How will they rule ??!

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So what are they waiting on? You act like the GOP doesn't control the executive and legislative branches of government. Why isn't Trump instructing his AG to go after Hillary and Obama? He said he would...just another lie you fell for.
Still has to drain the swamp, there are still a lot a people on both sides of the Isle who do not like him and will go against him. He is a lot smarter than you give him credit for. You are so ate up with liberal ideas and talking points that you really are brain washed.

Did you ever think that perhaps he has better things to do right now. He has been doing very well with trying to put us back on track. I am pretty sure he realizes the problems with trying to go after them right now. We are already wasting millions in tax payer dollars with the fake Russian collusion investigation.
The Strzok-Page Texts and the Origins of the Trump-Russia Investigation

It was July 31, 2016. Just days earlier, the Obama administration had quietly opened an FBI counterintelligence investigation of Russian cyber-espionage — hacking attacks — to disrupt the 2016 election. And not random, general disruption; the operating theory was that the Russians were targeting the Democratic party, for the purpose of helping Donald Trump win the presidency.

FBI special agent Peter Strzok was downright giddy that day.

The Bureau had finally put to bed “Mid Year Exam.” MYE was code for the dreaded investigation of Hillary Clinton’s improper use of a private email system to conduct State Department business, which resulted in the retention and transmission of thousands of classified emails, as well as the destruction of tens of thousands of government business records. Strzok and other FBI vets dreaded the case because it was a go-through-the-motions exercise: Everyone working on it knew that no one was going to be charged with a crime; that Mrs. Clinton was going to be the next president of the United States; and that the FBI’s goal was not to be tarnished in the process of “investigating” her — to demonstrate, without calling attention to the suffocating constraints imposed by the Obama Justice Department, that the Bureau had done a thorough job, and that there was a legal rationale for letting Clinton off the hook that might pass the laugh test.

That mission was accomplished, Strzok and his colleagues believed, with Director James Comey’s press conference on July 5, outlining the evidence and recommending against charges that “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring. Now, having run the just-for-show interview of Hillary Clinton on July 2 — long after Comey’s press statement that there would be no charges was in the can — Strzok was on the verge of a big promotion: to deputy assistant director of counterintelligence.

Even better: Now, he was working a real case — the Trump-Russia case. He was about to fly to London to meet with intelligence contacts and conduct secret interviews.

Not so secret, though, that he could contain himself.

As was his wont several times a day, Strzok texted his paramour, Lisa Page, the FBI lawyer in the lofty position of counsel to Deputy Director Andrew McCabe — which made Page one of the relative handful of Bureau officials who were in on the new probe. Late Sunday night, as he readied for his morning flight, Strzok wrote to Page, comparing the investigations of Clinton and Trump.

"And damn this feels momentous. Because this matters. The other one did, too, but that was to ensure that we didn’t F something up. This matters because this MATTERS."
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And now the mental midget chirps in. Not only did I study civics, I also studied and learned history.

WC, please take a political history class. Pay special attention to groups like the Rockefeller Republicans, Goldwater Republicans, Dixiecrats, Boll weevils and Blue Dog Democrats. Please study the "Solid South" that voted "Democratic" in 23 straight elections between 1876 and 1964.

Please find where people like Strom Thurmond, George Wallace, et al are EVER described as liberals. Democrats yes, liberals...bite your tongue.
Who were the Dixiecrats? Are you aware that they were all "Dems" that split from the Democratic party in 1948 and ran Strom Thurmond for POTUS.
Their platform? States rights, Segregation and Social conservatism. Perhaps we should refer to them as DINOs...Democrats In Name Only.

Let's look at the vote on the Civil Rights act of 1964. Notice the great despair in votes between the Northern and Southern states? There was support and opposition from both sides but real ideological split was between north and south, not Democrats and Republicans.

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

I always know I am dealing with an idiot when someone tries to intermix the terms liberal/conservative with Democrat/Republican when discussing political history. You sir take today's prize.

Class dismissed.
All that and you are still wrong. It has been proven time and again that the left has always up until recently been the party that opposed freeing the slaves, blocked the civil rights movement, blocked ending segregation, etc....the problem is, as I stated earlier, you failed then and only then did they realize their only chance at survival as a party and keeping minorities controled is to blame the republican party and shout as loud and as often as they could how much they care about minorities.

Not all classes were taught correctly or even by good teachers, go back to class or get your money back.
Let me add... why did the KKK used to support Democrats and now supports Republicans/conservatives?[/QUOTE]

Because the democrats saw that the wind was shifting to give all minorities the rights they deserved and that they would lose a lot votes if they did not start to support them or at least give the appearance thereof.
All that and you are still wrong. It has been proven time and again that the left has always up until recently been the party that opposed freeing the slaves, blocked the civil rights movement, blocked ending segregation, etc....the problem is, as I stated earlier, you failed then and only then did they realize their only chance at survival as a party and keeping minorities controled is to blame the republican party and shout as loud and as often as they could how much they care about minorities.

Not all classes were taught correctly or even by good teachers, go back to class or get your money back.
The fact that you would call southern Democrats circa 1860-1964 "the left" just reinforces what an idiot we already knew you to be.
The Cato Institute ( A conservative think tank) ranks the US 17th in the world in freedom. I see quite a few European nations ahead of us. So much for "less freedom".

The top 10 jurisdictions in order were Switzerland, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Ireland, Australia, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and, tied at 9th place, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Selected countries rank as follows: Canada (11), Sweden (13), Germany (16), the United States (17),
Go live in one of those other countries Fuzz because you obviously hate this one.
The fact that you would call southern Democrats circa 1860-1964 "the left" just reinforces what an idiot we already knew you to be.
You really need to get out more. Just come here for a month or so, talk to those who voted Obama and Hillary then, tell me what party is racist. You will find many in this state who are democrats who still use the n word when talking about blacks and Obama. They simply said they would never vote republican and had no choice. You really do not get out much. CNN and your liberal teachers really have done a number on you.
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It sounds like he's advocating for globalism, to be more like Europe, big government and less freedom. Everything America was founded against and meant not to be.

The healthcare argument is a false equivalency. Those countries who "have figured it out" don't have a population of +300 million. It's virtually impossible for the US to give free healthcare to everyone. If we ever do the service will be overwhelmed and atrocious. There are reasons a lot of them choose come here for the best healthcare instead of their own country who has "figured it out".

Here in America we have a constitutional, God given right to bear arms. Why should law abiding citizens suffer the consequences from the actions of criminals? Those countries approach to guns is an affront to freedom. A society who punishes and denies its citizens because of the actions of criminals is not a free society and definitely not one I'm interested in.
Actually he is saying that not all knowledge emanates from the USA, only a fool would disagree. There is a mountain of evidence that healthcare is far more adequately addressed by multiple countries all around the globe where profit motive is second to actual healthcare, ample enough evidence and different systems that we could address the issues here at home far better than we do. That is his very point and it is a good one.

As far as your assumption about healthcare and population density I believe you are again making assumptions. For instance China is far, far better than the US in infant mortality rates. However we do lead the world in bankruptcies due to health care debt.

As far as your assertion about God given rights, first question for me is whose God obviously it's your God because you haven't thought about it any farther than that. It is also abundantly proven that eguns results in fewer deaths no matter how you try to slice that pie. Maybe look at research that the NRA didn't fabricate also. Just saying.

I shouldn't be responding because almost without exception this board like so many others is more about arguing predilections than actual knowledge. Americans do not want to know nearly as much as they want to convince, again one of the points the author was making.
The place is as goofy as it ever was. Whitewater, Iran-Contra, and Watergate all lasted 4 years. Only Watergate had more indictments and convictions its first year than Mueller's investigation. 14 individual indictments, 3 corporations indicted, 5 convictions with some already in prison is not a small issue to be ignored because it is uncomfortable to a personable political position. People say they want to clean up Washington DC but mostly what they mean is they will only tolerate and support their particular brand of corruption. Convenient patriotism supported by malleable ethics.

Careful you might find yourself on the wrong side of an investigation.

James Comey
James Baker
Lisa Page
Peter Strzok
Mike Kortan
Andrew McCabe
Josh Campbell
David Laufman
John Carlin
Sally Yates
Mary McCord
Bruce Ohr
Nellie Ohr
Rachel Brand
James Rybicki
Bill Priestap

Down the drain.
The Constitution is designed to allow change. It's designed to uphold the will of the people and the framers knew that ideas change with time. Did you completely flunk civics or did you just never take the class?

Conservatives by definition are opposed to change. Conservatives opposed granting civil rights to women, blacks, gays, etc.
So it's ok for you to go back in time and say conservatives did something, but we can't go back in time and point out what the democrats/liberals did. Cool rule. It reminds me of that other rule you made up to where you don't have to pay bets you make with people. Must be nice!
What changed that Republicans started referring to themselves as Conservatives and not Republicans. That any GOP politician that doesn't walk the party line is referred to as a RINO?

Time changes things. What was true in 1964 with regard to political parties isn't necessarily true today. Where are the Rockefeller Republicans today? Where are the Blue Dog Democrats today?

There are no absolutes. Political parties change over time that's why only idiots try to put what happened in one party 60 years ago as being the same people that do something today. Today's GOP claims to be for states rights...Lincoln is the dude that imposed that the federal could overrule the state. We had a war over that stuff.

If all that goes over your head then maybe you should study history and understand a bit more before you chirp in.

Let me add... why did the KKK used to support Democrats and now supports Republicans/conservatives?

Let me preface this by letting you know I don’t trust most republican politicians either. I think a lot of them are just as bad as democrats and some are even worse. With that said...

Dems have changed, but only in strategy. Again, tell me how great things are in areas that are heavily liberal. Tell me how much the dems fighting for equality for blacks “the last 60 years” have done for them? I’d argue things have only gotten worse. Why is it anytime a successful black person thinks differently than a liberal they are uncle toms and mentally ill? They are holding them back. These programs they have to help (which btw, stop helping the millisecond you try to help yourself) might as well be shackles to the Democratic Party.

Dems decided to throw away the white working class in favor of every demographic out there. And they are the only ones labeling everyone, while at the same time crying anytime someone uses that label.

To answer your question about the KKK, (as if they’re even relevant today. You’re one to talk about 60 years ago and apply it to today) you’ve got Dems running on the platform of illegal and minority first and sadly we only have a 2 party system. When your whole party is nothing but identity politics and you claim to champion minorities, where do you think the super huge, still relevant KKK will turn to? Also, conservatives want immigrants here, but legally. They welcome immigrants who want to be here, work, and contribute. Your propaganda news network has convinced you and other SJWs that means conservatives are super huge racists who hate anyone who isn’t white... by God that almost sounds like something the KKK could get behind.
“All these people are dead but here is a positive” headline is not one you see everyday. Some of the responses were interesting.

“Now that’s f-cking lemonade” made me laugh
What makes you think I’m angry or white?

I was simply stating facts about the last admin and their actions in the way out.

Diversity just for the sake of diversity isn’t a strength, but that wasn’t why the phrase was used. It was being used to guilt people into accepting illegal immigration and mass numbers of refugees in order to secure the Democratic Party maintaining power.

In the real world, I have never once heard someone refer to this "tactic" used by the Democrats to maintain power. On this thread, however, that idea seems to be universally accepted.

Do you know how freaking stupid and paranoid that sounds, bro?? DOES lends itself perfectly to the idea of hating anyone who wasn't born here, so I can see why you guys support this thick-headed theory.

As for diversity, do you remember that dolt who once posted that he desires "diversity of thought" in cities and communities? LMFAO was that you???
Sup, brodies??

After a long day of that good ol' LIBERAL TEACHING, I can finally take a breather and see what you guys have been up to in this thread.

Before I dive in, can I ask a question?

Is Donald Trump Jr. even dumber than his father? This dude did the Trump administration ZERO FAVORS with that interview. Holy shit. I father like son....he's locked up in a room watching Fox News right now. Those are the only people who can deflect, blame, and "what about.." the bullshit that's come to light in the last day or so and make Trump/Trump Jr. look like the victims.

This "blocked number" stuff is straight out of the movies. Or better yet...a TV show.

Hope you guys are having an awesome day!
Yeah, such a dolty thing to say.

Again, who cares if we're all a bunch of mindless fascists, demanding to people what they can or cannot say, what they can or cannot wear, constantly accusing anyone who believes differently of cultural appropriation, xenophobia, bigotry and racism; meanwhile, we're ate up with group think and obsessed with mob rule, but at least our skin is different colors, thus we have no need for independent thought. Yay for diversity.
As for diversity, do you remember that dolt who once posted that he desires "diversity of thought" in cities and communities? LMFAO was that you???

Was it this guy? Pretty sad when the gheys are even starting to realize that the 'progressive' ideology has been hijacked by race baiting, identity politics, oppressed victim culture and backwards troglodytes.

Why I Left the Left

Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report shares his story of how he used to be a big progressive, and why he has left the left.

Do you believe in free speech?

Do you believe that people should be judged by their character, not their skin color?

Do you believe in freedom of religion?

If you believe these things, you’re probably not a progressive. You might think you’re a progressive. I used to think I was. My show, “The Rubin Report,” was originally part of the progressive “Young Turks” network.

Progressives struck me as liberals, but louder. Progressives were the nice guys; they looked out for the little guy; they cared about women and minorities; they embraced change.

In short, who wouldn’t want to be a progressive?

But over the last couple years, the meaning of the word “progressive” has changed.

Progressives used to say, “I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.” Not anymore.

Banning speakers whose opinions you don’t agree with from college campuses – that’s not progressive. Prohibiting any words not approved of as “politically correct” – that’s not progressive. Putting “Trigger Warnings” on books, movies, music, anything that might offend people – that’s not progressive either.

All of this has led me to be believe that much of the left is no longer progressive, but regressive. This is one of the reasons I’ve spent so much time on my show talking about The Regressive Left.

This regressive ideology doesn’t judge people as individuals, but as a collective.

If you’re black, or female, or Muslim, or Hispanic, or a member of any other minority group, you’re judged differently than the most evil of all things: a white, Christian male. The Regressive Left ranks minority groups in a pecking order to compete in a kind of “Oppression Olympics”. Gold medal goes to the most offended.

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream that his children would be judged by their character and not their skin color was a liberal idea, but these days, it’s not a progressive ideal.

And what about religious freedom - the idea that no one else can tell you what you have to believe? Surely progressives still support that basic right.

Well, not so much.

I’m a married gay man, so you might think that I appreciate the government forcing a Christian baker or photographer or florist to act against their religion in order to cater, photograph or decorate my wedding. But you’d be wrong. A government that can force Christians to violate their conscience can force me to violate mine. If a baker won’t bake you a cake, find another baker; don’t demand that the state tell him what to do with his private business.

I’m pro-choice. But a government that can force a group of Catholic nuns - literally called the Little Sisters of the Poor - to violate their faith and pay for abortion-inducing birth control can force anyone to do anything.

That’s not progressive; that’s regressive!

Today's progressivism has become a faux-moral movement, hurling charges of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia and a slew of other meaningless buzzwords at anyone they disagree with.

The battle of ideas has been replaced by a battle of feelings, and outrage has replaced honesty. Diversity reigns supreme – as long as it’s not that pesky diversity of thought.

This isn’t the recipe for a free society, it’s a recipe for authoritarianism.
people die every minute, get over it. 4 soldiers died in a Niger ambush because of complete incompetence in an area they weren't even supposed to be. Guess what it's not a scandal, its just what happens in a world of flawed humans.
How sick. One justifies the other?
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[laughing] And of course Snopes just had to fact check it. Can't be having conservatives spreading positive memes about Sanders. Seriously, I wouldn't put it past Snopes to fact check "Michelle Obama has a dick."

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders is one of the most admired women in America.

Snopes fact-checked a popular conservative meme being shared on Facebook that claimed that Sanders is in the top 10 of most admired women in the U.S.

The site rated the claim as “true.”
In 2024, I want a Haley/Sanders ticket.
I think there is a lot of truth to this:
I think that when you limit your thinking to one country and identify one country as the source of all wisdom and development, then the fact that much of the rest of the world’s wealthy countries have more or less figured out health coverage doesn’t matter, doesn’t enter into the debate. Or that they’ve figured out gun violence. So we have these endless theoretical debates about what would happen if the police didn’t have guns, or if you had laws banning automatic weapons. And the fact that other countries have done it and you can observe what the results have been doesn’t enter into it. So the fact that the rest of the world has figured out better directions in terms of criminal punishment, moving away from mass incarceration and retributive justice, you know we’re impoverished.
We’re deprived of these sources of wisdom and these experiments in social advances by limiting our understanding to the United States. And the same thing deprives us of world history. You know, people in, kids in U.S. schools are taught almost entirely U.S. history, and as if it’s the only history that matters. We’re taught that, not just that the U.S., but we, identifying ourselves as the U.S. through eternity, we defeated the British in the revolution for freedom, as was necessary, without any mention of Canada, or Australia, or anywhere else that didn’t, and why it was better to have a war or not. We defeated slavery with a civil war, with no mention that much of the rest of the world defeated slavery without a civil war. And so we’re encouraged to support as having been right and necessary anything that the United States did, even if it was a much more mixed picture when you consider the rest of the world.
And so this habit of thinking then makes you prone to go along with whatever the U.S. government now says must be done is justified and necessary. And of course you’ve been trained, conditioned as a robotic little fascist to pledge your obedience to a flag, so that if somebody waves a flag, you are less able to see through what you might otherwise have been able to see through because they’re waving that flag at you.
David Swanson
So who the H is David Swanson? And you quoted him w/o quotes? How f-ed up.
Yeah, such a dolty thing to say.

Again, who cares if we're all a bunch of mindless fascists, demanding to people what they can or cannot say, what they can or cannot wear, constantly accusing anyone who believes differently of cultural appropriation, xenophobia, bigotry and racism; meanwhile, we're ate up with group think and obsessed with mob rule, but at least our skin is different colors, thus we have no need for independent thought. Yay for diversity.

It's doltish to bash the idea of ethnic diversity in America and yet clamor for "diversity of thought" in the "POLITICAL THREAD," bro. Do you even read what's posted here? I'm not talking about opinions based on one's ethnicity...I'm talking about the obsessive nature of this thread's posters to bash everyone who isn't "conservative" or who thinks Trump is a charlatan bitch of a man.

That article you posted was weak, by the way. I read it all. Who in the hell is that guy?
The rats at DOJ and FBI are starting to squeal. If a couple get indicted, it is only a matter of time till Brennan or Clapper sing and point fingers at Obama. Loretta Lynch should be sweating about now.
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