How will they rule ??!

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trumps lawyers jockeying for position as #1 **** up.

In a Beat exclusive, Trump lawyer Jay Goldberg attacks Trump’s other lawyer, Rudy Giuliani saying Giuliani was not “the right person” for Trump to hire and there were “much better people” to get for “negotiating with Mueller.” Goldberg also blasting Giuliani for taking the spotlight, trying to “aggrandize himself”, a charge he also lays on Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti. Goldberg notes that any possible “wrongdoing” that occurred while he was Trump’s lawyer was kept from him, but suggests that Michael Cohen’s self-described role as a “fixer” for Trump could relate to the influence of the “mob” in “building trades”.
trumps lawyers jockeying for position as #1 **** up.

In a Beat exclusive, Trump lawyer Jay Goldberg attacks Trump’s other lawyer, Rudy Giuliani saying Giuliani was not “the right person” for Trump to hire and there were “much better people” to get for “negotiating with Mueller.” Goldberg also blasting Giuliani for taking the spotlight, trying to “aggrandize himself”, a charge he also lays on Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti. Goldberg notes that any possible “wrongdoing” that occurred while he was Trump’s lawyer was kept from him, but suggests that Michael Cohen’s self-described role as a “fixer” for Trump could relate to the influence of the “mob” in “building trades”.

Fan fiction lies.
Black woman hugs Trump due to slain son, but that's not how CNN fakenews covers it

so now I hear Pence is running a mini coup in the WH. got his own campaign going and him and Trump and battling over who gets to give big speeches. Trump only went the then NRA convention after they gave the keynote to Pence. poor Pence thinks anybody would actually vote for him, that's sad.
I’ve been out of pocket for five days and need updates on the following.

Is the wall finished? At Mexico’s expense?

Is healthcare fixed? That was a day 1 thing IIRC.

Are my taxes still way too high?

Is Sessions still AG?

Is gambling on sports legal yet?

Did we get Maxey? Are he and/or Hagans reclassifying?

Did those three Chinamen come “home” from North Korea yet?
so now I hear Pence is running a mini coup in the WH. got his own campaign going and him and Trump and battling over who gets to give big speeches. Trump only went the then NRA convention after they gave the keynote to Pence. poor Pence thinks anybody would actually vote for him, that's sad.

Obama was caught breaking the skull of a Jewish guy at Obama's new home in Iran. I wonder why Hillary, Soros, and Obama are using secret meetings with other foreign leaders to assist ISIS in overthrowing the UN
Dang, Laura Ingraham show just got heated between a couple of brotha's of color. Spike Lee on foreign soil referring to our president as a "M'effer" Said America was founded on the genocide of the native population and slavery.
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Obama was caught breaking the skull of a Jewish guy at Obama's new home in Iran. I wonder why Hillary, Soros, and Obama are using secret meetings with other foreign leaders to assist ISIS in overthrowing the UN

Plus Obama was caught selling nukes to Russia, Iran, and China. Not looking good.

Wait till it comes out that Obama and Hillary are secretly housing Sadam Hussein and Bin Laden in Yemen

All those things are on the internet. I have read them and accept them as truth.

Kim is now walking back basically everything he said the last few months. guess he finally realized Trump can't be trusted and the potential of being overthrown from within for cozying up to the US isn't worth it. only a couple idiots in the WH ever thought he was serious about denuclearization. no country gets nukes and then gives them up, that's just plain stupid.
Obama was caught breaking the skull of a Jewish guy at Obama's new home in Iran. I wonder why Hillary, Soros, and Obama are using secret meetings with other foreign leaders to assist ISIS in overthrowing the UN
Plus Obama was caught selling nukes to Russia, Iran, and China. Not looking good.
your schtick is stale dude. really need to up your lonely redneck troll game.
Dang, Laura Ingraham show just got heated between a couple of brotha's of color. Spike Lee on foreign soil referring to our president as a "M'effer" Said America was founded on the genocide of the native population and slavery.

Well thank Allah for CHANGE! and PROGRESS!, Spike. Can I have a hundred bucks?
All those things are on the internet. I have read them and accept them as truth.
Until they have been thoroughly investigated by some semi-partisan=right leaning investigator for a year or so and after finding no proof, they bring forward a couple of sheep who claim that a Muslim man who resembled Obama fondled them and more, paid them tax payer dollars to keep it secret, I will believe as truth as well.
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