How will they rule ??!

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More Cohen payoff leaks coming down the pipeline. He was paid an additional $4 million in bribes on top of what was already leaked, that was only 1 of 3 referrals to the treasury for illegal activity. Also 2 more Trump whores paid off by Cohen supposed to be revealed.

The lawyer learn all that in the wiretaps they had recording Cohen's phones?
For an "innocent" man Trump is doing a good job of sounding and acting exactly like Nixon did before he got squashed like a bug. If him and his people were really innocent they wouldn't care about being investigated. They sure loved it when we spent 2 years investigating a nothing bhengazi and a nothing email server.
Ice has shown that they will call anyone Ms-13 to get them deported even if they know its not true. They lied over and over in federal court this guy was a gang member even though they had multiple experts tell them he wasn't. And none of them will be punished for this illegal activity. Lard and odor my ass.

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Can't you even read the headline of the article that you posted? It is a defamation case not a sexual assault case. Another women trying to get money (not jail time) out of Trump.
Trump lost his appeal and will have to be deposed in his lying about sexual assault, defamation case.
There you go.
Someone posted an article on here the other day about USPS admitting to, and complaining about, this very thing. I didn't read it so it might not have been $1.50, but they claimed to be losing money, none the less.

You realize he was referring to him colluding to help them meddle, don't you? Which, as far as everyone knows, there's no evidence of collusion. Zero, zip, zilch, none .

Maybe a tad hyperbolic, but the lottery basically does. It's not based on skill or merit.

This is a well known fact reported by almost everyone. White supremacists or not, they did apply for, and was granted, a permit to hold their rally in the park. Antifa and counter protesters had no such permit.

Hint: No they're not.
Amazon qualifies for bulk rates which are a discount of about $1.47 per package off of standard rates. All companies that do large volumes with the USPS qualify for those rates. The USPS makes more profit off of Amazon than any other single customer. Giving a discount does not equate to losing money.

Why must everyone interpret what he is talking about? And you're wrong because he was asked over and over if there was any medaling after multiple intelligence organizations and even members of his own cabinet had told him otherwise. He had plenty of opportunities to clarify himself but he stuck to his claim denying any Russian involvement.

To enter the lottery, applicants must have been born in an eligible country. If selected, to qualify for the immigrant visa, they must have completed at least a high school education or at least two years of work experience in an occupation which requires at least two other years of training or experience. They must also satisfy general immigration requirements, such as means of support, no criminal background, and good health.

Below is a copy of the permit for the counter-protesters of which Antifa were a part. Not sure who "almost everyone" if for you but they aren't serving you very well as reliable sources of information. When confronted with the information below a spokesman for the WH said that Trump was referring to Friday night and the clash at UVA. No permits are required to protest on the campus.
Napolitano says Trump can be Indicted

Fox news go to talking head for law questions says the President can be indicted.

According to the DOJ, those doing the indicting, he's wrong. This is straight from the DOJ memorandum.

The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.

There's also this from a former DOJ lawyer.

In order for an indictment there has to be evidence of a crime. In the case of evidence of a crime, the Constitution designates Congress as the court that tries sitting presidents. In order to undo a national election, the body that does that should have a national mandate.

Separation of powers also comes into play. States can’t use their power to derail the functioning of the United States by prosecuting sitting presidents. And a federal prosecution would raise separation of powers problems, putting the executive branch at the mercy of the judiciary. It's unconstitutional.

Also, again, Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7 of the Constitution. First impeachment, then indictment.

“Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States: but the party convicted [of impeachment] shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law.”
Ice has shown that they will call anyone Ms-13 to get them deported even if they know its not true. They lied over and over in federal court this guy was a gang member even though they had multiple experts tell them he wasn't. And none of them will be punished for this illegal activity. Law and order my ass.

Just to be clear, you are or are not OK with federal government agencies completely making shit up and lying to courts?
4 people dying in Benghazi is nothing according to this dope.
people die every minute, get over it. 4 soldiers died in a Niger ambush because of complete incompetence in an area they weren't even supposed to be. Guess what it's not a scandal, its just what happens in a world of flawed humans.
Trump lost his appeal and will have to be deposed in his lying about sexual assault, defamation case.
There you go.

Since sexual assault is a crime, don't you think that Trump could invoke his 5th amendment rights. Why would he admit to anything that could lead to criminal charges even though this is a civil trial?
after multiple intelligence organizations a

You're right. He did deny the 17 Intelligence agencies claim and, come to find out, it was fake news. The NYT, WaPo and AP all had to offer corrections.

To enter the lottery, applicants must have been born in an eligible country. If selected, to qualify for the immigrant visa, they must have completed at least a high school education or at least two years of work experience in an occupation which requires at least two other years of training or experience. They must also satisfy general immigration requirements, such as means of support, no criminal background, and good health.

Qualifications of a high school education and no criminal background is hardly merit base. That's pretty much the definition of low skilled.

Below is a copy of the permit for the counter-protesters of which Antifa were a part.

It was for a totally different park a block away. There was two parks. The groups were separated. One group in one park, the other group in the other. They busted through the barricades into the park where they did not have a permit to be. It was barricaded off from them for a reason. That's why the mayor and police came under fire. Because they walked off leaving the barricades unattended and allowed Antifa to bust thought them.
19 indictments, 5 guilty pleas... sounds like they have found wrongdoing. But keep looking the other way.

Indictments mean nothing. You could indict a ham sandwich is the old saying. Most of those are Russians who will never stand trial. Those who pled guilty did so to lying to the FBI or things that pre-date the election and not colluding with Russia. Mueller has nothing, he is screwing this up just like he F-ed up the anthrax investigation post 9-11.
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According to the DOJ, those doing the indicting, he's wrong. This is straight from the DOJ memorandum.

The indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.

There's also this from a former DOJ lawyer.

In order for an indictment there has to be evidence of a crime. In the case of evidence of a crime, the Constitution designates Congress as the court that tries sitting presidents. In order to undo a national election, the body that does that should have a national mandate.

Separation of powers also comes into play. States can’t use their power to derail the functioning of the United States by prosecuting sitting presidents. And a federal prosecution would raise separation of powers problems, putting the executive branch at the mercy of the judiciary. It's unconstitutional.

Also, again, Article 1, Section 3, Clause 7 of the Constitution. First impeachment, then indictment.

“Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States: but the party convicted [of impeachment] shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law.”

The same people that wrote that memo wrote another memo the year before saying a President can be indicted, they are both just memos and not any kind of case law. The real truth is we don't know because SCOTUS has never ruled on it and the constitution does not address the question. IF Trump was indicted and found guilty he would still be President. Impeachment and indictment are 2 separate things. It does not say impeachment THEN indictment. It says being impeached cannot shield you from being prosecuted after you are removed from office, aka you cannot claim double jeopardy. NOWHERE in the constitution does it say that impeachment is the only method allowed to punish a president, just the only method to remove him from office. You are right that a State prosecutor cannot go after Trump while he is in office because of the supremacy clause. The executive branch is already at the mercy of the Judicial branch, anything SCOTUS declares unconstitutional is the law of the land. Scotus could declare guns unconstitutional today and it would become the law. They would all be impeached the next day and the decision reversed but they could still do it.

Charles Pinckney, a signer of the Constitution, said, “No privilege of this kind [given to Congress] was intended for your Executive” because “no subject had been more abused than privilege.” Gravel v. United States (1973) said, “executive privilege has never been applied to shield executive officers from prosecution for crime.”
19 indictments, 5 guilty pleas... sounds like they have found wrongdoing. But keep looking the other way.

There's nothing to look the other way from. None of the indictments or guilty pleas have anything to do with Trump, the Trump campaign and/or Russia collusion.

Just because Manafort and Gates committed bank fraud and laundered money a decade ago isn't proof that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election.

Just because three Russian corporations/13 Russian trolls posted ads and memes to Facebook isn't proof that Trump colluded with them to steal the election.

Just because Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent for the work he did for Turkey, then lied to the FBI about it isn't proof that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election.

And just because Mueller has indicted these corporations/people for totally unrelated crimes isn't proof that he's not on a political witch-hunt, searching for anything and everything to bring down Trump.

In fact, as Judge Ellis put it, the judge residing over one of Manafort's cases, in his opinion, it's actually proof that Mueller is on a political witch-hunt to bring down the president.
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people die every minute, get over it. 4 soldiers died in a Niger ambush because of complete incompetence in an area they weren't even supposed to be. Guess what it's not a scandal, its just what happens in a world of flawed humans.

The level of your delusion and blindness to rational and coherent thought is stunning.

The issue with Benghazi is not necessarily the 4 deaths occurring in the first place, but the Clinton instinct which makes her default to a lie over the truth every time, no matter what the situation. The woman is a congenital , inveterate liar. She knew it was not about some idiot private citizen's "anti Muslim" video but pushed that as the official government position nonetheless, in order to deflect from her own complete and total incompetence in refusing our Diplomat there's repeated request for more security as the situation was getting ugly. Also, her failure to order a QRF force there.
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Trump lost his appeal and will have to be deposed in his sexual assault case.

Can't you even read the headline of the article that you posted? It is a defamation case not a sexual assault case. Another women trying to get money (not jail time) out of Trump.

Not only that... but the dumbass said he lost his appeal... no, he lost his motion for a stay WHILE THE APPEAL PROCESS WAS TAKING PLACE. Its literally in bold at the top of the website.
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Are you trying to say Trump organized that mission?
Did Clinton organize Benghazi? Trump is the commander of the armed forces, anything they do is 100% on him. If he gave them the latitude to make mission calls without his approval that is still on him for giving them that power to screw up.
Conservatives, by definition, want America to stay the way it was designed by the constitution. This is the America we love. The idea that governments job is to protect certain rights and then get out of your way so that you have the opportunity to work hard, make good decisions and create a nice life for yourself. And if you make billions, that's awesome. It's not going to punish you for it. This is how America was designed and you want to change almost everything about that. You love what you WANT America to be. Not what it is. Hope and CHANGE is what your side ran on. I'm glad you admit Hillary was terrible. I didn't vote for Trump.
The Constitution is designed to allow change. It's designed to uphold the will of the people and the framers knew that ideas change with time. Did you completely flunk civics or did you just never take the class?

Conservatives by definition are opposed to change. Conservatives opposed granting civil rights to women, blacks, gays, etc. They opposed laws and regulations put forth to protect people and places. Our rivers and the air is cleaner now than 50 years ago because liberals sought regulations on industries that were poisoning our air and waters. As a kid the entire east side of town was covered with black soot that spewed from the power plant in town. When we moved into town my dad was told to be sure and live to the west of power plant because of it. We were told not to eat the fish from the river because of the toxic waste that was dumped upstream. We had methods to remove that soot, remove those poisons it only required that the businesses that produced those toxins to do so.

I love that my country allows the free flow of ideas and has a form of government that allows the people to express those ideas and act upon them. I love that when it sees wrong that it has a way for us to right those wrongs. We all advocate for those things that are important to us. I want our government to truly be "by the people, for the people". You seem to advocate that it should be whatever it was for the people at some point in time and never change from that what you're saying?

I've asked this question in the past and nobody ever gives a straight answer. If you could rollback America to some date when it was perfect or close enough for you...what is that date?
There's nothing to look the other way from. None of the indictments or guilty pleas have anything to do with Trump, the Trump campaign and/or Russia collusion.

Just because Manafort and Gates committed bank fraud and laundered money a decade ago isn't proof that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election.

Just because three Russian corporations/13 Russian trolls posted ads and memes to Facebook isn't proof that Trump colluded with them to steal the election.

Just because Flynn failed to register as a foreign agent for the work he did for Turkey, then lied to the FBI about it isn't proof that Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the election.

And just because Mueller has indicted these corporations/people for totally unrelated crimes isn't proof that he's not on a political witch-hunt, searching for anything and everything to bring down Trump.

In fact, as Judge Ellis put it, the judge residing over one of Manafort's cases, in his opinion, it's actually proof that Mueller is on a political witch-hunt to bring down the president.
Can you imagine the indictments and convictions you could get out of all of Obama's and Hillary's connections and dealings. If they ever started actually digging like they are with Trump, the former "Swamp" would be imprisoned for a long time. Maybe even receive the death penalty for treason.
Did Clinton organize Benghazi? Trump is the commander of the armed forces, anything they do is 100% on him. If he gave them the latitude to make mission calls without his approval that is still on him for giving them that power to screw up.
Clinton knew about Benghazi while it was happening you f**king moron. She did nothing to help her friend. Asshat!
The Constitution is designed to allow change. It's designed to uphold the will of the people and the framers knew that ideas change with time. Did you completely flunk civics or did you just never take the class?

Conservatives by definition are opposed to change. Conservatives opposed granting civil rights to women, blacks, gays, etc. They opposed laws and regulations put forth to protect people and places. Our rivers and the air is cleaner now than 50 years ago because liberals sought regulations on industries that were poisoning our air and waters. As a kid the entire east side of town was covered with black soot that spewed from the power plant in town. When we moved into town my dad was told to be sure and live to the west of power plant because of it. We were told not to eat the fish from the river because of the toxic waste that was dumped upstream. We had methods to remove that soot, remove those poisons it only required that the businesses that produced those toxins to do so.

I love that my country allows the free flow of ideas and has a form of government that allows the people to express those ideas and act upon them. I love that when it sees wrong that it has a way for us to right those wrongs. We all advocate for those things that are important to us. I want our government to truly be "by the people, for the people". You seem to advocate that it should be whatever it was for the people at some point in time and never change from that what you're saying?

I've asked this question in the past and nobody ever gives a straight answer. If you could rollback America to some date when it was perfect or close enough for you...what is that date?
Did you ever study civics history. The Dems opposed granting civil rights to women, blacks, gays, etc. it is only now since they failed that they are blaming it all on conservatives. It is only those with a functioning brain that understand this unless they are party hacks who still want the status quo and goose step with the liberal agenda. You seem to lack the common understanding about what is really going on and have been duped with the rest of the ones who truly believe that the left cares about the rights of others.
I've asked this question in the past and nobody ever gives a straight answer. If you could rollback America to some date when it was perfect or close enough for you...what is that date?

Some point before Woodrow Wilson. Not that America was perfect, but I'd start with getting rid of the Federal Reserve, the income tax and all the government expansions since then.
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wrote another memo the year before saying a President can be indicted

You mean this memo? Where they disagreed with the V.P., but then go on to specifically say that a sitting president cannot be indicted? Details are important.

Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, facing a grand jury investigation that would lead to his resignation in 1973, argued that he was immune from prosecution while in office. Impeachment, he said, was the only remedy.

The Justice Department, in a brief signed by Solicitor General Robert H. Bork, disagreed. But, though the question was not before the court, Mr. Bork added that “structural features of the Constitution” barred prosecutions of sitting presidents.

Since the president has the power to control federal prosecutions and to pardon federal offenses, Mr. Bork wrote, it would make no sense to allow the president to be prosecuted until after he is removed from office and forfeits those powers.

they are both just memos

By the way, you're confusing memos. You're referring to the 70's memos. I'm specifically referring to the '00 memos, that are not just memos, but have been adapted as part of DOJ's rules and regulations.

In a series of memorandums, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel concluded that indicting a sitting president would violate the Constitution by undermining his ability to do his job.

The Justice Department’s regulations require Mr. Mueller, the special counsel, to follow the department’s “rules, regulations, procedures, practices and policies.” If the memos bind Mr. Mueller, it would seem he could not indict Mr. Trump, no matter what he uncovered.

Even if Mr. Mueller has a measure of discretion, Professor Amar said, the right process for assessing Mr. Trump’s conduct, should it come to that, is the one described in detail in the Constitution: impeachment.

“Much of the recent pontificating about the technical elements of obstruction of justice is quite beside the point,” he said. “Donald Trump is to be judged by the House and the Senate, who are in turn judged on Election Day by the American people more generally.”