How will they rule ??!

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With the Border Patrol slow walking them, only 47 'refugees' have been processed at the border so far.

Of those 47, 11 have been arrested for false asylum claims, four arrested for aiding and abetting/human trafficking, three arrested for illegal re-entry (previously deported for committing a crime) and two admitted that they were members of MS-13.

That's a total of 20, almost half of the 47. They're not sending their best, folks.
Actually, those are their best folks.
That's not true. It's just that they can't be forced to.
Just saw some of the paddock body cam. Was pretty obviously fake. The man killed scores and injured scores more. No way a group of city pd officers were that calm before using charges to breach that door. No way. They'd be amped up times 1000

It's either not real or we're being fed a false story about the video.

“Snopes is too liberal” “Fake News”

It’s obvious people aka Fox and Friends just ran with this for whatever reason.

UT-Austin To Revamp Masculinity Program After Backlash
Program educating men on sexual interactions dubbed 'MasculinUT' to be revamped following mockery campaign by conservative critics.

Sorry, but I prefer more contemporary sources for my news.

You are dismissed.
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In what way does that prove your point?

They’re revamping it based on idiotic Conservative backlash.

Just because a program is started by a mental health organization, it means they’re classifying masculinity as a disorder?

You guys are so simple.
UT-Austin To Revamp Masculinity Program After Backlash
Program educating men on sexual interactions dubbed 'MasculinUT' to be revamped following mockery campaign by conservative critics.

Sorry, but I prefer more contemporary sources for my news.

You are dismissed.

According to a statement from UT, its goals include "counseling and helping men come together to address interpersonal violence, sexual assault and other issues concerning masculinity.”

Also, the program is "operated through UT’s Counseling and Mental Health Center."

So, their Counseling and Mental Health Center is counseling males on masculinity. Sure sounds like they're treating it as a mental health issue to me.

But Snopes, though...
In what way does that prove your point?

They’re revamping it based on idiotic Conservative backlash.

Just because a program is started by a mental health organization, it means they’re classifying masculinity as a disorder?

You guys are so simple.
The simpleton is one who believes Snopes actually tells the truth. They have been busted out many times before.

“Snopes is too liberal” “Fake News”

It’s obvious people aka Fox and Friends just ran with this for whatever reason.

What is obvious to me is that you have the reading comprehension of a cantaloupe. The first paragraph is all you should need to tell you how the rest of the story will go.

"The plans and utterances of academics are a longstanding source of outrage for some right-wing and libertarian commentators in the United States, who often see college campuses as hotbeds of political correctness and the corrosion of traditional values."

Newsflash! Colleges ARE hotbeds of political correctness and they ARE corroding traditional values. They brag about both and deal harshly with those who oppose them.

Fox and Friends? Here's what they said according to Snopes...

"and the popular morning television show Fox & Friends claimed UT was “now treating masculinity as a mental health issue”:

Why would Fox say that? Could it have anything to do with the initiative coming from the Mental Health Center at UT? Could it be that those people have decided that some forms of masculinity require counseling? A common cold is an illness. Cancer is an illness. UT has stated that masculinity is a mental health issue and therefore it is accurate to say they consider it an illness they can cure with counseling.

It's hard to believe that any liberal would still come to this forum and drop Snopes as a source. I'll give you guys credit for one thing though, your idiocy is consistent.
According to a statement from UT, its goals include "counseling and helping men come together to address interpersonal violence, sexual assault and other issues concerning masculinity.”

Also, the program is "operated through UT’s Counseling and Mental Health Center."

So, their Counseling and Mental Health Center is counseling males on masculinity. Sure sounds like they're treating it as a mental health issue to me.

But Snopes, though...

I'm as conservative as anyone. I'm infinitely supportive of Trump. That said; I'm also a therapist that works with men. Issues like the use of violence to solve their problems, sexual assaults, domestic violence are issues that need to be dealt with. I deal with guys all the time that have learned the way to deal with their problems is by "taking it outside". That approach is rarely a solution and generally just causes more problems. The problem I have with what I'd fear to be the objective of a college staff is the likelihood of their attempts to vilify traditional, strong but upright male behaviors: Like being the loving, benevolent but strong head of their homes; Like being protectors and providers for their families; Like being faithful to their wives (much less marrying women only), etc.....

Colleges/universities are poorly equipped and ill-qualified to teach men to be men (or women to be women). Likewise, they are not qualified to guide societal changes. College profs need to stick with what they know how to do: teach facts/skills for which they are degreed and have proficiency.

I was recently called a misogynist for taking these positions.
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I'm as conservative as anyone. I'm infinitely supportive of Trump. That said; I'm also a therapist that works with men. Issues like the use of violence to solve their problems, sexual assaults, domestic violence are issues that need to be dealt with. I deal with guys all the time that have learned the way to deal with their problems is by "taking it outside". That approach is rarely a solution and generally just causes more problems. The problem I have with what I'd fear to be the objective of a college staff is the likelihood of their attempts to vilify traditional, strong but upright male behaviors: Like being the loving, benevolent but strong head of their homes; Like being protectors and providers for their families; Like being faithful to their wives (much less marrying women only), etc.....

Colleges/universities are poorly equipped and ill-qualified to teach men to be men (or women to be women). Likewise, they are not qualified to guide societal changes. College profs need to stick with what they know how to do: teach facts/skills for which they are degreed and have proficiency.

I was recently called a misogynist for taking these positions.


Cash me outside
Pretty amazing what lefties make taxpayers fund

- Planned Parenthood to slaughter babies in the womb (more black children than any other group)
- Their indoctrination centers in academia. "Send your kids to college so they can be confused about gender, hate the U.S. and love communism/Marxism."
- Pay for illegals
- Pay for their activism

So the left cannot function without stealing from conservatives. They're using our money to act as a Super PAC for the DNC.

Honest question, how does the left think they would function without conservatives? They couldn't. Who is going to pay for everything with all of your entitlements and vote buying? Who would help contribute to your brainwashing centers? Who would you blame for all of your problems? It would be your "utopia."

If you split this country up into the left vs centrist/conservatives, the left would eat each other. Conservatives would be fine. Personally, I'd love to see the left's Frankenstein turn on them. Oh, no evil whitey Republican to blame everything on? Oh, you get to add all of the third world refugees/Muslims in with your feminists, LGBTQ, elitist liberals, every other minority group who hates every race but themselves? The white liberals would be the first ones to go. They'd be the face of evil to the remaining left. Then it would break down into straight tribalism.

You know how Californians like to flee to other states after they effed up their own state? It would be exactly like that but a hardcore version.
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Trump should sit down with his lawyers and answer all of Mueller's questions in writing and release those answers publicly for all to see. Then he should agree to Mueller's interview, sit down and tell him you got what you want, I answered all of your questions, I'm not falling for your perjury trap, I assert my fifth amendment privilege against self incrimination.
I'm as conservative as anyone. I'm infinitely supportive of Trump. That said; I'm also a therapist that works with men. Issues like the use of violence to solve their problems, sexual assaults, domestic violence are issues that need to be dealt with. I deal with guys all the time that have learned the way to deal with their problems is by "taking it outside". That approach is rarely a solution and generally just causes more problems. The problem I have with what I'd fear to be the objective of a college staff is the likelihood of their attempts to vilify traditional, strong but upright male behaviors: Like being the loving, benevolent but strong head of their homes; Like being protectors and providers for their families; Like being faithful to their wives (much less marrying women only), etc.....

Colleges/universities are poorly equipped and ill-qualified to teach men to be men (or women to be women). Likewise, they are not qualified to guide societal changes. College profs need to stick with what they know how to do: teach facts/skills for which they are degreed and have proficiency.
A great post.
Trump should sit down with his lawyers and answer all of Mueller's questions in writing and release those answers publicly for all to see. Then he should agree to Mueller's interview, sit down and tell him you got what you want, I answered all of your questions, I'm not falling for your perjury trap, I assert my fifth amendment privilege against self incrimination.
He should demand Mueller exonerate him before the investigation is complete and then demand to not be put under oath.

Oh wait silly me, thats only reserved for the Clintons.
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