How will they rule ??!

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So happy for them. I really am. Just wait till they get a load of phone-porn and large fries with large diet coke. They deserve it.
Bernie Sanders received upwards of $37K in illegal donations from foreign political party, which is against campaign finance law and much more serious than a personal loan that they're trying to twist into being a campaign donation. He paid a $14.5K fine to settle with the FEC while not even admitting guilt.
There is nothing "bad" about having a trade deficit. We are a rich country so we buy a lot of shit.

how is that MAGA? The trade deficit in February was the highest the US has EVER had. Did your dumbass even read the article? MAGA, the trade deficit is up 20%! ! !

Look at that massive trade deficit jump when Trump took over. MAGA
If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.

More on this. It specifically says "gives or loans". Cohen didn't give or loan Trump anything. He was Trump's attorney providing a service. He was on retainer. The money was payment for services rendered. He did a job, he got compensated.
I have no idea how you people maintain any semblance of sanity following this investigation garbage so closely. Maybe that explains it.

Do me a favor...please refrain from posting any Comey tweets or articles that display his face in this thread, for the love of any god. I seriously can't even.
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cell phone design makes it very easy to recover old data. and almost all your metadata gets saved no matter how much deleting you do. destroying old phones is pretty good advice, especially if your in high stakes business or politics. Our IT takes all phones that are rotated out of service and melts them down.
I have no idea what this investigation is really about. This stupid carnival act is one reason why Hillary lost. She stood behind her podium on national television and said “DA KREMLIN!! DA KREMLIN HACKED US!!!!”

Dems still have years to figure out an actual message and gameplan, but as long as they stick with this stupid Russia stuff they will he laughed out of another presidential election.
cell phone design makes it very easy to recover old data. and almost all your metadata gets saved no matter how much deleting you do. destroying old phones is pretty good advice, especially if your in high stakes business or politics. Our IT takes all phones that are rotated out of service and melts them down.

You an expert in federal data retention laws like you are campaign finance? Would love to hear how destroying cell phones so as to intentionally make the data unrecoverable jives with federal laws covering data retention. TIA.
You an expert in federal data retention laws like you are campaign finance? Would love to hear how destroying cell phones so as to intentionally make the data unrecoverable jives with federal laws covering data retention. TIA.
We keep copies of all cell phone data on offline servers for 5 years. The law requires 3 years.
I have no idea how you people maintain any semblance of sanity following this investigation garbage so closely. Maybe that explains it.

Do me a favor...please refrain from posting any Comey tweets or articles that display his face in this thread, for the love of any god. I seriously can't even.

Charlie Dent using his retirement to go after Trump.

“I don’t think there was anybody on the planet who thought that Michael Cohen, out of the goodness of his heart, wrote a $130,000 check to Stormy Daniels without seeking reimbursement,” he said. “I mean, come on! We’re not fools here.”

"I guess at some point you have to ask the question, how does Sarah Huckabee Sanders go to work every day if she was sent out there to mislead the American people?" Dent said during an interview on CNN.

"Well, it is clear that somebody wasn't telling the truth, either Sarah Huckabee Sanders or the president," Dent told CNN Thursday, adding it was his belief that Sanders "was told to say" what she said.

“If a Democratic president had paid off a porn star to keep quiet while he was president, I suspect we’d have oversight hearings, and I suspect there probably should be some oversight hearings to get to the bottom of that,” he said. “If a Democratic president had done this, we’d be waving a bloody shirt right now.”
I have no idea what this investigation is really about. This stupid carnival act is one reason why Hillary lost. She stood behind her podium on national television and said “DA KREMLIN!! DA KREMLIN HACKED US!!!!”

Dems still have years to figure out an actual message and gameplan, but as long as they stick with this stupid Russia stuff they will he laughed out of another presidential election.
Same with the stormy...everyone knew trump was a dick slinger and no one cares. Their hope it's going to turn voters off is a waste of time.

I really didn’t know it was a dick slinger, per se, but I’m even more likely to vote for him now that I do know he’s banged some pretty nice ladies. Another fail by the democrats. HEY LETS POINT OUT ALL THESE ATTRACTIVE LADIES HES HAD MUTUAL RELATIONS WITH! THAT WILL DO HIM IN!

At least one phone call between Cohen and the White House was intercepted, NBC News reported.

no matter how this ends, its going to be solid gold entertainment

The opposition wiretapped Trump before the election and Trump knew that himself.

Do you think he thought it would be different once he became President?

From your article:

Former U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg, an NBC News analyst, told the network there's a high bar for having a wiretap approved.

That high bar is peeing Russian hookers invented by Hillary's campaign.

It's also rich that former, also read Obama, US Attorney is employed by NBC.

I mean every GD Platinum post has some bullshit in it.

There's no debating, just bullshit.

Just another Johnson Libertarian.
I feel bad for Sanders, she is pretty good at her job considering the baboon she works with. Now Trump & Giuliani have shown that she routinely goes out there and just regurgitates his lies and destroyed any credibility she had. Her response today about why she lied to the American public about Trumps payment to Stormy, "We give the best information possible". When asked whether Trump filed fraudulent disclosures based on the new revelations, "I don't know". Won't even bother lying for him today. She looked pretty down today, not her usual feisty self.
I really didn’t know it was a dick slinger, per se, but I’m even more likely to vote for him now that I do know he’s banged some pretty nice ladies. Another fail by the democrats. HEY LETS POINT OUT ALL THESE ATTRACTIVE LADIES HES HAD MUTUAL RELATIONS WITH! THAT WILL DO HIM IN!

Trump has probably had more hot tail than the entire Ocean's 11 cast combined. Fat old bastard was still nailing hot porn stars, models and Playmates as a senior citizen. Kudos to him.
I feel bad for Sanders, she is pretty good at her job considering the baboon she works with. Now Trump & Giuliani have shown that she routinely goes out there and just regurgitates his lies and destroyed any credibility she had. Her response today about why she lied to the American public about Trumps payment to Stormy, "We give the best information possible". When asked whether Trump filed fraudulent disclosures based on the new revelations, "I don't know". Won't even bother lying for him today. She looked pretty down today, not her usual feisty self.
I feel bad bc her predecessors just got love notes from the media. Would have been an easy gig just to show up for 8 years say anything you wanted and never get 2nd guessed on it. Media still hasnt figured out that's part of why trump is here too.
I have no idea what this investigation is really about. This stupid carnival act is one reason why Hillary lost. She stood behind her podium on national television and said “DA KREMLIN!! DA KREMLIN HACKED US!!!!”

Dems still have years to figure out an actual message and gameplan, but as long as they stick with this stupid Russia stuff they will he laughed out of another presidential election.

What's the most infuriating about Democrats and their claims of Russia hacking them is that these dumb bastards never actually discuss the content of the emails exposed. "We lost the election cause you had WikiLeaks hack us." LOL. Um, for one, that's false. Second, what was in the emails that hurt you?"


None of them read it. They put their heads in the sand and then have the audacity, THE AUDACITY, to bash Fox and conservatives? lol

Oh, you mean having private and public stances, colluding with media, leaking debate questions, privately held bigoted views?

Remember when they created a fake craigslist ad for a supposed Trump business and tried to use Bernie being Jewish against him in Kentucky and WV?
We all know Trump is full of shit. It's mind numbingly retarded to say you feel bad for a press secretary that lies.

What is also mind numbingly retarded, and would make me feel sorry for the lefties if they weren't dead set on destroying the country, is the fact that they think it's an anomaly that Trump's press secretary is sent out to feed a line of bullshit. News flash you dumb, dumb, dumb sons of bitches. All that shit you were told by Obama's press secretary...that shit you willingly ate? It was also lies.

Press secretaries lie you goddam idiots.
I feel bad for Sanders, she is pretty good at her job considering the baboon she works with. Now Trump & Giuliani have shown that she routinely goes out there and just regurgitates his lies and destroyed any credibility she had. Her response today about why she lied to the American public about Trumps payment to Stormy, "We give the best information possible". When asked whether Trump filed fraudulent disclosures based on the new revelations, "I don't know". Won't even bother lying for him today. She looked pretty down today, not her usual feisty self.

Honestly, how is someone this stupid yet possesses the ability to turn on a computer.

Oh man, I feel bad that the person who's paid to go out and parrot whatever the POTUS wants goes out and parrots what the POTUS wants.

The fact that someone can be so dumb, yet still has the same voting power I do really is frustrating.
Bernie Sanders received upwards of $37K in illegal donations from foreign political party, which is against campaign finance law and much more serious than a personal loan that they're trying to twist into being a campaign donation. He paid a $14.5K fine to settle with the FEC while not even admitting guilt.
But hes a democrat so it's totally fine and ignored.
Twitter just announced every single users password is comprised because they are dumb & lazy. Trump better reset that shit before someone logs in and declares war on the world.
Cohen is going to burn, question is if he takes Trump down with him. Bharara lead SDNY for 8 years.

That's just false. They're not THAT hard. Just have to swear there's probable cause of criminality that can't be investigated through traditional methods. Even easier if they get a rubber stamp judge, which every district has at least one.

It's quite surprising they wiretapped him. But money says they conveniently omitted the fact it was Trump's lawyer. Or that none of this investigation really has anything to do with trump anyway, on it's face.
What's the most infuriating about Democrats and their claims of Russia hacking them is that these dumb bastards never actually discuss the content of the emails exposed. "We lost the election cause you had WikiLeaks hack us." LOL. Um, for one, that's false. Second, what was in the emails that hurt you?"


None of them read it. They put their heads in the sand and then have the audacity, THE AUDACITY, to bash Fox and conservatives? lol

Oh, you mean having private and public stances, colluding with media, leaking debate questions, privately held bigoted views?

Remember when they created a fake craigslist ad for a supposed Trump business and tried to use Bernie being Jewish against him in Kentucky and WV?

Not to mention many prominent DNC members hired a criminal from pakistan to run their servers. Who's concerned about national cyber security?