How will they rule ??!

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Jim Gray vs Amy McGrath about to get ugly. Gray just slung the first bag of shit accusing her of being a carpet bagger. Will she step it up and go to the next level? :popcorn:
This shooter must have been a narcissistic little piece of shit. Leaving on social media a message detailing how to pronounce his last name and allowing students that he liked to live so "They could tell his story". I'm certainly glad that he let the nice ones live, but many of us are not interested in hearing your story u dumb sombitch! I don't want to see his ugly mug splashed all over the tv screen or hear theories about why he did what he did. I just want him dead.

I guess it's just a matter of time before he has gals sending nude pics and wanting to marry him. This is 2018 America.
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If Trump wins again in 2020, and I suspect that he will; will there be another women's March, like there was last time, i.e, a troll march? Fat girls with tattoos on the rampage? Enquiring minds want to know, and laugh.
If Trump wins again in 2020, and I suspect that he will; will there be another fat, ugly women's March, like there was last time?
I think it's gonna be another fun time for deplorables. Is it possible for the TDS victims to kick it into another gear or will they get wore out from all the resisting and start giving it a break? I have to think his base is expanding significantly at this point with the increasingly absurd behavior of the resistance and his smashing success as a POTUS.
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the "planted spy" has been outed. some professor in Britain that did work with papadouche and Gates. the fbi had been using him for years for counter espionage and the Trump campaign happened to be full of Russian spies. he wasn't planted in the campaign, he was working with some of the morons that are going to prison. if Trump had listened to the FBI months earlier and not hired these people he wouldn't be acting like a whiny bitch right now.
I want the hipsters on this thread (bwls2, platimundragon, etc) to justify this post. Not Fuzz; he's not a millennial, just a crazy old goat. I'm asking the hipsters millennials. On another note, Rob is a weird looking loser with a weird looking cat. How is that the male SJWs always look like Rob? But female SJWs are even worse. 300 pound pigs with purple hair. Great.
what kind of sad person gives a shit about what idiots post on twitter? its only function is to troll snowflakes, quit being one.
I agree with you here WK.

At this point, only 3 things are inevitable - death, taxes, and massacres of children. Nothing is ever gonna change because nobody cares enough to do anything about it.

Oh they care. But disciplining a child became basically illegal in the us. That's the only thing that could really stop this
LOL, Tucker definitely had fun with the democrats defending the animals. I'm sitting here watching this right now and just shaking my head at what the democrat party has become. I guarandamntee that none of those 3 senators would have any objections to someone calling Trump an animal.
So the FBI embedded a professor/informant who convinced them that Papadopoulos and Carter had questionable ties to Russia. Or did they first instruct the informant that he should come to that conclusion regardless? And what about this creepy Stefan Halper dude? I swear this is some seriously unbelievable stuff. And James Clapper thinks it was a good thing. Dirty swamp rats.
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The Senate Republicans admitted Trump colluded with Russia?
No, and the FBI isn't investigating Trump personally. They admitted that Russia influenced the election to favor Trump. Sounds like there were enough players within the Trump campaign worth being drawn into that investigation.
They admitted that Russia influenced the election to favor Trump.

But the Russians actions don't bear that out and no one has ever produced any evidence showing how they came to the conclusion that Russia was trying to help Trump. They've only given their professional opinion. Aren't actions more credible than words?

Key points:

The Russians started in '14 well before Trump ever decided to run.
Out of 3500 ads only 100 were about Trump or Hillary.
Some of those 100 were favored Hillary and were negative for Trump. 93% of the ads were unrelated to both Hillary and Trump.
The Russians set up and carried out two anti-Trump protests.
One was in NYC and it was the second most attended protest only behind the women's march.

USA TODAY went through and analyzed every single ad. Here are their findings
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Sounds like there were enough players within the Trump campaign worth being drawn into that investigation.

You have to have probable cause evidence of a crime for FISA warrants. An unverified opposition research dossier paid for by the other campaign and full of unverified smears told by the Russians isn't acceptable enough to use to spy on Americans. Particularly a presidential campaign. It's a clear abuse of power.
But the Russians actions don't bear that out and no one has ever produced any evidence showing how they came to the conclusion that Russia was trying to help Trump. They've only given their professional opinion. Aren't actions more credible than words?

Key points:

The Russians started in '14 well before Trump ever decided to run.
Out of 3500 ads only 100 were about Trump or Hillary.
Some of those 100 were favored Hillary and were negative for Trump. 93% of the ads were unrelated to both Hillary and Trump.
The Russians set up and carried out two anti-Trump marches.
One was in NYC and it was the second most attended march only behind the women's march.

USA went through and analyzed every single ad. Here are there findings
Far larger than just facebook ads. DNC emails that were hacked by Russia was the biggest story of the campaign. It started in 2014 because of Carter Page, who ended up being a Trump adviser. Not to mention Flynn preemptively discussing sanctions with Kislyak, Papadopoulos admitting that the Russians had dirt and attempting to establish connections between the campaign and Russia, Jared Kushner and Cohen's communications with Russian officials, etc. Who knows if it will come back to Trump or not. Just gotta let the investigation play out.
Far larger than just facebook ads. DNC emails that were hacked by Russia was the biggest story of the campaign. It started in 2014 because of Carter Page, who ended up being a Trump adviser. Not to mention Flynn preemptively discussing sanctions with Kislyak, Papadopoulos admitting that the Russians had dirt and attempting to establish connections between the campaign and Russia, Jared Kushner and Cohen's communications with Russian officials, etc. Who knows if it will come back to Trump or not. Just gotta let the investigation play out.

The FBI never had access to the DNC server. The DNC refused them access. Doesn't that seem odd? The only people who had access was a third party and they've never shared their findings publicly. Since when does a third party security company outrank the FBI in matters of national security? To this day there's been zero evidence shown of who hacked the DNC.

According to those same Senate Republicans you just touted Carter Page was spied on illegally.
And if Carter Page is this big time Russian agent why hasn't he been charged or thrown out of the country after 4 years of being investigated and surveilled by the FBI?

Flynn had every right to call Kislyak. He was the incoming national security adviser. That was his job. He called the Germans and the Turks too. No one cared. Only calling Russia was wrong. If what he did is so wrong then why isn't the FBI up Kerry's ass for talking to Iran on behalf of the US trying to save the deal as a private citizen and not an incoming anything?

Papadopoulos admitting Russians had dirt was fourth hand hearsay. He was told by Misfud who was told by someone else. Papadopoulos then got drunk and ran his mouth to the Australia Ambassador. The Australian Ambassador told the FBI. Drunken fourth hand gossip isn't evidence of anything. And it definitely isn't enough for a FISA warrant. As for him trying to establish connections with the Russians everytime he brought it up with anyone in the Trump campaign he was shut down and ignored.

Not sure what you're talking about with Jared and Cohen. Can you provide a link?

And you don't have to let the investigation play out. It's tainted. In order for an investigation there needs to be evidence of a crime. What's the crime and where is the evidence? We were told Rosenstein had no choice but to appoint Mueller because of Comey’s memos. Well we've now seen Comey’s memos and they prove absolutely nothing. There's no evidence of a crime in his memos.
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The FBI had previously used Carter Page as an informant if I'm not mistaken. Also, wasn't it supposed to be the Russians who provided details for the pee dossier? Why would they do this and other crap against the candidate they wanted in the WH? If the Russians really did do the things they are accused of it seems more likely that their goal was to create division, mistrust and chaos within our government. Mission accomplished. Saddle the eventual winner with a bitterly divided country where both sides hate and mistrust the other. I'm not convinced that they were that concerned with who the winner would be. Regardless, I blame the damned intelligence community, DOJ, Never Trumper Republicans, MSM etc for most of the political shit we are dealing with. Trump certainly makes it worse with many of his tweets as well.
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I predict that they will only get worse.:cry:
I don’t. I think it’s the nail in the coffin. If they can’t defeat him with all the shit thrown during his first four years most of the leaders will see the futility. I think.

Not that they wouldn’t want to run around throwing more shit and they will to an extent, but they’ll have to realize the damage they’re doing with, you know, people that actually vote.

Or they’ll run around accusing Trump of outer space alien rape, murder, and coverup per Michael Avenatti and call the voters stupid dumb idiots again.

Fun times!
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Far larger than just facebook ads. DNC emails that were hacked by Russia was the biggest story of the campaign.

That is a GD lie. Russia did not "hack" the DNC emails. Cite your evidence for that claim. It was Wikileaks who dropped those emails. Wikileaks has 100% truthful reporting and they 100% said it was not Russia.

Wikileaks never revealed their source. Most likely it was Seth Rich, who was killed. Most likely by Hilllary. Those emails detailed extensive collusion with the campaign with the Clinton Foundation and the Obama admin with foreign interests. Treason. 100%.

You just lied.
DNC emails that were hacked by Russia

That is a GD lie. Russia did not "hack" the DNC emails. Cite your evidence for that claim. It was Wikileaks who dropped those emails. Wikileaks has 100% truthful reporting and they 100% said it was not Russia.

Wikileaks never revealed their source. Most likely it was Seth Rich, who was killed. Most likely by Hilllary. Those emails detailed extensive collusion with the campaign with the Clinton Foundation and the Obama admin with foreign interests. Treason. 100%.

You just lied.

No way Russia hacked that server. Plus as Willy said WikiLeaks said over and again it was not Russia.

Secondly I always laugh when anyone blames a third party for those emails. Know who's really to blame? Hillary and her band of criminals. If they weren't lying cheating and stealing (as usual) then whomever accessed their emails wouldn't find bombshell after bombshell.

So you and your pals want to ignore the content and just be mad that all their schemes were exposed.
No way Russia hacked that server. Plus as Willy said WikiLeaks said over and again it was not Russia.

Secondly I always laugh when anyone blames a third party for those emails. Know who's really to blame? Hillary and her band of criminals. If they weren't lying cheating and stealing (as usual) then whomever accessed their emails wouldn't find bombshell after bombshell.

So you and your pals want to ignore the content and just be mad that all their schemes were exposed.


Let's ignore the crimes, but let's get angry at the person who exposed the crimes.

F****** brilliant logic
How dare the FBI investigate something the Senate Republicans just admitted happened.

This will not persuade right wing ideologues that make up most of the right wing propaganda butter knives that infect this board but maybe somebody with a curious mind will take the time to read a book or two about what I'm talking about. BTW I have several family members who are on both sides of the political spectrum and serve as high ranking officers in MI who agree with me on this point.

I think MS-13 needs to be put down BUT every American should research where and how young men from El Salvador as well as most of Central America learned the violence and hate they visit on America. If you do not know the history of South America right wing militarism, the School of The Americas at Fort Benning, GA., La Matanza, or the Atlacatl Battalion in El Salvador trained by US Special forces, then you don't know the why's and what you are talking about. We keep making the same mistakes over and over for short term benefits! Never mind most of those benefits go to the President at the time and most of the bad results (such as MS-13) show up years after that President is gone. A good example is Rios Mont and Ronald Reagan--good friends while in power and oppressing people in El Salvador both now dead and one convicted of genocide by his own people. America needs better educated people and less hateful white trash.
This will not persuade right wing ideologues that make up most of the right wing propaganda butter knives that infect this board but maybe somebody with a curious mind will take the time to read a book or two about what I'm talking about. BTW I have several family members who are on both sides of the political spectrum and serve as high ranking officers in MI who agree with me on this point.

I think MS-13 needs to be put down BUT every American should research where and how young men from El Salvador as well as most of Central America learned the violence and hate they visit on America. If you do not know the history of South America right wing militarism, the School of The Americas at Fort Benning, GA., La Matanza, or the Atlacatl Battalion in El Salvador trained by US Special forces, then you don't know the why's and what you are talking about. We keep making the same mistakes over and over for short term benefits! Never mind most of those benefits go to the President at the time and most of the bad results (such as MS-13) show up years after that President is gone. A good example is Rios Mont and Ronald Reagan--good friends while in power and oppressing people in El Salvador both now dead and one convicted of genocide by his own people. America needs better educated people and less hateful white trash.

Yeah, let's rationalize gang violence. F****** brilliant.
Really enjoy watching the left implode.

I hope Trump continues to make then trip on their dicks to defend the worst people in the world.

I wonder who will be next on the list.

Because of Trump, the left has now become all in for illegals, Iran, North Korea, MS-13, open propaganda media, the deep state, the level of brainwashing that is required to still be a Democrat is a sight to behold.
So now in addition to having all communication monitored via wiretaps of trump and his associates (including attorney), we also know they had people planted within the campaign.

Still zero evidence of any wrong doing, let alone the laughable Russian collusion.

Compare that to Hillary. A small portion of her communication was obtained and it was chock full of crimes, deceit, and conspiracy.