How will they rule ??!

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man that's some 4d chess Trump is playing. the WH spent the last week talking bout how they would help NK boost their economy and join the big boys club. Kim flipped em the bird and said suck my nukes. fox news website isn't even covering the continuing breaking news as NK walks back the summit, still in denial.

Kim flipped em the bird and said suck my nukes.
Yeah, Kim Jong Un is a total badass. Starving his people to build WMD's. Son of a son of a despot, each more deranged than the last. Not democratically elected. No qualifications other than who his daddy was. Kills family members he deems a threat. That's the horse you are betting on.

I sincerely hope your electric dildo blows up and catches fire in your rectum.
Nothing and I mean nothing has ever been right with Platinumdrgn's junk garbage speculative bullshit. Not a one. All of it is speculative lies. I still stand by tbat he is a paid Soros bot pushing this garbage.

For shit's sake his last post was a GD CNN link. The least trustworthy news source in the business. Lies upon heaps of lies. Lies that never end
Nothing and I mean nothing has ever been right with Platinumdrgn's junk garbage speculative bullshit. Not a one. All of it is speculative lies. I still stand by tbat he is a paid Soros bot pushing this garbage.

For shit's sake his last post was a GD CNN link. The least trustworthy news source in the business. Lies upon heaps of lies. Lies that never end
Dude gets up everyday hoping for a stock crash or nuke attack on the US so he can run to catpaw and slang toldyas.
Just turn your brain off, European-heritage genocide isn't real. You wouldn't want to be called a crazy conspiracy theorist, would you?

That has been the case for decades, which has been amped up the last few years. Globalists/Democrats love this because it creates no unification. It turns into tribalism, which makes it easier to conquer you because everyone is at war with each other and don't have common values and the same history. The third world loves big government. Whites are the hardest to conquer. There's a reason that whites have been targeted through immigration and no one else. Japan doesn't mess with that. They know what immigration does. Israel does as well.
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Two Colleagues Contradict Brennan's Denial of Reliance on Dossier

Former CIA Director John Brennan’s insistence that the salacious and unverified Steele dossier was not part of the official Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian interference in the 2016 election is being contradicted by two top former officials.

Recently retired National Security Agency Director Michael Rogers stated in a classified letter to Congress that the Clinton campaign-funded memos did factor into the ICA. And James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence under President Obama, conceded in a recent CNN interview that the assessment was based on “some of the substantive content of the dossier.”

These accounts are at odds with Brennan’s May 2017 testimony before the House Intelligence Committee that the Steele dossier was "not in any way used as the basis for the intelligence community's assessment" that Russia interfered in the election to help elect Donald Trump. Brennan has repeated this claim numerous times, including in February on “Meet the Press.”
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That has been the case for decades, which has been amped up the last few years. Globalists/Democrats love this because it creates no unification. It turns into tribalism, which makes it easier to conquer you because everyone is at war with each other and don't have common values and the same history. The third world loves big government. Whites are the hardest to conquer. There's a reason that whites have been targeted through immigration and no one else. Japan doesn't mess with that. They know what immigration does. Israel does as well.
Oh, I'm well aware. Miscegenation for thee, not for me.
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This is called a power play. Kim has made several voluntary concessions and has gotten nothing in return. He's testing Trump, probing him to see if he can get something out of him to save the summit.

Trump calls his bluff, gives him nothing and the summit happens anyways. Also, even if the summit doesn't happen, Kim's still not off the hook.

Good work by the media and platinum types carrying Kim's water, though. First Putin, then Iran, then Hamas, now Kim. You guys are on a roll. The TDS is real.
To understand why Trump won, look at Democratic hysteria

No matter what Trump does, the Democratic reaction is the same: Outrage. When Democrats can’t even praise Trump unreservedly for bringing American hostages home or show up when he fulfills a plank of the Democratic Party platform by moving our embassy to Jerusalem, it further convinces millions of Americans who abandoned the Democratic Party in 2016 that they made the right decision.
'I gave the US trucks and ammunition to Al Qaeda': The chaotic US effort to arm Syrian rebels

REYHANLI, Turkey – U.S. military equipment and ammunition, sent to Syria as part of a failed Obama administration plan to find and arm moderate forces to defeat ISIS, were instead simply handed over to an Al Qaeda group, according to the man who said he himself brokered the deal.

“I communicated with Al Qaeda’s branch, Al Nusra, to protect and safely escort me and my soldiers for two hours from North Aleppo to West Aleppo,” Maj. Anas Ibrahim Obaid, better known on the battlefield as Abu Zayd, said from his home in the western Aleppo area. “In exchange, I gave them five pickup trucks and ammunition.”

Those trucks and ammo were issued to him by the United States in 2015, part of a $500 million Department of Defense effort to "train and equip" a new "ideologically moderate" force to battle ISIS. The program, one of at least two designed to funnel arms to so-called moderate Syrian rebels, proved to be a spectacular failure for the Obama administration.

Zayd, who said he defected from the Syrian Army to the opposition in 2012, described a program that was rife with inconsistencies and incompetencies.

He claimed the main prerequisite for inclusion in the program was proof of association with a group that had fought ISIS, the Islamic State. That was followed by a few basic questions, like, "With which faction did you fight?" and "What do you think about ISIS?"
'I gave the US trucks and ammunition to Al Qaeda': The chaotic US effort to arm Syrian rebels

REYHANLI, Turkey – U.S. military equipment and ammunition, sent to Syria as part of a failed Obama administration plan to find and arm moderate forces to defeat ISIS, were instead simply handed over to an Al Qaeda group, according to the man who said he himself brokered the deal.

“I communicated with Al Qaeda’s branch, Al Nusra, to protect and safely escort me and my soldiers for two hours from North Aleppo to West Aleppo,” Maj. Anas Ibrahim Obaid, better known on the battlefield as Abu Zayd, said from his home in the western Aleppo area. “In exchange, I gave them five pickup trucks and ammunition.”

Those trucks and ammo were issued to him by the United States in 2015, part of a $500 million Department of Defense effort to "train and equip" a new "ideologically moderate" force to battle ISIS. The program, one of at least two designed to funnel arms to so-called moderate Syrian rebels, proved to be a spectacular failure for the Obama administration.

Zayd, who said he defected from the Syrian Army to the opposition in 2012, described a program that was rife with inconsistencies and incompetencies.

He claimed the main prerequisite for inclusion in the program was proof of association with a group that had fought ISIS, the Islamic State. That was followed by a few basic questions, like, "With which faction did you fight?" and "What do you think about ISIS?"
So 'moderate' Syrian rebels turned out to be terrorists with the goal of fragmenting and destroying the only successful secular Arab nation left in the middle east. Who could've seen that coming?
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Joy Reid and a few MSNBC types re-tweeted this.

Reid also tweeted about these dead kids. Acting like this is a peaceful protests against all evidence to the contrary is a joke.
wow, throwing rocks and kites! Watch out now! Of course, Israel is always looking for an excuse to kill some Palestinians.

At least this is a good distraction for Trump so people don't realize he's taking bribes from the Chinese to get some money thrown his way for some more hotels in Indonesia. Corruption at its finest and being done in every department by this administration. So glad they're 'draining the swamp' [roll]

Or seeing him getting played by North Korea. But at least ratings!
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So 'moderate' Syrian rebels turned out to be terrorists with the goal of fragmenting and destroying the only successful secular Arab nation left in the middle east. Who could've seen that coming?

Yep. All they had to do was simply lie about what faction they were in, denounce ISIS, claim to have fought ISIS and the Obama administration happily armed them.
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wow, throwing rocks and kites! Watch out now! Of course, Israel is always looking for an excuse to kill some Palestinians.

You have that reversed. The Palestinians (who are governed by a terrorist group) want to see all Israelis dead and would do it if they had the ability. On the other hand, the Israelis (who have the ability to virtually wipe out the Palestinians) show great restraint in dealing with them. Stop crying for terrorists.
Bwahaha, unless leakers have info that hurts Dems, then they are the best and he loves them.

It's so funny to hear Republicans complain about stuff they did for the previous 8 years. Remember the 'my job is to make sure Obama is not successful so he doesn't get re-elected'. That was what, months after he became President?
wow, throwing rocks and kites! Watch out now! Of course, Israel is always looking for an excuse to kill some Palestinians.

At least this is a good distraction for Trump so people don't realize he's taking bribes from the Chinese to get some money thrown his way for some more hotels in Indonesia. Corruption at its finest and being done in every department by this administration. So glad they're 'draining the swamp' [roll]

Or seeing him getting played by North Korea. But at least ratings!

Palestinians have used kites to drop Molotov cocktails on Israeli forces who responded by launching drones to unleash lung-burning tear gas on demonstrators in nightmarish scenes.

Israel has hired drone racers to knock the bomb-carrying kites out of the sky, reports Haaretz.

Amateur drone pilots have used fish hooks to intercept the floating Molotov menaces or simply fly through them, shredding their strings.

This comes as a kite, carrying what is believed to be a remote-operated bomb, landed in Israel after being launched from Gaza, in what is a disturbing first in the bitterly-fought war.

I’m sure you read about that somewhere, but like your favorite media, conveniently omit that part to keep what narrative you’ve created alive. It’s like watching the student become master. Well done.
You have that reversed. The Palestinians (who are governed by a terrorist group) want to see all Israelis dead and would do it if they had the ability. On the other hand, the Israelis (who have the ability to virtually wipe out the Palestinians) show great restraint in dealing with them. Stop crying for terrorists.
So by that rationale, we're all liars and intellectual midgets because we are governed by one.
You have that reversed. The Palestinians (who are governed by a terrorist group) want to see all Israelis dead and would do it if they had the ability. On the other hand, the Israelis (who have the ability to virtually wipe out the Palestinians) show great restraint in dealing with them. Stop crying for terrorists.

Cardkilla’s parents:

wow, throwing rocks and kites! Watch out now! Of course, Israel is always looking for an excuse to kill some Palestinians.

At least this is a good distraction for Trump so people don't realize he's taking bribes from the Chinese to get some money thrown his way for some more hotels in Indonesia. Corruption at its finest and being done in every department by this administration. So glad they're 'draining the swamp' [roll]

Or seeing him getting played by North Korea. But at least ratings!
Do you think it's normal for a country to have to live under something called an iron dome? That should tell you what we are dealing with here. P.S Palestine isnt a country. I'm unsure why libs keep treating them like children instead of humans who have free will. Imagine if Mexico just lobbed grenades over constantly bc they still claimed California and texas were still theirs. No they lost the land and moved on.
Do you think it's normal for a country to have to live under something called an iron dome? That should tell you what we are dealing with here. P.S Palestine isnt a country. I'm unsure why libs keep treating them like children instead of humans who have free. Imagine if Mexico just lobbed grenades over constantly bc they still claimed California and texas were still theirs. No they lost the land and moved on.
The main difference there being that California and Texas don't repeatedly get the rest of the US into war with Mexico to expand their states' borders.
"It might even mean checking into a 12-step program."
the sooner cardkilla that you understand how demented humans are and that you are a human, you might understand that you can be wrong about things at certain times in your life. And when you realize how wrong or misguided you are it will be a difficult pill to swallow. good luck
But what are they expanding into? Its not another country....
Take a look at all of the middle eastern countries we've been in and around over the last 50 years or so. Then take a look at the desired borders for 'Greater Israel'. Then see if you can find a correlation between the two.
Weird. CIA has identified a suspect in the "Vault 7" leak. He wasn't charged for the breach, or releasing of classified information, but instead for child porn.