How will they rule ??!

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^ This is what Snopes wrote.


"While Grabien News’ interpretation of this video was amusing, they provided no actual proof for anything they claimed. The video is too grainy to tell if it actually captured Barack Obama sporting an erection, and there’s no evidence in the video that the female reporter was “uncomfortable,” that Obama lifted his leg as a “chauvinistic” display, or that people were told to sit down so they could “get a better look.”

Grabien News saw what they wanted to see in the video — an erection — and then invented the emotions and subsequent actions of passengers on the plane in order to fit their narrative. Other viewers may see nothing out of the ordinary in Obama’s pants, a small object in his pocket, or an embarrassing bunch-up of cloth. The video is open to some interpretation, it is certainly not hard evidence that Barack Obama “flaunted” his erection to female supporters.

According to Getty Images, the above-displayed video was taken on 7 May 2008 as Obama boarded his campaign plane at Midway Airport. The captions included with those photographs, taken by Mark Wilson, simply stated that Obama was talking on his phone as the plane boarded:

It should also be noted that this video has been circulating since at least 2008, when it was used to smear then-Senator Obama during his first presidential campaign. The web site Obambi was one of the first to share the video along with the baseless claim that it depicted Obama with an erection. Ironically, back then Obambi posted the video along with an exhortation to vote for Hillary Clinton:

We examined the video and tried to find screenshots where Obama’s “erection” was most visible, but we came up empty-handed. While some viewers may argue that a bulge is visible in Obama’s pants, there’s no definitive evidence that the future president had an erection, and certainly nothing to suggest that he “flaunted” his manhood in front of female reporters."

interesting predicament on this- It's fake/unproven and was first shared by a group telling you to vote for Hillary.
So now Trump admits he paid Stormy 130k but he didn't have an affair. Is it really not possible for him to tell the truth? Now Cohen will definitely spill any goods he has because trump just accused him as lying to the Judge. Giuliani is on every TV network today claiming he has the answers for everything. He's just digging a deep hole for Trump, says he probably just forgot he was paying Cohen back. This is such a STUPID controversy that could have been dealt with the 1st day it came out by just saying " i ****ed her than i paid her". But Trump continues to lie his ass off because some part of it was obviously done illegally. No other reason he would keep changing his story. Giuliani has convinced him he needs to admit the payment to get ahead of any legal trouble.
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Did Giuliani step in it? Or is this a calculated strategy to get in front of ant Cohen fallout.

In my opinion it was planned. It was going to come out, this way they control how and when it comes out, and its no longer a point of leverage for Mueller.
It was on Hannity, so he gains pub from it.

What I don't understand is why isn't this considered extortion on Daniels part? She came to them threatening to go public with the story right before the election unless they paid her.
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The left would hate this. The GOP as well. Why? Because it shows how utterly worthless they are and how it’s one big game of corruption.

It does show how worthless they are. You know, they can aim their vitriol at Trump all they want to, but they are really talking to the people who elected him. I wanted him there, ME, and a lot of people like me who are fed up with the bullshit. All of these attacks on Trump are an attack on us.

We have undeniable proof that the O'bama administration committed treason against our country and constitution. Innocent people have been jailed and threats to the machine have been killed. None of that has garnered the attention of the media like Trump boning a porno chick.

We are allowing them to destroy our country.
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So now Trump admits he paid Stormy 130k

Not really. He said he reimbursed Cohen.

because trump just accused him as lying to the Judge.

What did Cohen lie about? I suggest you go back and reread what Cohen said. He said that the Trump campaign nor the Trump Organization ever reimbursed him. He never said that Trump didn't personally pay him.

But Trump continues to lie his ass off

*Gasp* Man lies about cheating on his wife. *Shocker*

because some part of it was obviously done illegally.

Which part. Please explain how two adults entering into a legally binding NDA "was obvious done illegally". How would that even work?
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Trump thinking we would give a shit about who he had sex with 13 years ago is so ridiculous.

No one wanted a Romney/Cruz type. I expect a billionaire celebrity to slay women. We needed a fighter. I didn’t want some weak guy who thought it was unbecoming to fight back or punch the left in the face.

This is what the GOP didn’t get. I don’t need or want Trump as my spiritual leader or about morality. The same way I don’t need Calipari to be like a priest. We want someone who was right for the job and could get it done. That’s what Trump is.

So even paying attention to Stormy Daniels was a mistake. Trying to cover it was the mistake. Don’t acknowledge it and what proof is there even? Why would you even need to field such a question to begin with?
In my opinion it was planned. It was going to come out, this way they control how and when it comes out, and its no longer a point of leverage for Mueller.
It was on Hannity, so he gains pub from it.

What I don't understand is why isn't this considered extortion on Daniels part? She came to them threatening to go public with the story right before the election unless they paid her.
it is extortion, until you agree to make the payment, then its just hush money. Only people trying to avoid losing out on something big agree to these kind of payments. Trump could have filed charges against Story. But he had an election to win and chose the stupid path.
What if? Hell, he is succeeding beyond what most of his supporters expected.

Which totally shows how Republicans are total pussies who are enslaved to the establishment.

Pretty incredible what can happen when you get someone who understands economics, actually provided jobs for people and isn’t held to what his lobbyists wanted.
In my opinion it was planned. It was going to come out, this way they control how and when it comes out, and its no longer a point of leverage for Mueller.
It was on Hannity, so he gains pub from it.

What I don't understand is why isn't this considered extortion on Daniels part? She came to them threatening to go public with the story right before the election unless they paid her.

Pitino's whore went to jail for doing basically the same thing right?
“Mr. Cohen, an attorney, received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign and having nothing to do with the campaign, from which he entered into, through reimbursement, a private contract between two parties, known as a non-disclosure agreement, or NDA,” Trump tweeted. “These agreements are very common among celebrities and people of wealth. In this case it is in full force and effect and will be used in Arbitration for damages against Ms. Clifford (Daniels).”

He is sure making sure to emphasize it had nothing to do with the campaign. Anyone that wants to be rich should start wager all their savings that it will come out soon his campaign paid the retainers.
Trump repaying him isn't the smoking gun they're acting.

What is this even? Lol. I thought this was about Russia? Now they’re just trying to find a way to keep dividing the country and try to get him removed by any means?

Hey libs, good effing luck if you think conservatives will let you do this or sit by and take it when the next Dem gets the presidency. You have set a precedent that will forever change this country.
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Did Giuliani step in it? Or is this a calculated strategy to get in front of ant Cohen fallout.
It looks like it was purposely done and they're going on the offensive, accusing her of extortion. I refer you to Trump's tweets moments ago and the Byron York tweet/CNN article that I linked above.
My political views, don't necessarily align with most of you, but i thought you all might get a kick out of this:.

I oversee the recreation department on a college campus. I had an alumni email me the other day asking that we no longer show Fox News on the TV's in our fitness rooms. I told him I refused to do that, so he discontinued his membership that he has had for 10 years.
This is the dumbest goddam thing I've ever read.

It's only extortion if you don't succeed in extortion.
a smart lawyer doesn't go to Trump and say give me 130k. They say, hey my client is about to spill her guts to the NYtimes, how can we fix this. Then Trump is offering money Stormy never asked for.
it is extortion, until you agree to make the payment, then its just hush money. Only people trying to avoid losing out on something big agree to these kind of payments. Trump could have filed charges against Story. But he had an election to win and chose the stupid path.
Though I don't promote or approve of adulterous acts, what difference does it make? Those whining about what Trump did BEFORE he was president are likely to "blow" (pun intended) off what clinton actually DID in the Oval Office as President...then lied about it under oath. So he paid the woman to keep her mouth shut.

So what if the Russians gave information about hillury's corrupt acts?.....It's not who had or uncovered the info, but the info itself. As for the Russians wanting Trump to win. That defies logic. They wanted hillury to win because they knew she would be weak, continue bamer's practices (to further weaken the country) and would not seek the best interests of the USA.

What difference does it make? Do those of your ilk simply want the best president we've had since Reagan impeached? If that was to happen because of the foolishness the lesser side continues to spout, they'd better be ready for real problems in this country.

Just a question: What exactly would you want to see done politically that Trump has not done or is opposed to doing? Name ONE thing bamer did that improved our country or that hillury indicated she would do that would have made our country better.
a smart lawyer doesn't go to Trump and say give me 130k. They say, hey my client is about to spill her guts to the NYtimes, how can we fix this. Then Trump is offering money Stormy never asked for.

My political views, don't necessarily align with most of you, but i thought you all might get a kick out of this:.

I oversee the recreation department on a college campus. I had an alumni email me the other day asking that we no longer show Fox News on the TV's in our fitness rooms. I told him I refused to do that, so he discontinued his membership that he has had for 10 years.


God forbid there's a channel on that you don't like while you're supposed to be working out. Can't let those different opinions be heard while you're running on a treadmill while you likely are listening to music.
a smart lawyer doesn't go to Trump and say give me 130k

That's what happened, though. By a lawyer who already has a history of extorting celebrities. The contract he threatened with was word for word the same as his earlier extortion attempt.

They say, hey my client is about to spill her guts to the NYtimes, how can we fix this. Then Trump is offering money Stormy never asked for.

That's not what happened, though.
a smart lawyer doesn't go to Trump and say give me 130k. They say, hey my client is about to spill her guts to the NYtimes, how can we fix this. Then Trump is offering money Stormy never asked for.

A smart lawyer doesn't extort people at the behest of porn stars moron.
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"As everybody is aware, the past Administration has long been asking for three hostages to be released from a North Korean Labor camp, but to no avail," he said.

Giuliani is already out there lying his ass off. 2 of the 3 hostages were arrested while Trump was already President. And why the hell were 2 Americans working at a north korean university? With that kind of stupidity they deserve to be in a labor camp.

Giuliani said specifically that Cohen wasn't reimbursed for the 130k until after the election was over, over a period of 15 months as part of 460k owed to him. So either they broke campaign law or Trump lied on his financial disclosure where this 460k is not listed. This is some really twisted shit for just ****ing some big titty whore. Not sure Giuliani fully game planned out this new attack dog strategy.
Giuliani isn't going to last a week. He's doing more harm to Trump than any democrat could hope for. He's just handing Mueller statements to use.

“He fired Comey because Comey would not — among other things — say that he wasn’t a target of the investigation,” Rudy Giuliani said during a revealinginterview with Sean Hannity Wednesday night. “He fired him and he said ‘I’m free of this guy.’”

“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” Giuliani told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” of the $130,000 payment made by Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer. “Cohen didn't even ask. Cohen made it go away. He did his job.”

“Jared is a fine man, you know that,” Giuliani said on Fox News. “Men are disposable. But a fine woman like Ivanka? Come on.”
[laughing] Yeah, link the guy currently covering up espionage by the Awans. That will really get your point across.
A smart lawyer doesn't extort people at the behest of porn stars moron.
that's all keith davidson does, he extorts Hollywood stars that screw around. He's had his licenses suspended multiple times but never charged with anything. Him and Cohen have made a lot of money together.
it is extortion, until you agree to make the payment, then its just hush money. Only people trying to avoid losing out on something big agree to these kind of payments. Trump could have filed charges against Story. But he had an election to win and chose the stupid path.

No, if she goes to the media with that story, whether true or not, Trump likely loses. She knew, you know it, I know it and Trump knew it. The media would’ve ran with it and cleared his name after the election.

She agreed to the $130k because she thought Trump would lose, she agreed not to bring it up. She now realizes there’s more money to be had.
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The left would hate this. The GOP as well. Why? Because it shows how utterly worthless they are and how it’s one big game of corruption.

This is 100% incredibly true. Trump is showing the world that a non-political outsider can come and do more in 16+ months than our government has done in 16 years, all the while both the left and a big chunk of the right and 90+% of the media/entertainment industry are fighting tooth-and-nail to stop him.

He's showing that things can get done if you put your head down and work while also showing how blatantly, overtly, incredibly corrupt our government is. They hate him for it but America as a whole (all of the citizens, no matter what they think of Trump) are much better off.

Giuliani said specifically that Cohen wasn't reimbursed for the 130k until after the election was over, over a period of 15 months as part of 460k owed to him. So either they broke campaign law or Trump lied on his financial disclosure where this 460k is not listed. This is some really twisted shit for just ****ing some big titty whore. Not sure Giuliani fully game planned out this new attack dog strategy.
Ted Lieu is one of the biggest nutjobs around...and that is saying something.
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