How will they rule ??!

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^^^ literally desires authority

How long have you been a cop?

Another question, just in case you somehow become my supervisor...

Say you actually get a chance to yell "YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!" to me. Imagine the satisfaction you'd get from that. Holy shit. So my question is...

When will you jerk off to The Apprentice reruns? Before you fire me? After you fire me?

Jesus, least have the dignity to not stroke your cock right in front of me AS you fire me. With Donald Trump in The Apprentice on loop behind my head. WTF, bro??
No chance of my being your supervisor as I retired several years ago. Becoming a teacher because of the schedule is a poor reason to become a teacher. Teachers that are worth their salt put in hours during breaks, weekends and the summer for which they are not paid. Granted it's a little more relaxed but teaching is still their calling and on their minds 365 days a year. I would never have yelled at you. In fact, when it came time for me to fire you, you would have known it was coming...likely no later than November of that school year. It wouldn't have been a surprise.

Funny...I never desired authority but was put in such positions by other people. Authority means responsibility.
Michael Goodwin: Trump is putting the US back on top

During a recent dinner, a liberal friend gave me a shock. “I didn’t vote for Trump,” she said, “but I have to admit I like that our country is on top again. I’m proud that we’re the most powerful country and that others respect our power.”

Hear, hear, I’ll drink to that.

It’s premature to declare the death of the foolish idea that America is in permanent decline and must accept a lower rung on the global ladder. But as my friend astutely observed, it is already clear that American Exceptionalism is making a comeback, and you don’t have to support President Trump to appreciate the benefits of his policies.

No rational American can oppose North Korea’s tentative promise to give up its nuclear weapons. Almost as important is the fact that Trump’s threat to withdraw from the Iran deal is leading Europe, especially France, to concede that the deal is flawed and must be toughened.

Then there’s the ground-breaking agreement of Arab countries to work with America — and Israel — to curb Iran’s aggressions. There also are signs that China, Japan and South Korea are willing to revise their trade deals with the United States.

These changes are still in the early innings and could collapse in a pile of false hopes. But the fact that they are on the table and moving forward marks a dramatic turnaround from the recent certainty that the post-World War II order America had fashioned and policed was kaput.

Recall that it was fashionable to conclude the United States had reached its zenith of power relative to the rest of the world and the future was all downhill.

For many of us, American Exceptionalism never went out of fashion. But its light dimmed during the Obama administration, when the president reshuffled our alliances and voluntarily put constraints on America’s freedom to act, with the Iran deal and the Paris climate accords prime examples.

Obama’s rhetoric and policies reflected a desire to accept decline and manage it rather than reverse it.

From the shrinking of the military to his apology tours to a preference for ceding power to multinational organizations, he accommodated rivals and even sworn enemies under the guise of progress.

Similar thinking dominated economic policies as well, with many economists rationalizing slow growth as the “new normal” and predicting that stagnation was here to stay.

The theme that our slide was inevitable and perhaps desirable in some respects was captured in a 2008 Fareed Zakaria book called “The Post-American World.” There and elsewhere, the argument was that the rising power of other nations and cultures would curtail America’s ability to shape events.

If we were smart, the theory went, we would limit our resistance to existential threats and otherwise work in harmony to boost the up-and-comers. Many of these so-called declinists wanted America to shrink its military even further and use the savings to fund social welfare programs like those in Europe.

Trump’s election — under the America First banner no less — provided the first jolt to the Obama-Zakaria world view. A second jolt must be how relatively fast big changes are coming, and how arguing against them could be politically perilous for Democrats.

Few active Dems, for example, raced to defend Susan Rice, Obama’s former national security adviser, when she urged Trump to live with North Korea as a nuclear power. She argued for a containment strategy like the one we had with the Soviet Union.

That amounted to a counsel of surrender, and Trump thankfully ran the other way. But it’s not as if Trump is guilty of shooting first and speaking second.

Although the president clearly likes to talk tough and rattle sabres, he has shown restraint when it comes to action.

Instead, whether by design or simple personal preference, Trump is following the Roman admonition that, “If you want peace, prepare for war.” He is in the process of rebuilding the military and building coalitions against North Korea and radical Islam.

His sanctions against Russia are tougher than those of the two previous presidents, despite the fact that Vladimir Putin carved up Georgia under George W. Bush and stole Crimea from Ukraine under Obama without paying much of a price.

North Korea, of course, remains the ultimate test case of Trump’s approach and the key to success elsewhere. His planned summit with Kim Jong-un is a first for an American president, and his pledge to walk out if the meeting is fruitless reflects a determination not to be taken for a fool.

At the same time, by pressuring China to pressure North Korea, and seeming to link the outcome to China trade negotiations, Trump is playing a unique card that he created with his threats of tariffs.

Again, all this may come to nothing, or the worst case scenarios may materialize.

But the potential upside is enormous: an historic accord to rid the Korean peninsula of nukes without a shot being fired. And if a Nobel Peace Prize followed, well, just imagine the sound of exploding heads among the declinists.

That would be exceptionally sweet.
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If true that's a serious Brady violation and probably will result in the eventual dismissal of his case.

It's true. The unredacted version of the report was dumped late on Friday. Both Comey and McCabe testified that although there were inconsistencies in Flynn's testimony, the agents who interviewed him didn't think he was purposely trying to deceive them.

The purposely trying to deceive is the important part, not the inconsistencies. Of course there were inconsistencies. The interview took place months after the phone call in question. It's unreasonable to expect anyone to remember, word for word, a months old phone conversation.

Being truthful but misremembering specific things, resulting in inconsistencies, isn't a crime. Intentionally lying to the FBI in an attempt to deceive is. There's a big difference, and I'm assuming that's why the DOJ/FBI redacted the testimony from the report. And because it also proved Comey lied, again, during his interview with Baier.
Bill Maher molests kids like your typical liberal.

"Kid Love Productions"

This guy can't keep his hands off kids
he really does have "kid love productions". ha libs are sick sick people man. They ridicule others to hide their child rape hobbies. Unreal
Snowflakes at George Washington want a new school mascot because they think theirs (The Colonial) symbolizes systemic oppression and is offensive to the WORLD. They would prefer to be re-branded the hippos (won't the fat kids be offended) or riverhorses (the literal English translation of the greek word for Hippopotamus).

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Now that you have flaunted your mother superior grammar nazi cred, address the substance.

Here, here is another:

Not too often do you see conservatives become liberals. When it does happen, it's 100 percent tied to dating/marrying a liberal or them becoming anti-Christian. It's always some rebellious act.

Just think all of the indoctrination that's needed to grow leftist ideology- complete dominance over the entertainment industry,a 24/7 media and social media DNC propaganda brainwashing, academia so that impressionable and weak-minded kids fall victim to their BS and never hear their professor challenged.

It's real easy to be a liberal when you're young and stupid because your parents are paying for everything and you aren't that interested in researching policy and news outside of what's told to you.
Not too often do you see conservatives become liberals. When it does happen, it's 100 percent tied to dating/marrying a liberal or them becoming anti-Christian. It's always some rebellious act.

Just think all of the indoctrination that's needed to grow leftist ideology- complete dominance over the entertainment industry,a 24/7 media and social media DNC propaganda brainwashing, academia so that impressionable and weak-minded kids fall victim to their BS and never hear their professor challenged.

It's real easy to be a liberal when you're young and stupid because your parents are paying for everything and you aren't that interested in researching policy and news outside of what's told to you.

I went from being a Canadian who didn't give politics a 2nd thought to a staunch conservative to a liberal leaner (or at least a socially liberal leaner.)
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Well, thanks to Israel we know John full of shit Kerry is lying through his horse ass teeth. What a liar. He can shovel load of bull shit down these stupid liberals throats, but most intelligent people aren't buying the garbage that he's selling.

Iran broke that deal the second it was formed and we paid 100s of billions of dollars to let them walk all over us.

I wish Trump would nuke them. Blow them off the map.
I went from being a Canadian who didn't give politics a 2nd thought to a staunch conservative to a liberal leaner (or at least a socially liberal leaner.)

And you're still a Canadian who has lived/worked in the US for 20+ years IIRC???

You're a decent poster. You have a few decent political takes here and there...and a bunch of ishy ones. Which is fine. Plenty of ishy posts on this site.

But either way it doesn't matter. Because when it's all said and are a Canadian citizen...which means your opinion on US politics doesn't mean jack shite.

Take off, eh!

She means "reeks", not "wreaks". Maybe she's the one struggling to think.
I think you are jealous because people who misspell words occasionally are in much higher positions than you, making more money than you and quite frankly, are much smarter than you. But, you just keep on keeping on and maybe some day, you too will be noticed outside of a small chat room. I am rooting for you you little snowflake you..
And you're still a Canadian who has lived/worked in the US for 20+ years IIRC???

You're a decent poster. You have a few decent political takes here and there...and a bunch of ishy ones. Which is fine. Plenty of ishy posts on this site.

But either way it doesn't matter. Because when it's all said and are a Canadian citizen...which means your opinion on US politics doesn't mean jack shite.

Take off, eh!

He's a hoser eh?