How will they rule ??!

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Can you see this one?
Speaking during a Senate session in July 2008, Sen. Mitch McConnell criticized the concept of the "Thurmond Rule" which some suggest allows senators to oppose the president's judicial nominations in the months before a presidential election. McConnell said Feb. 13 that the vacancy left by the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia should not be filled until after the presidential election.
The "Thurmond Rule" is said to apply to the last 6 months of a president's term. BO has 11 months to go.

So in a 2008 it was bad for the Senate to opposed judicial nominations but in 2016 it is good.
I generally like when hypocrisy is so clearly and neatly pointed it from the left or right.

What will be really entertaining to watch is the shit-storm that will ensue after Bernie wins the election...or even Trump for that matter.

Chuck Shummer calls for no further Bush Scotus in the final 19 months of his term. Hypocrisy on both sides.
Harry Reid was Senate Leader from 2006 to 2014 iirc, and dog cussed anything and everyone on the right, would not pass a budget, changed the Senate rules to punish the minority party, promised on the eve of the 2012 election that if Romney won he would not work with him in any way. Pretty much the biggest POS in govt and nary a peep from people like John Oliver or lefties like fuzz on here. Now the the GOP is in charge, and by the way several Dems have noted that the Senate is now a more professional environment, everyone wants new rules. Go sell that to people not paying attention.
Obama has had 7+ years to unite people and has failed miserably (mirroring his time in office). There's no point at this stage.

My reference to "those people" are the ones like the author Heisman linked. Did Obama come out and celebrate Scalia's death?
Not sure if he can do it at that point, but if he can, I can easily see Trump running third party and killing any chance the Republicans have if they try to pull that stunt at the convention. Trump holds all the cards against the RNC. They better tread lightly with him. I do think if he loses fair and square in the primaries he will honor his agreement with them and not run third party. If not, then I will admit he pulled a fast one on me and millions and others and will pray folks will run away from him.
If he loses he will not see it as "fair and square". Remember Obama saying the historic shift in 2014 was just turnout. Narcissists never "lose". The GOP should have punted him a long time ago and dealt with whatever. At the end of the day he is not a republican in any way shape or form. The irony is that millions that cried RINO regarding previous candidates are actually supporting someone that is the walking definition of the term other than immigration (and that is a recent flip flop).
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If he loses he will not see it as "fair and square". Remember Obama saying the historic shift in 2014 was just turnout. Narcissists never "lose". The GOP should have punted him a long time ago and dealt with whatever. At the end of the day he is not a republican in any way shape or form. The irony is that millions that cried RINO regarding previous candidates are actually supporting someone that is the walking definition of the term other than immigration (and that is a recent flip flop).
Fair point.
In the above listed poll, I clicked "yes" on if I could vote for Donald Trump. The new answer is absolutely not. He's a piece of shit that showed his true liberal colors Saturday night. If he gets the nomination, I guess I'll just stay home and bitch about whomever wins.
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In the above listed poll, I clicked "yes" on if I could vote for Donald Trump. The new answer is absolutely not. He's a piece of shit that showed his true liberal colors Saturday night. If he gets the nomination, I guess I'll just stay home and bitch about whomever wins.

What happened on Saturday night?
Related question: What can the GOP do to level of the field in terms of MSM and pop culture? Or can it even be done?

Not a GD thing. Just like academia, Hollywood and the media will only seek out people just like them. You think it's just a giant coincidence how heavily out of balance the political leanings are of these industries? That is by design.

You can't do anything when most people are totally brainwashed idiots that gobble up anything a liberal comedian will say or whatever idiotic liberal actress tells them.

They have amazingly portrayed anyone that is against them as a "rich racist white radical Christian" and if you're not in that group, well, you must vote Democrat.

Watch this Triumph the Comic Dog at the Dem debate. It's hilarious but watch as he gets a black woman in a wheelchair to act as someone taking questions. The Dems jumped to it like a moth to the flame.

He also does great videos on Trump and Cruz.
Harry Reid was Senate Leader from 2006 to 2014 iirc, and dog cussed anything and everyone on the right, would not pass a budget, changed the Senate rules to punish the minority party, promised on the eve of the 2012 election that if Romney won he would not work with him in any way. Pretty much the biggest POS in govt and nary a peep from people like John Oliver or lefties like fuzz on here. Now the the GOP is in charge, and by the way several Dems have noted that the Senate is now a more professional environment, everyone wants new rules. Go sell that to people not paying attention.
It is quite funny to see McConnell totally go against what he said in 2008. And yes, Qwesley, he is a Republican, despite your attempts to distance yourself from a fellow Republican. Republicans have refused to work with Obama since he was elected 7 years ago. They have used every means necessary from closing the government to refusing to meet with him. So please spare me the faux outrage at Democrats doing exactly what Republicans have done.

Obama is still President for almost another year. Republicans think he should just ignore the great Constitution and stop doing his job. They want to continue the obstructionism they've been doing for 7 years now. It has worked in elections up till now, but I believe people are just completely tired of watching this country go to hell while our elected officials do nothing but play games and blame everything on Obama.

It doesn't matter if it's this President or the next who selects the next Supreme Court judge, it will be a Democrat. So quit delaying the inevitable and do your GD jobs.
It is quite funny to see McConnell totally go against what he said in 2008. And yes, Qwesley, he is a Republican, despite your attempts to distance yourself from a fellow Republican. Republicans have refused to work with Obama since he was elected 7 years ago. They have used every means necessary from closing the government to refusing to meet with him. So please spare me the faux outrage at Democrats doing exactly what Republicans have done.

Obama is still President for almost another year. Republicans think he should just ignore the great Constitution and stop doing his job. They want to continue the obstructionism they've been doing for 7 years now. It has worked in elections up till now, but I believe people are just completely tired of watching this country go to hell while our elected officials do nothing but play games and blame everything on Obama.

It doesn't matter if it's this President or the next who selects the next Supreme Court judge, it will be a Democrat. So quit delaying the inevitable and do your GD jobs.

Nope. You're not winning this next election. Not going to happen. Republicans are going to come out in record numbers this year. Only one time since FDR-Truman, has the same party won three consecutive elections and that was Reagan, Reagan, Bush.

However, I'm sure Dems will do everything they can to import the votes by bringing over tons of third world trash to be Democratic Party votes at the polls.

I did like this part of your statement though. "Republicans think he should just ignore the great Constitution and stop doing his job."

"They want to continue the obstructionism they've been doing for 7 years now." Yeah, because Obama has not been divisive at all and when Reid was Senate Majority Leader and didn't do a damn thing despite over 352 bills passing with bipartisan support while he just let them die on his desk.

You all have been a freaking disaster and it would be a cold day in hell before you or Fuzz was the slightest bit critical of your party or your party's candidates. At least the conservatives on here have been very critical of their party's candidates.
It is quite funny to see McConnell totally go against what he said in 2008. And yes, Qwesley, he is a Republican, despite your attempts to distance yourself from a fellow Republican. Republicans have refused to work with Obama since he was elected 7 years ago. They have used every means necessary from closing the government to refusing to meet with him. So please spare me the faux outrage at Democrats doing exactly what Republicans have done.

Obama is still President for almost another year. Republicans think he should just ignore the great Constitution and stop doing his job. They want to continue the obstructionism they've been doing for 7 years now. It has worked in elections up till now, but I believe people are just completely tired of watching this country go to hell while our elected officials do nothing but play games and blame everything on Obama.

It doesn't matter if it's this President or the next who selects the next Supreme Court judge, it will be a Democrat. So quit delaying the inevitable and do your GD jobs.

For the first two years of his time in office, Obama and the dems had a filibuster proof majority in the senate and control of the house of representatives. The GOP could do very little to halt anything that the dems wanted. Obama thankfully wasted this opportunity to spend all his time pushing for the most liberal version of Obamacare that he could get all 60 dem Senators to support. After that, the dems used the nuclear option so that Obama could load the courts. Only the GOP retaking the Senate in 2014 has slowed O at all.

As far as the upcoming election, I wouldn't be so confident. It is clear that no one is excited to vote for Hillary except senior women. If Bernie is the nominee, Bloomberg says that he will run as a third party candidate. Bloomberg would hurt Bernie much more than the GOP nominee. Even without Bloomberg, Bernie may be too liberal for the general election.
Republicans have refused to work with Obama since he was elected 7 years ago. They have used every means necessary from closing the government to refusing to meet with him.
rewriting history is fun, huh? GOP refused to work with Obama, right. 1st big policy meeting with Obama & GOP congress folks January 2009 over the porkulus bill, GOP voiced displeasure and wanted changes, he told them to get stuffed and ended with now the classic ultimate Obama quote: "I won".

Please explain to us how Obama & the Dems let the GOP "work with" them on Obamacare, or even tried to get one vote from them. And list all the times the GOP refused to meet with him.
Not a GD thing. Just like academia, Hollywood and the media will only seek out people just like them. You think it's just a giant coincidence how heavily out of balance the political leanings are of these industries? That is by design.

You can't do anything when most people are totally brainwashed idiots that gobble up anything a liberal comedian will say or whatever idiotic liberal actress tells them.

It would take a monumental turnaround. It would take multiple extraordinarily charismatic GOP leaders to turn the tide, and at least a handful of the same being prominent in entertainment/MSM. Not realistic.

t is quite funny to see McConnell totally go against what he said in 2008. And yes, Qwesley, he is a Republican, despite your attempts to distance yourself from a fellow Republican. Republicans have refused to work with Obama since he was elected 7 years ago. They have used every means necessary from closing the government to refusing to meet with him. So please spare me the faux outrage at Democrats doing exactly what Republicans have done.

It all started with Biden on Bork. So no need in pretending this was some recent development. That started it all.

Obama is still President for almost another year. Republicans think he should just ignore the great Constitution and stop doing his job. They want to continue the obstructionism they've been doing for 7 years now. It has worked in elections up till now, but I believe people are just completely tired of watching this country go to hell while our elected officials do nothing but play games and blame everything on Obama.

It doesn't matter if it's this President or the next who selects the next Supreme Court judge, it will be a Democrat. So quit delaying the inevitable and do your GD jobs.

Nope. His job is to nominate. Its the senates job to confirm, not rubber stamp. So those branches of government would actually both be doing their jobs.

Oh and Im pretty sure there wasnt obstructions for his entire presidency. For at least 2 years, he force fed the country his policies with the super majority. There was no choice, because those were the election results. The right didnt like it, so they went out and voted change. So if you dont like it, your side will have to go out and vote for change.
You guys should not waste your time replying to catdaddy/cardkilla. He only drops in to take a Ed Shultzesque dump and promptly runs off. Gotta keep that mind closed like a steel drum.
1st big policy meeting with Obama & GOP congress folks January 2009 over the porkulus bill, GOP voiced displeasure and wanted changes, he told them to get stuffed and ended with now the classic ultimate Obama quote: "I won".
Pretty sure the porkulus bill was when Rahm told the GOP, who wanted input, "we have the votes, f^ck them".
The "I won" was after the re-election when Boehner asked that there be $1 in cuts for every $1 in tax increases....since, you know, he campaigned all year around a "balanced" approach to tackling debt. (also his own panel recommended $4 in cuts per $1, but lol). In short, he refused and Boehner backed down. BTW, how much inequality did that large tax increase on the rich solve?
Front page story on about polling that says both Hillary and Trump "scare" voters. it's agenda polling at its finest - I don't recall them asking if Obama scared anyone in '08 with his claims of wanting to fundamentally transform the country and push back the tides at the same time. Still, they are on to something. Some say turnout will be up or way up in November, with this Supreme Court thing just fanning the flames. Me, I'm not so sure. I could see a situation where - assuming Trump and Clinton are the candidates - that huge numbers of voters just say, no, think I'll stay home. I usually roll my eyes at that kind of drama - but in this case, I might just stay home......(Sticking to my original assertion: support for Trump = a vote for Clinton, since Trump can't win, IMO)......
He adopted the dem standing of 2005-2008 that Bush Lied, Troops Died, No Blood For Oil, Iraq War Wrong
Trump is just saying what most people think, probably even a lot of Republicans if you consider his poll numbers have barely moved since the debate on Saturday.
Not a GD thing. Just like academia, Hollywood and the media will only seek out people just like them. You think it's just a giant coincidence how heavily out of balance the political leanings are of these industries? That is by design.

You can't do anything when most people are totally brainwashed idiots that gobble up anything a liberal comedian will say or whatever idiotic liberal actress tells them.

They have amazingly portrayed anyone that is against them as a "rich racist white radical Christian" and if you're not in that group, well, you must vote Democrat.

Watch this Triumph the Comic Dog at the Dem debate. It's hilarious but watch as he gets a black woman in a wheelchair to act as someone taking questions. The Dems jumped to it like a moth to the flame.

He also does great videos on Trump and Cruz.
Not only out of balance but also out of touch.
It is quite funny to see McConnell totally go against what he said in 2008. And yes, Qwesley, he is a Republican, despite your attempts to distance yourself from a fellow Republican. Republicans have refused to work with Obama since he was elected 7 years ago. They have used every means necessary from closing the government to refusing to meet with him. So please spare me the faux outrage at Democrats doing exactly what Republicans have done.

Obama is still President for almost another year. Republicans think he should just ignore the great Constitution and stop doing his job. They want to continue the obstructionism they've been doing for 7 years now. It has worked in elections up till now, but I believe people are just completely tired of watching this country go to hell while our elected officials do nothing but play games and blame everything on Obama.

It doesn't matter if it's this President or the next who selects the next Supreme Court judge, it will be a Democrat. So quit delaying the inevitable and do your GD jobs.
Definitely been watching through your Obama tinted glasses with post like this. No surprise however, it goes right along with my above out of touch post.
He adopted the dem standing of 2005-2008 that Bush Lied, Troops Died, No Blood For Oil, Iraq War Wrong

Which is the truth BTW, and it doesn't matter if it's the democrat thought process. They lied to America and aimed retaliation for 9/11 at Iraq and gouged oil prices on us for years!

It's the exact reason Jeb knew he needed to distance himself from his brother at first.

Sadly, George's speech was better than any republican I've heard the whole primary season. But he is still a jackass of a president.
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Obama bashing Trump today. Will only steer more voters towards Trump. If Obama hates someone, more than likely they actually have a clue about something.
No one likes Trump. Even though I agree his antics are immature at times I don't care about most of it.

If nothing else he knows politics because of how he played politicians for years and will not allow himself to be used that way.
27 year old hispanic woman told me yesterday she wanted hc to get elected. (she brought it up when a group was discussing the day's news). I later asked her why she would vote for hc. She stated she simply wanted to see a woman president. She asked me who I supported...I avoided making a specific statement, but wondered what the ramifications would have been had I said I wanted to vote for a middle aged or older white man.
Can't blame here, just like I don't blame blacks for wanting Obama. Sadly it's a bad choice that could cost us big though.
27 year old hispanic woman told me yesterday she wanted hc to get elected. (she brought it up when a group was discussing the day's news). I later asked her why she would vote for hc. She stated she simply wanted to see a woman president. She asked me who I supported...I avoided making a specific statement, but wondered what the ramifications would have been had I said I wanted to vote for a middle aged or older white man.
Voting for someone because of their gender or race is just as ignorant/sexist/racist as voting against someone for the same.
Can't blame here, just like I don't blame blacks for wanting Obama. Sadly it's a bad choice that could cost us big though.

It bothers me that more blacks don't see what Democrats and their policies have done to their communities and cities.
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It's masked by the need to or maybe want to get back at the system that enslaved their ancestors. If that is a mentality that's has been instilled in you as a person all the welfare and free food in the world is your goal.

The problem is people can't see past that. For some weird reason when given a very little it seems better than earning a lot. I don't get it at all and never have but it is a mentality that plagues a lot of people.

What's worse is the fact that people learn enough to know lack of education is bad, but then can not educate themselves with enough truth to get out of the grasp of a lot of hateful lies taught along the way in schools.

Slavery was awful as it was, but people are still slaves today whether they realize it or not.
Related question: What can the GOP do to level of the field in terms of MSM and pop culture? Or can it even be done?

(The following is my opinion as someone who hates all politicians, but views the right as having a much more negative image among young people)


Generally speaking, this is a moderate nation but the turds on each side are louder. The rural parts (where most of us live) are right-center to far right. The urban parts and both coasts tend to lean left-center to far left.

The GOP is often seen by the common person who cares little about politics as "the man" or "the establishment," thus not cool.

Popular culture has always been about what's "cool" and young people drive that train.

Name the last conservative political figure who the average Joe thought was "cool" and not some crotchety old rich guy. Slick Willy Clinton and Barry Obama, like it or not, was/is considered "cool" by the average person under 40, politics aside.

The "liberal media" plays a role in painting the GOP as a bunch of lame ass squares. The GOP, in my worthless opinion, only has a policy problem on the social side because they MUST have the evangelical vote to win national races, and appeasing the theocrats with Jesus talk is the only way to do it.

The Republicans' main problem is with image. Nobody likes pissed off, yelling guy. Especially if he's richer than the guy he's yelling at.
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