yes, Trump is intemperate, narcissistic, and the most unconventional president ever. But it appears that his opponents in our political and media establishments are far worse: they wanted to subvert democracy to save it from Trump; they wanted to thwart the will of Trump’s 63 million voters and not just undermine his presidency, but to concoct an investigation to impeach him and get him out of office.

Looked at this way, it appears that Trump’s election is vindicated for many reasons: There appears to be a deep state in this country comprising both Republicans and Democrats, which will not abide an outsider president.

Meanwhile, my fellow Democrats aren’t in a good spot: They are increasingly becoming the kind of low-information voters they despise and think are only on the other side. For instance, a 2017 poll showed that a majority of Democrats (52 percent) believed Russia tampered with vote tallies in the 2016 election to help elect Trump, despite no evidence. That is akin to 69 percent of Americans believing in September 2003 that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks.

Further, many of my Democratic friends are in the dark about many of the smaller events and facts surrounding the Mueller investigation. They don’t know, for instance, that a federal judge, T. S. Ellis, rebuked Mueller for trying to target Trump. They don’t know that one of the Russian companies Mueller indicted for tampering in the 2016 election, Concord Catering, didn’t exist at the time of the election, and that when they showed up in court to contest the charges, Mueller was unprepared to proceed with the case.

This isn’t entirely ordinary Democrats’ fault, but that of the legacy media outlets they rely on for their news and analysis, which have let their audiences down completely. These media outlets (CNN, ABC, NBC, The New York Times, etc.) have devoted little or no time to many of the stories that “help” Trump or fail to advance the Russia collusion narrative. For instance, ABC, CBS, and NBC together spent a total of just 153 seconds covering Ellis’s rebuke of Mueller.

There is only one word to describe CNN and MSNBC’s coverage in the last year and half: grotesque. They’ve gone so over-the-top with their anti-Trump coverage, so lacking in self-awareness, that even criticizing them seems like a waste of time.

But I sense a bigger problem on the Democratic side, both among ordinary Democrats and prominent left-leaning pundits. In the Trump era, many seem unable to grasp irony and facts as it applies to their own side. For instance, when they talk about Trump violating the rule of law or obstructing justice, don’t they realize that some of us are thinking: Yes, but where were you when the FBI didn’t apply the rule of law to Hillary Clinton, and why didn’t you object when Hillary obstructed justice by deleting emails under subpoena?Shouldn’t the rule of law apply to everyone?

In these troubling times, I’ve been grateful for the commentators on the Right who’ve explained what’s happening and put it in perspective. I’ve also appreciated people like Mark Penn, who broke with party lines and loyalty to the Clintons to speak the truth of what’s happening. His reason, of course, may not be just to defend Trump but to defend the rule of law and our democracy.

Everything that happened in 2016 and 2017 needs to come out in the open: the botched FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, the surveillance of Trump’s campaign, the shady origins of the Russia investigation. There needs to be a reckoning.

There needs to be a reckoning for the mainstream media as well, as to why, as one critic said this week, they’ve acted as “lapdogs for the Deep State and propaganda arm of the Left.” Maybe I’m not a good enough Democrat, but I’m far more troubled by what is happening to Trump than by Trump himself
I’m A Democrat, And The Left’s Russia Gaslighting Scares Me More Than Trump Does
By Saritha Prabhu

My fellow Democrats are increasingly becoming the kind of low-information voters they despise and think are only on the other side.

I am an ordinary voter living far from the Beltway who feels gaslighted by our political and media establishments regarding the Russia investigation. Our current Yanny versus Laurel political moment is probably confusing even for professional political commentators. But for ordinary Americans it is a bewildering, disorienting spectacle.

Which is it: Is Donald Trump a threat to the republic, or is the deep state the threat? Was the Russia investigation legit, or was it concocted by an out-of-control Federal Bureau of Investigation and Central Intelligence Agency? Was it an FBI “informant,” or was it a “spy”?

Has America become Venezuela, as Republicans say, because the Obama administration spied on the campaign of a political adversary? Or has it become Venezuela, as Democrats say, because our current president is attacking his investigators?

The answers to the above questions depend on which camp one is in. In our hyperpartisan times, each side has its own narrative.

The Democrats and their supportive media outlets (CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times) have been saying for a year that Trump and his campaign likely colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election, that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will eventually find proof of it, and that Trump will, as a result, get impeached.

Those on the Right point to the various leaks and reports to say there was no collusion, the Russia investigation was a set-up to undermine Trump’s presidency, and that the investigation needs to wrap up.

I’m a Democrat, and it would be easier to accept my side’s version of unfolding events. It would certainly make my life easier when talking with my liberal friends. But facts are pesky things, and I’ve become increasingly aggravated by my own side. It seems the desire to win the 2016 election and Trump hatred has not only warped the Democratic political and media establishments, but exposed them for what they are.

Yes, Trump is intemperate, narcissistic, and the most unconventional president ever. But it appears that his opponents in our political and media establishments are far worse: they wanted to subvert democracy to save it from Trump; they wanted to thwart the will of Trump’s 63 million voters and not just undermine his presidency, but to concoct an investigation to impeach him and get him out of office.

Looked at this way, it appears that Trump’s election is vindicated for many reasons: There appears to be a deep state in this country comprising both Republicans and Democrats, which will not abide an outsider president.

Meanwhile, my fellow Democrats aren’t in a good spot: They are increasingly becoming the kind of low-information voters they despise and think are only on the other side. For instance, a 2017 poll showed that a majority of Democrats (52 percent) believed Russia tampered with vote tallies in the 2016 election to help elect Trump, despite no evidence. That is akin to 69 percent of Americans believing in September 2003 that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks.

Further, many of my Democratic friends are in the dark about many of the smaller events and facts surrounding the Mueller investigation. They don’t know, for instance, that a federal judge, T. S. Ellis, rebuked Mueller for trying to target Trump. They don’t know that one of the Russian companies Mueller indicted for tampering in the 2016 election, Concord Catering, didn’t exist at the time of the election, and that when they showed up in court to contest the charges, Mueller was unprepared to proceed with the case.

This isn’t entirely ordinary Democrats’ fault, but that of the legacy media outlets they rely on for their news and analysis, which have let their audiences down completely. These media outlets (CNN, ABC, NBC, The New York Times, etc.) have devoted little or no time to many of the stories that “help” Trump or fail to advance the Russia collusion narrative. For instance, ABC, CBS, and NBC together spent a total of just 153 seconds covering Ellis’s rebuke of Mueller.

There is only one word to describe CNN and MSNBC’s coverage in the last year and half: grotesque. They’ve gone so over-the-top with their anti-Trump coverage, so lacking in self-awareness, that even criticizing them seems like a waste of time.

But I sense a bigger problem on the Democratic side, both among ordinary Democrats and prominent left-leaning pundits. In the Trump era, many seem unable to grasp irony and facts as it applies to their own side. For instance, when they talk about Trump violating the rule of law or obstructing justice, don’t they realize that some of us are thinking: Yes, but where were you when the FBI didn’t apply the rule of law to Hillary Clinton, and why didn’t you object when Hillary obstructed justice by deleting emails under subpoena?Shouldn’t the rule of law apply to everyone?

In these troubling times, I’ve been grateful for the commentators on the Right who’ve explained what’s happening and put it in perspective. I’ve also appreciated people like Mark Penn, who broke with party lines and loyalty to the Clintons to speak the truth of what’s happening. His reason, of course, may not be just to defend Trump but to defend the rule of law and our democracy.

Everything that happened in 2016 and 2017 needs to come out in the open: the botched FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server, the surveillance of Trump’s campaign, the shady origins of the Russia investigation. There needs to be a reckoning.

There needs to be a reckoning for the mainstream media as well, as to why, as one critic said this week, they’ve acted as “lapdogs for the Deep State and propaganda arm of the Left.” Maybe I’m not a good enough Democrat, but I’m far more troubled by what is happening to Trump than by Trump himself
Sounds like she won't remain a leftist for long.