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Giuliani isn't going to last a week. He's doing more harm to Trump than any democrat could hope for. He's just handing Mueller statements to use.

“He fired Comey because Comey would not — among other things — say that he wasn’t a target of the investigation,” Rudy Giuliani said during a revealinginterview with Sean Hannity Wednesday night. “He fired him and he said ‘I’m free of this guy.’”

“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” Giuliani told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” of the $130,000 payment made by Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer. “Cohen didn't even ask. Cohen made it go away. He did his job.”

“Jared is a fine man, you know that,” Giuliani said on Fox News. “Men are disposable. But a fine woman like Ivanka? Come on.”

Regardless of the reasons, Trump can fire Comey, even if it's because he doesn't like the way he blinks. Try reading the Constitution. The FBI director works at the pleasure of the president. What's Mueller going to use that statement for? To teach the idiot masses the power of the Executive Branch?

He's also saying that Trump didn't know about the payment until after the fact. That's good for Trump. So he didn't lie after all.

Jared is a fine man as is Ivanka a fine lady, in more ways than one.

Not seeing anything harmful there. I think you're excited, spamming the board with Espionage Ted hot takes over nothing.
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No, if she goes to the media with that story, whether true or not, Trump likely loses. She knew, you know it, I know it and Trump knew it. The media would’ve ran with it and cleared his name after the election.

She agreed to the $130k because she thought Trump would lose, she agreed not to bring it up. She now realizes there’s more money to be had.
Trump voters don't care about another Trump affair. Everybody already knew he had no morals.
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Well now Trump has to settle the Cohen / Stormy Daniels suit or he will be deposed. He has admitted to knowledge of the payment and has no ground to stand on anymore in trying to be kept out of the suit. His strategy before now was do and say anything to stay out of a deposition and Giuliani has blown that up.
Trump voters don't care about another Trump affair. Everybody already knew he had no morals.

You are right. Most people don't care who Trump had sex with over a decade ago. It is interesting that this is where the phony Russia collusion investigation has ended up. It tells us that Mueller and the rest of his Hillary supporter hit squad didn't find anything about the original subject of the investigation.
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He has admitted to knowledge of the payment

Except he hasn't. Why do you always misrepresent everything? He admitted to reimbursing Cohen after the fact, and still claims he wasn't aware of who/what the payment was for until this all broke a few months ago.

Supposedly there's documentation showing he reimbursed Cohen for $500K worth of unspecified services rendered, which means it isn't itemized with "Payment to Stormy."

You said so yourself, Cohen was Trump's fixer. He fixed it, Trump reimbursed him, no questions asked. Whether it's all bullshit or not, he still has plausible deniability.
Trump voters don't care about another Trump affair. Everybody already knew he had no morals.

No, I don’t care who or if Donald Trump was cracking a porn Star 13 years ago.
It has no bearing on his job as president, he didn’t do it in office or lie under oath.

A lot of men, including myself, and women have done things they shouldn’t have while married. Doesn’t mean they’re immoral, it means they’re human and make mistakes.
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Prices dropped 1%, but are up 8% for the year.
price doesn't matter to much if you have nobody to buy your goods. Soybean producers are still sitting on a massive oversupply from last year. China buys 60% of US production and they are now buying 0%, a $12 billion dollar hit.
No, I don’t care who or if Donald Trump was cracking a porn Star 13 years ago.
It has no bearing on his job as president, he didn’t do it in office or lie under oath.

A lot of men, including myself, and women have done things they shouldn’t have while married. Doesn’t mean they’re immoral, it means they’re human and make mistakes.

With all of the deviancy that the left backs, it’s so weird that they want to be upset about this.
Why even bring this payment up unless the liars are in deep shite for something else like illegal campaign finance contributions, distributions, payments or something? How many more crooks are left to be indicted. Goodness gracious!
Except he hasn't. Why do you always misrepresent everything? He admitted to reimbursing Cohen after the fact, and still claims he wasn't aware of who/what the payment was for until this all broke a few months ago.

Supposedly there's documentation showing he reimbursed Cohen for $500K worth of unspecified services rendered, which means it isn't itemized with "Payment to Stormy."

You said so yourself, Cohen was Trump's fixer. He fixed it, Trump reimbursed him, no questions asked. Whether it's all bullshit or not, he still has plausible deniability.
Why even bring this payment up

Because it proves he personally paid it back and that he didn't use campaign funds. Evidently they've decided they're willing to take a couple days of drama to bury the campaign finance violation accusations.

are in deep shite for something else like illegal campaign finance contributions,

Read above. If Trump reimbursed him out of pocket, a campaign finance violation is off the table.

How many more crooks are left to be indicted.

Normally you're not indicted for a campaign finance violation. You simply pay a fine.
price doesn't matter to much if you have nobody to buy your goods. Soybean producers are still sitting on a massive oversupply from last year. China buys 60% of US production and they are now buying 0%, a $12 billion dollar hit.
So they would rather starve their people out? Makes sense, it’s the Chi-Coms.
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price doesn't matter to much if you have nobody to buy your goods. Soybean producers are still sitting on a massive oversupply from last year. China buys 60% of US production and they are now buying 0%, a $12 billion dollar hit.

Do you understand supply and demand? There is no way china gets 60% of our beans, they are the number 2 buyer.
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price doesn't matter to much if you have nobody to buy your goods. Soybean producers are still sitting on a massive oversupply from last year. China buys 60% of US production and they are now buying 0%, a $12 billion dollar hit.

Because it proves he personally paid it back and that he didn't use campaign funds. Evidently they've decided they're willing to take a couple days of drama to bury the campaign finance violation accusations.

Read above. If Trump reimbursed him out of pocket, a campaign finance violation is off the table.

Normally you're not indicted for a campaign finance violation. You simply pay a fine.
Giuliani's story slightly clears Trump but has Cohen pleading guilty to a federal violation. As Trumps lawyer he just went on TV and specifically said Cohen did it because it would have hurt Trump in the election, that makes it a loan to Trump for the campaign. Trump "may not have known" but Cohen 100% did. If they setup Cohen to take a hit like that he is going to flip fast as shit. Everyone knows Cohen has a lot of dirt on Trump juicer than this stormy daniels BS. Mueller isn't going to let Cohen pay a fine, anything over 25k is a felony and they will grind him into the ground with that.

If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.
Giuliani has convinced Trump to make a really stupid and flimsy argument. Pleading ignorance doesn't go to well in front of a federal judge.
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he is going to flip fast as shit. Everyone knows Cohen has a lot of dirt on Trump juicer than this stormy daniels BS.

[laughing] Wait. I thought he already flipped. Yeah, everyone just knows... until they don't.

By the way, take a break and turn off the propaganda box. You're way too riled up, being led astray, starting to look more foolish than usual.
Giuliani's story slightly clears Trump but has Cohen pleading guilty to a federal violation. As Trumps lawyer he just went on TV and specifically said Cohen did it because it would have hurt Trump in the election, that makes it a loan to Trump for the campaign. Trump "may not have known" but Cohen 100% did. If they setup Cohen to take a hit like that he is going to flip fast as shit. Everyone knows Cohen has a lot of dirt on Trump juicer than this stormy daniels BS. Mueller isn't going to let Cohen pay a fine, anything over 25k is a felony and they will grind him into the ground with that.

If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.

So who is is the wrong here? Trump forgot to report an alleged loan he paid back? Cohen is in the wrong for collecting his accounts receivable too late? Where does the $25k come into play?