How will they rule ??!

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So if a super small portion of Americans didn't participate in slavery, how would things have turned out for those people and the generations that came from them? Would life be better in Africa? Show me one black person in America that wished they could be in Africa. Not a single person.
Well, thanks to Israel we know John full of shit Kerry is lying through his horse ass teeth. What a liar. He can shovel load of bull shit down these stupid liberals throats, but most intelligent people aren't buying the garbage that he's selling.

Iran broke that deal the second it was formed and we paid 100s of billions of dollars to let them walk all over us.

I wish Trump would nuke them. Blow them off the map.
He's reporting for duty...... remember that at the convention, saluting?
Oliver North, The man convicted of felony charges in Iran-Contra for funneling weapons to IRAN, you know the country we hate. He is going to be president of the NRA in the next few weeks. Could the NRA try any harder to be less relevant. Don't even bother spouting the BS about his convictions being dropped, he was determined to have political immunity, not that he was innocent.
Newsflash: Trump got even more hot tail in the 90's. This time its one of Austin Power's fembots. It seems all these women want their 15 minutes of fame back. I don't see this costing him a single vote either.

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Oliver North, The man convicted of felony charges in Iran-Contra for funneling weapons to IRAN, you know the country we hate. He is going to be president of the NRA in the next few weeks. Could the NRA try any harder to be less relevant. Don't even bother spouting the BS about his convictions being dropped, he was determined to have political immunity, not that he was innocent.
Great man to run the NRA and I mean that. He threw himself on the sword for the president. NRA will be in great hands. MAGA! Great time to be a member. Cry you snowflake cry.
At 56, Obama is more popular than he's been in nearly a decade, and as an ex-president, his favorable ratings are expected to keep rising. At a time when our politics has become increasingly ugly, divisive, and crude, a political figure like Obama is rare.

Obama did more to harm this country than any POTUS since LBJ. He is treasonous, because he is trying to bring down a duly elected President. He is a sweet talking coward that tried to give this country away, he is a Muslim, or Muslim sympathizer. He is also a disgusting human being and a total POS, anyone that supports him is the same.

Funny. I purchased two "conservative" stocks this morning.

Salem Media Group, Inc. (SALM): Owns numerous Christian radio stations + many websites, including Townhall and HotAir. By the way, I consider myself agnostic. Pays 8.13% dividend.

Dover Motorsports, Inc. (DVD): Owns Dover Motor Speedway and Nashville Superspeedway. Decent technicals.

Hey, if it pisses a liberal off, then why not, right?
And you're still a Canadian who has lived/worked in the US for 20+ years IIRC???

You're a decent poster. You have a few decent political takes here and there...and a bunch of ishy ones. Which is fine. Plenty of ishy posts on this site.

But either way it doesn't matter. Because when it's all said and are a Canadian citizen...which means your opinion on US politics doesn't mean jack shite.

Take off, eh!


All valid and accurate points, KS. :)
And the whine fest continues

I mean seriously, where would someone go? Culturally, Canada is probably most similar and it's quick and easy to make a trip back to the US to see family/friends, but have fun dealing with the winters.

Australia might be pretty cool but it's 15 hours away - would be a complete and total lifestyle change. Europe? No thanks.
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So is Nunes now trying to take down Sessions because Trump is to scared to fire him? Whatever gets his pathetic ass out of there.
Oliver North, The man convicted of felony charges in Iran-Contra for funneling weapons to IRAN, you know the country we hate. He is going to be president of the NRA in the next few weeks. Could the NRA try any harder to be less relevant. Don't even bother spouting the BS about his convictions being dropped, he was determined to have political immunity, not that he was innocent.
Good stuff!

Ollie reminds me of another great, G. Gordon Liddy.
So is Nunes now trying to take down Sessions because Trump is to scared to fire him? Whatever gets his pathetic ass out of there.

My god you people are stupid.

"Trump is scared to fire him"

I'd say you are a useful idiot for the left, but you are in no way useful. You just parrot their stupid talking points to a bunch of people who actually exercise critical thought.

You unhinged lunatics have been foaming at the mouth about impeachment if anyone in the FBI or DOJ is punished for the crimes they've committed.
Oliver North, The man convicted of felony charges in Iran-Contra for funneling weapons to IRAN, you know the country we hate. He is going to be president of the NRA in the next few weeks. Could the NRA try any harder to be less relevant. Don't even bother spouting the BS about his convictions being dropped, he was determined to have political immunity, not that he was innocent.
I was going to go over the list of names from the left that did much more treasonous acts but, my post would have looked like on of Fuzz's rants. You could not be a bigger hypocrite. Do you use your brain with your boyfriend in the room before you get started? If so, he must be as big an ass as you or just likes air heads.
Can someone put this 12 year old in time out till he/she/it learns to be more respectful of others on here?

People in this thread being respectful of others?

LMFAO!!!! Holy hell, that is rich.

That's even better than that one bum who bashed cities with ethnic diversity because they don't celebrate "diversity of thought." Hahahaha that one still cracks me up. Really wish I took note of who typed that in the infamous "POLITICAL THREAD."
No chance of my being your supervisor as I retired several years ago. Becoming a teacher because of the schedule is a poor reason to become a teacher. Teachers that are worth their salt put in hours during breaks, weekends and the summer for which they are not paid. Granted it's a little more relaxed but teaching is still their calling and on their minds 365 days a year. I would never have yelled at you. In fact, when it came time for me to fire you, you would have known it was coming...likely no later than November of that school year. It wouldn't have been a surprise.

Funny...I never desired authority but was put in such positions by other people. Authority means responsibility.

I've been a level 5 teacher my entire career. I told my new principal that I have a life apart from education, and being balanced is what allows me to be successful. Teachers who overthink it are more likely to get overstressed. You spent all that time preparing a lesson and it didn't go well? You spend your spare moments gossiping about other teachers? You fill your summer with PDs and then regret it when late July rolls around?

Those are the kinds of teachers who burn out. Or are just miserable to be around.

A couple weeks from now I'll be free to wake up around 7:00, get stoned, drink iced coffee, and browse record stores. By the time August rolls around, I'll be ready to get back to work. my principal asked me to join the leadership team. I told him I'd think about it. Don't want more responsibility and he knows that...but I might just do it.

You wouldn't fire me. You'd LOVE me, bro. Believe me.