How will they rule ??!

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So this woman thinks her baby and another woman's baby are different simply by the belief that the respective women have?

"No, I didn't murder my entire family. See, I didn't feel that they were human like you feel your family is human. So, nbd y'all, we just have different perspectives"
Trump can't be trusted and the potential of being overthrown from within for cozying up to the US isn't worth it.

[laughing] Always finding a way to blame Trump. You're delusional. The fact of the matter is, the example that NoKo was specifically wary of wasn't Iran, but instead Libya. That's not on Trump. You can thank your heroes, Obama and Hillary, for that.

Kim is afraid he'll be overthrown and murdered after giving up his nukes because of what Obama and Hillary did to Gaddafi, not because of anything Trump has done.

How incompetent are those two to be to still be f***ing up US foreign policy? Couldn't get it right while they were there, and were such monumental f*** ups, they're still f***ing it up long after they're gone.
Maybe Trump and Kim Jong Un could bond over the fact they both have the potential to be overthrown from within for being perceived as putting the US' interests first.
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We whities didn't go anywhere. There were 161M of us in 1965 & over 200M now. What's your point - if you have one?

That they’re becoming a minority in a country they founded and where they were about 90 percent of the population not too long ago. Now they’re barely above 60 percent in the U.S. due to immigration.
Here's the problem with the white genocide narrative.

1) Birth rate explains at least as much about demographics as immigration. White people are simply not having as many kids

and then

2) If you want to point to birth control and abortion targeted at whites, then you have to somehow square that with the fact that it is known Planned Parenthood targets black communities and other minorities. White people simply choose to not have children

Basically, it's a confluence of many factors happening simultaneously, but mostly* independently; not a conspiracy

* I say mostly because there is obviously some f**kery going on with open immigration supporters and the like. I just can't see that that segment accounts for enough of the demographic shift in America.
Take a look at all of the middle eastern countries we've been in and around over the last 50 years or so. Then take a look at the desired borders for 'Greater Israel'. Then see if you can find a correlation between the two.
I can find places like Iran helping fund Palestine terror attacks..err I mean "peaceful protests" ....weird thing...where do you think Iran got that money to help fund that? Something about pallets of cash, nuke deal..etc
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Here's the problem with the white genocide narrative.

1) Birth rate explains at least as much about demographics as immigration. White people are simply not having as many kids

and then

2) If you want to point to birth control and abortion targeted at whites, then you have to somehow square that with the fact that it is known Planned Parenthood targets black communities and other minorities. White people simply choose to not have children

Basically, it's a confluence of many factors happening simultaneously, but mostly* independently; not a conspiracy

* I say mostly because there is obviously some f**kery going on with open immigration supporters and the like. I just can't see that that segment accounts for enough of the demographic shift in America.
"Low" White birth rates aren't a problem, though, they've plateaued all across Europe and other white native areas (and Japan) due to the rapid automation of the technological age and cramped living spaces (outside of America). I'm sure you've read or seen hundreds of articles about the inevitable doom of Japan due to their aging geriatric population and the age gap between the next generation, and along with that, the "necessity" of bringing in migrants to "fix" this issue.
Guess what? It's not a problem at all, and a 120,000,000 (ethnically and culturally homogenous) Japanese population is just as stable as ever.
The real problem is the intentional importation of minorities to replace an existing ethnicity in a country, and that is defined as genocide officially by the Geneva Convention itself.
I see the left moved on to another "smoking gun". This time something about a meeting in trump tower with Russia.

Scanned it and looks like nonsense, as usual. At what point does the TDS reach peak and people just accept that he won and it's over?
Here's the problem with the white genocide narrative.

1) Birth rate explains at least as much about demographics as immigration. White people are simply not having as many kids

and then

2) If you want to point to birth control and abortion targeted at whites, then you have to somehow square that with the fact that it is known Planned Parenthood targets black communities and other minorities. White people simply choose to not have children

Basically, it's a confluence of many factors happening simultaneously, but mostly* independently; not a conspiracy

* I say mostly because there is obviously some f**kery going on with open immigration supporters and the like. I just can't see that that segment accounts for enough of the demographic shift in America.

Black population has basically stayed the same forever, varies from like 10-12 percent. The third world Hispanic/Latino population has exploded since Reagan.

Those people and Muslims have a shit ton of kids and taxpayers get to foot the bill for it. Unfortunately, a good portion of whites are expected to pay for everyone else thus not having more kids of their own. That on top of the “Sex and the City” lifestyle and feminist type shit pushed on women certainly doesn’t help.

Democrats gain power when the white population decreases and those of other races increase, which is why they’re so adamant about not protecting the border, getting refugees in and amping up the welfare state.

Democrats have maxed out the black vote. There’s a more important demographic now and that’s what they’re going after.

The fact that only the U.S. and Europe are the targets for importing third world types should be a huge clue as to what the end game is. It’s another conquest without firing a shot.
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The real problem is the intentional importation of minorities to replace an existing ethnicity in a country, and that is defined as genocide officially by the Geneva Convention itself.
Given that the Geneva Convention speaks only about conducting during war, I would like to see a citation for this. Not saying it's not there, just can't find it myself.

I also never said importing immigrants is necessary/good to combat a plateaued population, rather that, as a matter of fact, it simply increases the odds of "replacement" without needing a nefarious plot to bring this about. If white people aren't having babies, you could cut immigration to zero tomorrow and they are still going to lose a portion of their demographic majority
I see the left moved on to another "smoking gun". This time something about a meeting in trump tower with Russia.

Scanned it and looks like nonsense, as usual. At what point does the TDS reach peak and people just accept that he won and it's over?
What they're failing to realize is that these documents of Trump Jr's testimony were released by the Intel committee, the same Intel committee who says there's zero evidence of collusion.

This isn't new evidence to the Intel committee. They conducted the interview months ago. They know exactly what Trump Jr told them during his testimony.
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Given that the Geneva Convention speaks only about conducting during war, I would like to see a citation for this. Not saying it's not there, just can't find it myself.

I also never said importing immigrants is necessary/good to combat a plateaued population, rather that, as a matter of fact, it simply increases the odds of "replacement" without needing a nefarious plot to bring this about. If white people aren't having babies, you could cut immigration to zero tomorrow and they are still going to lose a portion of their demographic majority
It applies during both war and peacetime.
Democrats have maxed out the black vote. There’s a more important demographic now and that’s what they’re going after.
Then why have they been promoting abortion and sterilization for blacks since the 20s? You have (correctly) pointed out in this very thread that the origins of Planned Parenthood are racist and Margaret Sanger specifically wanted to target blacks and ethnic minorities. You also (correctly) pointed out that this has continued today with black women being disproportionately targeted to get an abortion.

If demographic replacement is and has been the end game, why have they been trying to limit their strongest voting block for almost 100 years?

I'm simply asking for a proponent of the white genocide theory to give a plausible explanation for these actions which are seemingly diametrically opposed to their goals.
OK, so what conditions of life are being inflicted upon whites to bring about their destruction? Importing other ethnic groups doesn't meet that definition without deliberately changing the meaning of words, ad hoc
It actually does meet that definition ipso-facto due to the precedent set in Tibet over the last five years. China has exported over 200,000 Han Chinese to Tibet to reset the demographics and effectively breed Tibetans out of existence, identical in application to what they did in Manchuria, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang. Native Tibetans won't exist in 100 years.
Did cardkilla douche try to compare trumps white house staff leaking to that of non staff republican vs democrat bickering?

What an effing moron.
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Lot of truths are being said, but let’s not forget allllllllll of this stuff is orchestrated by The Evil Honkies. Every last bit of it. Some of y’all have fallen right into their trap blaming different groups of people. It’s the elitist honkies that don’t dgaf about you and your broke ass.

Also don’t forget it is Donald Trump who was brave enough, and rich enough, to stand up to these honkies and fight for the fundamental rights OF EACH AND EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. PERIOD.
The lawyer lady was banned from entering the US and the Obama administration made a special exception to allow her into the country. Why is that?

Before meeting with Trump Jr. she first met with Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS). Why is that?

When meeting with Trump Jr it was found out that she lied to them and didn't really have dirt on Hillary; therefore, the meeting only lasted 15 minutes. Why did she lie?

Then she also met with Glenn Simpson after meeting with Trump Jr. Why is that?

None of that is coincidence. In my opinion, it was a set up.

She was allowed into the country by the Obama administration to be used as a pawn.

She first met with Glenn Simpson to work out all of the details of her mission.

She then lied about having information on Hillary only to get a meeting with Trump Jr, making it look like there was collusion of some sort.

After the meeting with Trump Jr. she again met with Glenn Simpson to report on her mission.
Bwahaha, unless leakers have info that hurts Dems, then they are the best and he loves them.

It's so funny to hear Republicans complain about stuff they did for the previous 8 years. Remember the 'my job is to make sure Obama is not successful so he doesn't get re-elected'. That was what, months after he became President?
Remember, "We won the election so, deal with it" Remember "We need to pass it to see what's in it. Remember "It worked didn't it?" (Harry Reid about lying about Romney) You clowns are the worst hypocrites in the world.
[laughing] A 15 minute Trump Tower meeting resulting in 20 hours of closed door testimony and 2,000 pages of transcript, and Senate Democrats are saying that it's not enough and Trump Jr needs to come back.

Yet, those very same Senate Democrats are blocking bringing in Steele -- the author of the fictional dossier -- because, according to them, his testimony isn't necessary in determining collusion.
Do you ever fact check anything you post?

Over 2/3’s of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

The California Vital Records Department of the Department of Health Services classified as “Hispanic” the race/ethnicity of 62.7% of all
occurring in Los Angeles county in 2001. The statistic quoted above therefore erroneously characterizes all parents of Hispanic heritage in Los Angeles County in 2001 as being “illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal.”
House conservatives ask Trump to intervene in fight with DOJ over documents

Leading conservatives are asking President Trump to intervene in a fight between Department of Justice (DOJ) officials and House Republicans over a stalled request for documents.

In a letter obtained by The Hill, several members of the House Freedom Caucus called on Trump to use his power to release the remaining documents they’ve been trying to obtain from the department.

They said Trump should instruct Attorney General Jeff Sessions to “immediately produce all documents requested by Congress relating to our investigation of certain prosecutorial and investigative decisions made by the Department of Justice and FBI in 2016 and 2017.”

“As a separate and equal branch of government, we have a constitutional right to these documents,” the lawmakers wrote. “The Department of Justice has obstructed Congressional oversight by refusing to supply necessary and relevant documents.”

The letter, which comes nearly one year after the DOJ appointed special counsel Robert Mueller, is signed by Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), and Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) – some of Trump’s top allies in the House.

“We’ve been consistent from the beginning that the American people have a right to know the truth about what happened at the highest levels of the Justice Department,” Meadows said in a statement. “This letter is another step in that effort for transparency.”

House Republicans have been seeking a tranche of documents that touch on a wide range of issues, including the investigation surrounding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server, the FBI’s decision making during its initial investigation into the Trump campaign and the memo outlining the scope of the special counsel’s Russia investigation.

But conservatives have complained that the DOJ has slow walked their request. Of the 1.2 million documents they have requested, the department has only handed over a few thousand documents, some of which have been heavily redacted

Meadows and Jordan have previously threatened to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein or hold him in contempt of Congress if he doesn’t work more quickly to turn over documents.

But now, the conservative ringleaders are asking their most powerful ally to step in – and in Trump, who has long blasted the Justice Department’s Russia investigation, they could have a sympathetic ear.

“We believe the best course of action would be for you to exercise the powers vested in the executive to make the documents we require available to Congress,” they wrote.
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It actually does meet that definition ipso-facto due to the precedent set in Tibet over the last five years. China has exported over 200,000 Han Chinese to Tibet to reset the demographics and effectively breed Tibetans out of existence, identical in application to what they did in Manchuria, Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang. Native Tibetans won't exist in 100 years.
Neither will you or me.:confused:
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Lot of truths are being said, but let’s not forget allllllllll of this stuff is orchestrated by The Evil Honkies. Every last bit of it. Some of y’all have fallen right into their trap blaming different groups of people. It’s the elitist honkies that don’t dgaf about you and your broke ass.

Also don’t forget it is Donald Trump who was brave enough, and rich enough, to stand up to these honkies and fight for the fundamental rights OF EACH AND EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN. PERIOD.
Right on!
Do you ever fact check anything you post?

Over 2/3’s of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

The California Vital Records Department of the Department of Health Services classified as “Hispanic” the race/ethnicity of 62.7% of all
births occurring in Los Angeles county in 2001. The statistic quoted above therefore erroneously characterizes all parents of Hispanic heritage in Los Angeles County in 2001 as being “illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal.”

Just looked it up what you copied and pasted, and according to your source, Snopes, it isn't rated as false. They gave it a "mixture" rating. Some true, some false.

By the way, do you ever fact check the fact checkers? You might want to. Snopes isn't a good look.
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I mean, if you mistrust the California stats themselves, you could believe that claim to be true. Otherwise, the only way it's true is if every single latino born in California is born to parents who aren't here legally.
About that several hour, closed door Senate hearing today. The one that included former heads of the IC -- Brennan, Clapper and Rogers. The same one that Comey declined a request to participate. Needless to say, they spent the entire time focused on Russian meddling and collusion was basically an afterthought. Wonder why that is?
Bwahaha, unless leakers have info that hurts Dems, then they are the best and he loves them.

It's so funny to hear Republicans complain about stuff they did for the previous 8 years. Remember the 'my job is to make sure Obama is not successful so he doesn't get re-elected'. That was what, months after he became President?
Jesus, how can someone be this dumb?
Trump lied on his financial disclosure where this 460k is not listed. This is some really twisted shit for just ****ing some big titty whore.

Just released today. Trump’s financial disclosure clearly shows, in detail, that he repaid between $100-$250K to Cohen.

The reality of the situation? You were fooled by fake news... once again, made up some really twisted shit and creamed your pants over some big titty whore that you didn't even f***.
This is called a power play. Kim has made several voluntary concessions and has gotten nothing in return. He's testing Trump, probing him to see if he can get something out of him to save the summit.

Trump calls his bluff, gives him nothing and the summit happens anyways. Also, even if the summit doesn't happen, Kim's still not off the hook.

Good work by the media and platinum types carrying Kim's water, though. First Putin, then Iran, then Hamas, now Kim. You guys are on a roll. The TDS is real.
I really believe there are some liberals who would be totally fine seeing the USA getting nuked just because it could make Trump look bad.
I really believe there are some liberals who would be totally fine seeing the USA getting nuked just because it could make Trump look bad.

I mean, at least half a dozen republicans in this thread have said they'd be okay if California - a place where 4.5mm people voted for Trump - were obliterated. So that dumbass line of thinking goes both ways.

People care more about "winning" and having shit to crow about to strangers on a message board than they do their own lives.